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107 Cards in this Set

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which of the following is a lymphatic nodule

tonsils , malt ,peyers patch ,

which are functions of the spleen

destruction and production of RBC , phagocytosis of some blood cells , edema formation , reservoir for RBC

which tonsils are located in the posterior nasal cavity


the thymus plays an important role in the development of


a B cell responds to the initial antigen challenge immediately by all of the following except

cell to cell combat which includes phagocytosis

select the correct statement about immune functions

all of the above ,

the composition of lymph is similar to that of

interstitial fluid

largest lymphatic vessel in the body

thoracic duct

which of these cells creates antibodies

plasma cells

t-lymphocytes become ? when exposed to tissue transplant from non relatives

killer t cells

functions of the immune or lymphatic system include

Involvement in the elimination of foreign bodies and prevents successful transplantation of organ from non related persons

in passive immunity

antibodies made by another person are injected into another patient

the type of resistance that develops as a result of developing a disease is

naturally acquired active immunity

two means of acquiring active immunity are vaccination and


antibodies combine with molecules which are called


cells responsible for immunity

Know their own body molecules Recognize Marco molecules from other organisms Launch immune attacks when stimulated by foreign Marco molecules

which of the following is though to be possible cause of autoimmune disease

surface protein of t-cells change

the gland organ which determines the ability to provide cellular immunity very early in like is the

thymus gland

...from the thymus is believed to give rise to sensitized lymphocyte and eventual cellular immunity

pre processing

the AIDS virus infects

t-helper cells

non specific denses include


helper t cells

are essential in both humoral and cell mediated immune function activation

when b-cells are activated they

multiply and produce plasma cells which release antibodies into circulation

active immunity is acquired by either infection with the live organisms or by


interferon is

A tissue extract which prevents viral RNA from changing normal cellular DNA activity

the term antigenic means

form specific antibodies

plasma cells are derived from

b cells

the primary function of the lymphatic system is

the production maintenance and distribution of lymphocytes

anatomically lymph vessels resemble

medium sized vein

lymph nodes do all of the following except

remove excess nutrients from lymph

lymphocytes are located in each of the following tissues or organs except


the bodys nonspecific defenses include all of the following except


the cells responcible for humoral immunity are the


suppressor t cells act to

lower response of t-cells and b-cells

b cells are primarily activated by the action of

helper t cells

the following steps in the cell mediated immune response

Antigen is engulfed and presented by a macrophage Undifferentiated t-cells with specific receptors recognize the antigen Several cycles of mitosis occur T-cells differentiate into cytotoxic t-cells and t-memory cellsCytotoxic t-cells migrate to focus if infectionCytotoxic t-cells release performing and lymphotoxin

in human , lungs are caused to inflate by events related to

contraction of muscles of diaphragm

the concentration of bicarbonate ions would be

greater in femoral vein than in femoral artery

in chronic or long term cigarette smokers

lung cancer cough copd

the c-shaped rings of cartilage of the trachea no only prevents the trachea from collapsing but also aids in the process of


which of the following represents the correct sequence of structures over which air passes in the respiratory tract

Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

if the atmospheric pressure is 745mm Hg and the air is 20% O2 what is the partial pressure of oxygen

149 mm Hg

the amount of oxygen released from oxyhemoglobin increases when

blood concentration of Co2 increases or acid increases

the vocal cords

Produce voice when air passes through larynx. High pitch is a tight stretch, low pitch is air forced slowly

the rate of respiration is increased when

there is a slight increase in carbon dioxide in the blood, lactic acid is released into the blood during vigorous exercise, there is less than 40 mm hg of oxygen in the arterial blood

when oxygen diffuses into the blood it

forms a weak chemical bond with hemoglobin

the factors which facilitate expiration in breathing are

relaxation of diaphragm and external intercostals , inhibition of inspiratory center in brain

foreign particles entering the respiratory system is

blocked by hair or mucus

all of the following statements relate to the breathing process which of them is not true

carbon dioxide , water,energy

about 2/3 of the CO2 produced by cells travel in the blood as

bicarbonate ions

if the blood samples were taken from the right atrium ,right ventricle and pulmonary artery, and analyzed for oxygen concentration

all would contain about the same oxygen concentration

after puberty girls tend to have higher pitched voices than boys because of

lack of testosterone

the partial pressure of oxygen is highest in the

nasal cavity or atmosphere

which of the following could best be termed cellular respiration

Utilization of oxygen by a liver cell with the release of energy

lung collapse occurs when air enters the pleural cavity because

Intra pleural pressure becomes equal to atmospheric pressure

If an individual has a vital capacity of 5750 cc an inspiratory reserve of 3220 cc and expiratory reserve of 1450 cc what is the tidal volume?

