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12 Cards in this Set

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What functions does the optic nerve serve?
What functions does the olfactory nerve serve?
What functions does the oculomotor nerve serve?
Eyelid and eyeball movement
What functions does the trochlear nerve serve?
Innervates superior oblique; movement of eyeball downwards and laterally
What functions does the trigeminal nerve serve?
Chewing, touch, temperature sensation, pain on the face
What functions does the Abducens nerve serve?
turns eye laterally
What functions does the facial nerve serve?
-Controls most facial expressions
-secretes tears and saliva
What functions does the vestibulocochlea nerve serve?
-equilibrium sensation
What functions does the glossopharyngeal nerve serve?
-senses carotid blood pressure
What functions does the vagus nerve serve?
-senses aortic blood pressure
-slows heart rate
-stimulates digestive organs
-monitor blood O2 and CO2 concentration
-smooth muscle contraction
What functions does the accessory nerve serve?
-swallowing movements
-head and shoulder movements
What functions does the hypoglossal nerve serve?
-controls tongue movements