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154 Cards in this Set

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group of similar cells with a common origin and functions to carry out specialized activities
Science that deals with the study of tissues
the 4 basic types of body tissues



covers body surfaces and lines hollow organs, body surfaces, and ducts. Also forms glands
Epithelial tissue
protects and supports the body, store energy reserves as fat, and helps provide immunity
generates physical force to make body move
Muscle tissue
detects changes in a variety of conditions inside and outside body and responds by generating impulses to help regulate homeostasis
Nervous tissue
All tissues in the body develop from 3 primary _____ ______, the first tissues that form in a human embryo: ______, _______, ______
Germ layers

ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
mesoderm gives rise to all ______ and most ________
connective tissues

muscle tissues
Ectoderm develops into
nervous tissue
removal of a sample of living tissue for microscopic exam
contact points between the plasma membranes of tissue cells
cell junctions
consist of weblike strands of transmembrane proteins that fuse the outer surfaces of adjacent plasma membranes together
tight junctions
cells of epithelial tissues that line the stomach, urinary bladder, and intestines have ______ junctions that prevent leaking
contain plaque, a dense layer of proteins on the inside of the plasma membrane that attaches to both cytoskeleton proteins and membrane proteins. Actin microfilaments extend from the plaque into cell's cytosol, and transmembrane glycoproteins called ________ insert into the plaque from opposite side
Adherins junctions

In epithelial cells, adherins junctions form belts called ________ that encircle the cell to resist separation.
adhesion belts
have transmembrane glycoproteins like adherins junctions, but also have intermediate filaments made of keratin that extend from _______ on one side of the cell to the other side
anchor cells to the basement membrane with transmembrane glycoproteins called integrins. Integrins attach to protein laminin. Do not link to other cells, only basement membrane.
membrane proteins called connexins form tiny fluid filled tunnels called connexons that connect cells.
Gap junctions
tissue that consist of cells arranged in continuous sheets, in either single or multiple layers.
surface of epithelial cells that face the body surface, a body cavity, the lumen of internal organ, or tubular duct that receives secretions from cells
Apical (free) surface
The _______ of an epithelial cell is opposite the apical surface and adheres to extracellular materials
Basal surface
_______ in the basal surfaces of epithelial cells anchor the epithelium to the basement membrane
_______ layer refers to the most superficial layer of cell whereas _____ layer refers to the deepest layer of cells

a thin extracellular layer that commonly consist of 2 layers, basal lamina and reticular lamina
basement membrane
The _______ molecules in the ________ adhere to integrins in hemidesmosomes and attach epithelial cells to the basement membrane

basal lamina
The _________ is closer to the underlying connective tissue and contains fibrous proteins produced by fibroblasts
reticular lamina
3 other roles of basement membranes other than attachment
1. surface for epithelial cells to migrate during growth and wound healing

2. restrict passage of larger molecules bw epithelium and connective tissue

3. participate in filtration of blood in kidneys
Epithelial tissue is _________, meaning it lacks its own blood supply, but it does have a _______ supply

forms the outer covering of skin and some organs. Inner lining of blood vessels, ducts and body cavities. Interior of the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems
Covering and lining epithelium
constitutes the secreting portion of glands, such as thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and sweat glands
Glandular epithelium
single layer of cells that function in diffusion, osmosis, filtration, secretion (mucus, sweat, enzymes), and absorption (intake of fluids or other substances).
Simple epithelium
consist of 2 or more layers of cells that protect underlying tissues where there is considerable wear and tear
stratified epithelium
contains only single layer of cells, but appears to have multiple levels bc the cell nuclei lie at different levels and not all cells reach the apical surface. Cells that extend to the apical surface are ciliated or secrete mucus
pseudostratified epithelium
arranged like floor tiles and are thin, which allows for rapid movement of substances through them
Squamous cells
as tall as they are wide and are shaped like ______. May have microvilli at apical surface and function in either secretion or absorption
Cuboidal cells

much taller than they are wide and protect underlying tissues. Their apical surface may have cilia or microvilli, and are often specialized for secretion and absorption
columnar cells
change shape, from cuboidal to flat and back, as organs stretch to a larger size then collapse to a smaller size
transitional cells
3 types of simple epithelium
simple squamous

