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51 Cards in this Set

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separates individual muscle fibers from one another


separates 10-100 muscles fibers into fascicles


bundles of 10-100 muscle fibers


outermost layer

surrounds numerous bundles of fascicles

skeletal muscle cells arise from _________ as _________

mesenchyme, myoblasts

do mature muscle cells divide?


how are muscles cells grown?


can you repair heavily damaged muscle cells?



fundamental functional unit of the myofibril

proteins that make up myofibril

contractile proteins, regulatory proteins, structural proteins

contractile proteins

generate force during contraction

regulatory proteins

switch the contraction process on and off

structural proteins

align the thick and thin filaments

provide elasticity and extensibility

link myofibrils to the sarcolemma


contractile protein

thick filament

motor protein

converts atp to motion

hexagonal symmetry of heads


contractile protein

thin filament

linear arrays of actin provide the track that myosin moves on


regulatory protein

covers myosin-binding sites, blocks myosin binding to actin


regulatory protein

with ca++, causes tropomyocin to uncover myosin binding sites so contraction can occur


structural protein

stabilizes myosin

provides elasticity and extensibility of myofibrils

extends from z disc to m line


structural protein

binds think filaments together, anchors titin at M line


structural protein

binds thin filaments together, anchors titin at z disc


structural protein

links thin protein to the sarcolemma


with ca++:

-myosin heads attach to thin filament and walk at both ends of the sacromere, pulling the thin filaments toward the center and shortening the muscle

atp energy

pumps ca2+ back into sarcoplasmic reticulum

cellular atp reserve has enough energy for

1-2 seconds of contraction (has to be regenerated)

excess atp is used to synthesize

creatine phosphate, a more stable energy source -- Provides ~15 seconds of contraction

when creatine is exhausted

switch to anaerobic fermentation

anaerobic fermentation

muscles obtain glucose from blood, stored glycogen

-without oxygen, glycolysis can generate a net gain of 2 atp from every glucose molecule, converting glucose to lactic acid

-provides enough atp for about 30-40 seconds maximum activity

aerobic metabolism

after 40 s of anaerobic, respiratory and cardiovascular systems can deliver oxygen fast enough to meet demands

-pyruvate converted to acetyl-CoA, enters citric acid cycle in mitochondria

-gives 38 molecules of atp/glucose molecule, wasting CO2 and water

-30 mins, energy equally from sugar and fatty acid

>30 mins, just fatty acid


replenishes atp and creatine phosphate stores

replaces oxygen reserves on myoglobin

oxygen to liver

oxygen to other cells

red muscle fibers

high myoglobin content

dark meat

more mitochondria

more blood capillaries

white muscle fibers

low myoglobin count

white meat

types of muscle fiber

slow oxidative

fast oxilative-glycolitic

fast glycolytic

slow oxidative fibers


least powerful

dark red

mostly aerobic metabolism

slow contractions

100-200 ms twitch

resistant to fatigue

sustained contractions for hours

posture (neck, back, legs)

fast oxidative-glycolitic fibers

intermediate size

lots of myoglobin and capillaries

dark red

mostly aerobic, some anaerobic

moderate resistance to fatigue

faster contraction

<100 ms twitch

walking and sprinting (legs)

fast glycolitic fibers


powerful contractions

low myoglobin

few blood capillaries

few mitochondria

mostly glycolysis (anaerobic)

fast contractions

fatigue quickly

intense anaerobic movement for short duration (shoulders, arms)

fiber distribution

most muscles are mixtures of all in varying proportions depending on action, training, and genetics

force of contraction

single fiber: controlled by impulse rate

entire muscle: controlled by impulse rate and number of triggered fibers

maximum tension is dependent on:

size of motor unit

rate of impulse arrival

amount of stretch before contraction

nutrient availability

twitch contraction

response to a single action potential

20-200 ms

latent period

delay between stimulus and contraction (2 ms)

contraction period

10-100 ms

ca++ binds to troponin

myosin binding sites are exposed on actin

crossbridges form

relaxation period

ca++ transported to sr

myosin binding sites covered by tropomyosin

myosin heads detach from actin

muscle tone

small amount of tension due to weak contractions of motor units

small groups of motor units are alternatively active and inactive to sustain muscle tone

keeps skeletal muscles firm

maintains posture

flaccid with loss of nerve input

isotonic contraction

constant tension while muscle changes length

for moving objects

concentric contraction

muscle shortens

eccentric contraction

muscle lengthens

isometric contraction

tension is not great enough to cause muscle to change its length

i.e. holding a book steady in outstretched arms

cramps are caused by

inadequate blood flow, low electrolytes, overuse, and dehydration


involuntary spasmodic contractions of normally voluntary muscles


brief twitch of an entire motor unit


spontaneous contraction of a single muscle fiber