1080 cc

breathing rate is most likely to increase if the blood concentration of

carbon dioxide increases

Co2 easily diffuses into the plasma of the blood because

High coefficient of diffusion in respiratory membrane

The damaging effect of carbon monoxide is due to the fact that?

Combines strongly with hemoglobin

An acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchial tree caused by bacterial infection or irritants is known as?


When the diaphragm and chest elevating muscles contract?

The intrapulmonary pressure decreases

In which of the following structures might one expect inhaled air to have the highest carbon dioxide content?


The transfer of oxygen across cell membrane occurs?


The space between the lungs occupied by the trachea esophagus and the great vessels is called the ?


Boyles law stated that?

The pressure of a gas is inversely related to the volume

You cannot inhale when you attempt to swallow because?

the soft palate closes off air passage through the nasopharynx to the throat

The walls oaf the alveoli are composed of?

Simple squamous epithelium

The trachea

Is located in the mediastinum and is lined pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium

If an incision has to be made in the small intestine to remove an obstruction the first layer of tissue to be cut into is the?

Verciral peritoneum or serosa

Which oaf the following lists digestive organs in the order that food matter passes through them?

Pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine

Which organ fits the following description inferior to the diaphragm stomach and liver and parallel to the pancreas

Transverse colon

All segments of the gastrointestinal tract secrete


The function of the large intestine is to?

Absorbes water, electrolights, b-k, elements waste products


hormone secreted by small intestine to pancreas

The sympathetic nervous system generally digestive tract activity parasympathetic neurons usually?

Inhibits or stimulates

The pancreas contains two types of glands ninety-nine percent of its cells produce secretions. These pass into a duct that empties into the?

Pancreatic juice, duodenum

Which of the following takes place in the mouth

mechanical aminase and lypase

gastrin which is secreted by stomach cells functions to?

increase the sevitation of the gastrin glands

The stomach performs all of the following functions except?

Segmentation and deglutition

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Can kill most bacteria

A villus consist of?

single layer epithelial cells, a lacteal and capillary network

The sphincter of oddi

Guard the exit of pancreatic duct into the duodenum

In their passage through the human digestive tract proteins are first acted upon by enzymes In the?


An organ of the digestive system that assumes a role in the phagocytosis manufacturing plasma proteins detoxification and interconversion of nutrients is the?


Sympathetic innervation to the small intestine


The esophagus

Collapsed muscle tube

The greater omentum is

Covered by visceral peritoneum and attached to the greater curvature of the stomach

The middle portion of the small intestine is the


The pylorus is

Distal portion of the stomach

digestive enzymes act specifically on the?

chemical bond

during swallowing the major factor keeping food from entering the larynx and trachea is?

closure of the epiglottis

gastrin from the stomach functions to

contract faster more acid gets food out of stomach faster

the intestinal microvilli are

on top of villi projection of cell membrane that increase the cell surface area

Cholecystokinin has what effect in the human body?

Contraction of the stomach


Used to split up large fat globules into small globules

The ileum joins the colon at the


The lowest pH is found in

The stomach

which of the following is not a function of the HCI

Protects the gastric mucosa from auto-digestion

which of the following is not a characteristic of the colon

gets rid of waste material

Most of the water absorbed during digestion along with amino acids simple sugars and some fatty acids is absorbed in the?


Which of the following enzymes is not made in the pancreas

Sucrose, malterase , lactate

which of the following contains no digestive enzymes


secretion of which gastrointestinal hormone causes contraction of the gallbladder


Inflammation of the abdominal serosa is known as?


The major salivary glands

parotoid, submandibular , sublingual

Gastric protease is activated by?


Digestion of nucleic acid is stored in

Small intestine only produced by pancreas