simple cuboidal

simple columnar (nonciliated and ciliated)
4 types of stratified epithelium
stratified squamous (keratinized and nonkeratinized)

stratified cuboidal

stratified columnar

single layer of cells that resembles tiled floor when viewed from apical surface. Found where filtration and diffusion occur (kidneys, lungs)
simple squamous epithelium
The simple squamous epithelium that lines the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels is
simple squamous epithelium that form the epithelial layer of serous membranes is
Unlike other epithelial tissues, which arise from embryonic ______ or _______, endothelium and mesothelium both are derived from embryonic _______
ectoderm or endoderm

modified columnar epithelial cells that secrete mucus at their apical surfaces. Before release, mucus accumulates in the upper portion of cell, causing it to bulge out
goblet cells
cells in apical layer are flat and keratinized, deep layers are nonkeratinized and can be cuboidal or columnar
stratified squamous
tough fibrous protein that helps protect skin from heat, microbes, and chemicals
collecting and microscopically examining epithelial cells that have sloughed off the apical layer of tissue
Papaniclaou test or Pap smear
Rare type of tissue with two or more layers. Protective but also functions in secretion and absorption
stratified cuboidal
Uncommon tissue where the basal layer consist of shortened, irreg shaped cells, only the apical layer has columnar cells. Functions in protection and secretion
stratified columnar
line GI tract from stomach to anus, ducts of many glands, and gallbladder. Functions in secretion and absorption
nonciliated simple columnar
Lines a few portions of upper respiratory tract, uterine (Fallopian) tubes, uterus, central canal of spinal cord. Functions in moving mucus and other substances by ciliary action
ciliated simple columnar
nonkeratinized variety lines wet surfaces, such as lining of mouth, esophagus, part of epiglottis and vagina, and covers the tongue. Functions in protection
nonkeratinized stratified squamous
Found in ducts of adult sweat glands, esophageal glands, and part of male urethra. Functions in protection and limited secretion / absorption
stratified cuboidal
Lines urinary bladder and portions of ureters and urethra. Permits distention
lines the airways of most of upper respiratory tract. Functions in secretion and movement of mucus by ciliary action
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
lines larger ducts of many glands, epididymis. Functions in secretion
Pseudostratified nonciliated columnar
Found in pituitary gland at base of brain, pineal gland in brain, thyroid and parathyroid glands near larynx, adrenal glands superior to kidneys, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thymus in thoracic cavity. Produces hormones that regulate body activities
Glandular epithelium (Endocrine glands)
Found in sweat, oil, and earwax glands of skin; salivary glands, pancreas. Produce mucus, sweat, oil, earwax, saliva, and digestive enzymes
glandular epithelium (Exocrine glands)
consist of single cell of group of cells that secrete substances into ducts, onto a surface, or into the blood
Secretions of __________ enter interstitial fluid then diffuse directly into the bloodstream without flowing through a duct
endocrine glands
secrete their products into ducts that empty onto the surface of a covering and lining epithelium. Ex: sweat glands and salivary glands
Exocrine glands
A single celled exocrine gland
unicellular gland
If the gland of a multicellular gland does not branch it is a ________. If it branches, it is a ________
simple gland

compound gland
Exocrine gland made up of secretory cells that remain intact throughout formation and discharge of the secretory product, as in salivary and pancreatic glands
Merocrine gland
Exocrine gland in which the secretory products gather at the free end of the secreting cell and are pinched off, along with some cytoplasm, to become the secretion, as in mammary glands
Apocrine glands
Exocrine gland that accumulates secretory product in cytosol, as the secretory cell matures, it ruptures and becomes the secretory product. Ex: sebaceous gland of skin
Holocrine gland
One of the most abundant and widely distributed tissues in the body
connective tissue
tissue that lines joint cavities
areolar connective tissue
The ground substance and fibers between cells in connective tissue
Connective tissues are usually ______________, with the exception of cartilage which is _________ and tendons which have scanty blood supply
highly vascular

