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101 Cards in this Set

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pruning of the sperm glycocalyx; permits the sperm-oocyte interaction
Ectopic pregnancy
implantation occurs outside of the uterine cavity; can occur in the uterine tubes or in the pelvic cavity
Placenta previa
implantation occurs near the cervix; provides a high risk of bleeding
Placental abruption
placenta becomes detached
Placenta accreta
abnormal adherence of the chorionic villi to the myometrium
Placenta percreta
villi penetrate the full thickness of the myometrium
Hydatidiform moles
can give rise to choriocarcinomas or persistent trophoblastic disease
a cystic swelling of the uterus that forms when an embryo dies and the chorionic villi fail to vascularize; fertilization of empty oocyte (contains only paternal chromosomes); produces very high levels of hCG; diploid
derives from a poorly developed embryo; produces moderately high levels of hCG; triploid, with two sets of paternal chromosomes
Dizygotic (fraternal) twins
arises from multiple ovulations (high levels of FSH)
Monozygotic (identical) twins
arise from splitting of a single zygote
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)
secreted by syncytiotrophoblast
secreted by corpus luteum for five months, then by placenta; contraceptive “pill” and RU-486 are anti-progesterones
process where the epiblast gives rise to mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm
derived from both endoderm and mesoderm; forms the nucleus pulposus
caudal dysgenesis from inadequate mesoderm; lower limb defects
Sacrococcygeal teratoma
persistence of primitive streak, forms multi-tissue tumor
liver glycoprotein; leaks into amniotic fluid with neural tube or ventral wall defects
Spina bifida occulta
incomplete neural arch, patch of hair over defect
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN) or Erythroblastosis fetalis:
mother is Rh- and fetus is Rh+; mother produces antibody that results in hemolysis of fetal red cells. Giving mother Rh immunoglobulin prevents HDN.
Splanchnic mesoderm
forms the primitive hear tube; beats on day 22
Pleuropericardial membranes
form the pericardium and pleura (somatic parts)
Tetralogy of Fallot
a combination of four heart defects: 1. pulmonary stenosis, 2. right ventricular hypertrophy, 3. ventricular septal defect, 4. over-riding aorta
Undivided truncus arteriosus
neural crest defect where the bulbar regions fail to form
Patent ductus arteriosus
common defect; most common defect associated with Rubella virus (German measles), low (fetal) oxygen, and mother living in high altitudes during her pregnancy; frequency in females is 2 – 3 X that in males; often seen with other heart defects
Atrial septal defect
patent foramen ovale, common, can involve defect in septum primum or septum secundum
Ventricular septal defect

common; involves the membranous part of the interventricular septum

Transposition of the great vessels
most common cause of cyanosis in newborn
Coarctation of aorta
most commonly (90%) constriction is juxtaductal (opposite ductus arteriosus); more common in males (2X) and often associated with bicuspid aortic valve
Retroesophageal right subclavian artery
fairly common; forms vascular ring around trachea and esophagus, but usually no problem clinically; forms as variation involving right seventh intersegmental artery
Vitelline vein
left disappears, right forms portal system
Umbilical vein
right disappears, left drains placenta
Cardina veinl:
Subcardinal – drains kidneys
Sacrocardinal vein
common iliac
Supracardinal vein
drains body wall (azygos veins)
Ductus venosus
between left umbilical and right vitelline veins; forms ligamentum venosum
Early development of nervous system
notochord induces formation of neural plate which gives rise to neural crest and neural tube
persists as the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc
Neural tube
alar plate is dorsal (sensory); basal plate is ventral (motor)
Neural crest
gives rise to all ganglia, Schwann cells, meninges, melanocytes, cartilage, bone and blood vessels of the head
Spina bifida cystica
incomplete closure of the neural tube caudally (caudal neuropore on day 27); can be detected by alpha-fetoprotein and includes a sac containing CSF
sac includes meninges and CSF
includes nervous tissue
result when the anterior neuropore fails to close (day 25); forebrain is poorly developed
Arnold-Chiari malformation
cerebellum herniates through the foramen magnum; seen in conjunction with spina bifida cystica accompanied by hydrocephalus
most often due to stenosis of the cerebral aqueduct secondary to a fetal viral infection
Mental retardation
most commonly caused by maternal alcohol abuse
occurs when the intestines do not return to the abdominal cavity following normal herniation; the guts are covered by the amniotic sac
Umbilical hernia
guts protrude outside of the abdominal cavity but covered with skin and connective tissue
Congenital pyloric stenosis
characterized by projectile vomiting in a newborn
interruption of the gastrointestinal tract; at esophagus vomit contains uncurdled milk; at gastric region the vomit contains curdled milk; at the duodenum the vomit contains bile
Meckel’s diverticulum
outpocketing of distal ileum; portion of bowel that was continuous with the vitelline stalk and yolk sac. This portion of the ileum is the central portion for the preaxial and postaxial limbs of intestinal rotation (axis of rotation is superior mesenteric artery). Present on the antimesenteric wall (opposite the mesentery) about two feet from the ileocecal junction in an adult. Diverticulum may present as a cyst, ligament, fistula or simple outpocketing; it often contains gastric tissue or pancreatic tissue
Rule of 2’s:
May be involved in case studies on COMLEX: 2% of population, Discovered by age of 2 yrs, Located approx. 2 ft. from ileocecal junction, 2” in length, Contains 2 types of ectopic tissue (gastric or pancreatic)
Hirschsprung’s disease
occurs when the hindgut fails to be invaded by migrating neural crest cells, results in hypomobility, constipation and congenital megacolon.
Imperforate anus
the anal membrane does not regress
male Derivatives of the genital ducts
high level of testosterone stimulates development of the mesonephric duct; Mullerian inhibiting factor prevents development of paramesonephric ducts
female Derivatives of the genital ducts

