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29 Cards in this Set

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of the orbicularis oculi
O-medial aspect of the oribit
I-skin of eyelid
A-closes eye (winking/blinking)
O, I, A of orbicularis oris
O-Skin of lips
I-skin of lips
A-draw lips together and puckers lips
O, I, A of frontalis
O-Muscles above orbit
I-Galea Aponeurotica
A-draws scalp forward & raises eyebrows
O, I, A of depressor anguli oris
O-Body of mandible
O-body of the mandible
I-skin of angle of mouth
A-depresses the corner of the mouth
O, I, A of levator labii superioris
O-Lower rim of the orbit
I-Skin of upper lip
A-Elevates upper lip
O,I, A of occipitalis
O-Superior nuchal line
I-galea aponeurotica
A-draws scalp poseteriorly
O, I , A of platysma
O-Fascia of deltoid & pectoralis muscles
I-Skin of around corners of mouth
A-Depresses lower lips (pouting)
O, I, A of buccinator
O-alveolar process of maxilla & manible
I-Orbicularis oris & skin of angle of mouth
A-Compresses cheek, pulls angle of mouth laterally
O, I, A of temporalis
O-temporal fossa
I-coronoid process of mandible
A-closes jaw (elevates mandible)
O, I, A of sternocleidomastoid
O-sternum & clavicle
I-Mastoid process of temporal bone
A-Rotates head & flexes neck
O, I, A of sternohyoid
I-Body of hyoid
A-Depresses hyoid
O, I, A of omohyoid
O-Superior border of scapula
I-Body of hyoid
A-depresses hyoid
O,I,A of masseter
O-Zygomatic arch
I-Ramus & angle of mandible
A-Close jaw (elevates mandible)
O,I, A of trapezius
O-Superior Nuchal line,ligamentum nuchae, spines C7-T12
I-clavicle, spine, & acromion of scapula
A-elevates, adducts, and depresses scapula
O, I, A of deltoid
O-Clavicle, acromion, & spine of scapula
I-Deltoid tuperosity of hummerus
A-Abduct, flex,& extend humerus
OIA of pectoralis major
O-Clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage of TRUE ribs
I-Crest of greater Tubercle of hummerus
A-Flexes, adducts, & medially rotates hummerus
OIA of pectoralis minor
O-Anterior ribs (3-5)
I-Coracoid process
A-draws forward & depresses scapula
OIA of latissimus dorsi
O-Spinous processes T6-L5 & iliac crest
I-Bicipital groove
A-Extend, adduct, & medially rotate hummerus
OIA of bicep brachii
O-Long head above glenoid fossa
O-Short head-Coracoid process
I-Radial tuberosity
A-Flexes & Supinates forearm
OIA of triceps brachii
O-Long head: Scapula
O-Lateral & medial-Hummerus
I-Olecranon process
A-Extension of forearm
OIA of rectus abdominus
I-Xiphoid & 5-7 costal cartilages
A-Flexion of vertebral column
OIA of external oblique
O-anterior lower 8 ribs
I-Linea alba & anterior half of iliac crest
A-flexion & rotation vertebral column
OIA of psoas major
O-transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
I-Lesser trochanter
A-Flexion of thigh
OIA of gluteus maximus
O-Lateral ilium, posterior ischium &coccyx
I-gluteal tuberoristy of femur
A-extension of thigh *raising from seated position*
OIA of rectus femoris
O-Anterior Inferior iliac spine
I-Patella & tibial tuberosity
A-extension of leg and flexion of hip
OIA of vastus muscles (lateralis, medialis, intermedius)
I-patella and tibial tuberosity
A-extension of the leg
OIA of bicep femoris
O-LONG HEAD: ischial tuberoristy
O-Short head: linea aspera
I-head of fibula
A-flexion of leg
OIA adductor magnus
O-pubis & ischium
I-linea aspera & adductor tubercle
A-adducts & laterally rotates thigh
OIA of gastrocnemius
O-condyles of femur (posteriorly)
A-flexion of leg & planter flexion