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55 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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tissue types (4)
1) epithelial
2) connective
3) muscular
4) nervous
epithelial tissue functions (4)
1) covers
2) lines
3) coats
4) seperates
epithelial tissue cellularity
cells are packed together
epithelial tissue polarity
epithelial tissue has different basal and apical aspects
Basal (term)
Base or bottom (Latin basis)
- opposite of apical
Apical (term)
Peak or tip (Latin apex)
- opposite of basal
Avascular (term)
lacks blood vessels
epithelial tissue characteristics (4)
1) cellularity (packed cells)
2) polarity
3) avascular
4) regenerates rapidly
Specialized epithelial tissue (2)
1) microvilli
2) cilia
Microvilli (term)
"little shaggy hairs"
long thin cells that are used for absorption or secretion
usually in gut
Cilia (term)
whip like
propels material
usually in lungs
connective tissue function
connects and communicates
most abundant tissue in body
connective tissue types (6)
1) fat
2) ligaments
3) tendons
4) cartilage
5) bone
6) blood
connective tissue characteristics
1) few cells
2) connected by a lot of matrix
connective tissue matrix
ground substance and fibers
muscle tissue types (3)
1) smooth -> autonomic nervous system (ANS)
2) skeletal -> voluntary control of movement
3) cardiac -> just the heart
Nerve tissue types (3)
1) brain
2) spinal cord
3) peripheral nerves
Nerve tissue electrical types (2)
conductive -> neurons
non conductive -> everything else -> neurolgia
Neurolgia (term)
nervous system tissue
non conductive
nourishes insulates and protects neurons
Lesion (term)
any injury wound or infection that affects tissue over an area of a definite size as opposed to being widely spread out throughout the body
integumentary system
skin and attachments (nails hair glands)
Exocrine glands (term)
glands that secrete out (exo)
have a duct
(versus endocrine glands)
Endocrine glands (term)
glands that secrete inward (endo)
have no duct
skin layers (3)
1) epidermis
2) dermis
3) hypodermis
(picture page 102 of text)
skin function
regulates temperature
Keratinocytes (term)
cells in the epidermis layer of skin
most abundant
produce keratine for protection (protein)
live at base of epidermis and migrate/die towards surface
Melanocytes (term)
cells in epidermis that make melanin
give skin its color
protect from UV
Melanoma (term)
skin cancer
Dermis layers (2)
1) papillary - sensory layer
2) reticular - collagen fibers -> stretchy layer
Striae (term)
"stretch marks"
tearing of collagen fibers
== subcutaneous layer
base layer of skin
fat tissue
is keratine
subungual hematoma (disorder)
blood under the nail
glands in the skin (2)
1) sebaceous - oil and lubrication
2) sweat - thermal regulation
Acne (disorder)
clogged sebaceous gland that has become infected
Freckles (disorder)
often arise from UV exposure early in life
Moles (disorder)
often genetic and often appear in adolelecence
Eczema (disorder)
dry skin
often allergic
Psoriasis (disorder)
dry patches in skin
often chronic
often allergic
Urticaria (disorder)
skin plateaus
pruitic (itchy)
Pruitic (term)
allopecia (disorder)
hair lose
herpes simplex (disorder)
cold sore
fever blister
Impetigo (disorder)
bacterial staff infection
mostly kids
around mouth
golden brown lesion
tinea (term)
fungal infection
very common colonization of fungus
histology (term)
microscopic anatomy
CNS Functions (3)
1) sensory input
2) interpretation
3) motor output
Nervous System Areas (2)
1) CNS == Central Nervous System
2) PNS == Peripheral Nervous System
CNS Parts (2)
1) Brain
2) Spinal Column
PNS Parts
Spinal nerve and beyond cranial nerves
PNS Branches (2)
1) somatic
2) autonomic
PNS Somatic Characteristics
skeletal muscles
conscious on/off
PNS Autonomic Characteristics
has two divisions, one for each of the on and off switches
PNS Autonomic Branches (2)
1) sympathetic (the on switch)
2) parasympathetic (the off switch)