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680 Cards in this Set

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Each of the following structures is found in the infratemporal fossae except one. Which one is this exception?
- Lingual nerve
- Medial pterygoid muscle
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Pterygopalatine ganglion
- Pterygoid venous plexus
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Each of the following cranial nerves is associated with the cavernous sinus except one. Which one is this exception?
- Facial
- Abducens
- Trochlear
- Trigeminal
- Oculomotor
Each of the following muscles usually appears in the floor of the posterior triangle except one. Which one is this exception?
- Sternyohyoid
- Medius scalene
- Splenius capitis
- Levator scapulae
- Anterior belly of omohyoid
Mucosa of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue develops primarily from:
- Rathke's pouch
- tuberculum impar
- foregut endoderm
- hypobranchial eminence
- lateral lingual swellings
lateral lingual swellings
Which of the following muscles participates in flexion at the gleno-humeral and the humero-ulnar joints?
- Deltoid
- Bracialis
- Biceps brachii
- Triceps brachii
- Coracobrachialis
Biceps brachii
During fetal development, blood is shunted from the pulmonary artery to the aortic arch by means of:
- foramen ovale
- sinus venosus
- ductus venosus
- ductus arteriosis
- foramen secundum
ductus arteriorus
Blood from the cephalic vein drains into which of the following veins?
- Basilic
- Brachiocephalic
- Axillary
- Internal thoracic
- Superior vena cava
The junction between the tooth surface and the crevicular epithelium is composed of which of the following?
- Cementoid
- Tight junction
- Intermediate filaments
- Basal lamina like structure
- Interstitial crevicular fluid
Basal lamina like structure
Which of the following shows a relative increase as the denral pulp ages?
- Number of fibroblasts
- Number of odontoblasts
- Number of blood vessels
- Size of the pulp chamber
- Amount of fibrous connective tissue
Amount of fibrous connective tissue
The major sensory nerve to the parietal pericardium branches from which of the following nerves?
- Vagus
- Musculophrenic
- Intercostal
- Phrenic
- Internal thoracic
Which of the following muscles is most concerned in quiet respiration?
- Rhomboid
- Diaphragm
- Subclavius
- Sacrospinalis
- Pectoralis major
Which of the following groups of organs is retroperitoneal?
- Pancreas, transverse colon, and descending colon
- Pancreas, stomach, and ovary
- Kidney, transverse colon, and ovary
- Ureter, gallbladder, and transverse colon
- Kidney, adrenal, and rectum
Kidney, adrenal, and rectum
Each of the following derives from a pharyngeal pouch except one. Which one is this exception?
- Thymus
- Parathyroid
- Parotid gland
- Auditory tube
- Palatine tonsil
Parotid gland
The buccal mucosa typically has which of the following epithelia?
- Simple columnar
- Pseudostratified columnar
- Nonkeratinized, stratified squamous
- Parakeratinized, stratified squamous
- Orthokeratinized, stratified squamous
Nonkeratinized, stratified squamous
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers that synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion travel in which of the following nerves?
- Maxillary
- Lesser palatine
- Lesser petrosal
- Greater palatine
- Greater petrosal
Greater petrosal
Cell bodies of neurons mediating proprioception from the periodontal ligament of the maxillary first molar lie in the:
- semilunar ganglion
- motor nucleus of V
- spinal nucleus of V
- chief sensory nucleus of V
- mesencephalic nucleus of V
mesencephalic nucleus of V
Which of the following can be used to distinguish the palatine tonsil from the pharyngeal tonsil on the histologic level?
- General shape of the tonsil
- Number of lymphatic nodules
- Type of epithelium associated with it
- Type of lymphocytes present
- Presence or absence of Hassall's corpuscles
Type of epithelium associated with it
Which of the following parts of the hypophysis is the site of oxytocin release?
- Pars nervosa
- Infundibulum
- Pars distalis
- Pars tuberalis
- Pars intermedia
Pars nervosa
Following eruption and initial occlusal contact in the oral cavity, a tooh will continue to erupt in order to compensate for occlusal wear. In response to this continuous eruption, which of the following is deposited at the apex of the root?
- Primary dentin
- Secondary dentin
- Reparative dentin
- Cellular cementum
- Acellular cementum
Cellular cementum
Which of the following types of dentin is the most highly mineralized?
- Carious
- Predentin
- Intertubular
- Interglobular
- Intra(peri)tubular
Which of the following predominates in steroid producing cells?
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Golgi apparatus
- Phagosomes
- Nucleolus
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
In the oral region, the lingual artery usually is found between the:
- lingual and hypoglossal nerves
- mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles
- hyoglossus and genioglossus muscles
- sublingual duct and hypoglossal nerve
- oral mucous membrane and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle
hyoglossus and genioglossus muscles
If the point of a needle enters the parotid gland during an inferior alveolar injection and solution is deposited in the gland, the most likely result is:
- paralysis of the buccinator muscle
- paralysis of the temporalis muscle
- paresthesia of the lingual nerve
- paralysis of temporal tympani
- a hematoma of the pterygoid venous plexus
paralysis of the bucicnator muscle
Which of the following is the cellular organelle that contains many types of hydrolytic enzymes?
- Lysosome
- Centrosome
- Mitochondrion
- Golgi apparatus
- Endoplasmic reticulum
Which of the following is the lobe of the cerebral hemisphere that lies in the middle cranial fossa?
- Frontal
- Temporal
- Occipital
- Parietal
Which of the following epithelial types is normally associated with the internal lining of the majority of the tubular gastrointestinal tract?
- Simple columnar
- Simple cuboidal
- Simple squamous
- Stratified cuboidal
- Stratified squamous
Simple columnar
Which of the following oral tissues contains the least collagen?
- Bone
- Dentin
- Mucosa
- Enamel
- Cementum
Each of the following statements describes a contributor to the initiation of mineralization of bone except one. Which one is this exception?
- Holes or pores in collagen fibers
- Release of matrix vesicles by osteoblasts
- Release of acid phosphatase by osteocytes trapped in lacunae
- Alkaline phosphatase activity in osteoblasts and matrix vesicles
- Degradation of matrix pyrophosphatase to release an inorganic phosphatase group
Release of acid phosphatase by osteocytes trapped in lacunae
The nasopalatine nerve reaches mucosa in the oral cavity via which of the following foramina?
- Incisive
- Infraorbital
- Lesser palatine
- Greater palatine
- Pterygopalatine
Osteoblasts secrete the organic components of the dentin matrix. The fibrous matrix is mostly:
- keratin
- reticular fibers
- Type I collagen
- Type II collagen
- reabsorbed as the dentin matures
Type I collagen
Which of the following exhibits phagocytic activity in the central nervous system?
- Ependymal cell
- Microglial cell
- Oligodendrocyte
- Fibrous astrocyte
- Protoplasmic astrocyte
Microglial cell
Which of the following ligaments is most often damaged in an inferior alveolar nerve block?
- Lateral
- Capsular
- Stylohyoid
- Stylomandibular
- Sphenomandibular
Each of the following structures increases the surface area of the small intestine except one. Which is the exception?
- Villi
- Rugae
- Microvilli
- Brush border
- Circular folds
Submucosal glands are usually located in the:
- fundus of stomach
- duodenum
- appendix
- jejunum
- colon
Which of the following represents the primary function of cementum?
- Attach Sharpey's fibers
- Protect the root from caries
- Repair traumatic injuries of the root
- Supply nutrition to the periodontal ligament
- Maintain the width of the periodontal ligament
Attach Sharpey's fibers
Which of the following nerves pierces the thyrohyoid membrane?
- Inferior laryngeal
- Recurrent laryngeal
- External branch of the superior laryngeal
- Internal branch of the superior laryngeal
- Pharyngeal branch of the vagus
Internal branch of the superior laryngeal
Atretic follicles are characteristic of which of the following?
- Integument of scalp
- Thyroid
- Pituitary
- Lymph gland
- Ovary
Most plasma cells that form in the cervical lymph nodes will be found in which of the following areas?
- Paracortex
- Lymph nodules
- Medullary cords
- Germinal centers
- Trabecular sinuses
Medullary cords
Swelling at the angle of the mandible and the lateral nech most likely results from deflection of exudates by which of the following structures?
- Sublingual gland
- Mylohyoid muscle
- Hyoglossus muscle
- Buccopharyngeal fascia
- Pterygomandibular raphe
Mylohyoid muscle
If tooth #32 is infected, then the infection will typically spread to each of the following fascial spaces except one. Which one is this exception?
- Parotid
- Temporal
- Masseteric
- Buccopharyngeal
Lymphatic fluid from the area of an infected tooth #32 will drain initially to which of the following nodes?
- Buccal
- Submental
- Deep cervical
- Submandibular
- Superficial cervical
Deep cervical
Laceration of a person's lips resulting in bleeding is from which of the following arteries?
- Nasopalatine
- Nasal branches of the facial
- Labial branches of the facial
- Buccal branch of the maxillary
- Incisive branches of the infraorbital
Labial branches of the facial
If there is a fracture of the maxillary bone adjacent to traumatized central incisors, then nociception terminated centrally within which of the following?
- Trigeminal ganglion
- Spinal tract of V
- Spinal subnucleus oralis of V
- Spinal subnucleus caudalis of V
- Main (chief) sensory nucleus of V
Spinal subnucleus caudalis of V
Which of the following cells found in the pancreas is responsible for secreting insulin?
- Alpha
- Beta
- Delta
- Acinar
- Centroacinar
A patient falls, strikes his chin and lacerates his tongue.The patient's tongue laceration will likely damage taste buds found on:
- filiform papilla
- fungiform papilla
- circumvallate papilla
- ventrum of the tongue
fungiform papilla
Pain impulses from the mandible are carried by which of the following nerves?
- Lingual
- Inferior alveolar
- Auriculotemporal
- Zygomaticotemporal
- Nerve to lateral pterygoid
Each of the following events will occur during bone fracture repair except one. Which one is this exception?
- Blood clot forms
- Bridging callus forms
- Periosteal callus forms
- New endochondral bone forms
- New osteons grow across the callus
New osteons grow across the callus
Monosynaptic jaw closing reflexes might be disrupted in which of the following areas?
- Locus coenurus
- Globus pallidus
- Motor nucleus of V
- Mesencephalic nucleus of V
- Motor nucleus of VII
Motor nucleus of V
Which of the following areas is most likely for the condyle of the mandible to be displaced to?
- Oral cavity
- Maxillary sinus
- Temporal fossa
- Middle ear cavity
- Infratemporal fossa
Infratemporal fossa
Which of the following structures is most likely affected by a fracture running through the petrotympanic fissure?
- Chorda tympani
- Auriculotemporal nerve
- Mandibular branch of V
- Middle meningeal artery
- Accessory meningeal artery
Chorda tympani
Damage to the cribiform plate typically results in which of the following conditions?
- Tunnel vision
- Loss of sense of taste
- Loss of sense of smell
- Damage to optic chiasm
- Damage to speech areas
Loss of sense of smell
Examination of a skull shows a torn piece of muscle attached on the medial side near the angle of the mandible. This is which of the following muscles?
- Buccal
- Masseter
- Temporalis
- Medial pterygoid
- Inferior head of the pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
One piece of examinated soft tissue from a skull contains obvious glandular tissue. Histological examination reveals that it is composed of purely serous acini. This is most likely which of the following glands?
- Buccal
- Parotid
- Sublingual
- Submandibular
- Posterior palatal
The posterior bell of the digastric is supplied by which of the following nerves?
- Vagus
- Facial
- Trigeminal
- Cervical spinal
- Inferior alveolar
Which of the following properties do mast cells and basophils have in common?
- Found in blood
- Develop from lymphocytes
- Secrete heparin and histamine
- Decrease during time of infection
- Migrate to line the inside of blood vessels
Secrete heparin and histamine
The parotid ducts crosses the:
- temporalis
- facial artery
- masseter muscle
- zygomaticus major
- lateral pterygoid
masseter muscle
Inorganic crystals in enamel have their long axes parallel to the rods in which of the following?
- Centers of the bodies of the rods only
- Periphery of the bodies of the rods only
- Bodies of the rods and deviating increasingly in the tails
- Tails of the rods and deviating increasingly from the centers of the bodies to the periphery
- Tails of the rods and deviating increasingly from the periphery of the bodies to the centers
Bodies of the rods and deviating increasingly in the tails
Each of the following venous channels has direct connections with the pterygoid venous plexus except one. Which one is this exception?
- Maxillary vein
- Vertebral vein
- Deep facial vein
- Infraorbital vein
- Posterior superior alveolar vein
Vertebral vein
In the upper limb, which of the following represents a hallmark of lymphatic vessels?
- Contain valves
- Follow the veins
- Always travel in pairs
- Only found on the anterior surface of the limb
- Contain fenestrations to allow passage of fluids into the interstitium
Follow the veins
Which of the following cranial nerves contains parasympathetic components?
- Facial
- Abducens
- Trigeminal
- Hypoglossal
- Spinal accessory
The thyrocervical trunk is comprised of the inferior thyroid, the transverse cervical artery, and the:
- vertebral
- suprascapular
- dorsal scapular
- superior thyroid
- ascending pharyngeal
Which of the following bones forms the roof of the orbit?
- Zygomatic
- Maxilla
- Palatine
- Sphenoid
- Frontal
Which of the following describes sebaceous glands of the skin?
- They are associated with hair follicles and are derived from ectoderm
- They serve a secretory function in conjunction with Pacinian corpuscles
- They secrete a serous material by the merocrine method
- They yield a salty secretion and are derived from mesoderm
They are associated with hair follicles and are derived from ectoderm
Endochondral ossification occurs in the formation of:
- all bones
- flat bones
- long bones
- elastic cartilage
- mesenchymal sheets
long bones
Which of the following represents the anterior boundary of the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone?
- Styloid process
- Articular eminence
- Petrotympanic fissure
- External auditory meatus
- Mastoid process of temporal bone
Articular eminence
The osteoclast originates from which of the following?
- Monocyte
- Osteocyte
- Osteoblast
- Neutrophil
- Bone lining cell
The mylohyoid ridge (line) is found on which of the following portions of the mandible?
- Coronoid
- Neck
- Ramus
- Condyle
- Body
Proteins for extracellular use can be synthesized in which of the following structures?
- Nucleolemma
- Mitochondria
- Heterochromatin
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Which of the following produces surfactant?
- Monocytes
- Clara cells
- Goblet cells
- Type I pneumocytes
- Type II pneumocytes
Type II pneumocytes
The primary function of the anterior portion of the temporalis muscle is to:
- elevate the mandible only
- protrude the mandible only
- elevate and retrude the mandible
- help stabilize the articular disc
- move the mandible to the contralateral side
elevate the mandible only
In which of the following structures are glycoproteins assembled for extracellular use?
- Nucleolemma
- Polyribosomes
- Golgi apparatus
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
Which of the following structures can be palpated by way of the external auditory (acoustic) meatus?
- Zygomatic arch
- Mandibular notch
- Lateral pterygoid muscle
- Coronoid process of the mandible
- Posterior aspect of the mandibular condyle
Posterior aspect of the mandibular condyle
Which of the following nerves travels from the carotid triangle into the submandibular triangle of the neck?
- Lingual
- Hypoglossal
- Great auricular
- Ansa cervicalis
- Recurrent laryngeal
Each of the following structures is found in the posterior mediastinum except one. Which one is this exception?
- Vagus nerve
- Phrenic nerve
- Thoracic duct
- Greater splanchnic nerve
- Sympathetic chain ganglia
Phrenic nerve
Intelligance and sensory-motor functions of a patient appear to be intact. However, the patient lacks self-discipline and has exhibited anti-social behavior. He is unable to plan for the future or to organize behaviors into logical sequences. A lesion in which of the following areas is likely?
- Frontal lobe
- Occipital lobe
- Internal capsule
- Temporal lobe
- Parietal lobe
Frontal lobe
Which of the following structures travels just posterior to the arch of the azygos vein?
- Hemiazygos vein
- Right vagus nerve
- Left vagus nerve
- Right lymphatic duct
- Greater splanchnic nerve
Right vagus nerve
An infection spreading by way of the lymphatic system from the veriform appendix first enters the blood stream at the:
- renal vein
- appendicular vein
- inferior vena cava
- brachiocephalic vein
- internal thoracic vein
brachiocephalic vein
An abnormal increase in blood pressure in a healthy person will result in an increased number of impulses traveling to the heart over which of the following nerves?
- Vagus nerves
- Sympathetic nerves
- Branches of thoracic nerves
- Branches of the trigeminal nerve
- Branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve
Vagus nerves
Which of the following represents the basis for the topical application of fluorides in dental caries prevention?
- Fluoride penetrates the enamel through lamellae
- Keratin content of the enamel is made more insoluble
- Fluoride coats the tooth forming a uniform protective barrier
- The primary cuticle, being less calcified, absorbs the fluoride
- Acid solubility of the surface enamel is reduced by the fluoride
Acid solubility of the surface enamel is reduced by the fluoride
There is a distinct change in the type of surface epithelium at the junction of the:
- ileum and colon
- fundus and pylorus
- duodenum and jejunum
- stomach and esophagus
- oropharynx and esophagus
stomach and esophagus
Which of the following structures directly develops from the cells remaining in the remnants of the preovulatory follicle after ovulation?
- Theca interna
- Corpus luteum
- Corpus albicans
- Atretic follicle
- Interstitial gland
Corpus luteum
In which of the following are tonofibrils and desmosomes especially well-developed?
- Neurons
- Fibroblasts
- Ameloblasts
- Odontoblasts
- Keratinocytes
The dentin of the crown of a tooth and that of the root differ in which of the following ways?
- Root dentin contains lacunae
- Root dentin is more highly calcified
- Root dentin contains more tubules per given area
- Granular layer of Tomes is found primarily in the crown
- Primary curvatures of the tubules decrease in root dentin
Primary curvatures of the tubules decrease in root dentin
During the life span of a multirooted tooth, dentin continues to form most rapidly at which of the following locations?
- Within the root canals
- At the dentinoenamel junction
- Floor and roof of the pulp chamber
- Mesial and distal walls of the pulp chamber
- Facial and lingual walls of the pulp chamber
Floor and roof of the pulp chamber
The articular disc of the temporomandibular joint consists of:
- hyaline cartilage
- loose fibrous connective tissue
- an outer synovial layer and an inner fibrous layer
- dense fibrous connective tissue
- an outer layer of mesothelium and an inner core of hyaline cartilage
dense fibrous connective tissue
Ameloblasts will form enamel if which of the following cells are present?
- Stellate reticulum
- Stratum intermedium
- Langerhans and Merkel
- Outer enamel epithelium
- Reduced enamel epithelium
Stratum intermedium
The oldest enamel in a fully erupted first molar is located at the:
- cervix of the tooth
- oral surface of a cusp
- mesial and distal surfaces of the tooth
- dentinoenamel junction underlying a cusp
- dentinoenamel junction underlying a fissure
dentinoenamel junction underlying a cusp
The muscles of facial expression are derived from which of the following?
- Frontonasal process
- First arch
- Second arch
- Third arch
- Fifth arch
Second arch
Which of the following represents the primitive oral cavity?
- Glottis
- Foregut
- Stomodeum
- Sulcus limitans
- Buccopharyngeal membrane
Examination of a patient reveals diminished salivation due to middle ear involvement. Which of the following nerves is most likely involved?
- Facial
- Lesser petrosal
- Greater petrosal
- Auriculotemporal
- Chorda tympani
Lesser petrosal
If a patient has a sensation of "clogged ears" due to pressure on the auditory tubes, then which of the following nerves is providing this sensory innervation?
- Glossopharyngeal
- Lesser occipital
- Vestibulocochlear
- Zygomatic temporal
- Posterior deep temporal
As supragingival plaque continues to form and move apically, it will first disrupt which of the following tissues?
- Principal fiber groups of the PDL
- Sharpey's fibers of the cementum
- Attachment of gingival epithelium
- Attachment of sulcular epithelium
- Attachment of junctional epithelium
Attachment of junctional epithelium
Which of the following best describes the new alveolar bone that is deposited during orthodontic treatment?
- Woven
- Compact
- Cementum
- Endochondral
- Intramembranous
Which of the following best describes the results of continued abrasion of dentures on the underlying alveolar mucosa?
- Lining mucosa becoming gingival mucosa
- Lining mucosa becoming masticatory mucosa
- Gingival mucosa becoming orthkeratinized
- Masticatory mucosa becoming parakeratinized
- Orthokeratinized mucosa becoming parakeratinized
Gingival mucosa becoming orthokeratinized
A patient's mandibular denture is determined to be pressing too far inferiorly, so that contraction of the muscular floor renders the denture unusable. Which of the following muscles is responsible for this circumstance?
- Mentalis
- Mylohyoid
- Geniohyoid
- Genioglossus
- Medial pterygoid
Which of the following nerve fibers is primarily responsible for sharp pain in Tooth #30?
- A alpha
- A beta
- A delta
- B
- C
A delta
Which of the following does a human normally possess before birth but not after?
- Fossa ovalis
- Hepatic vein
- Ligamentum teres
- Ductus arteriosus
- Crista terminalis
Ductus arteriosus
The core of a microvillus consists of which of the following?
- 9 + 2 arrangment of microtubules
- 9 triplets of microtubules
- intermediate filaments
- Vimentin filaments
- Microfilaments
Which of the following organelles is the site of protein synthesis?
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Membrane bound vesicles
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Mitochondrion
- Golgi complex
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
In adults, the thyroid gland's point of origin is seen as the:
- copula
- tuberculum impar
- sulcus terminalis
- palatine tonsil
- foramen cecum
foramen cecum
Which of the following triangles is formed by the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle?
- Superclavicular
- Submandibular
- Digastric
- Muscular
- Carotid
Sensations from the left face and teeth are interpreted in which of the following lobes?
- Left frontal
- Right frontal
- Left parietal
- Right parietal
- Right temporal
Right parietal
Submucosal glands are usually located in the:
- colon
- jejunum
- appendix
- duodenum
- fundus of the stomach
The sensory innervation to the posterior third of the tongue reflects the embryonic origin of its covering epithelium from the:
- occipital somites
- first pharyngeal (branchial) arch
- second pharyngeal (branchial) arch
- third pharyngeal (branchial) arch
- fourth pharyngeal (branchial) arch
third pharyngeal (branchial) arch
After a right side radical mastoid operation, a patient has facial distortion and the mouth is drawn upward to the left. He is unable to close his right eye. Saliva tends to accumulate in his right cheek and dribble out of the corner of his mouth. Which of the following nerves most likely was damaged during the operation?
- Vagus
- Facial
- Trigeminal
- Hypoglossal
- Glossopharyngeal
The blood-testis barrier is maintained by:
- spermatogonia
- spermatocytes
- Sertoli cells
- Leydig cells
- myoepithelial cells
Sertoli cells
A patient's pain from the temporomandibular joint was referred to the skin over the parotid region and to the side of the head. This referral parretn is based on the distribution of which of the following nerves?
- Auriculotemporal
- Greater auricular
- Temporal branch of the facial
- Superior alveolar
- Inferior alveolar
The temporomandibular joint capsule is supplied by several nerves. Two of these are the auriculotemporal and the:
- facial
- buccal
- maxillary
- masseteric
- inferior alveolar
If the needle is advanced too far posteriorly during an inferior alveolar block injection, anesthesia of the mandibular teeth will not occur because the needle has entered the:
- parotid gland
- pterygoid space
- inferior alveolar canal
- medial pterygoid muscle
- superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
parotid gland
Meiosis occurs in:
- ductus epididymis
- uniferous tubules
- seminiferous tubules
- stratum germinativum
- germinal epithelium of ovary
seminiferous tubules
The cell bodies of proprioceptive nerves carrying information from the periodontal ligaments are located in the:
- nucleus ambiguus
- trigeminal ganglion
- spinal nucleus of V
- main sensory nucleus of V
- mesencephalic nucleus of V
mesencephalic nucleus of V
Which of the following are two muscles that prevent food from entering the nasopharynx during swallowing?
- Mylohyoid and the palatoglossus
- Styloglossus and the palatoglossus
- Tensor tympani and the stylopharyngeus
- Tensor veli palatini and the levator veli palatini
- Musculus uvulae and the inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Tensor veli palatini and the levator veli palatini
Infections or neoplasms that spread by lymphatics from the skin of the angle of the mouth most likely pass to which of the following lymph nodes?
- Lingual
- Submental
- Submandibular
- Anterior cervical
- Superficial cervical
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers to the head have their cell bodies in the:
- paravertebral ganglia
- cervicothoracic ganglia
- superior cervical ganglia
- gray rami communicantes of the thoracic region
- intermediolateral horns of the thoracic spinal cord
Intermediolateral horns of the thoracic spinal cord
In the posterior mediastinum, the thoracic duct usually lies:
- anterior the the phrenic nerves
- posterior to the esophagus
- on the anterolateral surface of trachea
posterior to the esophagus
Which of the following veins is formed by the union of the internal jugular and subclavian veins?
- Superior vena cava
- Brachiocephalic
- Pulmonary
- Cephalic
- Azygos
Which of the following is the most numerous cell type in the normal dental pulp?
- Adipocyte
- Mast cell
- Fibroblast
- Macrophage
- Odontoblast
The middle meningeal artery enters the cranial vault through the:
- foramen ovale
- foramen lacerum
- foramen rotundum
- foramen spinosum
- superior orbital fissure
foramen spinosum
Which of the following structures is retroperitoneal?
- Spleen
- Kidney
- Stomach
- Sigmoid colon
- Transverse colon
The hamular process is an extension of the:
- ethmoid bone
- palatine bone
- maxillary tuberosity
- medial pterygoid plate
- lateral pterygoid plate
medial pterygoid plate
The muscularis externa of the esophagus in the lower one third consists of:
- mostly skeletal muscle, but some smooth muscle
- equal amounts of smooth and skeletal muscles
- smooth muscle only
- skeletal muscle only
smooth muscle only
The dermis may be classified as which of the following types of connective tissue?
- Adipose
- Modified elastic
- Reticular connective
- Dense regular collagenous connective
- Dense irregular collagenous connective
Dense irregular collagenous connective
The hepatic triad consists of which of the following?
- Central vein, hepatic vein, and bile duct
- Portal vein, bile duct, and hepatic artery
- Portal vein, bile canaliculi, and hepatic vein
- Central vein, bile canaliculi, and hepatic artery
- Hepatic artery, hepatic vein, and bile duct
Portal vein, bile duct, and hepatic artery
Which of the following represents a popular theory for the force that is considered to be the most responsible for active tooth eruption?
- Cells and fibers in the developing PDL pull the tooth toward the oral cavity
- Dentin formation in the root pushes the tooth into the oral cavity
- Vascular pressure within the pulp pushes the tooth intraorally
- Apical fundal bone formation pushes the tooth
- Crestal bone formation pulls the tooth
Cells and fibers in the developing PDL pull the tooth toward the oral cavity
Which of the following ligaments helps resist posterior movement of the mandibular condyles?
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Temporomandibular
- Anterior cruciate
- Sphenomandibular
- Stylomandibular
The most commonly accepted theory for pain reception in the dental pulp suggests that:
- nerves in the dentinal tubules have receptors for pain
- odontoblastic processes serve as the only receptors for pain
- there are numerous Meissner's corpuscles in the pulp that respond to pain stimuli
- nerve endings in the periodontal ligament enter the pulp through accessory canals to provide pain reception
- hydrodynamic phenomena involving fluid flux in the tubules result in stimuli that activate pain receptors within the pulp
hydrodynamic phenomena involving fluid flux in tubules result in stimuli that activate pain receptors within the pulp
The hyoid bone is attached by muscles or ligaments to the:
- palatine bone and the soft palate
- epiglottis and the cricoid cartilage
- mandible, the first rib, and the clavicle
- mandible, the styloid process, and the tongue
mandible, the styloid process, and the tongue
The pterygoid plexus is usually formed by veins that are tributaries of which of the following?
- Maxillary vein
- Angular vein
- Facial vein
- Occipital vein
- Anterior jugular vein
Maxillary vein
In a healthy temporomandibular joint the articular surfaces are covered with which of the following?
- Fat
- Bone
- Hyaline cartilage
- Synovial membrane
- Dense fibrous connective tissue
Dense fibrous connective tissue
Which of the following represents the primary supinator at the radio-ulnar joint?
- Supinator
- Brachialis
- Biceps brachii
- Brachioradialis
- Coracobrachialis
Biceps brachii
Which of the following veins are located within the bones of the calvarium?
- Carotid
- Diploic
- Meningeal
- Infrahyoid
- Subarachnoid
Loss of the gag reflex suggests damage to which of the following cranial nerves?
- V
- IX
Oxyphil cells are present in which of the following?
- Thymus
- Spleen
- Fundic stomach
- Neurohypophysis
- Parathyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
Which of the following represents the most vascular portion of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint?
- Anterior thick zone (band)
- Posterior thick zone (band)
- Intermediate thin zone (band)
- Bilaminar zone
Bilaminar zone
The spleen, the thymus, and lymph nodes are similar in that each:
- filters blood
- contains lymphocytes
- has a medulla and a cortex
- serves as a filter for tissue fluid
- has afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels
contains lymphocytes
Which of the following represents the most common cartilage found in the embryo and in the adult?
- Fibrocartilage
- Hyaline cartilage
- Elastic cartilage
- Calcified cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
The ossicles of the ear are located in the:
- utricle
- labyrinth
- inner ear
- middle ear
- external auditory meatus
middle ear
A terminal branch of the mandibular nerve emerges through which of the following foramina?
- Supraorbital
- Infraorbital
- Stylomastoid
- Rotundum
- Mental
Bilateral contraction of which of the following muscles acts to protrude the mandible?
- Lateral pterygoid
- Digastric
- Buccinator
- Temporalis
- Mylohyoid
Lateral pterygoid
Which of the following organs is the nearest to the right kidney?
- Colon
- Spleen
- Stomach
- Pancreas
- Duodenum
Which of the following connective tissue types is primarily found in the fetus, but not in the adult?
- Loose
- Mesenchyme
- Areolar
- Dense regular
- Dense irregular
Antidiuretic hormone is produced by cells that reside in which of the following structures, cells or areas?
- Pars nervosa
- Pars intermedia
- Basophils of the pars distalis
- Acidophils of the pars distalis
- Supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus
Supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus
Which of the following structures directly develops from the cells remaining in the remnants of the preovulatory follicle after ovulation?
- Theca interna
- Corpus luteum
- Corpus albicans
- Atretic follicle
- Interstitial gland
Corpus luteum
The heart is contained in which mediastinum?
- Middle
- Superior
- Anterior
- Posterior
The thinnest portion of the bony orbit is located in the:
- roof
- floor
- medial wall
- lateral wall
- posterior wall
medial wall
The nerve of the pterygoid canal contains which of the following fibers?
- Taste and vision
- Pressure and touch sensation
- Pain and temperature sensation
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic
- Proprioception and touch sensation
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
If there is an organ that needs to stretch and return to its original shape, then which of the following epithelia would most likely be associated with it?
- Transitional
- Simple cuboidal
- Cimple columnar
- Simple squamous
- Pseudostratified columnar
Each of the following laminae help to form a tooth except one. Which one is this exception?
- Vestibular
- Successional
- Dental
Which of the following anterior primary rami form the medial cord of the brachial plexus?
- C4 and C5
- C6 and C7
- C5, C6, and C7
- C8 and T1
- T2 and T3
C8 and T1
The only purely serous minor salivary gland is located in the lamina propria of the:
- tongue
- hard palate
- soft palate
- buccal mucosa
- attached gingiva
The maxillary artery is most often a branch of which of the following arteries?
- Facial
- External carotid
- Internal carotid
- Common carotid
- Superficial temporal
External carotid
Which of the following structures runs directly adjacent to, and parallel with, the median nerve in the arm?
- Ulnar artery
- Radial artery
- Cephalic artery
- Brachial artery
- Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
Brachial artery
Postganglionic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion innervate which of the following muscles?
- Ciliary
- Inferior oblique
- Dilator pupillae
- Sphincter pupillae
- Levator palpebre superioris
Dilator pupillae
Connective tissue proper is characterized as having:
- poor vascularization
- poor reparative ability
- sensitivity as its main function
- more intercellular material than cells
- mast cells as the predominant cell type
more intercullular material than cells
Which of the following represents a segment of the bronchial tree that is less than 1 mm in diameter and lined by simple columnar ciliated epithelium with no cartilage plates in the wall?
- Bronchiole
- Alveolus
- Bronchus
- Alveolar sac
- Bronchial septum
Which of the following cells forms Howship's lacuna?
- Osteocyte
- Osteoblast
- Osteoclast
- Chondrocyte
- Chondroblast
Which portion of dentin is the most highly mineralized?
- Intratubular (peritubular)
- Intertubular
- Interglobular
- Mantle
Intratubular (peritubular)
Which of the following is the posterior limit of the vestibular side of the cheek?
- Retromolar pad
- Sulcus terminalis
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Stylomandibular ligament
- Sphenomandibular ligament
Pterygomandibular raphe
When a developing carious lesion reaches the dentinoenamel junction, this will often initiate the formation of which of the following at the pulp interface of the dentin?
- Mantle dentin
- Primary dentin
- False pulp stones
- Interglobular dentin
- Tertiary (reparative) dentin
Tertiary (reparative) dentin
Which nerve enters the pharynx in the gap between the superior and middle constrictors?
- Lingual
- Hypoglossal
- Glossopharyngeal
- Inferior laryngeal
- Superior laryngeal
Certain nerve trunks are composed of several fascicles. Which of the following entirely encloses these trunks?
- Epineurium
- Endoneurium
- Perineurium
Pain in the temporomandibular joint would be perceived by endings of the:
- auriculotemporal nerve in the capsule and periphery of the disc
- lateral pterygoid nerve in the capsule, disc and retrodiscal pad
- auriculotemporal nerve throughout the meniscus
- maxillary branch of the trigeminal in the retrodiscal pad and capsule
- inferior alveolar nerve
auriculotemporal nerve in the capsule and periphery of the disc
Which of the following lymphoid aggregations is (are) the most likely to be associated with pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium?
- Palatine tonsil
- Lingual tonsil
- Pharyngeal tonsil
- Peyer's patches
Pharyngeal tonsil
Which of the following intercellular junctions provides the greatest resistance to substances attempting to move between cells?
- Gap junction
- Zonula occludens
- Zonula adherens
- Macula adherens
- Fascia adherens
Zonula occludens
How is a large vein different from its companion artery? The vein has:
- a smaller lumen
- a less extensive vasa vasorum
- a more prominent tunica media
- an indistinct endothelial lining
- a more prominent tunica adventitia
a more prominent tunica adventitia
Fiber tracts passing from the thalamus to the cortex are found in which of the following?
- Corpus callosum
- Internal capsule
- Medial lemniscus
- Lateral lemniscus
- Anterior commissure
Internal capsule
Which of the following represents the main arterial supply to the brain?
- Internal jugular
- Internal carotid
- External carotid
- Middle meningeal
Internal carotid
Which of the following is the nerve that supplies the mimetic muscles?
- Vagus
- Facial
- Trigeminal
- Hypoglossal
- Spinal accessory
Which of the following is a pulpal change associated with increasing age?
- Increased cellularity
- Increased collagenous components
- Development of more extensive subodontoblastic nerve plexus
- Development of more extensive subodontic capillary plexus
- Development of more extensive lymphatic plexus
Increased collagenous components
The pyramids contain:
- pain fibers
- sensor fibers
- upper motor neuron fibers only
- lower motor neuron fibers only
- upper and lower motor neuron fibers
upper motor neuron fibers only
The prochordal plate consists of:
- embryonic endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm
- a circular area anterior to the notochord in which the endoderm is fused to the embryonic mesoderm
- the cloacal membrane and the overlying amnion
- endoderm of the roof of the yolk sac and embryonic ectoderm
- the cardiogenic mesoderm and the neurectoderm
endoderm of the roof of the yolk sac and embryonic ectoderm
Which of the following structures are found in the infratemporal fossa?
- Temporalis muscle and parotid gland
- Masseter and lateral pterygoid muscles
- Superficial temporal artery and parotid lymphatic nodes
- Mandibular division of V and chorda tympani branch of VII
Mandibular division of V and chorda tympani branch of VII
Which of the following glands is purely mucous?
- Parotid
- Palatine
- Sublingual
- von Ebner's
- Submandibular
A patient bites the tip of his tongue. The pain that ensues is carried by way of which of the following cranial nerves?
- Vagus, X
- Facial, VII
- Trigeminal, V
- Hypoglossal, XII
- Glossopharyngeal, IX
Trigeminal, V
To expose the submandibular duct by an intraoral appraoch, one must cut through which of the following?
- Mucous membrane only
- Mucous membrane and the genioglossus muscle
- Mucous membrane and the mylohyoid muscle
- Mucous membrane and the geniohyoid muscle
- Mucous membrane and the anterior digastric muscle
Mucous membrane only
The submandibular ganglion is associated with which of the following nerves?
