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25 Cards in this Set

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Out of the stuff running through the axillary region, which one isn't included in the axillary sheat?
The axillary vein.
What's on the lateral wall of the axilla?
The intertubercular groove of the humerus
What drains into the axillary nodes?
The upper extremity and breast tissue
Breast tissue drains into where?
Axillary nodes and a little bit into the parasternal nodes
What is lymphedema?
The swelling and hardening of axillary nodes of the upper extremity as lymph fluid collects in the interstitial spaces
Where does the axillary artery begin?
The lateral border of the lst rib
Trauma that separates the shoulder and neck can result in what? What muscles are affected?
Upper plexus injuries: Superior Trunk injuries. Rhomboids, infra/supraspinatus, levator scapulae, and musculocutaneous muscles
How are inferior trunk injuries caused?
pulling on the upper limb superiorly extra hard or neurovascular compression in the thoracic outlet (compression of C7 vertebrae)
What muscles are affected by lower trunk injuries? What's a big sign?
Distal parts e.g. hand. Claw hand.
What is klumpke's paralysis?
Claw hand.
What is Saturday Night Palsy? Symptom?
Compression of the posterior cord. Wrist drop.
What provides support for the back of the olecranon?
The triceps brachii
What happens in a Colle's fracture?
A break in the distal radius and also can lead to fractures and dislocations of the scaphoid and lunate
How does a Colle's fracture present?
A dinner fork appearance
What is the front of the elbow called?
The cubital region.
What defines the triangular space?
Teres minor, teres major, Long head of the triceps brachii
In the brachii, what muscles does the radial nerve pass through?
The lateral and medial head of the triceps brachii
What is a classic symptom of radial nerve injury?
Wrist drop
What defines the "pectoral girdle"?
The clavicle, scapula, and humerus
Which nerves are typically injured in a shoulder dislocation?
Axillary nerve and/or musculocutaneous
What is the function of the pectoral minor?
Inferior rotation of the glenoid cavity (make it point downward)
You get a winged scapula with injury to what nerve?
the long thoracic
What is the medial rotator of the humerus?
The subscapularis
What are the major articulating bones of the wrist?
The radius articulates with the scaphoid and lunate. The ulna articulates with the triquetrum
What separates the deep veins from the superficial ones?
The bicipital aponeurosis