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102 Cards in this Set

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218. Structure that separates pelvis from perineum
Pelvic diaphragm
219. Two major components of pelvic diaphragm
Levator ani and coccygeus
220. Two major components of levator ani
Pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus
221. Two muscles which close lateral pelvic wall
Obturator internus and piriformis
222. Means by which obturator internus exits pelvis
Lesser sciatic foramen
223. Means by which piriformis exits pelvis
Greater sciatic foramen
224. Innervation of detrusor
Pelvic splanchnics (S2-4)
225. Innervation of trigone
Sympathetics (Pregang. T11-L2; lesser, least, lumbar splanchnic nn.)
226. Innervation of sphincter urethrae
Pudendal n. (S 2,3,4)
227. Remnants of umbilical arteries
Medial umbilical ligaments
228. Provides major vasculature to pelvic organs
Internal iliac
229. Chief artery to rectal mucosa
Superior rectal
230. Chief artery to rectal muscular wall
Middle rectal
231. Most common type of pelvic inlet in females
232. Two remnants of gubernaculum in females
Ovarian and round ligament
233. Ligament that contains ovarian vessels
Suspensory ligament of ovary
234. Cavity into which ova immediately escape the ovary
235. Lymphatic drainage for ovary and testes
Lumbar nodes (para-aortic)
236. Normal position of uterus
Anterverted, anteflexed
237. Name given to orientation where uterus and vagina intersect
Anteversion at angle of 90 degrees
238. Name given to orientation of uterine body and cervix
Anteflexion intersect at angle of 10-15 degrees
239. Chief uterine support
240. Ligament that contains uterine vessels
Lateral cervical
241. Structure potentially injured with hysterectomy
242. Relation of ureter to uterine artery
Inferior and posterior
243. Structure that separates deep and superficial perineal spaces
Perineal membrane
244. Bony landmarks between anal and UG triangles
Ischial tuberosities
245. Structure forming lateral wall of ischioanal fossa
Fascia of obturator Internus
246. Structure that forms the pudendal canal
Fascia of obturator Internus
247. Structure that separates internal and external hemorrhoids
Pectinate line
248. Lymphatic drainage for area superior to pectinate line of anal canal
Internal iliac, inferior mesenteric nodes
249. Lymphatic drainage for area inferior to pectinate line of anal canal
Superficial inguinal nodes
250. Lymphatic drainage for glans penis
Deep inguinal nodes
251. Muscle which compresses the bulb of penis
252. Muscle which compresses the crus of penis
253. Nerves of erection
Pelvic splanchnic, nervi erigentes (S 2,3,4)
254. Muscles which meet at the perineal body
Superficial and deep perineal, bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter, pubococcygeus
255. Major structure of deep perineal space
Sphincter urethrae
256. Vertebral level of hyoid bone
257. Vertebral level of thyroid cartilage
258. Vertebral level of cricoid cartilage
259. Muscles that are innervated by CN XI
Trapezius, SCM
260. Structures that course between anterior and middle scalene
Brachial plexus, subclavian artery
261. Innervation of omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid Ansa cervicalis
(C1-3 ventral rami)
262. Innervation of digastric
Anterior belly = CN V, Posterior belly = CN VII
263. Innervation of carotid sinus and carotid body
264. Major structures to pass through pharyngeal wall superior to Auditory tube
levator veli palatine, superior constrictor
265. Nerves of pharyngeal plexus
CN IX (mucosa), CN X (musculature), Sympathetics (vasomotor)
266. Only muscle innervated by CN IX
267. Structures that pierce thyrohyoid membrane
Internal laryngeal nerve, superior laryngeal artery
268. Only muscle to abduct vocal cords
Posterior cricoarytenoid
269. Innervation of cricothyroid
External laryngeal nerve
270. Innervation of laryngeal muscles exclusive of cricothyroid
Recurrent laryngeal
271. Muscle that increases tension on vocal cords
272. Sensory nerve to larynx superior to vocal cords
Internal laryngeal
273. Sensory nerve to larynx inferior to vocal cords
Recurrent laryngeal
274. Site of aspirated lodged fishbone
Piriform recess
275. Afferent and efferent limbs of gag reflex
276. Afferent and efferent limbs of cough reflex
277. Nerve at risk when performing thyroidectomy
Lt & Rt recurrent laryngeal nerves
278. Nerve injury that causes hoarseness following thyroid surgery
Recurrent laryngeal
279. Chief structures that traverse internal acoustic meatus
280. Foramen where CN VII exits skull
Stylomastoid foramen
281. Major arterial supply to calvaria and supratentorial dura
Middle meningeal
282. Major cutaneous nerve of face
283. Major artery to internal structures of head
284. Spinal levels of sympathetic fibers to head
T1 – 2
285. Autonomic ganglia for CN III
286. Sensory ganglia for CN VII
287. Autonomic ganglia for CN VII
PPG and submandibular
288. Autonomic ganglia for CN IX
289. Muscle attached to disc of TMJ
Lateral pterygoid
290. Muscle that retracts mandible
291. Major nerve to TMJ (pain)
Auriculotemporal (V3)
292. Specific nerves that elicit secretion from the parotid gland
Tympanic branch of CN IX and lesser petrosal
293. Branch of CN V that carries parasympathetics to parotid
Auriculotemporal (V3)
294. Structure that opens into superior meatus of nasal cavity
Posterior ethmoid sinus
295. Structures that open into middle meatus of nasal cavity
Frontal, maxillary, anterior and middle ethmoid sinuses
296. Structure that opens into inferior meatus of nasal cavity
Nasolacrimal duct
297. Major artery to nasal cavity
298. Most common site of nose bleed
Kiesselbach’s plexus
299. Innervation of levator veli palatini
300. Muscle that opens auditory tube
Tensor veli palatini
301. Innervation of tensor veli palatini
302. Nerve that provides taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
Chorda tympani
303. Site of cell bodies for nerve that carries taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
Geniculate ganglion
304. Specific nerve that elicits secretion from submandibular gland
Chorda tympani
305. Branch of CN V that carries parasympathetic to submandibular
306. Nerve injured when tonsilar pillars sag and uvula deviates
307. Nerve potentially injured with tonsillectomy
308. Muscle that protrudes tongue
309. Nerve injured when deviation of protruded tongue
Ipsilateral CN XII
310. Specific nerve that stimulates tear production
Greater petrosal CN VII
311. Sensory nerve to cornea
CN V1 (nasociliary)
312. Muscle that elevates and abducts eye
Inferior oblique
313. Muscle that depresses and abducts eye
Superior oblique
314. Site of preganglionic nerve cells that elicits dilation of pupil
Lateral horn, T1 - 2
315. Site of postganglionic nerve cells that elicits dilation of pupil
Superior cervical ganglion
316. Site of preganglionic nerve cells that elicits constriction of pupil
317. Site of postganglionic nerve cells that elicits constriction of pupil
Ciliary ganglion
318. Innervation of external surface of tympanic membrane
Auriculotemporal(V3),CN X
319. Innervation of internal surface of tympanic membrane