- Inferior alveolar
- Glossopharyngeal
- Maxillary
- Mylohyoid
- Lingual
Accessory root canals can be formed by:
- a break in the epithelial diaphragm prior to dentin formation
- a break in the epithelial root sheath (Hertwig) prior to dentin formation
- adherence of the epithelial root sheath (Hertwig) to the dentinal surface
- an epithelial rest that lies in contact with the dentin of the root
a break in the epithelial root sheath (Hertwig) prior to dentin formation
In the mid-palatal raphe region of the hard palate, which of the following represents the layer of the epithelium of the oral mucosa which is deep to the stratum spinosum?
Stratum basale
Information from the hypothalamus is carried to the anterior pituitart (pars distalis) by the:
- gamma efferent system
- hypothalamic radation
- hypothalamo hypophyseal tract
- hypothalamic association fibers
- hypothalamo hypophyseal portal system
hypothalamo hypophyseal portal system
On its way to the brain, the vertebral artery passes through which of the following?
- Foramen magnum
- Foramen lacerum
- Jugular foramen
- Foramen spinosum
Foramen magnum
In addition to the common carotid arteries, which of the following blood vessels provides circulation to the brain?
- Vertebral artery
- Thyrocervical trunk
- Costacervical trunk
- Superior thyroid artery
- Internal thoracic artery
Vertebral artery
On a comparative basis, bone and cellular cementum are similar in that both:
- are difficult to resorb, heal well, and contain cement lines
- contain concentric patterns, have Volkmann's canals, and can be cancellous
- are deposited throughout life, acquire blood vessels during aging, and contain similar collagenous fibers
- contain cells in lacunae with canaliculi that extend primarily toward the nutritional source
contain cells in lacunae with canaliculi that extend primarily toward the nutritional source
Which of the following cranial nerves supplies the muscles derived from the first pair of branchial arches?
- Vagus
- Facial
- Trigeminal
- Hypoglossal
- Glossopharyngeal
Cranial nerve V emerges from the:
- pons
- midbrain
- diencephalon
- medulla oblongata
- cerebral peduncles
Which of the following structures may be found within the posterior mediastinum?
- Heart
- Phrenic nerve
- Thoracic duct
- Arch of the aorta
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Thoracic duct
Which group of fibers of the periodontal ligament offer the most resistance to movement of the tooth in an apical direction?
- Alveolar crest
- Interradicular
- Horizontal
- Oblique
- Apical
Which of the following bones is formed primarily by intramembranous ossification?
- Femur
- Tibia
- Stapes
- Humerus
- Mandible
Gnarled enamel is most frequently found:
- in cusps
- near the cervical line
- around pits and fissures
- adjacent to contact areas
- equally on all surfaces of the crown
in cusps
A patient bleeds from the anterior septal region of his nose. A break in the vessel walls has caused this bleeding. These vessels originate from which of the following arteries?
- Angular
- Posterior superior alveolar
- Sphenopalatine
- Greater palatine
Maturation of enamel is characterized by a percentage increase in inorganic content and a percentage:
- increase in water
- increase in organic content
- decrease in water and decrease in organic content
- decrease in water and increase in organic content
- increase in water and decrease in organic content
decrease in water and decrease in organic content
Para-keratinized oral mucosa is often found on which of the following?
- Oral surface of the soft palate
- Ventral surface of the tongue
- Skin surface of the lips
- Floor of the mouth
- Attached gingiva
Attached gingiva
Which of the following represents the major fibrillar component of mature dentin?
- Elastin
- Reticulin
- Type I collagen
- Type II collagen
- Type III collagen
Type I collagen
Each of the following terms applies to a discussion of enamel structure except one. Which one is this exception?
- Prisms
- Perikymata
- Striae of Retzius
- Contour lines of Owen
- Interprismatic substance
Contour lines of Owen
In a photomicrograph of a ground secion of a tooth viewed by transmitted light, some dentinal tubules appear black because ther:
- are filled with blood
- are filled with minerals
- are filled with bacteria
- have become filled with air during sectioning
- contain deeply striated odontoblastic processes
have become filled with air during sectioning
Which of the following represents the secretory product of the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland?
- Iodine
- Protease
- Thyroxine
- Calcitonin
- Thyroglobulin
Parasympathetic innervation controlling salivation originates with which of the following cranial nerves?
- V, VII, IX, X, and XII
- V, VII, IX, and X
- V, IX, and X
- VII, IX, and XI
- VII and IX
VII and IX
Peripheral (lower motor neuron) lesions of cranial nerve VII will cause which of the following?
- A contralateral paralysis of the facial musculature
- An ipsilateral flaccid paralysis of the facial musculature
- A contralateral paralysis of only the lower facial muscles
- A contralateral paralysis of only the upper facial muscles
- An ipsilateral flaccid paralysis of only the lower facial muscles
An ipsilateral flaccid paralysis of the facial musculature
The temporalis muscle inserts into the:
- coronoid process
- condylar process
- fovea of the mandible
- lateral aspect of the mandibular angle
- articular disk of the temporomandibular joint
coronoid process
Which of the following is surrounded partly by connective tissue and epithelium, contains lymphoid follicles, has no sinuses, and is penetrated by a number of crypts?
- Spleen
- Thymus
- Lymph node
- Palatine tonsil
- Bursa of Fabricius
Palatine tonsil
Desmosomes function by serving as:
- a means for communication between cells
- a means for attachment of adjacent cells
- an outlet for secretory products of a cell
- a bridge for continuity of cytoplasm between adjacent cells
- a means by which tonofibrils can pass from one cell into another
a means for attachment of adjacent cells
The growth rate in cartilage of the epiphyseal plate of a long bone is markedly retarded when there is a lack of hormone from which of the following?
- Hypophysis
- Adrenals
- Testes
- Parathyroids
- Islets of Langerhans
The dentist incises the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth. This incision extends from the molar region to the sublingual caruncle (papilla). Which of the following structural groups will be exposed first?
- Sublingual gland, lingual nerves, and submandibular duct
- Hyoglossus and mylohyoid muscles, and hypoglossal nerve
- Lingual nerve, lingual artery, and anterior belly of the digastric muscle
- Lingual nerve, hypoglossal nerve, and submental branch of the facial artery
- Anterior belly of the digastric muscle, mylohyoid nerve, and submental branch of the facial artery
Sublingual gland, lingual nerves, and submandibular duct
The trigeminal nerve innervates exclusively which of the following muscles or muscle parts?
- Buccinator and masseter
- Mylohyoid and geniohyoid
- Medial and lateral pterygoid
- Tensor and levator veli palatini
- Anterior and posterior bellies of digastric
Medial and lateral pterygoid
As the subclavian vein crosses the first rib, it lies:
- anterior to the anterior scalene muscle
- posterior to the anterior scalene muscle
- posterior to the posterior scalene muscle
- between the anterior and the posterior scalene muscles
- between the scalene posterior and the levator scapulae muscles
anterior to the anterior scalene muscle
Which of the following best describes the passage of material through the hepatic sinusoids?
- Blood passes toward the central vein
- Bile passes peripherally toward the portal canal
- Lymph moves centrally to join the sublobular duct
- Lymph moves peripherally toward the space of Disse
- Blood passes peripherally away from the central vein
Blood passes toward the central vein
In the life cycle of an ameloblast, there are cells that contain Tomes' processes. These cells are in which of the following stages?
- Secretory
- Morphogenic
- Organizing
- Maturative
- Protective
Histologically, the osteoclasts of bone resorption are typically:
- anuclear
- mononuclear
- multinuclear
- polymorphonuclear
During an intraoral injection to the mandibular foramen, the needle passes through the mucous membrane and the buccinator muscle. As it does so, the needle lies:
- inferior to the mandibular lingula
- superior to the auriculotemporal nerve
- lateral to the neck of the mandible
- lateral to the medial pterygoid muscle
- lateral to the stylomandibular ligament
lateral to the medial pterygoid muscle
Which of the following nerves is the most likely to become injured in fractures of the mid-humeral shaft?
- Ulnar
- Radial
- Median
- Axillary
- Musculocutaneous
Which of the following types of epithelium is well adapted for secretory or absorptive functions?
- Simple columnar
- Simple squamous
- Stratified cuboidal
- Stratified squamous
- Pseudostratified columnar
Simple columnar
It is possible to distinguish histologically between the stomach and the duodenum because of the presence of:
- mucosal glands in the stomach only
- submucosal glands in the duodenum only
- simple columnar epithelium lining the stomach only
- muscularis mucosa in the stomach only
- smooth muscle in the external musculature of the duodenum only
submucosal glands in the duodenum only
The superior and inferior ophthalmic veins drain directly or indirectly into the:
- frontal vein
- cavernous sinus
- anterior facial vein
- internal jugular vein
- superior petrosal sinus
cavernous sinus
Each of the following develops as an outpocketing of the gut tube except one. Which one is this exception?
- Lung
- Liver
- Spleen
- Pancreas
- Gallbladder
Primary afferent neurons in the gag reflex are carried by which of the following cranial nerves?
- Vagus (X)
- Facial (VII)
- Trigeminal (V)
- Hypoglossal (XII)
- Glossopharyngeal (IX)
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
Which of the following nerves contributes to the motor innervation of intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
- V3
- IX
Each of the following muscles receives motor innervation from the ansa cervicalis except one. Which one is this exception?
- Omohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
- Geniohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
The three divisions of the trigeminal nerve pass through openings in which of the following bones?
- Frontal
- Sphenoid
- Temporal
- Parietal
- Occipital
Which of the following structures leaves an impression on the right lung?
- Azygos vein
- Right vagus nerve
- Right phrenic nerve
- Descending thoracic aorta
- Right common carotid artery
Azygos vein
Which of the following represents the main support of the wall of a bronchus?
- Smooth muscle
- Hyaline cartilage
- Elastic membranes
- Dense irregular connective tissue
- Elastic and collagenous connective tissue
Hyaline cartilage
The diploid number of chromosomes is maintained in proliferating somatic cells by which of the following processes?
- Meiosis
- Mitosis
- Budding
- Amitosis
- Cytokinesis
Tendons are comprised of which of the following types of collagenous connective tissue?
- Areolar
- Reticular
- Dense regular
- Dense irregular
Dense regular
Which of the following nerves innervates the trapezius muscle?
- Radial
- Axillary
- Accessory
- Thoracodorsal
- Long thoracic
The lateral pterygoid muscle inserts into which of the following?
- Condylar process only
- Medial aspect of the mandibular ramus
- Articular disk of the temporomandibular joint and neck of the mandible
- Articular disk of the temporomandibular joint and coronoid process
Articular disk of the temporomandibular joint and neck of the mandible
If the facial nerve were to be cut just after it exited the stylomastoid foramen, it would cause loss of innervation to which of the following?
- Lacrimal gland
- Mylohyoid muscle
- Submandibular gland
- Orbicularis oculi muscle
- Anterior belly of the digastric muscle
Orbicularis oculi muscle
Each of the following structures is an opening into the pterygopalatine fossa except one. Which one is this exception?
- Facial canal
- Pterygoid canal
- Pharyngeal canal
- Sphenopalatine foramen
- Pterygomaxillary fissure
Facial canal
The hepatic veins drain blood from the liver into the:
- inferior vena cava
- superior vena cava
- azygos vein
- portal vein
- superior mesenteric vein
inferior vena cava
Calcium ions are sequestered by:
- T tubules
- sarcoplasm
- sarcosomes
- myofibrils
- sarcoplasmic reticulum
sarcoplasmic reticulum
Which of the following two muscles attach to the pterygomandibular raphe?
- Buccinator and palatopharyngeus
- Medial pterygoid and palatopharyngeus
- Levator veli palatini and palatopharyngeus
- Buccinator and superior pharyngeal constrictor
Buccinator and superior pharyngeal constrictor
Which of the following features distinguishes bone from osteoid?
- Bone is not resorbed
- Bone has a mineralized matrix
- Osteoid contains fewer lacunae per unit area
- Osteoid contains a different type of fiber in its matrix
Bone has a mineralized matrix
Which of the following explains why the Barr body found in certain epithelial cells is significant?
- It suggests mitotic activity
- It indicates protein synthesis
- It indicates a metaplasmic change
- It is a symptom of nuclear disintegration
- It assists in differentiating between the sexes
It assists in differentiating between the sexes
The vagus nerve supplies parasympathetic fibers to which of the following?
- Descending colon
- Ascending colon
- Sigmoid colon
- Rectum
- Anus
Ascending colon
The lymph vessels that drain both dental arches connect directly with which of the following nodes?
- Submandibular
- Deep cervical
- Sublingual
- Retropharyngeal
- Superficial cervical
Which of the following strata of the epidermis is the least cytodifferentiated?
- Basale
- Corneum
- Spinosum
- Granulosum
The roots of the brachial plexus are derived from the ventral rami of:
- the cervical plexus
- the spinal accessory nerve
- spinal nerves C3 through C5
- spinal nerves C3 through C7
- spinal nerves C5 through T1
spinal nerves C5 through T1
Some medications can be absorbed through the mucosa of the tongue's ventral surface and through the mucosa of the floor of the mouth. This absorption can take place in these areas because the mucosa is:
- covered by pseudostratified squamous epithelium
- covered by simple squamous epithelium with a vascular lamina propria
- covered by thin nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with a thin lamina propria
- covered by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium that contains numerous capillaries
- pierced by the ducts of numerous minor salivary glands through which some types of medication are easily absorbed
covered by thin nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with a thin lamina propria
Pain fibers from the posterior third of the tongue travel with which cranial nerve?
- Vagus
- Facial
- Trigeminal
- Glossopharyngeal
- Hypoglossal
A patient who has damage to the right hypoglossal nerve will protrude the tongue:
- upward
- downward
- straight forward
- toward the right side
- toward the left side
toward the right side
In terms of wall thickness, the relative proportion of smooth muscle is greatest in which of the following?
- Veins
- Venules
- Arterioles
- Capillaries
- Large arteries
The superior laryngeal artery pierces the thyrohyoid membrane in company with which of the following laryngeal nerves?
- Inferior laryngeal
- Internal laryngeal
- External laryngeal
- Superior laryngeal
- Recurrent laryngeal
Internal laryngeal
The vertebral artery is a branch of the:
- brachiocephalic artery
- external carotid artery
- internal carotid artery
- subclavian artery
- thyrocervical trunk
subclavian artery
The muscle that is the prime mover in left lateral extrusion is the:
- right masseter
- left medial pterygoid
- right medial pterygoid
- left lateral pterygoid
- right lateral pterygoid
right lateral pterygoid
Each of the following structures lies between the hyoglossus and the mylohyoid muscles except one. Which one is this exception?
- Lingual nerve
- Lingual artery
- Sublingual gland
- Submandibular duct
- Hypoglossal nerve
Lingual artery
Which of the following represents the function of the interstitial cells (of Leydig) in the testis?
- Form the acrosome
- Secrete testosterone
- Inhibit spermatogenesis
- Supply nutrients to sex cells
- Support the germinal epithelium
Secrete testosterone
The buccinator muscle is supplied by which of the following nerves?
- Facial
- Lingual
- Spinal accessory
- Inferior alveolar
- Buccal nerve of the trigeminal
In which of the following are numerous afferent lymphatic channels found?
- Spleen
- Thymus
- Lymph nodes
- Palatine tonsils
- Pharyngeal tonsils
Lymph nodes
The submucosa is present in each of the following except one. Which one is this exception?
- Colon
- Stomach
- Jejunum
- Gallbladder
- Duodenum
Each of the following structures is bound by a membrane except one. Which one is this exception?
- Nucleolus
- Lysosome
- Nucleus
- Mitochondrion
- Pinocytotic vesicle
The hypophysis is situated in a fossa of which of the following bones?
- Ethmoid
- Frontal
- Temporal
- Sphenoid
- Palatine
White matter of the spinal cord consists chiefly of which of the following?
- Perineurium
- Myelinated axons
- Unmyelinated axons
- Nerve cell bodies
- Loose connective tissue
Myelinated axons
The thoracic duct empties directly into the junction of the:
- superior vena cava and the azygos vein
- left jugular and brachiocephalic veins
- right jugular and brachiocephalic veins
- left internal jugular and subclavian veins
- right internal jugular and subclavian veins
left internal jugular and subclavian veins
Pain, touch, temperature and proprioceptive modalities for the temporomandibular joint are carried by way of which of the following nerves?
- Auriculotemporal
- Auditory
- Temporal
- Superior alveolar
- Inferior alveolar
The left recurrent laryngeal nerve is closely related at its beginning to the:
- left subclavian artery
- arch of the aorta and the left pulmonary veins
- ligamentum arteriosum and the arch of the aorta
- pulmonary trunk and the left brachiocephalic vein
- ligamentum arteriosum and the left brachiocephalic vein
ligamentum arteriosum and the arch of the aorta
Which of the following cranial nerves contain parasympathetic preganglionic fibers?
- II, III, IV, and V
- III, IV, V, and VI
- III, V, VII, and IX
- III, VII, IX, and X
- VII, IX, X, and XI
III, VII, IX, and X
The core of a cilium is composed of:
- microvilli
- microtubules
- microfibrils
- tonofilaments
- microfilaments
Each of the following enters the orbit by way of the superior orbital fissure except one. Which one is this exception?
- Abducens nerve
- Trochlear nerve
- Oculomotor nerve
- Ophthalmic artery
- Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
Ophthalmic artery
The capacity of the tongue for forceful movement depends on striated muscle supplied by which of the following cranial nerves?
- V
- IX
- X
How many lobes does the right lung usually have?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Enlargement of the third ventricle and both lateral ventricles is caused by obstruction of the:
- cerebral aqueduct
- foramen of Magendie
- foramina of Luschka
- interventricular foramina of Monro
cerebral aqueduct
Melanocytes are derived from which of the following?
- Ectoderm
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
- Dermatomes
- Neural crest
Neural crest
Cementum differs from dentin in that cementum:
- contains more inorganic material than dentin
- is not formed following eruption of the tooth
- can contain cells, whereas dentin contains cells as well as cell processes
- is produced by cells of the periodontal ligament, but dentin is produced by pulp cells
- contains some elastic fibers, whereas dentin contains only collagenous fibers
is produced by cells of the periodontal ligament, but dentin is produced by pulp cells
A dentist will use screw-type implants to replace the maxillary incisors (Teeth #s 7, 8, 9, and 10). If these implants pass through the bone in this region, then which of the following regions will they be entering?
- Orbit
- Mental foramen
- Nasal cavity
- Maxillary sinus
- Pterygopalatine fossa
Nasal cavity
Highly skilled, discrete motor activity of the hand is dependent on which of the following cortical areas of the hemisphere?