low level of testosterone prevents development of mesonephric ducts and no Mullerian inhibiting factor permits development of the paramesonephric ducts

male derivatives of Mesonephric ducts:
epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct
female derivatives of Mesonephric ducts:
epoophoron, paroophoron, Gartner’s duct
male derivatives of Paramesonephric duct:
appendix of testes and prostatic utricle
female derivatives of Paramesonephric duct:
uterine tube, uterus and superior part of vagina
Horseshoe Kidney
occurs when the inferior poles of the kidneys contact each other before ascent; the kidneys fuse and ascent to the lumbar region is prevented by the inferior mesenteric artery
Bifid ureter
involves the ureteric bud
rare; seen with exstrophy of the bladder
common; opening on the ventral aspect of the penis; results from a failure of urethral folds to completely meet
Turner’s syndrome
45 XO; infantile female genitalia, ovarian streaks and webbed neck
Klinefelter’s syndrome
47 XXY; common (1/500); gynecomastia, infertile males
UG folds
floor of urethra labia minora
Genital swellings
scrotum labia majora
Genital tubercle
penis clitoris
UG sinus
urethra/prostate urethra/vagina
develop from epiblast and migrate along the yolk sac and mesentery to the lumbar region
fluid in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis from a patent processus vaginalis
Clefts (Grooves)
four pairs; ectoderm that forms only epithelium
The first cleft gives rise to the
external auditory meatus
The second through fourth clefts
typically regress; may form a cervical sinus
Pharyngeal Arches
There are five pharyngeal arches; mesoderm forms skeletal muscle; neural crest grows into each arch and forms all connective tissue (cartilage, bone and blood vessels)
pharyngeal Pouches
four pairs; endoderm that forms only epithelium
The first Pharyngeal pouch
gives rise to the auditory tube, mastoid antrum and tympanic cavity.
The second Pharyngeal pouch
forms the palatine tonsil.
The third Pharyngeal pouch
gives rise to the thymus and inferior parathyroid gland.
The fourth Pharyngeal pouch
gives rise to the superior parathyroid
This is a condition characterized by a shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and results in an elevation of the chin to the opposite side; can be caused by damage to the muscle, spinal accessory nerve or can be congenital.
Lateral cervical cysts (branchial fistula)
arises from the second through fourth pharyngeal clefts
Midline cysts
most often arise from a remnant of the thyroglossal duct (thyroglossal duct cysts)
Cleft Lip
Results from failure of the maxillary prominence to join the medial nasal prominences to form the
intermaxillary segment
(primary palate derives from intermaxillary segment)
Anterior cleft palate
anterior to incisive foramen; lateral palatine process fails to fuse with primary palate
Posterior cleft palate
occurs through the secondary palate where lateral palatine process does not fuse or meet nasal septum
Complete cleft
involves both the primary and secondary palate
Situs inversus
reversal of organs; can involve all organs or just single organs (heart – dextrocardia)
develops from the septum transversum, pleuroperitoneal membranes, paraxial mesoderm and dorsal mesentery of the esophagus
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
results from a failure of the pleuroperitoneal fold to close the pericardioperitoneal canal; most common on the left side
Stem villi
form from trophoblast and somatic layer of extraembryonic mesoderm
Intervillous space
contains maternal blood
umbilical arteries Changes at Birth
paired medial umbilical ligaments
umbilical vein Changes at Birth
round ligament of liver
urachus Changes at Birth
median umbilical ligament
foramen ovale Changes at Birth
fossa ovalis
ductus arteriosus Changes at Birth
ligamentum arteriosum
ductus venosus Changes at Birth
ligamentum venosum