Large flat cell that secretes most of the matrix material of areolar and dense connective tissues
Phagocytic cell derived from a monocyte. Mat be fixed or wandering
small cells that develop from a type of WBC called a B lymphocyte. Secrete antibodies, proteins that attack or neutralize foreign substances in the body
Plasma cells
abundant along blood vessels that supply connective tissue. Produce histamine, which dilates small blood vessels as part of inflammatory response
Mast cells
connective tissue cells that store triglycerides. Found below the skin and around some organs
viscous, slippery substance that binds cells together, lubes joints, and helps maintain shape of eyeballs.
Hyaluronic acid
White blood cells, sperm cells, and some bacteria produce _________, an enzyme that breaks apart hyaluronic acid, causing the ground substance to become more liquid.
Ground substance that provides support and adhesiveness in cartilage, bone, skin, and blood vessels.
Chondroitin sulfate
Ground substance in blood vessels and heart valves
Dermatin sulfate
Ground substance in bone, cartilage and cornea of eyes
Keratan sulfate
3 types of fibers embedded in the matrix between cells
collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers
very strong and resist pulling forces, but are not stiff which promotes tissue flexability
The most abundant protein in the body, consisting of about 25% of total proteins. Found in high numbers in bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments
consist of protein elastin surrounded by the glycoprotein fibrillin. Strong and can be stretched 150% before breaking. Have the ability to return to normal shape after stretching- called elasticity.
Elastic fibers
collagen arranged in fine bundles and coating of glycoprotein, provise support in walls of blood vessels and form network around cells in areolar, adipose, and smooth muscle tissue. Plentiful in many soft organs.
Reticular fibers
inherited disorder caused by defective fibrillin gene. Tissues rich in elastic fibers become malformed and weakened. Most life threatening complication is weakening of the aorta. Tall person with disproportionally long arms, legs, fingers, toes
Marfan syndrome
tissue present primarily in the embryo and fetus til birth
Embryonic connective tissue
developing human from fertilization through the first two months of pregnancy
the developing human from the third month of pregnancy til birth
tissue from which all other connective tissues eventually arise
connective tissue found mainly in the umbilical cord of the fetus
mucous connective tissue OR

Wharton's Jelly
2 major subclasses of connective tissue
embryonic and mature
Types of loose connective tissue


Found in SQ layer of skin, papillary (superficial) region of dermis, around blood vessels, nerves, and body organs. Functions in strength, elasticity, and support
areolar connective tissue
Found in SQ layer of skin, around heart and kidneys, yellow bone marrow, padding around joints and behind eyeball in eye socket. Functions in reducing heat loss through skin, energy reserve, supports, protects.
Adipose tissue
Found around Stroma (supporting framework) of liver spleen, and lymph nodes. Red bone marrow, around blood vessels and muscles. Functions in forming stroma of organs, binds together smooth muscle cells, filters and removes worn out blood cells in the spleen and microbes in Lymph nodes
Reticular connective tissue
Forms tendons, ligaments, and aponeuroses (sheetlike tendons attaching muscle to muscle or muscle to bone). Provides strong attachments
Dense regular connective tissue
Found in fasciae, reticular (deeper) region of dermis, periosteum of bone, perichondrium of cartilage, joint capsules, membrane capsules around various organs, pericardium of heart, heart valves. Functions to provide strength.
Dense irregular connective tissue
Found in lung tissue, walls of elastic arteries, trachea, bronchial tubes, true vocal cords, suspensory ligament of penis, and ligaments between vertebrae. Allows stretching of various organs
elastic connective tissue
found on ends of long bones, anterior ends of ribs, nose, parts of larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, and embryonic and fetal skeleton. Provides smooth surfaces for movement at joints as well as flexibility and support.
Hyaline cartilage
Found in pubic symphysis, intervertebral disks, menisci (cartilage pads) of knee, partions of tendons that insert into cartilage. Provides support and fusion
The strength of cartilage is due to it's collagen fibers, but it's resilience comes from ______
chondroitin sulfate
dense network of collagen fibers and elastic fibers firmly embedded in chondroitin sulfate.
epiglottis, part of external ear (auricle), and auditory (Eustachian( tubes. Provides support and maintains shape
elastic cartilage
Cells of mature cartilage
A membrane of dense irregular connective tissue called ______ covers the surface of most cartilage
2 basic patterns of cartilage growth
Interstitial growth

Appositional growth
cartilage increases rapidly in size due to division of chondrocytes and deposition of matrix by chondrocytes. Occurs while cartilage is young and pliable, during childhood and adolescence
interstitial growth
activity of cells in the inner chondrogenic layer of the perichondrium leads to growth. Continues through starts and continues through adolescence
appositional growth
membrane that lines space within bone that stores yellow bone marrow
The basic unit of compact bone is
an osteon or Haversian system
What are the 4 parts of an osteon?



Central (Haversian) canal
concentric rings of matrix that consist of mineral salts, which gives bone it's hardness, and collagen fibers, which gives it strength
_______ are small spaces between lamellae that contain mature bone cells called _________

project from lacunae. Networks of small canals containing the processes of osteocytes. Provide route for nutrients to reach osteocytes and waste to leave.
contains the blood vessels and nerves in bone
Central (Haversian) canal
Bone that lacks osteons and consist of columns of bone called trabeculae
Spongy bone
connective tissue with liquid matrix called blood plasma
blood tissue
lines joints and contains connective tissue but no epithelium
synovial membrane
lines body cavities that are directly open to the exterior
mucous membranes or mucosa
The connective tissue layer of mucous membrane is areolar connective tissue and is called the
lamina propria
_______ and ________ diffuse from the lamina propria to the epithelium, whereas _______ and _______ diffuse in the opposite direction.
Oxygen and nutrients

carbon dioxide and waste
lines a body cavity that does not open directly to the exterior, and it covers the organs that lie within the cavity
serous membrane or serosa
Serous membrane attached to the cavity wall
patietal layer
Serous membrane attached to the organs inside a cavity
visceral layer
The mesothelium of a serous membrane secretes _________, a watery lubricating fluid that allows organs to glide easily over one another
serous fluid
serous membrane lining thoracic cavity and covering lungs
serous membrane lining the heart
serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and it's organs
consists of elongated cells called muscle fibers that can use ATP to generate force
muscle tissue
tissue that is located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels, airways to lungs, stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and urinary bladder
smooth muscle
2 cell types of nervous system
neurons and neuroglia
3 parts of a neuron
cell body


part of a neuron containing the nucleus and other organelles
cell body
part of neuron that is the major receiving or input portion
the output portion of a neuron, conducting nerve impulses toward another neuron or to some other tissue
In some cases immature, undifferentiated cells called _______ divide to replace lost or damaged cells
stem cells
tissue regeneration where fibroblast synthesize collagen and other matrix materials that aggregate to form scar tissue, a process known as
Scar tissue can form ________, abnormal joining of tissues
is haphazardly added to proteins inside and outside cells, forming irreversible cross links between adjacent protein molecules which contributes to stiffening and loss of elasticity in aging tissues
tissue that is located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels, airways to lungs, stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and urinary bladder
smooth muscle
2 cell types of nervous system
neurons and neuroglia
3 parts of a neuron
cell body


part of a neuron containing the nucleus and other organelles
cell body
part of neuron that is the major receiving or input portion
the output portion of a neuron, conducting nerve impulses toward another neuron or to some other tissue
In some cases immature, undifferentiated cells called _______ divide to replace lost or damaged cells
stem cells
tissue regeneration where fibroblast synthesize collagen and other matrix materials that aggregate to form scar tissue, a process known as
Scar tissue can form ________, abnormal joining of tissues
is haphazardly added to proteins inside and outside cells, forming irreversible cross links between adjacent protein molecules which contributes to stiffening and loss of elasticity in aging tissues
common autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and destruction of exocrine glands, especially the lacrimal (tear) glands and salivary glands.
Sjogren's syndrome
chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissue occurring mostly in nonwhite women during their childbearing years. S and S include painful joints, low-grade fever, fatigue, mouth ulcers, weight loss, enlarged lymph nodes, rapid loss of scalp hair, and anorexia.
Systemic Lupus erythematosus OR Lupus
replacement of a diseased or injured tissue or organ with cells or tissue from an animal.