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103 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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1. Exaggerated over-curvature of thoracic area of vertebral column
2. Lateral deviation of vertebral column
3. Major feature of cervical vertebrae
Transverse foramina
4. Structure which regionally determines vertebral movement
Facet joints
5. Vertebra located at level of iliac crest
6. Ligament that connects internal surface of laminae of vertebrae
Ligamentum flavum
7. Ligament that checks hyperextension of vertebral column
Anterior longitudinal
8. Ligament affected by whiplash injury
Anterior longitudinal
9. Ligament which limits skull rotation
10. Defective portion of vertebra with spondylolisthesis in cervical area
11. Defective portion of vertebra with spondylolisthesis in lumbar area
Pars interarticularis, Lamina
12. Common direction of all superior articular facets of vertebrae
13. Structure in contact with posterior surface of dens
Transverse ligament of atlas (part of cruciate)
14. Most commonly herniated intervertebral disc
15. Most common nerve compressed with herniated intervertebral disc
16. Spinal nerve affected by protrusion of the disc between
C5/6 C6
17. Spinal nerve affected with herniated disc at L3/L4
18. Thoracic intercostal space located deep to triangle of auscultation
19. Vertebral level of lumbar puncture
20. Muscles which extend and side-bend the spine
Erector spinae
21. Muscles which extend, ROTATE, and side-bend the spine
22. Innervation of suboccipital muscles
Suboccipital nerve (Dorsal ramus C1)
23. Roof of suboccipital triangle
Semispinalis capitis
24. Floor of suboccipital triangle
Posterior arch of atlas; posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
25. Major vessel within suboccipital triangle
Vertebral artery
26. Synonym for dorsal ramus of C2
Greater occipital nerve
27. Inferior extent of dura-arachnoid sac
28. Inferior extent of spinal cord
29. Location of internal vertebral plexus
Epidural space
30. Most frequently fractured bone of body
31. Most frequently dislocated carpal bone
32. Most frequently fractured carpal bone
33. Osseous structure palpated deep to “anatomical snuff box”
34. Fracture of distal radius that produces “dinner fork” appearance
Colles’ fracture
35. Nerve injured with fracture of surgical neck of humerus
36. Nerve injured with fracture of shaft of humerus
37. Nerve injured that results in wrist drop
38. Nerve injured with fracture of medial humeral epicondyle
39. Muscle that is the chief flexor and chief extensor at shoulder joint
40. Muscles innervated by axillary nerve
Deltoid and teres minor
41. Muscle that initiates abduction of arm
42. Most commonly torn tendon of rotator cuff
43. Two muscles that rotate scapula for full abduction of arm
Trapezius and serratus anterior
44. Tendon that courses through shoulder joint
Long head of biceps
45. Chief supinator muscle of hand
Biceps brachii
46. Primary (major) flexor of the forearm
47. Orientation of structures located in the cubital fossa-Lateral to Medial Tendon
biceps brachii, brachial a.,median n.
48. Injury to what nerve causes winged scapula
Long thoracic nerve
49. Spinal levels of axillary nerve
C5 and C6
50. Spinal levels of innervation to muscles of the hand
C8 and T1
51. Dermatome of thumb
52. Nerve to thenar compartment
Recurrent branch of Median
53. Innervation of adductor pollicis
Ulnar (deep br.)
54. Innervation to all interosseous muscles
Ulnar (deep br.)
55. Innervation to nail bed of middle finger
Median nerve
56. Innervation to nail bed of ring finger
Ulnar and median
57. Region affected by upper trunk injury of brachial plexus (C5-C6)
58. Region affected by lower trunk injury of brachial plexus (C8-T1)
Intrinsic hand muscles
59. Nerve compressed with carpal tunnel syndrome
60. Nerve affected by cubital tunnel syndrome
61. Paralysis of which muscles results in total “claw” hand
62. Boundaries of femoral triangle
Inguinal ligament, Sartorius adductor longus
63. Structure immediately lateral to femoral sheath
Femoral nerve
64. Structure immediately medial to femoral artery in femoral sheath
Femoral vein
65. Contents of femoral canal
Deep inguinal lymph nodes
66. Medial boundary of femoral ring
Lacunar ligament
67. Structures that course throughout entire length of adductor canal
Femoral artery and vein
68. Structures that course through only portion of adductor canal
Saphenous nerve, nerve to vastus medialis, descending genicular vessels
69. Muscle that forms floor of popliteal fossa
70. Muscle that is chief flexor at hip joint
71. Muscle that prevents pelvis from tilting when walking
Gluteus medius
72. Nerve affected when pelvis tilts to unsupported side during gait
Superior gluteal n.
73. Muscles which extend the thigh and flex the leg
74. Muscle that extends leg
Quadriceps femoris
75. Specific muscle that holds patella in place
Vastus medialis
76. First portion of quadriceps femoris to atrophy with injury
Vastus medialis to femoral nerve
77. Last portion of quadriceps femoris to recover following injury
Vastus medialis
78. Muscle that unlocks knee joint
79. Muscle affected with “foot slap”
Tibialis anterior
80. Major spinal cord level of nerve affected causing foot slap
81. Chief invertors of foot
Tibialis anterior and posterior
82. Chief evertors of foot
Fibularis longus and brevis
83. Ligament that checks backward displacement of femur on tibia
Anterior cruciate
84. Ligament laxity with positive valgus maneuver
Medial collateral
85. Most commonly injured ankle ligament
Anterior talofibular
86. Ligament stretched with “flat foot”
Plantar calcaneonavicular (spring)
87. Joints for movements of inversion and eversion
Subtalar and transverse Tarsal
88. Major artery to head of femur in adult
Medial femoral circumflex
89. Nerve affected with fracture of head and neck of fibula
Common fibular
90. Tendon affected with avulsion fracture of 5th metatarsal
Fibularis brevis
91. Innervation of adductor magnus
Obturator, tibial portion of Sciatic
92. Nerve affected with tarsal tunnel syndrome
93. Cutaneous innervation to medial side of foot
Saphenous (L4)
94. Cutaneous innervation to lateral side of foot
Sural (S1)
95. Cutaneous innervation of heel
96. Cutaneous innervation to dorsal aspect of web between toes 1 and 2
Deep fibular
97. Cutaneous innervation of most of dorsum of foot
Superficial fibular
98. Major dermatome to big toe
99. Dermatome to small toe
100. Spinal level of patellar reflex
101. Spinal level of Achilles reflex
102. Locking of knee when walking suggests
Meniscus injury
103. Major injury triad with lateral impact to knee
Medial collateral, medial meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament