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51 Cards in this Set

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Where do exocrine glands discharge their secretions?
into ducts
What is the connective tissue that makes up the dermis called?
irregular dense fibrous
What are the three types of cartilage?
hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage
a group of similar cells that perform a common function
what are bone forming cells called?
membrane that lines cavities
membrane that covers organs
three main factors that contribute to the development of cancer
genetic factors, carcinogens, and age
desirable body fat percentage for men
desirable body fat percentage for women
Three main types of fibers in the matrix of connective tissue
collagen, reticulen, and elastin
where do epithelial cells attach?
basement membrane
what is the process of the primary germ layers differentiating into different kinds of tissues?
four types of tissues
epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous
what are the primary germ layers?
ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
What are the four signs of inflammation?
rubor-redness, tumor-swelling, calor-heat, and dolor-pain
what are the types of connective tissue?
fibrous, bone, cartilage, and blood
what are the functions of connective tissue?
support, transport, connect, and protect
bone destroying cells
what is nonstriated involuntary visceral muscle also known as?
smooth muscle
what happens on the first day of an injury
a clot forms
three classes of blood cells
leukocytes, eurethrocytes, and thrombocytes
three different types of exocrine glands
apocrine, holocrine, and merocrine
what are tendons and ligaments made out of
regular dense fibrous tissue (connective)
what kind of muscle is cardiac muscle?
striated involuntary
how are malignant tumors spread?
is cartilage vascular or avascular?
how many ducts do compound glands have?
two or more
what is a ductless gland that secretes directly into the blood or interstitial fluid
endocrine gland
what kind of tissue covers and protects body, lines cavities, and moves substances in and out of blood
what kind of tissue is described as several layers of flat, platelike cells
stratified squamous
five functions of epithelial tissues
protection, sensory, secretion, absorption, and excretion
basic organizational unit of bone
haversion system or osteon
what is the formation of blood cells
membrane that lines and protects organs that open directly to the exterior of the body like digestive and respiratory tracts
mucous membrane
what happens one day after the injury
acute inflamation takes place
what lines the space between joints and secretes a fluid to reduce friction
synovial membrane
what happens two days after the injury
granulation tissue appears
what are the three types of epithelial membranes
cutaneous, serous, and mucous
what makes up the external ear and larynx
elastic cartilage
thin beam like structures of cancellous bone
what is an abnormal growth of cells synonymous with a tumor or cancer
what is another name for skeletal muscle
striated voluntary
most prevalent type of cartilage found on ends of articulating bones
when is initial repair of tissue complete
7 days after injury
What kind of tissues develop from endoderm?
connective muscle and epithelial
nerve and epithelial
what is a tough protein substance which contributes to the protective qualities of skin covering the body
where is transitional tissue found
only in bladder
what are special connecting and supporting cells