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108 Cards in this Set

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psoas major origin

transverse process of l1-l5, lateral aspect of t12-l5 verterbrae and IV disks

psoas major insertion

lesser trochanter of femur

psoas major action

flexes thigh at hip

psoas major innervation

anterior rami of L1-L3

iliacus origin

iliac crest, iliac fossa, ala of sacrum, anterior sacro-iliac ligaments

iliacus insertion

lesser trochanter of femur

iliacus action

flexes thigh at hip

iliacus innervation

femoral nerve

tensor fascia latea origin

ASIS, anterior part of iliac crest

tensor fascia latea insertion

lateral condyle of tibia via iliotibial tract

TFL action

flexes, abducts and medially rotates thigh at hip, helps extend knee,

TFL innervation

superior gluteal nerve

sartorius origin

ASIS, superior part of notch inferior to ASIS

sartorius insertion

superior part of medial surface of tibia

sartorius action

flexes, abducts, laterally rotates thigh at hip, flexes knee

which muscles make up your quadriceps?

rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius

rectus femoris origin

anterior inferior iliac spine, ilium superior to acetabulum

rectus femoris origin

base of patella via quadricep tendon, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

rectus femoris action

flexes thigh at hip, extends knee

rectus femoris innervation

femoral nerve

vastus lateralis origin

greater trochanter, lateral lip of linea aspera of femur

vastus lateralis insertion

base of patella via quadricep tendon, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

vastus lateralis action

extends knee

vastus lateralis innervation

femoral nerve

vastus medial origin

intertrochanteric line, medial lip of linea aspera

vastus medialis insertion

base of patella via quadricep tendon, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

vastus medialis action

extends knee

vastus medialis innervation

femoral nerve

vastus intermedius origin

anterior and lateral surface of body of femur

vastus intermedius insertion

base of patella via quadricep tendon, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

vastus intermedius action

extends knee

vastus intermedius innervation

femoral nerve

pectineus origin

superior pubic ramus

pectineus insertion

pectineal line of femur inferior to lesser trochanter

pectineus action

adducts, flexes, medially rotates thigh at hip

pectineus innervation

femoral nerve

adductor longus origin

body of pubis inferior to pubic crest

adductor longus insertion

middle 1/3 of linea aspera

adductor longus action

adducts hip joint

adductor longus innervation

obturator nerve

adductor brevis origin

body of pubis, inferior pubic ramus

adductor brevis insertion

pectineal line, proximal part of linea aspera of femur

adductor brevis action

adducts thigh, some flexing

adductor brevis innervation

obturator nerve

adductor magnus - adductor part origin

inferior pubic ramus, ramus of ischium

adductor magnus - adductor part insertion

gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, proximal supracondylar line of femur

adductor magnus - adductor part action

adducts and flexes thigh at hip

adductor magnus - adductor part innervation

obturator nerve

adductor magnus - hamstring part origin

ischial tuberosity

adductor magnus - hamstring part insertion

adductor tubercle of femur

adductor magnus - hamstring part action

adduction, extension

adductor magnus - hamstring part innervation

tibial part of sciatic nerve

gracilis origin

inferior pubic ramus

gracilis insertion

proximal medial surface of tibia

gracilis action

adduction hip, flex and medially rotate knee when flexed

gracilis innervation

obturator nerve

obturator externus origin

margins of obturator foramen and obturator membrane

obturator externus insertion

trochanteric fossa of femur

obturator externus action

laterally rotates hip

obturator externus innervation

obturator nerve

gluteus maximus origin

ilium posterior to posterior gluteal line, sacrotuberous ligament, dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx

gluteus maximus insertion

gluteal tuberosity, IT band that inserts on lateral condyle of tibia

gluteus maximus action

extends hip joint, assists in raising trunk from flexed position and lateral rotation

gluteus maximus innervation

inferior gluteal nerve

gluteus medius origin

external surface of ilium, gluteal fascia

gluteus medius insertion

lateral superior surface of greater trochanter of femur

gluteus medius action

abducts, medially rotates hip

gluteus medius innervation

superior gluteal nerve

gluteus minimus origin

external surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines

gluteus minimus insertion

anterior surface of greater trochanter of femur

gluteus minimus action

abducts and medially rotates thigh

gluteus minimus innervation

superior gluteal

piriformis origin

anterior surface of sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament

piriformis insertion

superior border of greater trochanter

piriformis action

laterally rotates extended hip, abducts flexed hip

piriformis innervation

anterior rami s1,s2

obturator internus origin

pelvic surface of obturator membrane

obturator internus insertion

medial surface of greater trochanter of femur

obturator internus action

laterally rotates extended hip, abducts flexed hip

obturator internus innervation

nerve to obturator internus

superior gemellus origin

ischial spine

superior gemellus insertion

medial surface of greater trochanter of femur

superior gemellus action

laterally rotates extended hip, abducts flexed hip

superior gemellus innervation

nerve to obturator internus

inferior gemellus origin

ischial tuberosity

inferior gemellus insertion

medial surface of greater trochanter

inferior gemellus action

laterally rotates extended hip, abducts flexed hip

inferior gemellus innervation

nerve to obturator internus

quadratus femoris origin

lateral border of ischial tuberosity

quadratus femoris insertion

quadrate tubercle near intertrochanteric crest of femur

quadratus femoris action

laterally rotates hip

quadratus femoris innervation

nerve to quadratus femoris

what muscles make up the hamstrings

semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris

semitendinosus origin

ischial tuberosity

semitendinosus insertion

medial surface of proximal tibia

semitendinosus action

extends hip, flex and medially rotates knee

semitendinosus innervation

tibial division of sciatic nerve

semimembranosus origin

ischial tuberosity

semimembranosus insertion

posterior part of medial tibial condyle

semimembranosus action

extends hip, flexes and medially rotates knee

semimembranosus innervation

tibial division of sciatic nerve

biceps femoris origin

long head: ischial tuberosity

short head: distal linea aspera, lateral supracondylar line of femur

biceps femoris insertion

lateral side of head of fibula

biceps femoris innervation

sciatic nerve

long head: tibial division

short head: common fibular division

biceps femoris action

flexes knee, laterally rotates and extends hip

iliotibial band origin

iliac tuberosity

IT band insertion

lateral condyle of tibia

what is the IT band

thick band of organized fascia acting like a tendon