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26 Cards in this Set

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No sweat glands but a sebaceous (uropygial gland) at the upper base of tail contains oils used to clean and waterproof feathers

Modified skin near beak


Region where feathers turned to scales


Medullary bone

Forms in marrow of larger bones. Functions as a calcium storage site

Vertebrae not fused

Cervical. Have more than mammals


Enlarged sac that can store food especially granivorous species. Allows them to eat quickly and reduce exposure to predators


Paired lateral pouches that from the large intestine that does microbial fermentation and plays a role in water and electrolyte balance

Esophagus and crop adaptations

Pigeons crop produces "milk" flamingos esophagus produce a red colored juice that is regurgitated for young. Emperor penguin males produce high fat and protein fluid for young

Some shorebirds that migrate long distances covert their intestines into fat then rebuild them when they arrive.



Continuous flow of air. No dead air space.

Vocal chords


Elongated trachea of the whooping crane

Extensively coiled. May function in sound profusion or humidifying air


Small structure that does not change volume. Bright pink and spongy (air and blood capillaries). Air flows continuously In one direction.

Gas exchange

Air flows through parabronchus at right angles to the flow of blood. So that co2 is added and o2 removed from air stream

Direction aorta arises and turns

Arises from left turns to right

Opposite of mammals

Nitrogenous waste

Uric acid. More nitrogen excreted less water


Large chest muscle pulls wing up and down


Beneath pectoralis. Used in steep take offs, hovering, rapid adjustments

Plantar tendons

Extend from flexor muscles in the thigh. Contraction closes the foot

Feather election and depression

Caused by smooth muscles in the dermis

White muscle

Uses short, powerful bursts. Large with few capillaries and little myoglobin. Use glycogen. Tire easily

Red muscle

Can sustain contractions for long periods of time. Thinner and high in myoglobin, mitochondria, capillaries, and fat. Consists of migrant birds pectoralis

Cerebral hemisphere

No folds. Flat layer of gray matter covers the corpus stratum.

Corpus striatum

Controls instinctive behaviors

Brood patch

Bare area on belly that allows for contact between bird and incubating eggs. Determine clutch size

Nictitating membrane

Third Eyelid that serves as a protective and bathes eyes with fluid