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22 Cards in this Set

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What are labels?
1. anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
2. Anterior inferior iliac spine
3. Ishiopubic ramus
4. Anterior inferior iliac spine
What is a and bi?
a. iliac fossa
b. inferior ramus of pubis
What are the following hip flexor muscles?
1. psoas major
2. illiacus
3. insertion of iliopsoas
4. illiacus
7. tensor fascia lata
9. rectus femoris
10. sartorius
11. psoas major
12. illiopsoas
13. pectineus
14. adductor longus
15. adductor magnus
16. gracilis
What are the muscles?
1. vastus lateralis
2. rectus femoris
3. vastus medialis
4. gluteus maximus
5. illiotibial band
what are these groups and labels?
thigh adductors
a. pectineus
b. adductor brevis
c. gracilis
d. adductor longus
e. adductor magnus
f. adductor hiatus
What are the bony markers?
a. lesser trochanter
b. anterior surface of shaft
c. adductor tubercle
d. adductor tubercle
e. medial supracondyler line
f. medial lip of linea aspera
g. pectineal line
h. lesser trochanter
i. lateral lip of linea aspera
j. lateral supracondylar line
What are the labels?
a. tibial tuberosity
b. medial condyle
c. medial condyle
What are the muscles listed?
1. tensor fascia lata (located anterior but innervated from gluteal region)
2. quadriceps femoris
3. Sartorius
4. Iliopsoas
5. Tensor Fascia Lata
What is chief flexor group of muscles of the thigh and used to make filet mignot? What are it innervated by?
Where is origin, and innertion bitch?
Iliopsoas- combination of the iliacus and psoas muscle
iliacus- femoral L2-3- iliac fossa- lesser trochanter
psoas major- L1-3 Transverse process- lesser trochanter
What is significant about the landmark?
Iliopectineal bursa, the bursa for iliopsoas muscles allows for padding in flexion of thigh
What are the two muscles and what do they do?
a. sartorius- femoral nerve (L2-3)- non-gay way of crossing legs while sitting
b. tensor fascia lata
What is the longest muscle in the leg and maybe the world?
The pes anserinus is the common insertion for three muscles which are innervated by three separate nerves? What nerves innervate these muscles?
1. sartorius - femoral nerve
2. Gracilis- obturator nerve
3. Semitendinosus- tibial (sciatic) nerve
What 4 muscles make up the quadriceps femoris? What are roles and nerves?
All innervated by femoral nerve L2-4
1. Vasti- extend leg (only) (lateralis, intermedius, medialis)
2. Rectus- extend leg and flex thigh (femoris)
What do these muscles make up?
quadriceps femoris
a. vestus lateralis
b. rectus femoris
c. vestus medialis
What muscles converge to form B? What does B become?
a. rectus femoris tendon
b. quadriceps femoris tendon
c. patellar ligament
quadriceps femoris become B, and B becomes C
What are the 5 medial thigh muscles and what are their main roles? Which one is the largest?
main role- adduction and flexion thigh
largest is E
a. pectineus
b. adductor brevis
c. gracilis
d. adductor longus
e. adductor magnus
f. adductor hiatus (allows femoral vessels into popliteal fossa)
What are the arrows pointing to?
a. gracilis
b. adductor longus
c. pectineus
Name the 5 medial muscles and of the thigh and name the main nerve and which two of the muscles have more than one innervation...
1. Adductor longus
2. Adductor brevis
3. Adductor magnus (tibial part of sciatic nerve)
4. Gracilis
5. Pectineus (femoral)
main nerve (obturator)
What are the parts of the Adductor magnus and the proximal attachments?
1. hamstring part: ischial tuberosity - obturator and tibial division of sciatic (L4)
2. adductor part: ischiopubic ramus (Obtuatory (L2-L4)
What happens when the origin of the flexor and adductor of the thigh is strained, stretched, or torn?
usually groin injury
Which muscle in the thigh is often transplanted to replace a damaged muscle in the hand?

When horse back riding what muscle might I be likely to strain?
1. gracilis
2. adductor longus (and my balls)