- Transverse temporal gyrus
- Angular gyrus of the parietal lobe
- Precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
- Paracentral lobule on the medial surface
Precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
During swallowing, muscular contraction results in movements that seal off the oropharynx from the nasopharynx. Which of the following muscles cause movements that result in a fold in the posterior wall of the pharynx?
- Levator veli palatini
- Tensor veli palatini
- Palatopharyngeus
- Musculus Uvulae
- Palatoglossus
From which of the following is the periodontal ligament derived?
- Dental sac
- Enamel organ
- Dental papilla
- Epithelial root sheath
- Outer enamel epithelium
Dental sac
Compared with intertubular dentin, peritubular dentin is characterized by which of the following?
- Greater stainability
- Higher quantity of fluids
- Lesser content of inorganic salts
- Greater content of inorganic salts
- Greater content of large collagen fibers
Greater content of inorganic salts
Which of the following represent fan-shaped, hypocalcified areas that originate at the dentinoenamel junction and extend into enamel for part of its thickness?
- Tufts
- Spindles
- Lamellae
- Hunter Schreger bands
- Contour lines of Owen
The calcified bodies sometimes found in the PDL are best described as which of the following?
- Cementicles
- Denticles
- Bone
- Enamel pearls
- Mineralized interstitial tissue
Cell bodies of the somatic motor system lie in which of the following locations?
- Dorsal horn
- Ventral horn
- Autonomic ganglia
- Dorsal root ganglia
- Intermediolateral horn
Ventral horn
Which of the following represents the location of the cell bodies of pain fibers in the glossopharyngeal nerve?
- Otic ganglion
- Nucleus ambiguus
- Trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion
- Spinal nucleus of cranial nerve V
- superior ganglion of cranial nerve IX
Superior ganglion of cranial nerve IX
Which of the following represents the cranial nerve that supplies derivatives of the third branchial arch?
- Facial
- Accessory
- Trigeminal
- Hypoglossal
- Glossopharyngeal
Optic nerve fibers from the nasal half of the retina cross the midline and enter the optic tract of the opposite side by way of the:
- optic chiasma
- lateral geniculate body
- bipolar cells of the retina
- branchium of the superior colliculus
- geniculocalcarine tract (optic radiations)
optic chiasma
The lingula of the mandible serves as an attachment for which of the following?
- Temporalis
- Stylomandibular ligament
- Sphenomandibular ligament
- Temporomandibular ligament
- Tendon of the digastric muscle
Sphenomandibular ligament
In the developing embryo the palate is separated from the lip by a shallow sulcus in the depths of which two epithelial laminae arise. The outer lamina is the:
- dental lamina for primary teeth
- dental lamina for permanent teeth
- primordium of the parotid gland
- primordium of the buccal frenula
- vestibular lamina
vestibular lamina
Which of the following is derived from ectomesenchyme?
- Ameloblast
- Odontoblasts
- Stellate reticulum
- Stratum intermedium
- Reduced enamel epithelium
In a newly erupted tooth, the junction between tooth surface and the crevicular epithelium consists of which of the following?
- Interstitial crevicular fluid
- Basal lamina like structure between enamel and epithelium
- Basal lamina like structure between cementum and epithelium
- Basal lamina like structure between dentin and epithelium
- Keratin fibers, running from the epithelium deeply into the enamel
Basal lamina like structure between enamel and epithelium
Which group of fibers of the periodontal ligament is the first to offer resistance to movement of the tooth in an occlusal direction?
- Alveolar crest
- Interradicular
- Horizontal
- Oblique
- Apical
Which of the following best characterizes the alveolar mucous membrane?
- Has no melanocytes
- Firmly bound to underlying bone
- Well developed epithelial ridges
- Separated from the gingiva by the free gingival groove
- Appears red due to high vascularity and thinness of epithelium
Appears red due to high vascularity and thinness of epithelium
As demonstrated by the pattern of sensory innervation, which of the following branchial arches are concerned in development of the tongue?
- First and second only
- First, second, and third
- Second and third only
- Second, third, and fourth
- Third and fourth only
First, second, and third
The apical cytoplasm of active serous glandular cells is typically filled with which of the following?
- Large amounts of DNA
- Abundance of ribosomes
- Abundance of mitochondria
- Abundance of lipid droplets
- Abundance of zymogen granules
Abundance of zymogen granules
EAch of the following embryologic structures is derived from the first branchial arch except one. Which one is this exception?
- Tuberculum impar
- Maxillary process
- Mandibular process
- Intermaxillary process
- Lateral lingual swelling
Intermaxillary process
Which of the following muscles inserts onto the neck of the condyle?
- Masseter
- Temporalis
- Lateral pterygoid
- Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Salivary gland striated ducts are composed of which of the following types of epithelium?
- Simple squamous
- Simple cuboidal
- Stratified squamous
- Simple low columnar
- Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
Simple low columnar
Odontoblasts are characterized by:
- being located on external surfaces of roots
- being shed from the tooth at the time of eruption
- differentiating first at the cervical region of a forming tooth
- secreting a non fibrous matrix composed of chains of amino acids
- possessing long cytoplasmic processes which lie within dentinal tubules
possessing long cytoplasmic processes which lie within dentinal tubules
Which of the following are pure serous glands?
- Sublingual glands
- Glands of Brunner
- Submandibular glands
- Glands of von Ebner
- Glands of Blandin Nuhn
Glands of von Ebner
Which of the following structures contacts posteriorly with the isthmus of the thyroid gland?
- Larynx
- Pharynx
- Trachea
- Esophagus
- Carotid sheath
The infrahyoid muscles receive their motor innervation from which of the following?
- Vagus nerve
- Supraclavicular nerves
- Brachial plexus
- Pharyngeal plexus
- Branches of the cervical plexus
Branches of the cervical plexus
Which of the following types of tissues can be demonstrated on the posterior slope of the articular eminence?
- Hyaline cartilage
- Fibrocartilage
- Fibrous connective tissue
- Articular cartilage
- Elastic cartilage
Fibrous connective tissue
Dentinal tubules are S-shaped in the crown of the tooth due to the:
- incremental pattern
- epithelial diphragm
- crowding of odontoblasts
- formation of peritubular dentin
- calcification pattern of maturing dentin
crowding of odontoblasts
Hertwig's epithelial root sheath is derived from which of the following?
- Inner dental epithelium and stellate reticulum
- Inner dental epithelium and stratum intermedium
- Outer dental epithelium and stellate reticulum
- Outer dental epithelium and stratum intermedium
- Inner dental epithelium and outer dental epithelium
Inner dental epithelium and outer dental epithelium
The crescents or demilunes of the mucous alveoli of the sublingual gland are composed of which of the following cells?
- Mucous
- Serous
- Neural
- Striated
- Myoepithelial
A fracture of the hamulus affects the action of which of the following muscles?
- Superior constrictor of the pharynx
- Levator veli palatini
- Tensor veli palatini
- Salpingopharyngeus
- Buccinator
Tensor veli palatini
Cell bodies of proprioceptive fibers in V are located in the:
- chief nucleus
- spinal nucleus
- semilunar ganglion
- geniculate ganglion
- mesencephalic nucleus
mesencephalic nucleus
Just prior to ovulation, the preovulatory follicle produces and secretes large amounts of which of the following hormones?
- Human chorionic gonadotropin
- Luteinizing hormone
- Progesterone
- Androgens
- Estrogen
Protrustion of the tip of the tongue beyond the opening of the oral cavity is accomplished primarily by which of the following muscles?
- Mylohyoid
- Hyoglossal
- Styloglossus
- Genioglossus
- Intrinsic tongue
In a histological section through the epiphyseal plate of the femur of an 18-year-old male, which of the following is the zone in which cartilage lacunae appear swollen and the chondrocytes are large?
- Proliferation
- Bone deposition
- Reserve cartilage
- Cartilage calcification
- Hypertrophy and maturation
Each of the following is an ectomesenchymal derivative except one. Which one is this exception?
- Pulp
- Dentin
- Enamel
- Alveolar bone
- Periodontal ligament
Sensations of pain and temperature are carried by which of the following tracts?
- Corticospinal
- Corticobulbar
- Lateral spinothalamic
- Ventral reticulospinal
- Dorsal spinocerebellar
Lateral spinothalamic
In a mature tooth, what is the location of the first dentin that was produced during crown formation?
- Adjacent to the pulp
- In the cervical area
- Part of secondary dentin
- Part of circumpulpal dentin
- Adjacent to the dentinoenamel junction
Adjacent to the dentinoenamel junction
Enamel spindles might represent which of the following?
- Areas of organic enamel matrix that are more highly mineralized than other areas
- Odontoblastic processes that extend across the DEJ into enamel
- Areas of more highly mineralized enamel prisms
- Characteristics of prismless enamel
- Nerve fibers
Ondontoblastic processes that extend across the DEJ into enamel
Which of the following types of epithelium are found in the colon?
- Transitional
- Simple columnar
- Stratified squamous
- Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
Simple columnar
Inability to move the diaphragm is consistent with a total section of the spinal cord at which of the following spinal levels?
- C2
- C6
- C7
- C8
- T2
Which of the following suplies sensation to the interior of the larynx (above the vocal fold)?
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Superior laryngeal nerve
- Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Pharyngeal plexus
- Mandibular nerve
Superior laryngeal nerve
Each of the following statements regarding the masseter muscle is correct except one. Which one is this exception?
- The masseter muscle possesses two heads of origin
- The masseteric nerve reaches the masseter muscle by passing through the mandibular foramen
- Interdigitations of the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles form the pterygomandibular sling
- The vascular supply to the masseter muscle arises from the pterygoid portion of the maxillary artery
- The parotid duct lies superficial to the masseter muscle
The masseteric nerve reaches the masseter muscle by passing through the mandibular foramen
Which of the following describes the origin and subsequent spread of the wave of depolarization in the normal human heart?
- Atria, sino atrial (SA) node, atrioventricular (AV) node, bundle branches, ventricles
- Sino atrial (SA) node, atrioventricular (AV) node, bundle branches, atria, ventricles
- Sino atrial (SA) node, atria, atrioventricular (AV) node, bundle branches, ventricles
- Atrioventricular (AV) node, atria, sino atrial (SA) node, bundle branches, ventricles
- Atrioventricular (AV) node, sino atrial (SA) node, bundle branches, atria, ventricles
Sino atrial (SA) node, atrioventricular (AV) nove, bundle branches, atria, ventricles
Intercalated disks connect which of the following cell types?
- Schwann
- Cardiac muscle
- Skeletal muscle
- Transitional epithelial
- Stratified squamous epithelial
Cardiac muscle
Which of the following nerves innervates the taste buds of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue?
- Vagus
- Facial
- Trigeminal
- Hypoglossal
- Glossopharyngeal
Which of the following is the major nerve of the posterior aspect of the arm and forearm?
- Ulnar
- Radial
- Median
- Axillary
- Musculocutaneous
A patient has muscle pain when moving the mandible to the left. Which of the following muscles is most likely causing the pain in this situation?
- Left masseter
- Left medial pterygoid
- Right medial pterygoid
- Left lateral pterygoid
- Right lateral pterygoid
Right lateral pterygoid
Which of the following is the only part of the gastrointestinal system that has villi, goblet cells, and mucous-secreting glands in the submucosa?
- Ileum
- Stomach
- Jejunum
- Duodenum
- Esophagus
The branches of the maxillary artery supply each of the following except one. Which one is this exception?
- Nasal septum
- Mandibular incisors
- Hard and soft palate
- Skin of the forehead
- Muscles of mastication
Skin of the forehead
Which of the following differentiates cementum from enamel?
- Presence of collagen fibers
- Presence of incremental lines
- Presence of hydroxyapatite crystals
- Derived from the dental papilla
Presence of collagen fibers
Each of the following bones contributes to the formation of the calvaria except one. Which one is this exception?
- Frontal
- Temporal
- Parietal
- Occipital
- Zygomatic
Cutaneous innervation of the chin and lower lip is mediated by which of the following?
- Mental nerve
- Facial nerve
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Buccal nerve of V
- Branches of the maxillary division of V
Inferior alveolar nerve
If the internal carotid arteries become occluded then blood can still reach the arterial circle primarily through which of the following arteries?
- Vertebral
- Middle cerebral
- Superior cerebellar
- Anterior inferior cerebellar
- Posterior inferior cerebellar
A laceration of the palatal mucosa in the area of the first molar is most likely to damage which of the following arteries?
- Posterior superior alveolar
- Greater palatine
- Lesser palatine
- Pterygopalatine
- Nasopalatine
Greater palatine
Which of the following lingual papillae have the thickest layer of keratin on their surfaces?
- Foliate
- Filiform
- Fungiform
- Circumvallate
Each of the following muscles elevates the hyoid bone except one. Which one is this exception?
- Thyrohyoid
- Hyoglossus
- Geniohyoid
- Anterior belly of the digastric
- Posterior belly of the digastric
The sella turcica lies directly superior to which of the following sinuses?
- Frontal
- Mastoid
- Ethmoid
- Sphenoid
- Maxillary
The lingual artery represents a branch of which of the following arteries?
- Facial
- Occipital
- Maxillary
- External carotid
- Internal carotid
External carotid
Sensory nerve supply to the facial mucosa and gingiva of the mandibular molars travels in which of the following nerves?
- Mental
- Ligual
- Inferior alveolar
- Buccal nerve of V
- Posterior superior alveolar
Buccal nerve of V
Which of the following contains cells that secrete trypsinogen?
- Ileum
- Liver
- Duodenum
- Pancreas
- Gallbladder
The reticular portion of the dermis is classified as which of the following types of connective tissue?
- Loose
- Adipose
- Modified elastic
- Dense regular
- Dense irregular
Dense irregular
As a tooth undergoes attrition, it maintains contact with opposing dentition. This results from the aposition of:
- secondary dentin
- apical cementum
- coronal enamel
- alveolar bone
- fundal bone
apical cementum
The buccal mucosa typically has which of the following epithelia?
- Simple columnar
- Pseudostratified columnar
- Non keratinized, stratified squamous
- Parakeratinized, stratified squamous
- Orthokeratinized, stratified squamous
Non keratinized, stratified squamous
Ulcers of recurrent herpes occur on masticatory mucosa. Herpetic ulcers could occur in which of the following locations?
- Buccal mucosa
- Labial mucosa
- Hard palatal mucosa
- Mucosa of the soft palate
- Mucosa of the floor of the mouth
Labial mucosa
During active eruption, the initial epithelial attachment (junctional epithelium) to the enamel surface of the tooth results from the fusion of oral epithelium with which of the following?
- Periodontal ligament fibers
- Reduced enamel epithelium
- Stratum intermedium
- Stellate reticulum
- Gingival fibers
Reduced enamel epithelium
A blow that shatters the coracoid process will have a direct effect on which of the following pairs of muscles?
- Serratus anterior and pectoralis major
- Subscapularis and pectoralis major
- Biceps brachii and pectoralis minor
- Subscapularis and subclavius
- Deltoid and subclavius
Biceps brachii and pectoralis minor
A patient's tongue markedly deviates to the left during protrusion. Which of the following muscles is unable to contract?
- Right hyoglossus
- Right geniohyoid
- Left genioglossus
- Left palatoglossus
- Left lateral pterygoid
Left genioglossus
In a normal adult, which of the following is the location of presistent epithelial rests (of Malassez)?
- Cementum
- Dental pulp
- Mantle dentin
- Stellate reticulum
- Periodontal ligament
Periodontal ligament
One terminal branch of the maxillary nerve emerges through which of the following foramina?
- Mental
- Spinosum
- Supraorbital
- Infraorbital
- Stylomastoid
Which of the following are included in the mononuclear phagocytic system?
- Fibroblasts
- Osteoblasts
- Kupffer cells
- Hassall's corpuscles
- Sheathed arteries of the spleen
Kupffer cells
What volume of fully mineralized enamel is comprised of organic matrix?
- 2%
- 7%
- 10%
- 20%
- 50%
The sympathetic innervation to structures of the head and neck is distributed via the:
- blood vessels
- fascial planes
- lymphatic vessels
- hyoid musculature
- cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X
cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X
The spleen is in closest relation to which of the following?
- Duodenum
- Right kidney
- Ascending colon
- Right lobe of the liver
- Inferior surface of the diaphragm
Inferior surface of the diaphragm
Which of the following cells is multinucleated?
- Osteocyte
- Osteoblast
- Osteoclast
- Chondrocyte
- Chondroblast
Calcitonin is produced by which of the following cells?
- Thyroid follicular
- Thyroid parafollicular
- Oxyphil of the parathyroid
- Principal of the parathyroid
- Pars intermedia of the pituitary
Thyroid parafollicular
A stab wound creating a pneumothorax on the left side will usually result in collapse of which of the following?
- The left lung only
- The right lung only
- Both lungs
- The rib cage on the left side
- The left lung and pericardial sac
The left lung only
The nucleoplasm is continuous with the cytoplasm by way of which of the following?
- Nucleolus
- Microtubules
- Nuclear pores
- Rought endoplasmic reticulum
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Nuclear pores
Which of the following can be used, on a histologic level, to distinguish between a section of the arch of the aorta and a section of the brachial artery?
- Type of endothelium
- Width of tunica intima
- Type of tissue in the tunica adventitia
- Composition of tissue in the tunica media
- Type of tissue directly underlying the endothelium
Composition of tissue in the tunica media
Which of the following ligaments is most often damaged in an inferior alveolar nerve block?
- Lateral
- Capsular
- Stylohyoid
- Stylomandibular
- Sphenomandibular
Which of the following arteries is usually the most inferior branch arising from the external carotid artery?
- Superficial temporal
- Posterior auricular
- Superior thyroid
- Maxillary
- Lingual
Superior thyroid
Bone tissue increases in size by which of the following means?
- Action of osteoclasts
- Mitotic division of osteocytes
- Appositional growth by osteoblasts
- Interstitial growth by osteoblasts
Appositional growth by osteoblasts
Usually, a periapical abscess of a mandibular first premolar drains lingually into which of the following spaces?
- Sublingual
- Submandibular
- Parapharyngeal
- Retropharyngeal
- Pterygomandibular
Melanocytes migrate to the lamina propria of the oral mucosa from which of the following?
- Myotome
- Dermatome
- Scheratome
- Neural crest
- Rathke's pouch
Neural crest
If local anesthetic solution were deposited in the pterygopalatine fossa, then which of the following would be anesthetized?
- V1
- V2
- V3
- Facial nerve
- Vagus nerve
Facial nerve
The common hepatic artery is a branch of which vessel?
- Celiac
- Splenic
- Gastric
- Proper hepatic
- Superior mesenteric
Which of the following is the motor nerve innervating most thenar muscles?
- Ulnar
- Median
- Radial
- Axillary
- Musculocutanous
Which of the following is a unique characteristic of a mixed serous and mucous gland?
- Demilunes
- Striated ducts
- Intercalated ducts
- Myoepithelial cells
- Excessive fat throughout the stroma
The mature dental pulp is composed primarily of which of the following connective tissues?
- Dense
- Loose
- Mucoid
- Adipose
- Elastic
The internal thoracic artery gives rise to the:
- costocervical trunk
- posterior intercostal arteries
- bronchial and esophageal arteries
- superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries
superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries
A tendon consists mainly of:
- reticular fibers
- elastic fiber bundles
- loose collagenous bundles
- dense, regular, collagenous bundles
- dense, irregular, collagenous bundles
reticular fibers
Lymphatic drainage from maxillary teeth initally passes into which of the following lymph node groups?
- Parotid
- Submental
- Submandibular
- Jugulodigastric
- Jugulo omohyoid
Cell bodies of sympathetic fibers in the nerve of the pterygoid canal come from which of the following?
- Facial nerve
- Superior cervical ganglio
- Greater petrosal nerve
- Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Otic ganglion
Greater petrosal nerve
Which of the following correctly matches a part of the urinary system with its characteristic type of epithelium?
- Large collecting tubule: stratified columnar
- Thin limb of Henle: simple columnar
- Urinary bladder: stratified squamous
- Thick limb of Henle: stratified cuboidal
- Bowman's capsule: simple squamous
Bowman's capsule: simple squamous
Which of the following papillae of the tongue are the largest, are the least numerous, have many taste buds, and are associated with the ducts of von Ebner's glands?
- Foliate
- Filiform
- Fungiform
- Circumvallate
Uniform growth in the infolding portion of an epithelial root sheath (Hertwig) results in formation of a:
- single rooted tooth
- double rooted tooth
- three rooted tooth
- tooth without a root
single rooted tooth
Variation of the size of the lumen of the bronchiole during inspiration and expiration is caused primarily by:
- striated muscle and cartilage
- smooth muscle and elastic fibers
- the basement membrane and collagen fibers
- areolar connective tissue and cartilage
smooth muscle and elastic fibers
Which of the following nerves innervates the capsule of the temporomandibular joint?
- Facial
- Buccal
- Maxillary
- Mylohyoid
- Auriculotemporal
The foramen ovale is located in the:
- interatrial septum of the adult
- interatrial septum of embryo and fetus
- interventricular septum of the adult
- interventricular septum of embryo and fetus
interatrial septum of embryo and fetus
The temporalis muscle originates on the lateral surface of the skull and passes:
- medial to the zygomatic arch and inserts into the coronoid process of the mandible
- lateral to the zygomatic arch and inserts into the coronoid process of the mandible
- medial to the zygomatic arch and inserts into the medial side of the angle of the ramus
- lateral to the zygomatic arch and inserts into the medial side of the angle of the ramus
medial to the zygomatic arch and inserts into the coronoid process of the mandible
The area at which calcification of a tooth begins is the:
- root
- enamel matrix
- cementoenamel junction
- dentinoenamel junction
dentinoenamel junction
Which of the following is located at the opening between the small and the large intestines?
- The cardiac sphincter
- The pyloric sphincter
- The ileocecal valve
- The tricuspid valve
The ileocecal valve
Cell bodies of primary sensory neurons of mechanoreceptors in the periodontal ligament are found in which of the following brainstem nuclei?
- Nucleus solitarius
- Reticular formation
- Descending nucleus of V
- Chief sensory nucleus of V
- Mesencephalic nucleus of V
Mesencephalic nucleus of V
Salivary glands of the hard palate are located in the:
- median raphe
- gingival zone
- anterolateral zone
- posterolateral zone
posterolateral zone
The mandible, except for the condyle, is principally formed by:
- endochondral ossification
- intramembranous ossification
- expansion of the dental lamina
- the conversion of Meckel's cartilage directly into bone
intramembranous ossification
As a tooth undergoes attrition with age and with use, it maintains contact with its antagonist. Which of the following describes how this phenomenon occurs?
- The tooth forms additional apical dentin
- There is continual apposition of bone at the fundus of the tooth socket
- There is continual apposition of cementum in the tooth's apical region
- None of these
There is continual apposition of cementum in the tooth's apical region
Fordyce spots appearing on the mucous membrane of the cheek result from the presence of:
- aberrant sweat glands
- aberrant sebaceous glands
- superficial salivary glands
- aberrant fatty accumulations
- none of these
aberrant sebaceous glands
The cellular organelle that binds and releases calcium during relaxation and contraction of skeletal muscle is the:
- nucleus
- lysosome
- mitochondrion
- transverse tubule
- sarcoplasmic reticulum
sarcoplasmic reticulum
The most vascular portion of the temporomandibular joint's articular disk is usually found on the disk's:
- periphery
- superior surface
- inferior surface
Acidophils (alpha cells) of the hypophysis secrete:
- insulin
- thyroxin
- sex hormone
- growth hormone
growth hormone
A child falls on a nail that penetrates the submental region in the midline. What is the first muscle to be impaled?
- Mylohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
- Hyoglossus
- Genioglossus
- Posterior digastric
Salivary, sweat, sebaceous, and von Ebner's glands all have in common the characteristic of being:
- simple
- compound
- exocrine
- holocrine
- merocrine
An active fibroblast is characterized by:
- multiple nucleoli
- a bloated appearance
- a thick plasma membrane
- an unusually large nucleus
- abundant endoplasmic reticulum
abundant endoplasmic reticulum
As a result of a mandibular block injection, a patient has developed a paralysis of the muscles of facial expression. Where was the anesthetic solution most likely deposited?
- Into the parotid gland
- Near the chorda tympani
- Into the pterygoid plexus
- Through the mandibular notch
Into the parotid gland
The nerves in dental pulp are:
- afferent only
- sympathetic only
- parasympathetic only
- afferent and sympathetic
- afferent and parasympathetic
afferent and sympathetic
The white pulp of the spleen is composed primarily of:
- sinusoids
- macrophages
- lymphocytes
- connective tissue
Which of the following characterizes the alveolar bone proper of a tooth socket?
- It consists of compact bone, shows dark on a radiograph, and contains Sharpey's fibers
- It resorbs when subjected to pressure, and contains numerous openings through which vessels pass
- It contains haversian systems, has collagen fibers in its matrix, and is about 96% inorganic salts
- It serves to attach free gingival periodontal ligament fibers, and is a part of the total tooth attachment apparatus
It resorbs when subjected to pressure, and contains numerous openings through which vessels pass
Serotonin is thought to be produced by:
- chief cells
- Paneth's cells
- mucous neck cells
- enteroendocrine (argentaffin) cells
enteroendocrine (argentaffin) cells
Most of the postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers of the head are derived from the:
- superior cervical ganglion alone
- superior cervical ganglion and the vagus nerve
- superior cervical ganglion and the glossopharyngeal nerve
- inferior, middle, and superior cervical ganglia
superior cervical ganglion
Production of bile takes place in:
- Kupffer cells
- the gallbladder
- the hepatic duct
- the common bile duct
- none of these
none of these
Which of the following branches of the axillary artery usually supplies the latissimus dorsi muscle?
- Thoracodorsal
- Thoracoacromial
- Lateral thoracic
- Circumflex scapular
- Posterior humeral circumflex
The esophagus is subdivided into three portions on the basis of a transition in the:
- submucosa
- adventitia
- mucosal layer
- muscularis externa
muscularis externa
Basket (myoepithelial) cells are located in the:
- periodontal ligament
- lumen of secretory acini
- lamina propria of gingiva
- lumen of intercalated ducts
- spaces between the basal lamina and the secretory cell membrane
spaces between the basal lamina and the secretory cell membrane
Most of the fibers ascending to or descending from the cerebral cortex traverse the:
- pyramids
- internal capsule
- medial lemniscus
- cerebral peduncles
internal capsule
Which of the following represents the organelle that is typically composed of vesicles and of cureved, flattened cisternae that are parallel to one another?
- Centriole
- Mitochondrion
- Golgi complex
- Rought endoplasmic reticulum
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
Long bones of the skeleton increase in length because of the:
- mitotic division os osteocytes
- mitotic division of osteoblasts
- resorption of primary bone by osteoclasts
- appositional growth on the cartilagenous epiphyseal plate
- interstitial growth in the cartilagenous epiphyseal plate
interstitial growth in the cartilagenous epiphyseal plate
The thoracic splanchnic nerves to the celiac ganglion consist predominantly of:
- parasympathetic fibers
- preganglionic visceral efferents
- postganglionic visceral efferents
preganglionic visceral efferents
The motor division of the trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through the:
- foramen ovale
- foramen rotundum
- inferior orbital fissure
- superior orbital fissure
foramen ovale
The presence of valves characterizes:
- veins only
- blood sinusoids only
- lymphatic vessels only
- veins and lymphatic vessels
- blood sinusoids and blood capillaries
veins and lymphatic vessels
The visceral and parietal pericardia are continuous at the:
- pulmonary artery only
- inferior vena cava only
- veins and arteries entering and leaving the heart
veins and arteries entering and leaving the heart
In addition to the bronchis, which other major structures form the root of the lung?
- The pulmonary artery and veins
- The pulmonary artery and azygos vein
- The bronchial arteries and veins
- The bronchial arteries and veins, and the phrenic nerve
The pulmonary artery and veins
The unpaired vessels contributinf to the arterial circle of the brain include the:
- internal carotid and vertebral arteries
- posterior and anterior cerebral arteries
- anterior cerebral and anterior communicating arteries
- anterior cerebral and posterior communicating arteries
- anterior communicating and basilar arteries
anterior communicating and basilar arteries
Which of the following layers is totally lacking in thin skin?
- Stratum corneum
- Stratum lucidum
- Stratum spinosum
- Stratum germinativum
Stratum lucidum
The anterior interventricular (descending) artery is accompanied by the:
- small cardiac vein
- middle cardiac vein
- great cardiac vein
- coronary sinus
great cardiac vein
In the circulating blood of an adult, which of the following leukocytes normally appears in the highest numbers?
- Basophils
- Monocytes
- Eosinophils
- Neutrophils
- Lymphocytes
The jugular foramen transmits which cranial nerves?
- VII, IX, and XII
- IX, X, and XI
- IX, XI, and XII
- X, XI, and XII
IX, X, and XI
Which of the following supplies oxygenated blood to the capillary plexus of tissues surrounding a secondary bronchus?
- The pulmonary vein
- The pulmonary artery
- The bronchial artery
- None of these
The bronchial artery
Which of the following structures contacts the thyroid gland?
- Lingual nerve
- Phrenic nerve
- Thoracic duct
- Thyroarytenoid muscle
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Metastasizing cells that originate in the tip of the tongue follow the paths of the tongue's lymphatic vessels and arrive first in which of the following nodes?
- Submental
- Submandibular
- Supraclavicular
- Superficial parotid
- Superior deep cervical
The ribonucleic acid involved in protein synthesis is found primarily in the:
- nucleolus
- mitochondria
- Golgi apparatus
- fluid ground substance
- granular endoplasmic reticulum
granular endoplasmic reticulum
Whih of the following nerves descends anteriorly to the root of the right lung and between the mediastinal pleura and the pericardium?
- The right vagus nerve
- The right greater splanchnic nerve
- The nerve that supplies the right half of the diaphragm
- The nerve that supplies pain fibers to alveoli of the right lung
The nerve that supplies the right half of the diaphragm
The superficial head of the medial pterygoid muscle originates on the tuberosity of the maxilla and on the:
- pterygoid fossa
- pyramidal process of the palatine bone
- crest of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
- lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
pyramidal process of the palatine bone
In the fetus, the ductus venosus permits blood to flow from the:
- pulmonary vein to the aorta
- pulmonary artery to the aorta
- right atrium to the left atrium
- umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava
umblicial vein to the inferior vena cava
The posterior cord of the brachial plexus gives rise to which of the following nerves?
- Radial
- Long thoracic
- Thoracoacromial
- Medial pectoral
- Lateral pectoral
The postcentral gyrus is located in the:
- insula
- frontal lobe
- temporal lobe
- parietal lobe
- occipital lobe
parietal lobe
The cell body of the efferent (motor) neuron of a spinal reflex arc is located in:
- an autonomic ganglion
- the dorsal root ganglion (spinal ganglion)
- the anterior gray column (ventral horn) of the spinal cord
- the posterior gray column (dorsal horn) of the spinal cord
The anterior gray column (ventral horn) of the spinal cord
The most important organelle or component of a cell for oxidative processes is the:
- nucleus
- nucleolus
- mitochondrion
- Golgi complex
- endoplasmic reticulum
The primary sensory neurons' nucleus of termination involved in pain from the maxillary second molar is the:
- thalamic nucleus
- nucleus ambiguus
- nucleus of tractus solitarius
- spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
- mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
Lymph from lungs, bronchi, and trachea drains chiefly into:
- mediastinal lymph nodes
- depp cervical lymph nodes and vessels
- superficial cervical lymph nodes and vessels
- lymph nodes and the vessels paralleling internal mammary blood vessels
mediastinal lymph nodes
In a faciolingual section through a tooth and its related gingiva, the demarcation line between free gingiva and attached gingiva extends between the:
- alveolar crest and the free gingival groove
- bottom of the gingival sulcus and the free gingival groove
- apical margin of the epithelial attachment and the alveolar crest
- apical margin of the epithelial attachment and the free gingival groove
bottom of the gingival sulcus and the free gingival groove
Which of the following empty into the right atrium?
- The pulmonary and bronchial veins
- The coronary sinus and pulmonary veins
- The superior and inferior venae cavae and coronary sinus
- The superior vena cava, coronary sinus, and hemiazygos vein
The superior and inferior vena cavae and coronary sinus
The connective tissue sheath that surrounds a muscle as a while and is synonymous with the gross anatomic deep fascia is the:
- epimysium
- endomysium
- perimysium
- periosteum
- perichondrium
The external carotid artery contributes to the blood supply of the nasal cavity by way of the:
- facial artery, the superior labial artery, and angular artery
- lingual artery, the deep lingual artery, and internal nasal arteries
- occipital artery, the ascending palatine artery, and posterior nasal arteries
- maxillary artery, the sphenopalatine artery, and posterior lateral nasal arteries
- superficial temporal artery, the transverse facial artery, and external nasal arteries
maxillary artery, the sphenopalatine artery, and posterior lateral nasal arteries
The branch of the ophthalmic artery that pierces the optic nerve is the:
- supraorbital
- anterior ciliary
- anterior ethmoidal
- central artery of the retina
central artery of the retina
Cell bodies of taste fibers from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue are located in which of the following ganglia?
- Otic
- Geniculate
- Trigeminal
- Pterygopalatine
Which of the following is the major change in bone matrix during its mineralization?
- Osteons enlarge
- Cells develop processes
- Water content decreases
- Collagenous fibrils form
- Ground substance aggregates
Water content decreases
Which of the following characterizes a lymph node?
- It contains medullary cords
- It lacks afferent lymphatics
- It has crypts lined with stratified squamous epithelium
- It has efferent lymphatics leaving at multiple sites from the capsule
It contains medullary cords
The initial epithelial attachment joining the gingiva to the tooth arises directly from:
- oral mucosa
- cervical loop epithelium
- reduced enamel epithelium
- the epithelial root sheath (Hertwig)
reduced enamel epithelium
Which region of dentin is the most highly mineralized?
- The peritubular
- The intertubular
- The interglobular
The peritubular
Which of the following branches of the external carotid artery originates just below the level of the hyoid bone's greater cornu?
- The facial artery
- The occipital artery
- The maxillary artery
- The superior thyroid artery
- The posterior auricular artery
The superior thyroid artery
The zona pellucida is associated with which of the following?
- Corpus luteum
- Corpus albicans
- Oocyte in a mature follicle
- Oocyte in an early primary follicle
Oocyte in a mature follicle
Which of the following muscles serves as the forearm's principal extensor?
- Pronator teres
- Brachioradialis
- Triceps brachii
- Coracobrachialis
- Extensor carpi radialis longus
Triceps brachii
The middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle originates from the:
- hyoid bone
- thyroid cartilage
- pterygoid hamulus
- pterygomandibular raphe
hyoid bone
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers pass through which of the following structures?
- Foramen ovale
- Stylomastoid foramen
- Foramen magnum and hypoglossal canal
- Superior orbital fissure and petrotympanic fissure
Superior orbital fissure and petrotympanic fissure
The tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle curves around the:
- angular spine
- styloid process
- pterygoid hamulus
- lateral pterygoid plate
- spine of the sphenoid
pterygoid hamulus
The zona reticularis is the inner layer of the:
- cortex of the thymus
- medulla of the thymus
- cortex of the suprarenal (adrenal)
- medullas of the suprarenal (adrenal)
cortex of the suprarenal (adrenal)
In the temporomandibular joint of an older person, the articulating surface of the temporal bone is covered by:
- hyaline cartilage
- elastic cartilage
- highly cellular fibrous connective tissue
- fibrous connective tissue containing chondrocytes
fibrous connective tissue containing chondrocytes
A tumor of the maxillary sinus may cause an overflow of tears by exerting pressure on the:
- lacrimal gland
- lacrimal puncta
- conjunctival sac
- nasolacrimal duct
nasolacrimal duct
Which of the following differentiates cementum from enamel?
(a) The presence of collagen fibers
(b) The absence of incremental lines
(c) The cellular component in the mature tissue
(d) The derivation from the epithelial root sheath (Hertwig)
- a and b only
- a and c only
- a and d only
- b and c only
- b and d only
- c and d only
- a, b, c, and d
a and c only
Which of the following abdominal viscera are retroperitoneal?
(a) Aorta
(b) Liver
(c) Kidney
(d) Stomach
(e) Pancreas
(f) Suprarenal (adrenal)
- a, b, c, and d
- a, b, c, and e
- a, b, d, and f
- a, c, e, and f
- b, d, e, and f
- c, d, e, and f
a, c, e, and f
Which of the following veins are normally concerned with drainage of the stomach?
(a) Portal
(b) Azygos
(c) Splenic
(d) Internal iliac
- a and b
- a and c only
- a, c, and d
- b and c only
- b, c, and d
- b and d only
a and c only
The facial processes that contribute directly to the formation of the lips are the:
(a) maxillary and mandibular processes
(b) maxillary and lateral nasal processes
(c) maxillary and medial nasal processes
(d) medial and lateral nasal processes
(e) lateral and medial palatine processes
- a and b
- a and c
- a and e
- b and c
- b and d
a and c
The periodontal ligament space is vital to the functional life of a tooth because it:
(a) contains nervous and vascular elements
(b) allows for physiologic movement of the tooth
(c) provides a cellular source for new cementum and bone
- a only
- a and b only
- a and c only
- b only
- b and c only
- c only
- a, b, and c
a, b. and c
Nutrients and oxygen reach the cells of compact bone by passing through:
(a) lamellae
(b) canaliculi
(c) capillaries
(d) osseous matrix
(e) Volkmann's canals
- a, b, and e only
- a, c, and e only
- a, d, and e only
- b, c, and d only
- b, c, and e only
- a, b, c, d, and e
b, c, and e only
Which of the following events may take place during active inspiration?
