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76 Cards in this Set

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rectus abdominis muscle extends from _______ and _______ to _______________
inferior sternal and costal margins to pubic region of pelvis
3 lateral muscles of the abdomen
- external abdominal oblique
- internal abdominal oblique
- transversus abdominis m.
makes the rectus sheath
aponeuroses of the lateral abdomina muscles
inguinal ligament extends from _____ to ____
blade of ilium to the pubic region
passes through the superficial inguinal ring
- spermatic cord (containing vas deferens + vasculature)
embryonic equivalent to spermatic cord inf emales
round ligament
round ligament passes through what? from where to where
inguinal canal. uterus --> labia majora
when portion of bowel herniates throug superficial inguinal ring
indirect inguinal
when portion of bowel herniates through weakened fascia and tendon medial to the superficial inguinal ring
direct inguinal
the greater omentum develops from part of this mesentery

lesser omentum?
greater: dorsal

lesser: ventral
organs that develop within the dorsal mesentery
part of pancreas and spleen
organs that develop within the ventral mesentery
liver and part of pancreas
intraperitoneal organs
transverse & sigmoid colon
tail of pancreas
1st part of duodenum
retroperitoneal organs
(most) pancreas
ascending and descending colon,
desc/horizontal parts of duodenum

urinary, reproductive
the lesser mesentery sac is located primarily posteriorly to __________ and adjacent to ____________
lesser omentum
adjacent to the posterior abdominal wall
2 surfaces of the liver
diaphragmatic and visceral
3 components of diaphragmatic liver surface
falciform ligament
coronary ligaments (right and left)
bare area (walled off by ligaments)
ligaments of the liver are ______ folds, remnants of the _____________________
peritoneal folds

remnants of the original ventral mesentery
3 components of the visceral surface of liver
gall bladder
porta hepatis (hilum of liver)
lesser omentum
remnant of umbilical vein
ligamentum teres
purpose of ductus venosum in fetus
drained into hepatic veins and subsequently into inferior vena cava
- shunt blood away from liver, take directly to heart
3 branches of celiac trunk
- left gastric
- splenic
- common hepatic
forms the portal vein
superior mesenteric vv. and splenic vv.
drains blood of the GI tract organs
hepatic portal vein tributaries
purpose of the hepatic veins
drain liver parenchyma into inferior vena cava
innervates the liver (sympathetic/ parasypathetic)
postganglionic sympathic from celiac plexus (preganglionics from the greater splanchnics)

parasympathetic from the vagus
2 ducts that combine to form the common bile duct
common hepatic and cystic duct
common bile duct empties into:
2nd portion of the duodenum (descending)
divisions of the stomach
4 segments of the duodenum
- superior
- descending (bile enters here)
- horizontal
- ascending
names and lengths of 2nd and 3rd parts of small intestine
jejunum and ileum - 20ft
suspends 2nd and 3rd aparts of small intestine
root of the mesentery (from dorsal wall)
boundaries of abdominal cavity (upper and lower)
1. Upper -- diaphragm; lies within thoracic cage
2. Lower -- found within the bony pelvis
After the passage of gallstones and alcohol abuse, _________________ is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis in North Americ
emphysematous pancreatitis
80% of all hernias
where head of pancreas is located
in "C" of duodenum
these vessels appear just below the neck of the pancreas
superior mesenteric artery and vein
location of splenic artery and vein
Splenic artery passes along the superior border of the pancreas, and the splenic vein is usually embedded in its deep surface.
blood supply and innervation of the pancreas
- Pancreatic branches from hepatic a. via celiac trunk

- Superior mesenteric artery

- left gastric artery

- Pancreatic branches from splenic artery

-Innervation: celiac and superior mesenteric plexuses
exocrine and endocrine function of pancreas
exocrine: digestive enzymes and bicarbonate into duodenum

endocrine: hormones into vasculature (insulin/glucagon)
spleen is located above
left colic flexure
splenic artery supplies
spleen, pancreas
left gastric artery supplies
stomach, pancreas
common hepatic artery supplies
liver, stomach, duodenum, pancreas
superior mesenteric artery supplies
pancreas, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, part of large intestine including ascending colon and the transverse colon
inferior mesenteric artery supplies
descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum
innervation of the spleen comes from

what kind of nerves?
splenic plexus derived from the celiac plexus

purely sympathetic
2 surfaces of spleen

where do splenic artery and vein enter?
diaphragmatic, visceral

at hilum
covers the diaphragm
pleura, pericardium

attachments to the diaphragm
muscle fibers originating from sternum, ribs and vertebrae converge toward central tendon
comes through the aortic hiatus

this hiatus is most ______ and ______________
aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein

most posterior and inferior
comes through esophageal hiatus

this hiatus is anterior to _____ and posterior to______
esphagus and vagal trunks

anterior to aortic arch
posterior to vena caval
comes through vena caval hiatus

this hiatus is most ______ and _______
vena cava only

anterior, superior
blood supply and innervation to diaphragm
musculophrenic arteries
- from internal thoracic a. and inferior phrenic from the abdominal aorta

innervated by phrenic nerve
muscles of the posterior thoracic wall
- Psoas major and minor- hip flexor

-Iliacus -- hip flexor

- Quadratus lumborum -- laterally tilts pelvis or flexes spine laterally

-Transversus abdominis
the aponeurosis of ________ runs ________ to quadratus lumborum
transversus abdominus

posterior to
parietal branches of aorta
- Lumbar aa. (supply abdominal walls)

- Inferior phrenic aa. (supply diaphragm)
paired visceral branches of aorta
- Suprarenal arteries

- Renal arteries

- Gonadal arteries (testicular or ovarian)
unpaired visceral branches of aorta
celiac artery (trunk)

superior mesenteric artery

inferior mesenteric artery
terminal branches of the aorta and at what vertebral level
- left and right common iliac arteries
branch into internal and external iliac arteries

goes on to become the femoral artery
external iliac artery
why do suppositories have to be calculated differently than oral drugs?
need less

rectum venous drainage can travel the IVC or inferior mesenteric. can be drained by internal iliac --> IVC route bypasses the liver
what can cause portal hypertension?
heart failure(suprahepatic) cirrhosis(intrahepatic)
protal vein thrombosis, tumor compression of vein (infrahepatic)
or other lesions of the liver that prevents drainage through the portal vein
name for increased fluid within the abdomen caused by portal hypertension
ascites (caput medusa)
where venous drainage goes that is blocked in portal hypertension
veins that typically drain the lower portion of the rectum --> IVC
origin of lumbar plexus of nerves
lumbosacral trunk (comes from ___________ ) and joins _____ to form this plexus
L4-L5 joins S1

sacral plexus
provides autonomic innervation to plexuses on aorta and celiac trunk
lumbar splanchnic
provides autonomic innervation to abdomen
lumbar and thoracic splanchnics
parasympathetics for posterior abdominal wall originate from ______ and ______
esophageal plexus (formed by vagal trunks)
sacral parasympathetics- S2, 3, 4
kidney blood supply
autonomic innervation to kidneys (symp vs. parasymp)
renal arteries
both parasympathetic and sympathetic
innervation to the adrenal gland is _______ primarily to the ______
sympathetics primarily to medulla
why does cirrhosis cause toxic waste build up in the body?
cells of liver die, scar tissue builds up, blood can't flow through properly to get filtered
femoral vein lies ___ to the femoral artery
1cm medial to the artery- can catheterize to access central vasculature related to the heart
2 main causes of liver cirrhosis
alcoholism and hepatitis C
quadratus lumborum does what
laterally tilt pelvis or flex spine laterally