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84 Cards in this Set

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What is the main component of blood plasma?

Water (around 90%)

What happens to testes when warm?

Surface area expands, drop down, produce fewer sperm of exposed for long period of time, sperm starts to die

Can water leave the ascending limb of the loop of Henle


What do vitamin k deficiency, severe hypocalcemia and liver disease all impair?


What is the optimum temperature for testes?

4° cooler than body temperature

What is classed as a primary male sex organ?


What happens to testicles when cold?


If a person has no antibodies to A and B or to Rh antigens in the plasma, what blood type do they have?

AB positive

What is the name of the fibrous capsule of the testes?

Tunica albuginea

Is sperm the main component of semen?

NO, 70% of semen is secretions of seminal vesicles

At which stage of meiosis do tetrads align at the cells equator?

Metaphase 1

Where is the site of sperm production in the testes?

Seminiferous tubules

What is the name of the darker, reddish-brown area of the kidney that exhibits cone-shaped tissue masses called renal pyramids?

The renal medulla

At what phase of meiosis do crossovers occur?

Prophase 1

Where is the site of sperm storage?

The epididymis

What cools arterial blood to keep the testes below core temperature?

The panpiniform venous plexus

In what order is meiosis carried out?

Interphase - prophase 1 - metaphase 1 - anaphase 1 - telophase 1 and cytokinesis - prophase 11 - metaphase 11 - anaphase 11 - telophase 11 and cytokinesis

What is shed during menstruation?

The stratum functionalis

What is the name for conversion of haploid spermatids to spermatozoa?


Which blood type would make antibodies to the A and B agglutinogens?

Type O blood

What is the percentage of blood volume occupied by erythrocytes called?

The hematocrit

Primary oocytes are stalled in what phase of meiosis until puberty?

Prophase 1

Is the pH of the adult vagina acidic, basic or alkaline?

Normally acidic

What is the name for a free floating blood clot?

An embolus

What area of a sperm cell contains many mitochondria?

The midpiece

What develops into the female duct system?

The paramesonephric ducts

When do the ovaries start to carry out oogenesis?

When puberty occurs

What are platelets derived from?


Which cells make testosterone?

Interstitial cells

What is a sexually transmitted disease that is associated with cervical cancer?

Genital warts

What is the loop of Henle?

A long U-shaped portion of the tubule that conducts urine within each nephron of the kidney

Which hormone acts upon the anterior pituitary to encourage the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)?

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

Does estrogen promote diuresis (water loss)?


What is the functional unit of the kidney?

The nephron

Plasma is filtered in which part of the nephron?

The renal corpuscle

Does the perirenal fat capsule prevent infection?

No it does not prevent infection

What is the function of the loop of Henle?

Recovery of water and sodium chloride from urine - creates concentration gradient

How many litres of fluid do the kidneys filter each day from the blood stream?

200 litres

What is the net filtration pressure (NFP) responsible for?

Filtrate formation

At what phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes separate from one another?

Anaphase 1

What area of the mammory glands are responsible for producing milk during lactation?

The alveoli

What homeostatic imbalance indicates that glomular blood pressure may be too low to cause filtration?


What 4 things is tubular secretion important for?

1) disposing of substances

2) eliminating undesirable substances

3) ridding the body of excess k+

4) controlling blood pH

What is the reason for glucose being detected in the urine of individuals with uncontrolled diabetes?

Because the transport maximum for glucose reabsorption has been exceeded

Is freshly voided urine from a healthy person acidic?

Yes it is slightly acidic. It is also clear-deep yellow, slightly aromatic and has a mass greater than water

Alcohol and many drugs prescribed for hypertention are examples of what group of drug?


What is the descending limb of the loop of Henle permeable/impermeable to?

Permeable to water

Impermeable to solutes

The funtional layer of the endometrium is shed in response to what?

Decreased progesterone levels

The ovulated oocyte arrests in metaphase 11 and does not complete meiosis 11 until when?

It is fertilized

How many functions does the urethra have in a woman?


Does albumin serve an immune system function?

No, It does not serve an immune system function

What is incontinence usually a result of?

Emotional problems, pressure during pregnancy or nervous system problems

What shape is a mature erythrocyte?

A biconcave disc shape

How is erythropoiesis best defined?

Red blood cell production

How many molecules of oxygen can one molecule of hemoglobin bind?


During oogenesis how many polar bodies and gametes are produced?

3 polar bodies and 1 functional gamete

Glomerular hydrostatic pressure (HPg) is essentially what?

Globular blood pressure

Where are aging red blood cells fragmented and trapped?

In the spleen

A patient who lacks intrinsic factor would likely develop what?

Pernicious anaemia

What is the migration of white blood cells out of the capillary blood vessels called?


What is the most numerous type of white blood cell?


What type of white blood cell has a bilobed nucleus and dark staining cytoplasmic granules?

A basophil

What is the name of a highly phagocytic type of cell with a U/kidney shaped nucleus?


When there is an extreme change of blood pressure do extrinsic or intrinsic controls take precedence?

Extrinsic controls take precedence

How many functions does the urethra have in a man?


A B cell is a type of what?


What is the name for overproduction of white blood cells?


What inhibits coagulation?


What is the correct sequence of hemostasis?

Vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, coagulation

What is the extrinsic pathway of blood clotting triggered by?

Tissue factor

What blood cell has a role in killing parasitic worms?


Where is erythropoietin made?

By the kidneys

What is the name of a small agranulocyte with a lifespan that varies from a few hours to decades?


What is plasmin?

A fibrin-digesting enzyme

What is a thrombus?

A blood clot on a vessel that can detach and become an embolus

What does platelet derived growth factor stimulate?

Blood vessel healing

When does hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) develop?

When a Rh- woman is pregnant with a Rh+ baby

What is blood type determined by?

By glycoprotein present on the surface of erythrocytes

Which blood type would make antibodies to the A agglutinogen but not the B agglutinogen?

A person with type B blood

What does thrombin convert?

Fibrinogen to fibrin

What does the prothrombin activator generate?


What blood type would have type A and B agglutinogens?

Type AB blood

Which has a higher affinity for oxygen; fetal hemoglobin or adult hemoglobin?

Fetal hemoglobin

Which blood type would make antibodies to the B agglutinogen but not the A agglutinogen?

A person with type A blood