(a) The diaphragm descends
(b) The epiglottis closes
(c) The uvula swings superiorly
(d) Rotation occurs at costo vertebral articulations
(e) The lateral diameter of the thorax increases
- a, b, and d
- a, d, and e
- a and e only
- b and c only
- b, c, and d
- d and e only
a, d, and e
Which of the following is not a branch of the maxillary artery?
- Deep temporal
- Middle meningeal
- Inferior alveolar
- Superficial temporal
- Posterior superior alveolar
Superficial temporal
Which of the following artery-foramen/fissure pairings is not correct?
- Accessory meningeal: foramen ovale
- Middle meningeal: foramen spinosum
- Inferior alveolar: mandibular foramen
- Anterior tympanic: petrotympanic fissure
- Posterior superior alveolar: sphenopalatine foramen
Posterior superior alveolar: sphenopalatine foramen
Which of the following laryngeal muscles is not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve?
- Cricothyroid
- Aryepiglottic
- Transverse arytenoid
- Lateral cricoarytenoid
- Posterior cricoarytenoid
Proprioceptors are found in each of the following except:
- gingiva
- skeletal muscle
- the pulp of a tooth
- the periodontal ligament
- the temporomandibular joint
the pulp of a tooth
Which of the following is not contained in the posterior mediastinum?
- The thoracic duct
- The descending aorta
- The splanchnic nerve
- The hemiazygos vein
- The right recurrent laryngeal nerve
The right recurrent laryngeal nerve
Which of the following nerves is not located in the wall of the cavernous sinus?
- Abducens
- Maxillary
- Trochlear
- Ophthalmic
- Oculomotor
Which of the following arteries is not derived from the celiac trunk or its branches?
- Left gastric
- Short gastric
- Gastroduodenal
- Left gastroepiploic
- Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
Left gastroepiploic
Which of the following is nerve found at the outer surface of enamel?
- Perikymata
- Enamel tuft
- Enamel matrix
- Enamel lamella
Enamel tuft
All of the following structures lie superficial to the hyoglossus muscle except the:
- lingual nerve
- lingual artery
- hypoglossal nerve
- submandibular duct
lingual artery
Which of the following may cause dead tracts in dentin?
- Caries
- Erosion
- Cavity preparation
- Odontoblastic crowding
- Any of the above
Any of the above
The component of bone tissue that gives bone tensile strength is the:
- elastic fibers
- calcified ground substance
- interconnecting canaliculi
- periosteal connective tissue
- collagenous fibrils of matrix
collagenous fibrils of matrix
The cerebellar cortex is characterized histologically by which of the following types of cells?
- Basket
- Purkinje
- Pyramidal
- Martinotti
- Horizontal
If the spinal tract of the fifth cranial nerve were sectioned at the level of the caudal medulla, which of the following modalities would be most affected?
- Taste
- Proprioception
- Pain from the ipsilateral side of the face
- Light touch from the contralateral side of the face
Pain from the ipsilateral side of the face
The junction between primary and secondary dentin is characterized by a:
- resting line
- reversal line
- sharp reduction in number of dentinal tubules
- sharp change in direction of dentinal tubules
- resting line and sharp reduction in number of dentinal tubules
sharp change in direction of dentinal tubules
The postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the vessels of the submandibular salivary gland arise from cells in the:
- otic ganglion
- submandibular ganglion
- pterygopalatine ganglion
- superior cervical ganglion
superior cervical ganglion
Skeletal muscle enlarges with prolonged activity as a consequence of:
- differentiation of myoblasts
- mitotic division of muscle fibers
- an increase in endomysial connective tissue
- an increase in sarcoplasm and in the number of myofibrils of existing muscle fibers
an increase in sarcoplasm and in the number of myofibrils of existing muscle fibers
Enamel spindles are formed by:
- cracks
- ameloblasts
- odontoblasts
- hypoplastic rods
- hypocalcified rods
The structure first formed by the tooth bud that remains in evidence in the formed tooth is the:
- primary cuticle
- secondary cuticle
- inner enamel epithelium
- cementoenamel junction
- dentinoenamel junction
dentinoenamel junction
The thick myofilaments observed in transmission electron microscopic preparations of skeletal muscle are:
- composed mainly of actin
- present only in the A band
- present in both A and I bands
- traversed or crossed by the Z band
present only in the A band
From an anatomic standpoint an emergency airway may be established most readily by opening into the trachea:
- between thyroid cartilages
- at the level of the jugular notch
- through the thyrohyoid membrane
- through the median cricothyroid ligament
through the median cricothyroid ligament
Right subclavian and right common carotid arteries arise from the:
- thoracic aorta
- ascending aorta
- arch of the aorta
- pulmonary artery
- brachiocephalic artery
brachiocephalic artery
The common bile ducts, the hepatic artery and the portal vein are found grouped in the:
- mesocolon
- lesser omentum
- greater omentum
- gastrosplenic ligament
lesser omentum
The greater peritoneal sac communicates with the lesser peritoneal sac by means of the:
- aortic hiatus
- inguinal canal
- epiploic foramen
- lesser pelvic aperture
- superior pelvic aperture
epiploic foramen
When a tooth first erupts into the oral cavity, the attachment epithelium is derived from:
- oral mucosa
- reduced enamel epithelium
- epithelial rests of Malassez
- the epithelial root sheath (Hertwig)
reduced enamel epithelium
The number of roots that are formed is determined by the:
- thickness of the cervical loop
- number of root sheaths developed by the enamel organ
- number of discontinuities developed in the root sheath
- number of medial ingrowths of the cervical loop
number of medial ingrowths of the cervical loop
In a routine demineralized histologic section of an adult tooth, the area representing enamel is generally optically clear because:
- enamel is very poor in organic matrix
- enamel is very brittle and breaks off during sectioning
- ordinary stains do not stain the organic matrix of enamel
- the mounting medium has the same refractive index as enamel
enamel is very poor in organic matrix
The posterior cervical triangle is bounded partly by:
- trapezius and subclavius muscles
- splenius capitis and trapezius muscles
- trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
- the clavicle and the longus colli muscle
trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
The primary histologic characteristic of the pancreas is:
- follicles filled with secretion
- groups of special cells scattered among glandular alveoli
- small groups of cells scattered between follicles
- cells arranged in layers among which are special cells
groups of special cells scattered among glandular alveoli
Pharyngotympanic (eustachian) tubes connect the nasopharynx with the:
- outer ear
- middle ear
- semicircular canals
- vestibule of the inner ear
middle ear
Bacteria are frequently ingested by:
- mast cells
- fibrocytes
- small lymphocytes
- basophilic leukocytes
- neutrophilic leukocytes
neutrophilic leukocytes
Considering number and location, the parathyroid glands are usually:
- single and dorsal to the thyroid gland
- single and embedded in the dorsum of the thyroid gland
- multiple and embedded in the dorsum of the thyroid gland
- multiple and just superior to the thyroid gland
- not related to the thyroid gland
multiple and embedded in the dorsum of the thyroid gland
A portion of which of the following muscles has fibers inserting into the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint?
- Upper head of the lateral pterygoid
- Lower head of the lateral pterygoid
- Deep head of the medial pterygoid
- Superficial head of the medial pterygoid
Upper head of the lateral pterygoid
The arterial supply of the submandibular gland is from which branch of the external carotid artery?
- Ascending pharyngeal
- Superior thyroid
- Maxillary
- Facial
Which of the following blood elements is a fragment of megakaryocytic cytoplasm?
- Platelet
- Normoblast
- Eryhtrocyte
- Promyelocyte
- Proerythroblast
The lateral boundary of the retropharyngeal space at the level of the oropharynx is the:
- carotid sheath
- pterygomandibular raphe
- medial pterygoid muscle and its fascia
- stylopharyngeus muscle and its fascia
carotid sheath
The common hepatic artery is a branch of the:
- gastric artery
- splenic artery
- celiac artery (trunk)
- superior mesenteric artery
celiac artery (trunk)
Most of the antibodies in the body that act against antigens are produced by:
- T lymphocytes
- B lymphocytes
- macrophages
- plasma cells
plasma cells
In the fetus, blood enters the common carotid arteries by means of the:
- aorta
- pulmonary vein
- pulmonary artery
- ductus arteriosus
- thebesian veins (venae cordis minimae)
The parotid duct pierces the buccinator muscle opposite the:
- mandibular first premolar
- maxillary first premolar
- maxillary first molar
- maxillary second molar
- maxillary third molar
maxillary second molar
Which of the lymphoid tissues in the body are considered subepithelial and nonencapsulated?
- Thymus gland and lymph nodes
- Lymph nodes and aggregated nodules
- Pharyngeal tonsils and thymus gland
- Peyer's patches and pharyngeal tonsils
Peyer's patches and pharyngeal tonsils
Most of the lymph is returned to the blood at which of the following sites?
- Right brachiocephalic vein
- Left external jugular vein
- Junction of left internal jugular and subclavian veins
- Junction of right internal jugular and subclavian veins
Junction of left internal jugular and subclavian veins
In the fetal heart, the foramen ovale connects the:
- pulmonary artery and the aorta
- right and left atria, permitting the flow of blood from right to left
- right and left atria, permitting the flow of blood from left to right
- right and left ventricles, permitting the flow of blood from right to left
- right and left ventricles, permitting the flow of blood from left to right
right and left atria, permitting the flow of blood from right to left
Which of the following muscles receives its motor supply from the facial nerve?
- Masseter
- Temporal
- Buccinator
- Lateral pterygoid
- Tensor veli palatini
Second, third and fourth right posterior intercostal veins drain from the right superior intercostal vein into the:
- azygos vein
- hemiazygos vein
- accessory hemiazygos vein
- left brachiocephalic vein
- left internal jugular vein
azygos vein
At the muscle-tendon junction, the union is made by:
- myofibrils connecting with collagenous fibrils of the tendon
- an abundance of reticular fibers in the area of the junction
- a continuity of connective tissue sheaths of the muscle with those of the tendon
- a special thickening of sarcoplasm that unites with collagenous fibrils of the tendon
a continuity of connective tissue sheaths of the muscle with those of the tendon
Apical abscesses on certain teeth have a marked tendenct to produce cervical spread of infection that occurs most rapidly in abscesses of:
- mandibular incisors
- mandibular canines
- maxillary premolars
- mandibular second and third molars
mandibular second and third molars
In the sulcular epithelium, small spaces between cells in the stratum spinosum (prickle cell layer) are normally filled by:
- keratin
- a small amount of tissue fluid
- capillaries that course between cells to approach the free surface
- none of the above
a small amount of tissue fluid
Normally, the free gingiva can be distinguished from the epithelial attachment because the:
- underlying connective tissue of the gingiva does not contain lymphoid cells
- epithelium of the epithelial attachment does not have rete pegs
- epithelium of the gingiva is not keratinized
- underlying connective tissue of the epithelial attachment is less vascular
epithelium of the epithelial attachment does not have rete pegs
The bony floor of the nasal cavity is formed by the:
- palatine process of the maxilla and the vertical part of the palatine
- palatine process of the temporal and the horizontal part of the palatine
- vomer and the vertical part of the palatine
- palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal part of the palatine
palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal part of the palatine
Cells of the stratum granulosum of thick stratified squamous epithelium characteristically contain:
- melanin granules
- keratin granules
- keratohyalin granules
- granules that are organelles
keratohyalin granules
A major sensory innervation of the temporomandibular joint is derived from the:
- great auricular nerve
- auriculotemporal nerve
- inferior alveolar nerve
- temporal branches of the facial nerve
auriculotemporal nerve
The middle nasal concha is part of which of the following bones?
- Nasal
- Vomer
- Ethmoid
- Palatine
- Sphenoid
The external carotid artery contributes to the blood supply of the nasal cavity by way of the:
- facial artery, the superior labial artery and angular arteries
- lingual artery, the deep lingual artery and internal nasal arteries
- occipital artery, the ascending palatine artery and posterior nasal arteries
- maxillary artery, the sphenopalatine artery and posterior lateral nasal arteries
- superficial temporal artery, the transverse facial artery and external nasal arteries
maxillary artery, the sphenopalatine artery and posterior lateral nasal arteries
The impulse-conducting mechanism in the heart is composed of:
- autonomic nerve fibers
- bundles of collagenous fibers
- reticuloendothelial components
- modified cardiac muscle fibers
modified cardiac muscle fibers
Movement of the head about its vertical axis (rotation to right or left) occurs chiefly at which of the following joints?
- Atlanto axial
- Spheno occipital
- Atlanto occipital
- Third to seventh cervical vertebrae
Atlanto axial
Which of the following structures is formed from the first branchial (visceral) arch?
- Hyoid bone
- Buccinator muscle
- Stylopharyngeus muscle
- Lateral pterygoid muscle
- Superior parathyroid gland
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Lateral clefting of the lip results from the failure of merging of:
- maxillary with mandibular processes
- maxillary processes with each other
- maxillary and medial nasal processes
- medial and lateral nasal processes
- palatine processes with the nasal septum
maxillary and medial nasal processes
Which of the following cells is most likely to have an abundant amount of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum?
- Osteocyte
- Macrophage
- Osteoblast
- Mesothelial cell
- Small lymphocyte
The ground substance of hyaline cartilage is basophilic because it contains:
- phosphatases
- polypeptides
- orthophosphoric esters
- sulfated proteoglycans
sulfated proteoglycans
Tropocollagen is a protein molecule found in:
- collagen and elastic fibers only
- elastic and reticular fibers only
- collagen and reticular fibers only
- collagen, elastic and reticular fibers
collagen and reticular fibers only
Hyaline cartilage differs from bone in that hyaline cartilage:
- cells lie in lacunae
- may grow interstitially
- may grow appositionally
- can become more highly calcified
may grow interstitially
The most prominent functional component in the tunica media of small arteries is:
- elastic fibers
- smooth muscle
- striated muscle
- reticular fibers
- collagenous fibers
smooth muscle
The nucleolus produces:
- transfer RNA
- ribosomal RNA
- messenger RNA
- both DNA and transfer RNA
ribosomal RNA
An organ with a retroperitoneal location that can be approached surgically without violating the continuity of the peritoneum is the:
- ovary
- kidney
- spleen
- gallbladder
Which of the following are mobilized when a cell produces an excessive amount of protein?
- Lysosomes
- Mitochondria
- Lipofuscin granules
- Rough endoplasmic reticula
- All of the above
During endochondral ossification of a long bone of an extremity, the function of hyaline cartilage is to:
- increase strength of the developing bone
- provide a region where bone can grow in length
- provide undifferentiated cells that will become osteoblasts
- form cores of trabeculae that compose most compact bone of the diaphysis
provide a region where bone can grow in length
Most intrinsic muscles of the larynx receive their motor innervation from:
- the laryngeal plexus
- the inferior (recurrent) laryngeal nerve
- the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve
- the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve
- both external and internal branches of the superior laryngeal nerve
the inferior (recurrent) laryngeal nerve
In the human embryo, during the third week of development, the first branchial arch divides to form the mandibular process and the:
- hyoid arch
- thyrohyoid arch
- branchial pouch
- maxillary process
- frontonasal process
maxillary process
In a relaxed state, transitional epithelium can be distinguished from stratified squamous epithelium because transitional epithelium contains:
- stratum corneum
- flattened superficial cells
- dome shaped superficial cells
- more visible ground substance
dome shaped superficial cells
Circular fibers are present in the:
- free gingiva and encircle the tooth
- free gingiva and encircle alveolar bone
- attached gingiva and encircle alveolar bone
- periodontal ligament and encircle the tooth
free gingiva and encircle the tooth
Which of the following groups of periodontal ligament fibers has a cementum-to-cementum attachment?
- Oblique
- Transseptal
- Free gingival
- Interradicular
- Dentoalveolar crest
Which of the following is necessary for cementum to be deposited during tooth development?
- The tooth must be erupting
- A bony socket must develop
- An apical vascular plexus must be present
- The continuity of the root sheath (Hertwig) must be broken
The continuity of the rooth sheath (Hertwig) must be broken
The disturbance in cartilage formation in a fetus results in deformities of the:
- sphenoid and zygomatic bones
- axial skeleton and the base of the skull
- axial skeleton and the flat bones of the skull
- petrous portion of the temporal bones and the parietal bones
axial skeleton and the base of the skull
The long axes of mandibular condyles intersect at the foramen magnum indicating that these axes are directed:
- transversely
- anteroposteriorly
- anteromedially
- posteromedially
- None of the above
Cell bodies of taste fibers from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue are located in which of the following ganglia?
- Otic
- Geniculate
- Submandibular
- Pterygopalatine
- Trigeminal (semilunar)
The alveolar bone proper (cribiform plate) usually consists of:
- woven bone
- bundle bone only
- lamellar bone
- bundle bone and lamellar bone
bundle bone and lamellar bone
The optic tracts consist of axons from which of the following cells?
- Rod
- Bipolar
- Ganglion
- Horizontal
- All of the above
Gingiva is different from alveolar mucosa in that gingiva has:
- elastic fibers
- simple epithelium
- muscularis mucosa
- stratified epithelium
- high connective tissue papillae
high connective tissue papillae
The large mass of gray matter that bulges into the floor and the lateral aspect of the lateral ventricle is the:
- hypothalamus
- caudate nucleus
- substantia nigra
- amygdaloid complex
caudate nucleus
The large ascending bundle of fibers in the medulla that is comprised of second order neuron fibers conveying proprioception and discriminatory touch sensations to conscious levels is the:
- medial lemniscus
- reticular formation
- spinal trigeminal tract
- inferior cerebellar peduncle
medial lemniscus
Which of the following forms of connective tissues has a preponderance of amorphous ground substance over fibers?
- Loose
- Cartilage
- Reticular
- Dense, regularly arranged
- Dense, irregularly arranged
In salivary glands, folds of the basal portion of the cell membrane containing mitochondria are characteristic of the:
- cells comprising demilunes
- cells of the striated ducts
- cells of the intercalated ducts
- serous cells of the parotid gland
cells of striated ducts
The lamina papyacea is located in the orbital:
- roof
- floor
- lateral wall
- medial wall
medial wall
Which of the following increase with age in dental pulp?
(a) Vascularity
(b) Size of the pulp chamber
(c) Number of collagen fibers
(d) Calcification within the pulp
- a and b only
- a, b and c
- a and c only
- a and d
- b and c only
- b and d
- c and d
c and d
The epithelial root sheath (Hertwig) is characterized by:
(a) the formation of cell rests in the periodontal ligament when the sheath's functions have been accomplished
(b) progressive involution, thereby aiding in actual tooth movement during eruption
(c) the absence of a stellate reticulum and a stratum intermedium
(d) the absence of mitotic ability and, thus, stretching as the root grows
- a and c
- a and d
- b and c
- b and d
a and c
Obstruction of the cerebral aqueduct causes enlargement of the:
(a) third ventricle
(b) fourth ventricle
(c) lateral ventricle
- a only
- a and b
- a and c
- b only
- b and c
- c only
a and c
What is the usual sequence of events in the histogenesis of a tooth?
(a) Deposition of the first layer of enamel
(b) Deposition of the first layer of dentin
(c) Elongation of inner enamel epithelial cells
(d) Differentiation of odontoblasts
- a, b, c, d
- c, d, a, b
- c, d, b, a
- d, a, b, c
- d, c, b, a
c, d, b, a
Which of the following muscles or muscle fibers are elevators of the mandible?
(a) Medial pterygoid muscle
(b) Lateral pterygoid muscle
(c) Anterior fibers of the temporal muscle
(d) Posterior fibers of the temporal muscle
- a and c only
- a, c and d
- b, c and d
- b and d only
- All of the above
a, c and d
Which of the following articulate directly with the body of the sternum?
(a) Clavicle
(b) Eleventh rib
(c) Manubrium
(d) First rib
(e) Xiphoid process
- a, b and d
- b, d and e
- c, d and e
- c and e only
- All of the above
c and e only
Which of the following structures may be found in the infratemporal fossa?
(a) Sphenomandibular ligament
(b) Medial pterygoid muscle
(c) Middle meningeal artery
(d) Ophthalmuc nerve
(e) Internal jugular vein
- a, b and c
- a, b and d
- a, c and e
- b, d and e
- c, d and e
- All of the above
a, b and c
Which of the following cell types may be found in the periodontal ligament?
(a) Fibroclasts
(b) Osteoblasts
(c) Macrophages
(d) Cementoblasts
- a, b and c
- a and c only
- b and d
- d only
- All of the above
All of the above
Each of the following secretes the substance with which it is paired except:
- Sertoli's cells: testosterone
- corpus luteum: progesterone
- alpha cells of the pancreas: glucagon
- chromaffin cells of the suprarenal: catecholamine
Sertoli's cells: testosterone
All of the following structures can be seen in a histologic examination of the adult parotid gland except:
- striated ducts
- serous demilunes
- intercalated ducts
- myoepithelial cells
- granular serous cells
serous demilunes
Which of the following arteries does not accompany the corresponding nerve throughout its course?
- Lingual
- Infraorbital
- Inferior alveolar
- Posterior superior alveolar
Which of the following structural changes is not encountered in passing along the respiratory system from the trachea to a respiratory bronchiole?
- Decrease in goblet cells
- Decrease in ciliated cells
- Total loss of cartilage from the wall
- Progressive change from stratified squamous to cuboidal epithelial lining
Progressive change from stratified squamous to cuboidal epithelial lining
All of the ofllowing structures are concerned with development of the tongue except the:
- copula
- macula
- tuberculum impar
- second branchial arch
- third branchial arch
Which of the following tissues would be least affected if the anterior lobe of the hypophysis were destroyed?
- Thyroid epithelium
- Medulla of the adrenal gland
- Interstitial cells of the testis
- Zona fasciculata of the adrenal gland
- Spermatogenic epithelium of the testis
Medulla of the adrenal gland
The secretion of which of the following endocrine glands is not essential to life?
- Parathyroids
- Adrenal cortex
- Adrenal medulla
- Anterior pituitary
- Pancreatic islets of Langerhans
Adrenal medulla
A section of the posterior lobe of the hypophysis contains mainly:
- follicles
- alpha and beta cells
- chromophobes and chromophils
- unmyelinated nerve fibers
unmyelinated nerve fibers
The artery most commonly involved in stroke is the:
- lenticuldstriate
- anterior cerebral
- posterior cerebral
- middle meningeal
The fiber group in the periodontal ligament that constitutes the main support of the tooth against masticatory forces is the:
- apical
- oblique
- transverse
- horizontal
- transseptal
Nonarticular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint are covered with:
- periosteum
- fibrocartilage
- elastic cartilage
- hyaline cartilage
Which of the following elements are present during development and growth of the alveolar process?
- Osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteoid
- Osteoblasts, osteoid, megakaryocytes
- Perichondrium, osteoblasts, periosteal bud
- Periosteum, epiphyseal ossification centers, osteoblasts
Osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteoid
The epitheliam root sheat (Hertwig) is essential to development of the root of a tooth because it:
- remains as an essential constituent of the periodontal ligament
- gives rise to cementoblasts that produce cementum of the root
- gives rise to odontoblasts that lay down dentin of the root
- molds the shape of the root and stimulates differentiation of odontoblasts
molds the shape of the root and stimulates differentiation of odontoblasts
In skeletal muscle, a triad consists of:
- a "T" tubule and associated mitochondria
- a "T" tubule and invagination of the sarcolemma
- a zone of attachment between adjacent cells
- terminal cisternae and sarcoplasmic reticulum
- terminal cisternae and a fingerlike invagination of the sarcolemma
terminal cisternae and a fingerlike invagination of the sarcolemma
The cytoplasm of odontoblasts stains intensely with basic dyes. This is caused by the:
- high ribonucleic acid content
- high content of potassium ions
- increased number of mitochondria
- presence of acidophilic substances
high ribonucleic acid content
Which of the following structures crosses the masseter muscle and pierces the buccinator muscle?
- Parotid duct
- Masseteric nerve
- Transverse facial artery
- Zygomatic muscle branch of the facial nerve
Parotid duct
In the Pain Gate Theory, a controller system modulates sensory input so that there is a selective and integrative action occuring before impulses each the first synapse for onward transmission. The gate controller in this system is the:
- T cell
- large A fiber
- small C fiber
- central control
- substantia gelatinosa
substantia gelatinosa
Which of the following adult salivary glands are entirely serous?
- Ebner's and palatal
- Ebner's and parotid
- Ebner's and sublingual
- Parotid and submandibular
Ebner's and parotid
Which of the following arteries is most concerned with the blood supply to the upper lip?
- Facial
- Maxillary
- External nasal
- Greater palatine
- Anterior superior alveolar
The alternate loosening and tightening of a primary tooth that is about to be shed results from:
- lack of a developing permanent successor
- labial movement of the developing permanent tooth
- alternate resorption and apposition of cementum and bone
- alternate softening and hardening of alveolar bone proper
alternate resorption and apposition of cementum and bone
Of the structures seen on a ground section of a permanent lateral incisor, which of the following was formed first?
- Perikymata
- Enamel spindle
- Gnarled enamel
- Granular layer of Tomes
Enamel spindle
Colloid in the usualy thyroid follicle stains:
- basophilic
- acidophilic
- positive for DNA
- positive for steroids
The middle cranial fossa is separated from the posterior cranial fossa primarily by the:
- crista galli
- groove for the transverse sinus
- lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
- petrous part of the temporal bone
petrous part of the temporal bone
The normoblast is a developmental stage of the:
- monocyte
- lymphocyte
- eosinophil
- erythrocyte
When a tendon or a ligament is attached to bone, the attaching fibers are:
- Tomes' fibers
- principal fibers
- haversian fibers
- Sharpey's fibers
- interstitial fibers
Sharpey's fibers
The middle cerebral artery is distributed on the:
- ventral surface of the brain stem
- ventral surface of the cerebral hemisphere
- lateral surface of the central hemisphere
- anterior region of the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere
- posterior region of the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere
lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere
The fate of Meckel's cartilage is believe to be:
- dissolution without contribution to any definitive structure
- dissolution with minor contributions to ossification
- an active role in ossification of the mandibular body
- an active role in ossification of the alveolar process
dissolution with minor contribution to ossification
Which of the following has no lymph sinuses and is surrounded partly by connective tissue and partly by epithelium, the latter forming deep infoldings?
- Thymus
- Peyer's patch
- Lingual tonsil
- Palatine tonsil
- Pharyngeal tonsil
Pharyngeal tonsil
The free gingival groove is related to the:
- alveolar crest
- probe depth measurement
- base of the histologic sulcus
- degree of periodontal health
- arrangement of supraalveolar fibers
arrangement of supraalveolar fibers
The sphenomandibular ligament is attached to the:
- lesser wing of the sphenoid bone and the neck of the mandible
- spine of the sphenoid bone and lingula of the mandible
- spine of the sphenoid bone and the angle of the mandible
- None of the above
spine of the sphenoid bone and lingula of the mandible
After exertion, an athlete is puffing. Which of the following paired muscles helps maintain a wide airway through the larynx?
- Cricothyroid
- Aryepiglottic
- Thyroarytenoid
- Posterior cricoarytenoid
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Accessory root canals can be formed by:
- retention of the stellate reticulum
- adherence of the root sheath to the dentinal surface
- a break in the root sheath before formation of dentin
- an epithelial rest that lies in contact with the dentin of the root
a break in the root sheath before formation of dentin
Cyclic DNA has been found in or assocated with which of the following organelles?
- Centriole
- Mitochondrion
- Goldi apparatus
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Bifid tongue is a result of lack of fusion of the:
- copula
- vallerculae
- tuberculum impar
- lateral swellings
- None of the above
lateral swellings
Which of the following is the embryonic precursor of cementoblasts?
- Dental sac
- Dental papilla
- Inner enamel epithelium
- Outer enamel epithelium
- Epithelial root sheath (Hertwig)
Dental sac
The medial (internal) pterygoid muscle is attached to the:
- pterygoid hamulus
- lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
- medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
- medial surface of the medial pterygoid plate
- lateral surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid
medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
Schwann's cells arise from:
- glial cells
- spongioblasts
- neural crest cells
- neuroepithelial cells of the ependymal zone
neural crest cells
Which of the following describes the manner in which tissue fluid reaches the epithelium of skin?
- Arterioles are directly involved in tissue fluid exchange with the epithelium
- Capillaries are directly involved in tissue fluid exchange with the epithelium
- Tissue fluid is obtained through the ground substance of connective tissue from arterioles
- Tissue fluid is obtained through the ground substance of connective tissue from capillaries
Tissue fluid is obtained through the ground substance of connective tissue from capillaries
In the condition of hypersecretion of growth hormone, which of the following determines whethe gigantism or acromegaly results?
- The genetic makeup of the individual
- The nutritional state of the individual
- Whether epiphyses of the long bones are fused
- Whether there is a concomitant excess of thyroxine
Whether epiphyses of the long bones are fused
The circulatory system of a near-term fetus differs from that of an adult in that, in the fetus, the:
- ductus venosus carries unoxygenated blood
- ductus arteriosus carries fully oxygenated blood
- foramen ovale allows blood to pass primarily from the right atrium to the left atrium
foramen ovale allows blood to pass primarily from the right atrium to the left atrium
Inorganic crystals in enamel have their long axes parallel to the rods in the:
- centers of the bodies of the rods only
- periphery of the bodies of the rods only
- bodies of the rods and deviating increasingly in the tails
- tails of the rods and deviating increasingly from the centers of the bodies to the periphery
- tails of the rods and deviating increasingly from the periphery of the bodies to the centers
bodies of the rods and deviating increasingly from the centers of the bodies to the periphery
During deep inspiration, the diaphragm behaves in which of the following ways?
- It relaxes
- It moves inferiorly
- It moves superiorly
- It does not change position
- It compresses thoracic viscera
It moves inferiorly
Which of the following structures passes through the foramen rotundum?
- Maxillary nerve
- Zygomatic nerve
- Lacrimal artery
- Maxillary artery
Maxillary nerve
Peripherally located nuclei are found in which of the following types of adult muscle cells?
- Smooth only
- Cardiac only
- Skeletal only
- Smooth and cardiac
- Cardiac and skeletal
Skeletal only
The spheno-occipital synchondrosis in the midline of the cranial base of a newborn consists of:
- hyaline cartilage
- elastic cartilage
- fibrous cartilage
- fibrous connective tissue
hyaline cartilage
The papillary layer of the dermis differs from the reticular layer in that the papillary later:
- contains larger blood vessels than the reticular layer
- has a few elastic fibers, whereas the reticular layer has no elastic fibers
- is composed of coarse collagenous fibers, whereas the reticular layer is composed of predominantly fine collagenous fibers
- is more finely constructed, whereas the reticular layer contains coarser collagenous fibers as a component
is more finely constructed, whereas the reticular layer contains coarser collagenous fibers as a component
In an adult, cerebrospinal fluid can be aspirated most safely by inserting the needle between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae because:
- the spinal cord does not extend below lumbar 2
- the subarachnoid space does not extend below lumbar 4
- there is more space between laminae of these vertebrae
- there are no important nerves in this part of the vertebral canal
- there is little danger of entering the internal vertebral plexus at this level
the spinal cord does not extend below lumbar 2
Ependymal cells constitute the tissue that:
- lines the ventricles of the brain
- lines the ventricles of the heart
- forms a part of the peripheral neuroglia
- covers nerve cell bodies in a ganglion
lines the ventricles of the brain
The oral mucosa of the cheek differs from the skin covering the outer surface of the lip by possessing:
- sweat glands in the submucosa
- groups of sebaceous glands associated with hair follicles
- dense, collagenous fibers that immovably fix it to the orbicularis oris muscle
- a stratified, squamous, keratinized epithelium with a thicker lamina propria
a stratified, squamous, nonkeratinized epithelium with a thinner lamina propria
Which of the following cells aid in the immunologic defense of the body?
- Mast cells
- Giant cells
- Neutrophils
- Plasma cells
Plasma cells
The upper five or six anterior intercostal arteries are branches of the:
- thoracic aorta
- musculophrenic arteries
- pericardiacophrenic arteries
- internal thoracic arteries
- superior epigastric arteries
internal thoracic arteries
Which of the following cells contains a large amount of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum?
- Lymphocyte
- Eosinophil
- Plasma cell
- Skeletal muscle cell
- Reticuloendothelial cell
Plasma cell
Polymerization of amino acids to form procollagen filaments occurs:
- on ribosomes
- in the golgi apparatus
- on the fibroblast surface
- in rough, endoplasmic reticulum
- after cleavage of the registration peptide
in the golgi apparatus
The cell body of a somatic afferent neuron is found in the:
- dorsal horn of the spinal cord
- ventral horn of the spinal cord
- dorsal root ganglion of a spinal nerve
- ventral root ganglion of a spinal nerve
- ganglion of the autonomic nervous system
dorsal root ganglion of a spinal nerve
The cores of intestinal villi consist of:
- loose connective tissue and folds of muscularis externa
- folds of submucosa that contain blood vessels and Meissner's plexus
- a lamina propria that contains blood vessels, nerves and lacteals
- connective tissue and two fairly substantial layers of smooth muscle
a lamina propria that contains blood vessels, nerves and lacteals
During growth of the mandible, resting lines are seen in the cortical bone. This phenomenon is a result of:
- bone apposition
- internal stress in bone
- calcification of cartilage
- eruption of permanent teeth
- endochondral bone resorption
bone apposition
The mylohyoid muscle functions to:
- depress the hyoid bone
- raise the floor of the mouth
- approximate faucial pillars
- close the opening to the nasopharynx
- prevent food from entering the larynx
raise the floor of the mouth
Infections or neoplasms that spread by lymphatics from the skin of the angle of the mouth pass to the:
- parotid nodes
- cavernous sinus
- pterygoid plexus
- submandibular nodes
- anterior auricular nodes
submandibular nodes
Multiple root formation in a tooth follows unequal proliferation of the:
- dental sac
- dental papilla
- epithelial rests
- epithelial diaphragm
epithelial diaphragm
In which of the following glands is the blood supply most isolated from the parenchyma?
- Thymus
- Spleen
- Lymph node
- Peyer's patch
- Pharyngeal tonsil
The pterygoid plexus and its tributaries are the venous paralel of the:
- facial artery
- maxillary artery
- internal carotid artery
- superficial temporal artery
maxillary artery
Eversion of valves of atrioventricular orifices of the heart is prevented by papillary muscles and:
- the terminal crest
- the ligamentum teres
- the ligamentum venosum
- chordae tendinate cordis
- trabeculae carneae cordis
chordae tendinae cordis
Which of the following epithelial surface variations serve primarily to increase the functional surface area?
- Cilia
- Flagella
- Microvilli
- All of the above
Articular surfaces of most diarthrodial joints are covered by:
- fibrocartilage
- hyaline cartilage
- elastic cartilage
- articular disks
hyaline cartilage
Blood vessels in interdental papillae anastomose freely with:
- periodontal vessels only
- interalveolar vessels only
- both periodontal and interalveolar vessels
- none of the above
both periodontal and interalveolar vessels
A major tract connecting right and left cerebral hemispheres is the:
- cingulim
- corpus callosum
- internal capsule
- superior occipitofrontal bundle
corpus callosum
Which of the following is found in the curve of the duodenum?
- Spleen
- Cystic duct
- Left kidney
- Head of the pancreas
- Fundus of the stomach
Head of the pancreas
Maxillary teeth are developed from which of the following embryonic structures?
(a) Arch I
(b) Arch II
(c) Globular process
(d) Lateral nasal process
- a and b
- a and c
- b and c
- b and d
- c and d
a and c
A sinusoid arrangement of blood vessels is found in the:
(a) hypophysis
(b) spleen
(c) kidney
(d) liver
- a and b only
- a, b and d
- a and c
- b, c and d
a, b and d
Which of the following organs have the closest anatomic relationship to the right kidney?
(a) Colon
(b) Liver
(c) Spleen
(d) Stomach
(e) Duodenum
(f) Pancreas
- a, b and c
- a, b and e
- a, c and d
- b, d and f
- c, e and f
- d, e and f
a, b and e
Which of the following organelles have a double-unit membrane?
(a) Nucleus
(b) Lysosome
(c) Golgi complex
(d) Mitochondrion
(e) Rought endoplasmic reticulum
- a, b and c
- a and c only
- a and d only
- a, d and e
- b, c and d
- b and e
a and d only
The fate of the epithelial rests of Malassez is that they may:
(a) undergo calcification
(b) form into cementicles
(c) become fibrous
(d) form cartilagenous nodules
- a and b only
- a, b and c
- b and c only
- b, c and d
- c and d only
a and b only
Neonatal lines are found in which of the following?
(a) Enamel of primary incisors
(b) Enamel of permanent canines
(c) Enamel of permanent first molars
(d) Dentin of permanent mandibular incisors
(e) Dentin of permanent first molars
- a, b and c
- a, b and d only
- a, b, d and e
- a, c and d
- b, d and e only
- All of the above
All of the above
Ligamentous remnants of the fetal circulatory system persisting in the adult include:
(a) ligamentum nuchae
(b) ligamentum venosum
(c) ligamentum arteriosum
(d) ligamentum teres of the liver
(e) ligamentum teres of the uterus
- a, b and c
- a, b and e
- a, d and e
- b, c and d
- c, d and e
b, c and d
Which of the following structures of the infratemporal fossa is not found between medial and lateral pterygoid muscles?
- Lingual nerve
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Inferior alveolar artery
- Nerve to the masseter muscle
Nerve to the masseter muscle
All of the following structures may be found in dentin except:
- globular dentin
- the neonatal line
- striae of Retzius
- contour lines of Owen
- odontoblastic processes
striae of Retzius
Epithelium of which of the following structures of the respiratory system does not normally have cilia?
- Trachea
- Bronchioles
- Alveolar ducts
- Primary bronchus
Alveolar ducts
Which of the following is not a "principal" collagenous fiber gorup of the periodontal ligament?
- Apical
- Oblique
- Horizontal
- Gingivodental
Which of the following structures is not found in the substance of the parotid gland?
- Facial vein
- Facial nerve
- External carotid artery
- Superficial temporal artery
- A branch of the great auricular nerve
Facial vein
Submental lymph nodes recieve lymphatic vessels from all of the following except:
- mandibular molars
- the tip of the tongue
- the middle of the lower lip
- mandibular lateral incisors
- mandibular central incisors
mandibular molars
Which of the following groups of cells in the adrenal gland secretes epinephrine?
- Medullary cells
- Zona fasciculata cells
- Zona glomerulosa cells
- Zona reticularis cells
Medullary cells
Surgical excision of the parotid gland endangers which of the following structures in addition to the facial nerve?
- Hypoglossal nerve
- Motor nerves to the muscles of mastication
- External carotid artery and auriculotemporal nerve
- Lesser occipital nerve and spinal accessory nerve
External carotid artery and auriculotemporal nerve
Which of the following connective tissue cells is most concerned with defense against bacterial invasion?
- Basophil
- Eosinophil
- Mast cell
- Macrophage
- Erythrocyte
Which of the following are particularly well developed in cells synthesizing proteins for secretion?
- Lysosomes
- Mtichondria
- Lipofuscin granules
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- All of the above
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
A needle for an inferior alveolar nerve injection mistakenly passes posteriorly at the level of the mandibular foramen. Which of the following structures is it likely to contact?
- Parotid gland
- Lingual nerve
- Internal carotid artery
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Tendon of the temporalis muscle
Parotid gland
Which of the following correctly describes the activity of tooth-forming cells during the last part of active eruption?
- Ameloblasts are functioning actively
- Odontoblasts are functioning actively
- The secondary enamel cuticle is being formed
- Cementoblasts have completed their work and are no longer functional
Odontoblasts are functioning actively
Motor fibers from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve are distributed to which of the following muscles?
- Stylopharyngeus
- Intrinsic muscles of the tongue
- Muscles of mastication and anterior belly of digastric only
- Muscles of facial expression and posterior belly of digastric
- Muscles of mastication, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini and mylohyoid
Muscles of mastication, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini and mylohyoid
Which of the following areas of the cerebral cortex is concerned with the recognition of painful stimuli from the teeth?
- Precentral gyrus
- Superior temporal gyrus
- Postcentral gyrus
- Cortex along the lips of the calcarine fissure
Postcentral gyrus
Which of the following occurs during the early stage of the eruption of a tooth?
- Maturation of enamel
- Formation of the dental sac
- Formation of stellate reticulum
- Differentiation of the stratum intermedium
Maturation of enamel
Which of the following is correct concerning the structure of the palatal submucosa?
- A network of vascular spaces acts as a hydrostatic cushion
- The entire submucosa consists of loose connective tissue containing compressible ground substance
- The anterior zone contains spaces filled with fat while the posterior zone contains nests of mucous glands
- The anterior zone consists of a dense collagenous network while the posterior zone contains compressible vascular spaces
The anterior zone contains spaces filled with fat while the posterior zone contains nests of mucous glands
Which of the following cartilages will be cut twice in a sagittal section through the neck?
- Cricoid
- Thyroid
- Arytenoid
- Epiglottis
- Second tracheal cartilage
Which of the following contains the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract?
- Pars nervosa
- Pars intermedia
- Infundibular stalk
- Pars distalis of the hypophysis
- None of the above
Infundibular stalk
The adult parotid gland can be distinguished by which of the following features?
(a) Mucous acini only
(b) Relatively long secretory ducts
(c) Mucous acini with serous demilunes
(d) Serous acini only
(e) Long intercalated ducts
- a, b and c
- b, c and d
- b, d and e
- c, d and e
b, d and e
Which of the following are attached to the cell membrane?
(a) Cell coat
(b) Microfilaments
(c) Reticular fibers
(d) Golgi complex
(e) Sharpey's fibers
- a and b
- a and e
- b and c
- c and d
- d and e
a and b
The greater petrosal nerve contains which of the following components?
(a) Sympathetic fibers
(b) General visceral afferent fibers
(c) General somatic efferent fibers
(d) Parasympathetic fibers
(e) Special visceral efferent fibers
- a and e
- b and d
- c and e
- All of the above
b and d
The noncellular components in osseous tissue include:
(a) lacunae
(b) canaliculi
(c) osteocytes
(d) osteoblasts
(e) matrix substance
(f) hematopoietic elements
- a, b and e
- a, b and f
- a, c and e
- b, d and f
- c, d and e
- c, d and f
a, b and e
Mineral-poor ectodermal structures in enamel include:
(a) tufts
(b) lamellae
(c) spindles
(d) odontoblastic processes
- a and b
- b and c only
- b, c and d
- c and d only
- All of the above
a and b
The submental lymph nodes receive drainage from the:
(a) upper lip
(b) tip of the tongue
(c) mandibular incisors
(d) anterior floor of the mouth
(e) middle portion of the lower lip
(f) lateral portion of the lower lip
- a, b, c and d
- a, b, c and f
- a, b, e and f
- a, d, e and f
- b, c, d and e
- c, d, e and f
b, c, d and e
The cellcomponent that is genetically continuous from one cell generation to the next is:
- nuclear membrane
- Golgi complex
- central bodies
- chromatin
The combined layers of stomodeum ectoderm and foregut endoderm comprise the:
- buccopharyngeal membrane
- first pharyngeal arch
- mandibular process
- primitive palate
buccopharyngeal membrane
DNA is found primarily in:
- a nucleolus
- the nucleus
- the cytoplasm
- the mitochondria
- the cell membrane
the nucleus
The normal gingival sulcus is bounded by the:
- tooth surface and epithelial covering of attached gingiva
- tooth surface and epithelial covering of free gingiva
- epithelial covering of free and attached gingiva
- free gingival groove and mucogingival junction
- tooth surface and gingival lamina propria
tooth surface and epithelial covering of free gingiva
The pillars of the fauces are formed by mucosa and the underlying:
- palatoglossus and styloglossus muscles
- palatoglossus and stylopharyngeus muscles
- palatoglossus and palatopharyngeal muscles
- None of the above
palatoglossus and palatopharyngeal muscles
The space between the jaws into which the teeth erupt is provided by growth at the:
- alveolar processes
- mandibular condyles
- intermaxillary suture and the mental symphysis
- sphenomaxillary, the frontomaxillary and the zygomaticomaxillary sutures
mandibular condyles
The function of the posterior lobe of the hypophysis involves the storage and release of:
- thyrotropic hormone and gonadotropic hormone
- thyrotropic hormone and vasopressin (ADH)
- oxytocin and gonadotropic hormone
- vasopressin (ADH) and oxytocin
vasopressin (ADH) and oxytocin
The cribiform plater (alveolar bone proper) reveals minute openings which represent:
- areas of osteoclastic activity
- regions of hematopoietic activity
- resorption sites of the spongiosa
- attachment sites of Sharpey's fibers
- regions for passage of vascular and nerve elements
regions for passage of vascular and nerve elements
The parotid ducts pierces the buccinator muscle opposite the:
- mandibular first premolar
- maxillary first premolar
- maxillary first molar
- maxillary second molar
- maxillary third molar
maxillary second molar
Intramembranous bone formation involves:
- mitosis of osteocytes
- hypertrophy of osteocytes
- transformation of osteoclasts to chondrocytes
- transformation of osteocytes to chondrocytes
- transformation of osteoblasts to osteocytes
transformation of osteoblasts to osteocytes
Smooth muscle fibers differ from striated muscle fibers in that the smooth muscle fibers are:
- longer
- demonstrably single nucleated
- incapable of hypertrophic changes
- multinucleated and of indefinite length
demonstrably single nucleated
In the spinal cord, white matter consists mainly of:
- perineurium
- myelinated axons
- nerve cell bodies
- loose connective tissue
myelinated axons
After the tooth is formed, the dental papilla remains as the:
- dentin
- dental sac
- dental pulp
- dental follicle
dental pulp
The esophageal branches of the right vagus nerve in the lower thorax are found mainly on the:
- left wall of the esophagus
- right wall of the esophagus
- posterior wall of the esophagus
- None of the above
posterior wall of the esophagus
The trachea bifurcates into right and left primary bronchi at the level of the:
- sternal angle of just below
- seventh cervical vertebra
- suprasternal notch
- xiphoid process
- first rib
sternal angle of just below it
The inguinal ligament runs between the:
- pubic tubercle and the iliac tubercle
- symphysis pubis and the inferior iliac spine
- anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
- anterior and posterior superior iliac spine
anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
The ligamentum arteriosum is:
- a ligament connecting the liver to the anterior abdominal wall
- the remnant of a fetal channel connecting the right atrium to the left atrium
- a fibrous remnant of a fetal channel connecting the left pulmonary artery to the aorta
- none of the above
a fibrous remnant of a fetal channel connecting the left pulmonary artery to the aorta
The thinnest epithelium of the oral cavity is found on the:
- soft palate
- buccal gingiva
- lingual gingiva
- sublingual mucosa
- oral surface of lip
sublingual mucosa
In the human kidney, a renal papilla projects directly into the:
- ureter
- minor calyx
- major calyx
- renal pyramid
minor calyx
In a double vertical fracture through the mental foramina, muscle action will cause the small fragment to move:
- inferiorly only
- superiorly only
- anteriorly and superiorly
- posteriorly and inferiorly
- posteriorly and superiorly
posteriorly and inferiorly
The apical foramen of a fully developed permanent tooth is usually lined by:
- dentin
- cementum
- epithelial rest cells
- the epithelial diaphragm
The portion of the hard palate located directly posterior to the maxillary central incisors is derived from the:
- first branchial arch
- second branchial arch
- median nasal process
- lateral nasal process
- palatal processes of the maxillary processes
median nasal process
Retraction of the mandible is achieve by:
- posterior fibers of the temporalis muscle
- medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
- lateral pterygoid and deep portion of masseter muscles
- lateral pterygoid, geniohyoid and digastric muscles
posterior fibers of the temporalis muscle
The histologic feature that most readily distinguishes the aorta is the presence of:
- a clearly visible external acoustic meatus
- distinct vasa vasorum in the tunica media
- a relatively wide and distinct tunica adventitia
- a tunica media composed primarily of elastic membranes
a tunica media composed primarily of elastic membrane
The difference between capillaries and sinusoids is that capillaries:
- contain blood whereas sinusoids contain plasma
- have a constant lumen and a complete endothelial lining whereas sinusoids are irregular, tortuous tubes
- have a muscular wall that can contract and shut off the circulation whereas sinusoids do not
- are restricted to muscular tissue only whereas sinusoids are widely distributed in every organ
have a constant lumen and a complete endothelial lining whereas sinusoids are irregular, tortuous tubes
The cross striations characteristic of enamel rods represent:
- Hunter Schreger bands
- the junctional complex of ameloblasts
- the area where enamel rods branch
- incremental growth pattern
incremental growth pattern
Prickle cells are found in:
- skin dermis
- sweat glands
- peripheral nerve tissue
- stratified squamous epithelium
stratified squamous epithelium
An endocrine gland of ectodermal origin in the abdomen is the:
- liver
- corpus luteum
- medulla of the adrenal
- cortical portion of the adrenal
- interstitial cells of the testis
medulla of the adrenal
The lingual artery passes:
- deep to the hyoglossus muscle
- superficial to the mylohyoid muscle
- superficial to the digastric muscle
- between digastric and mylohyoid muscles
deep to the hyoglossus muscle
The superior orbital fissure is located between the:
- greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid
- greater wing of the sphenoid and the maxilla
- lesser wing of the sphenoid and the palatine bone
- greater wing of the sphenoid and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid
- pterygoid process of the sphenoid and the maxilla
greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid
Irritability is defined as the:
- ability of a cell to contract when stimulated
- property of protoplasm which enables a cell to move away from a painful stimulus
- property of a stimulated nerve cell exhibiting electrical activity
- property of protoplasm responsible for a cell's being sensitive to a stimulus
property of protoplasm responsible for a cell's being sensitive to a stimulus
Serum is blood plasma without:
- fibrinogen
- blood cells
- lymphocytes
- plasma colloids
- plasma crystalloids
The lining of the terminal bronchiole consists of:
- mesothelium
- endothelium
- low columnar epithelium
- ciliated squamous epithelium
- stratified squamous epithelium
low columnar epithelium
The hypophysis has direct hormonal control over the:
- spleen
- pineal gland
- mammary glands
- corpus albicans
- pancreatic acini
mammary glands
Histologically, dentin of the root is distinguished readily from crown dentin by the presence of:
- odontoblasts
- mantle dentin
- reparative dentin
- contour lines (Owen)
- granular layer (Tomes)
granular layer (Tomes)
Development of the body of the mandible involves:
- Reichert's cartilage
- a complete cartilage model
- intramembranous bone development
- all of the above
- none of the above
intramembranous bone development
The articular disk of the temporomandibular joint consists of:
- an outer fibrous layer and an inner synovial layer
- areolar tissue covered by dense fibrous connective tissue
- an outer layer of mesothelium and an inner layer of calcified cartilage
- dense fibrous connective tissue which may be associated with chondrocytes
dense fibrous connective tissue which may be associated with chondrocytes
Electron microscopy has revealed that each cilium is girdled by the cell membrane and that it consists of filaments. The typical arrangement of these structures is:
- nine double circumferential and two single centrally located microtubules
- nine single circumferential and two double centrally located microtubules
- nine single circumferential and two single centrally located microtubules
- nine double circumferential and two double centrally located microtubules
nine double circumferential and two single centrally located microtubules
Sensory loss in the skin overlying the parotid gland could be caused by damage to the:
- great auricular nerve
- greater occipital nerve
- zygomaticotemporal nerve
- transverse cervical nerve
great auricular nerve
The epiploic foramen is bounded anteriorly by the:
- free border of the lesser omentum
- free border of the greater omentum
- peritoneum over the inferior vena cava
- peritoneum at the beginning of the duodenum
- peritoneum on the caudate lobe of the liver
free border of the lesser omentum
Lymphoid tissue of the spleen has the function of filtering:
- lymph only
- blood only
- tissue fluid
- both lymph and blood
blood only
The articulating surface of the adult mandibular condyle is covered by:
- hyaline cartilage
- typical perichondrium
- a thin layer of synovial membrane
- a dense layer of collagenous connective tissue
a dense layer of collagenous connective tissue
Endochondral ossification is a procedure in the development of bone in which:
- hyaline cartilage is transformed into bone
- calcified cartilage is replaced by bone
- osteocytes of perichondrium form bone
- osteons with cartilage lamellae are formed
calcified cartilage is replaced by bone
The junctional epithelium of the dentogingival attachment is characterized by:
- orthokeratinization
- the presence of rete pegs
- hemidesmosomes in the cells facing the tooth surface
- all of the above
- none of the above
hemidesmosomes in the cells facing the tooth surface
One important collateral circulation of the hepatic portal system is via the:
- renal veins
- mesenteric veins
- esophageal veins
- external iliac veins
esophageal veins
The nasolacrimal duct drains into the:
- middle meatus
- inferior meatus
- superior meatus
- sphenoethmoidal recess
inferior meatus
The auditory tube and cavities of the middle ear are derived from the:
- first branchial arch
- second branchial arch
- third branchial arch
- first pharyngeal pouch
- second pharyngeal pouch
first phayngeal pouch
A terminal web delimits the odontoblast from the odontoblastic process. This aggregation of microfilaments is found:
- intracellularly at the basal aspect of the cells
- intracellularly inserting into the junctional complex of the cell
- extracellularly projecting into the predentin (Korff's fibers)
- extracellularly connecting the junctional complexes of adjacent cells
- extracellularly being continuous with fibers present in the cell free zone of Weil
intracellularly inserting into the junctional complex of the cell
The primary source of cranial connective tissue cells is the:
- ectoderm
- endoderm
- ectomesenchyme
- primary follicle
- None of the above
A layer of cells that seems to be essential to enamel formation but does not actually secrete enamel is:
- vestibular lamina
- stratum intermedium
- inner dental epithelium
stratum intermedium
An upward extension from the thyroid gland may be identified as:
- a remnant of the thyroglossal duct
- a pyramidal lobe
- a muscular slip
- any of the above
any of the above
The osteon is a cylinder of compact bone composed of:
- basal laminae
- concentric lamellae
- interstitial lamellae
- circumferential lamellae
concentric lamellae
The nephron of the kidney contains all of the following structures except the:
- collecting tubule
- capsule of Bowman
- descending limb of Henle
- distal convoluted tubule
- proximal convoluted tubule
collecting tubule
All of the following are immediate changes that occur in the cardiovascular system at birth except:
- closure of foramen ovale
- closure of the ductus venosus
- constriction of the ductus arteriosus
- constriction of the umbilical arteries
- closure of the interventricular foramen
closure of the interventricular foramen
All of the following are located in the nasopharynx except the:
- piriform recess
- eustachian canal
- pharyngeal tonsil
- pharyngeal recess
piriform recess
Which of the following does not occur during contraction of the left ventricle of a normal heart?
- The aortic semilunar valve opens
- Blood enters the coronary arteries
- The pulmonary semilunar valve opens
- The left atrioventricular valve closes
- The right atrioventricular valve closes
Blood enters the coronary arteries