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47 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What is the TFCC comprised of?
1. Articular Disc
2. UCL
3. Volar and radioulnar ligaments
4. Sheath of ECU
What motions injures TFCC?
hyperextension and pronation
Borders of anatomical snuff box are...?
Abductor Pollicus Longus
Extensor Pollicus Brevis
Extensor Pollicus Longus
Contents of the anatomical snuff box
1. Radial artery
2. Radial Styloid
3. Scaphoid
4. Trapezium
Most frequently fractured carpal bone
Contents of Carpal Tunnel
FDSuperficialis tendons (4)
FDProfundus tendons (4)
FPL tendon
Median nerve
Borders of carpal tunnel
medially: pisiform & hamate
laterally: scaphoid & trapezium
anteriorly: flexor retinaculum
Pisiform is a sesmoid bone in the tendon of what muscle?
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Interossei muscles are innervated by which nerve?
Radial and ulnar arteries join together to form which two structures?
Deep palmar arch
Superficial palmar arch
What is it called when the ulnar nerve is compressed at guyon's canal?
cyclist's palsy
UCL thumb sprain is called what?
Skier's or gamekeeper's thumb
Mallet finger is when...
flexor tendon avulses from distal phylange
What is the "triangle sign"?
When @ 90 degrees flexion, the olecranon and the epicondyles form an isosceles triangle
Elbow is a ________ joint
Normal elbow carrying angle
Males = 5-10 degrees
Females = 10-15 degrees
What is it called when elbow carrying angle is > 15 degrees
cubitus valgus
What is it called when elbow carrying angle is < 5 degrees
cubitus varus ("gun-stock" deformity)
Which ligament blends with elbow anular ligament?
UCL has 3 components, name them
Anterior, Posterior, Oblique
What does the annular ligament do?
-Blends with fibrous membrane
-Reinforces lateral capsule
-Holds head of radius in place
-Makes up 4/5 of superior radioulnar joint
Cubital fossa boundaries
-imaginary line between epicondyles
-pronator teres
Contents of cubital fossa
-brachial artery
-median nerve
-biceps brachii tendon
Anterior compartment of forearm houses what?
median and ulnar nerves, flexors & pronators
Posterior compartment of forearm houses what?
radial nerve, extensors & supinators
Name the muscles in the anterior compartment and superficial layer
-Pronator teres
-Flexor Carpi radialis
-Palmaris longus
-Flexor carpi ulnaris
-Flexor digitorum superficialis
Name the muscles in the anterior compartment and deep layer
-Flexor digitorum profundus
-Flexor pollicus longus
-Pronator quadratus
Name the muscles in the posterior compartment and superficial layer (radial n.)
-Extensor Carpi Radialis L
-Extensor Carpi Radialis B
-Extensor Digitorum
-Extensor Digiti Minimi
-Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Name the muscles in the posterior compartment and deep layer (radial n.)
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
Extensor Pollicis Longus
Extensor Indicis
Common flexor attachment is
-medial epicondyle

(does not include FDP or FPL)
What is medial epicondylitis?
little league elbow/golfer's elbow
Common extensor attachment is
lateral epicondyle

(does not incl. briachioradialis, ECRL, or extensor indicis)
What is aka lateral epicondylitis?
tennis elbow
Biceps Brachii
O: supraglenoid tubercle/coracoid
I: radial tuberosity
N: musculocutaneous C5-6
O: lower 1/2 humerus
I: ulnar tuberosity
N: musculocutaneous C5-6
Triceps Brachii
O: infraglenoid tubercle
I: olecranon process
N: radial C6-7
O: post. lateral epicondyle
I: lat olecranon process
N: radial C7-8
Pronator Teres
O: common flexor tendon/coranoid
I: middle of radius
N: median C6-7
Flexor carpi radialis
O: medial epi - common flexor
I: base of 2nd
N: median C6-7
Palmaris longus
O: medial epicondyle via the CFT
I: superficial portion of the palmar aponeurosis
N: median nerve, C6,7
Flexor carpi ulnaris
O: medial epicondyle via the CFT
I: pisiform & hamate bone, 5th
N: ulnar, C8, T1
Flexor digitorum superficialis
O: medial epicondyle via the CFT
I: middle phalanx of the 4 fingers
N: median nerve, C7,8,T1
Flexor digitorum profundus
O: upper 3/4 ulna
I: distal phalanx of medial 4 digits
N: 1/2 ulnar nerve, C8,T1
1/2 median nerve, C8,T1
Radial nerve innervates which muscles?
All extensors
Deep radial nerve innervates which muscles?
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor digitorum
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU)
Median nerve innervates which muscles?
Pronator teres
1/2 flexor pollicus brevis
abductor pollicis brevis
opponenes pollicis
all flexor muscles except FCU, FPL, and medial half of FDP
Ulnar nerve innervates which muscles?
Most little hand muscles incl:
2 lumbercles
adductor pollicis
abductor digiti mini
flexor digiti minimi
opponens digiti mini