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18 Cards in this Set

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Fibrous Joints
adjacent bones bound by collagen fibers extending from the matrix of one into the matrix of the other
immovable fibrous joints between cranial and facial bones (fibrous)
Serrate Suture
bones joined by a wavy line formed by interlocking teeth along the margins (fibrous)
(coronal, sagittal, and lamboid)
Lap Suture
bones beveled to overlap each other; superficial appearance is a smooth line (fibrous)
(squamos suture around temporal bone)
Plane suture
bones butted against each other without overlapping or interlocking (fibrous)
(palatine suture)
insertion of a tooth into a socket held in place by collagen fibers of peridontal ligament (fibrous)
slightly movable joint held together by ligaments or interosseous membranes (fibrous)
(tibiofibular and radioulnar joint)
Cartilaginous Joints
adjacent bones held together by cartilage
bones held together by hyaline cartilage (cartilaginous)
(articulation of ribs with sternum, and epiphyseal plate uniting the epiphysis and diaphysis of a long bone of a child)
slighlty movable joint held together by fibrocartilage (cartilaginous)
(intervertebral joints and pubic symphysis)
former fibrous or cartilaginous joints in which adjacent bones have become fused by ossification
(midsagittal line of frontal bone, fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis of an adult long bone, and fusion of ilium, ischium, and pubis to form os coxae
Synovial Joints
adjacent bones covered with hyaline cartilage, separated by lubricating synovial fluid, and enclosed in a fibrous joint capsule
multiaxial diarthrosis in which a smooth hemispherical head of one bone fits into a cuplike depression of another (synovial)
(shoulder and hip joints)
monaxial diarthrosis; able to flex and extend in only one plane (synovial)
(elbow, knee, and interphalangeal joints)
joint in which each bone surface is saddle-shaped (concave on one axis and convex on the perpendicular axis); unique to the thumb (trapeziometacarpal joint) where it allows opposition (touching of thumb to fingertips (synovial)
joint in which a projection of one bone fits into a ringlike ligament of antoher, allowing one bone to rotate on its longitudinal axis (synovial)
(atlantoaxial and proximal radioulnar joints)
synovial amphiarthrosis with slightly concave or convex bone surfaces that slide across each other (synovial)
(intercarpal, intertarsal, and sternoclavicular joints; joints between the articular processes of the vertebrae)
biaxial diarthrosis in which an oval convex surface of one bone articulates with an elliptical depression of another (synovial)
(radiocarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints)