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101 Cards in this Set

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4 types of macromolecules
protiens, lipids (fats), nucleic acids, carbohydrates
Cells are the
structural and functional units of all living organisms.  They are the building blocks of human body
How many cells does the adult human body contain
75 trillion
True or false each cell type in the body performs a specific function
All cells perform the general functions necessary to sustain life which are:
1. Nutrients and other matierials essential for survivial from its surrounding fluids2. Dispose of wastes they produce3.  Maintain shape and integrity4. cell division (reproduction)
most cell in the human body are between
1 micrometer and 100 micrometer
 forms the outer, limiting barrier separating the internal contents of the cell from external materials
The plasma membrane
Functions of the Cell Membrane
Communication, intercellular connection, physical barrier, slective permeability
Requires the participation of specific transport proteins that help specific substances or molecules move across the plasma membrane
Facilitated Diffusion
Involves the diffusion of both solvents and solutes together across the selectively permeable membrane. 
Bulk Filtration
Active Transport
Movement of a substance across a plasma membrane against a concentration gradient, requires energy in the form of ATP
Materials must be moved from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
Active Transport
ATP is continually synthesized by
Active transport processes that move ions across the membrane are called
ion pumps
ion pumps allow
a cell to maintain its internal concentrations of small molecules or ions
Name the 2 types of bulk transport
exocytosis and endocytosis
The means by which large molecules are secreted from the cell
a process whereby the cell acquires materials from the extracellular fluid
Name the 3 forms of endocytosis
Phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis
solid objects are take into the cell by enclosed vesicles called phagocytes.
cell eating
the incorporation of droplets of extracellular fluid into the cell and small vesicles.
cell drinking
receptor-mediated endocytosis
when receptors with specific molecules bound to them aggregate within the membrane, and then an invagination forms around them to create a cytoplasmic vesicle
Passive Transport
Movement of substances along a concentration gradient - ATP is not required
Cytoplasm is a general term for all cellular contents located between the plasma membrane and the nucleus.; Contains cytosol, organelles, and inclusions
Organelles are complex, organized structures with unique, characteristic shapes
Each type of ______ performs a different function for the cell
are essential for normal cellular structure and activities
Membranous Organelles (think GEL in the PM)
 Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and mitochondria.
Functions of the Golgi Apparatus
Modification: modifies plasma membrane
Packaging: packages enzyme for lysomes
Sorting: Sorts all materials for delivery to plasma membrane
Functions of Lysosomes
Digestion: Digest all materials that enter cell by endocytosisRemoval: remove worn-out or damaged organelles and cellular components; recycle small molecules for resynthesisSelf-destruction: digest the remains (autolysis) after cellular death
function of peroxisomes
detoxification: detoxify harmful substances, converts hydrogen peroxide to water
organelles with a double membrane, that Produce large amounts of ATP,  The powerhouse" of the cell."
Non-Membranous Organelles
Some organelles are in direct contact with the cytosol They are ribosomes, cytoskeleton, centrosomes, centrioles, cilia, flagella, microvilli, and inclusions
very small, dense granules that are responsible for protein production (synthesis).
Each ________ has a small and a large subunit
The Cytoskeleton
Filamentous proteins, which helps give the cell its shape and coordinates cellular movements.
The Cytoskeleton is comprised of 3 parts
microfilamentsintermediate filamentsmicrotubules
functions of the cyto skeleton
1. structural support of the cell2. cytosol streaming3. Cell motility4. movement of organelles and material through the cell5. movement of chromosomes during cell division.
the function of centrosomes and centrioles
1. microtubule organizing center in nondividing cells2. spindle formation center in dividing cells
Appendages extending from the surface of some cells.
Cilia and Flagella
usually occur in large numbers; they work together to move materials or fluids along the surface of a cell
longer than cilia, and usually occur as single appendages.
The Nucleus
the central core, or the control center, of cellular activities
The Nucleaus controls
protein synthesis and directs the functional and structural characteristics of the cell
largest structure within the cell and appears as a single spherical or oval structure
The Nucleus
Functions of the Nucleus
1. contains genetic material, which directs all cellular activity and regulates cellular structure.2.  Assembly of ribosomal subunits within nucleolus
double membrane structure that encloses the nucleus 
the nuclear envelope
Then nuclear envelope controls...
the entry and exit of materials between the nucleus and the cytoplasm
the nucleolus
one or more spherical, darkstaining bodies inside the nucleus. Responsible for making the small and large subunits of ribosomes.
the genetic material housed within the nucleus of the cell
a polymer of nucleotides (sugar, phosphate, nitrogen base) in the shape of a double helix
chromatin is formed by
Strands of DNA and histone proteins
the most organized level of genetic material
The chromosome
chromosome contains
a single, long molecule of DNA and associated proteins
when are chromosomes visible
when the cell is dividing
The life cycle of the cell is called the
cell cycle.
name the phases of the cell cycle
cytokinesis, G1 phase, S phase, G2 Phase, Mitosis
name the two tyoes of cell division
mitosis and meiosis
the cell division process that takes place in somatic cells (two twins)
cell division process that occurs with sex cells.
phases of Mitosis
Division of nucleus (chromosomes) Prophase (puffy)Metaphase (middle)Anaphase (apart)Telophase (two)
disruption in the balance between cell division and cell death where cells multiply faster than they die.  Results in abnormal growth results called a neoplasm or tumor.
usually grow slowly and are confined within a connective tissue capsule
Benign neoplasms
the general term used to describe a group of diseases characterized by various types of malignant neoplasms
 charaterisitics of a malignant neoplasm
-unencapsulated- contain cells that dedifferentiate (are undifferentiated) -increase their vascular supply ngrow rapidly -spread easily to other organs by way of the blood or lymph (metastasis)
they overgrow one another and lack the ability to stop growing and dividing when they crowd other cells
cancer cells lose contact inhibition
Cancer cells lose control of their cell cycle.
they divide too frequently and grow out of control
Cancer Cells Exhibit _______ and revert to an earlier, less specialized developmental state.
Produce chemicals that cause local blood vessel formation resulting in increased blood vessels in the developing tumor
Have the ability to squeeze into any space permitting them to leave their place of origin and travel elsewhere in the body
malignant cells that spread to other organs in the body
2 types of microscope
Light Microscope and electron microscope
2types of electron microscope
Scanning EM (SEM)Transmission EM (TEM
* what are the 8 cell functions
communication, connection, covering, defense, lining, movement, reproduction, storage
name the 2 types of carbohydrates
glucose and sugar/saccharides
name the 3 types of lipids
cholesterol, glycolipids, and phospholipids
types of nucleic acids
deoxyribose NA (DNA) Nucleotides (A,T,G,C), Ribose NA (RNA) (A,U,G,C)
types of Protiens
integral protien receptors, peripheral protien enzymes, glycoprotiens.
Organs in the RUQ
Liver (Right lobe), gallbladder, right kidney, stomach, small and large intestine.
Organs in the LUQ
Liver (left lobe), stomach, pancreas, lift kidney, spleen, portions of the large intesine
Organs in the RLQ
cecum, appendix, small and large intestine, reporductive organs (ovary/spermatic cord) right ureter.
Organs in the LLQ
majority of the small intestine, portions of the large intestine, left ureter, reporductive organ (ovary/spermatic cord)
What are types two types of cells?
Somatic cells and Sex cells
Sex cells are
reproductive cells either sperm or oocyte
Somatic cells are
all other cells found inthe body other than sex cells.
Non-membranous organelles

(3C Mutha F-ing right)
Cytoskeleton, Cillia, Centrioles, Microvilli, Flagella, Ribosomes
Membranous Organelles

(GEL in the PM)
Golgi Apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, Mitochondria.
Extracellular Fluid
water medium outside the cell that it floats in
composed of phospholipids, proteins, glycolipids, and cholesterol.

AKA cell membrane or plasmalemma
Plasma membrane
phospholipid bilayer
the two distinct layers that form the plasma membrane
Name the 2 types of membrane proteins
Peripheral proteins : attached to the inner or outer membrane surface
Intergral proteins: embedded in the membrane
viscous, superficial outer surface coating of the plasmamembrane
the movement of solute from a high concentration to a low concentration.

(passive transport)
the diffusion of water across a membrane from high water concentration to low concentration
facilitated diffusion
glucose, insoluable lipids, or amino acids too large to fit through membrane channels are passively transported by carrier proteins.
Identify the two major subdivisions of cytoplasm
cytosol and organelles
The Endoplasmic Reticulum has 4 functions what are they
synthesis: of carbohydrates, steroids, lipids (and protein in rough ER)
Smooth ER produces
lipids, steriods and carbohydrates
rough ER produces
The Golgi apparatus' major functions are
syntheisis and packaging of secretions
Packaging of special enzymes for us in cytosol
Renewal of the plasma membrane