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64 Cards in this Set

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What sections are contained in the axial skeleton?
skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage, sacrum and coccyx.
Name the cavities of the skull.
cranial, orbits, nasal, oral and paranasal sinuses.
Named the paranasal sinuses.
frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid and maxillary
Define sutures
immovable dense regular CT that allows the cranium to grow during childhood. In adulthood they are fused. Coronal, lambdoidal, sagittal and squamosal
What skull bones would you cut through in a mid-sagittal cut?
frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, vomar and mandible.
Name markings on the frontal bone
glabella, superfiliary arch, supraorbital foramen, supraorbital margin.
Name the markings on the parietal bones
parietal foramen, parietal eminence, superior temporal line and interior temporal line
Name the markings on the temporal bones
external auditory meatus, mastoid process, tympanic region, styloid process, mandibular fossa, articular tubercle and zygomatic process. Internally there is the internal auditory meatus and the petrous region.
Name the markings on the occipital bone
foramen magnum, basilar region, occipital condyle, external and internal occipital crest, superior and interior nuchal line and external and internal occipital protuberance.
Name the markings on the sphenoid bone
greater wing, lesser wind, sella turcica, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, chiasmatic groove, optic foramen. Plus posteriorly are the pterygoid, processes, plates and canal.
Name the markings on the ethmoid bone
crista galli, perpendicular plated ethmoidal sinuses, orbital plate, cribriform foramina in the cribriform plate, superior and middle nasal concha.
Name the divisions of the cranial fossae
anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa and posterior cranial fossa
Names the markings of the zygomatic bone
frontal process, temporal process and maxillary process
Name the markings on the vomer
ala and vertical plate
Name the markings on the palatine bones
orbital process, perpendicular plate and horizontal plate.
Names the markings on the maxilla
frontal process, orbital rim, inferior orbital fissure, orbital surgace, infraorbital forament, anterior nasal spine, zygomatic process, alveolar process.
Names the markings of the mandible
mindibular condyles, ramus, body, angle, mental foramen, mental protuberance, alveolar process, coronoid process, mandibular forament, mylohyoid line
What do the sinuses do?
have a mucous lining that helps to humidify and warm inhaled air, cause the skull bones to be lighter, provide resonance to the voice.
What are the bones of the orbits?
sphenoid, frontal, maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid, palatine, zygomatic
Name the markings of the hyoid bone
body, greater cornu and lesser cornu. It is the only bone that doesn't articulate with other bones. Between the mandible and the larynx and serves as an attachement for the tonge.
Names the auditory ossocles
malleus, incus, stapes
What are fontaneles and name them
Region between cranial bones that are thickened fibrous membrance remnants that are not yet ossified. On a baby's head and close by 15 months. This helps the cranial bones overlap during birth. Anterior, posterior, sphenoidal, and mastoidal
List the functions of the vertebral column
Provides vertical support for the body, supports the weight of the head, helps to maintain an upright body position, housing and protection for the spinal cord and provides a passageway for spinal nerves connecting to the spinal cord.
Name the vertebral divisions
cervical-7, thoracic-12, lumbar-5, sacral-5 fused, and coccyx -4 fused.
What is kyphosis?
What is lordosis?
What is scoliosis?
lateral curvature of the spine
Name the parts of a vertebrae
transverse process, superior and inferior articulating processes and facets, vertebral foramen, intervertebral forament, spinous process, lamina, pedicle, and body
What is unique about cervical vertebra?
They have transverse forament and bifid spinous process
Name the parts of the vertebral disks.
anulus fibrosus externally and mucleus pulposus in the middle
What is the first cervical vertebra called?
What is the second cervical vertebra called?
axis with a dens for pivoting with the atlas
What is unique about thoracic vertebrae?
they have transverse costal facets and demifacets and very sharp spinous processes.
What is unique about lumbar vertebrae?
large and chunky with spinous processes that are round, big, blunt and short.
What is the thoracic cage?
thoracic vertebrae posteriorly, ribs leterally and sternum anteriorly. Serves as a protective cage around vital organs.
Name the parts of the sternum
manubrium, clavicular notches, costal notch, sternal angle, body and xiphoid process
What are true ribs?
the first seven because they connect individually to the sternum bo costal cartilages
What are false ribs?
ribs 8-12. ribs 8-10 fuse to the costal cartilage of rib 7 and indirectly articulate with the sternum
What are floating ribs?
ribs 11 and twelve because they have no connection with the sternum
Name the parts of the costae
head, neck, tubercle, angle, shaft, and costal groove
What is the appendicular skeleton?
the appendages or upper and lower limbs and the girdles that attache them to the axial skeleton
Describe the pectoral girdle.
one clavicle that articulates with one scapula
Name the markings of the clavicle
sternal end and acromial end
Name the markings of the scapula
acromion, glenoid fossa, lateral border, spine, coracoid process, superior border, medial border
Name the markings of the humerous
head, anatomical neck, surgical neck, greater tubercle, intertubercular groove, lesser tubercle, shat, coronoid fossa, radial fossa, lateral epicongyle, medial epicondyle, capitulum and trochlea. The olecranon fossa on the posterior side.
Name the markings on the ulna
olecranon process, trochlear notch, coronoid process, radial notch and styloid process
Name the markings on the radius
head, neck, radial tuberosity, ulnar notch and styloid process
Name the carpals
scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate
What is the thumb called?
Name the bones of the pelvis
sacrum, coccyx and right and left ossa coxae
What comprises the bones of the pelvic girdle?
the right and left ossa coxae
Name the bones comprising the os coxa
ilium, ischium and pubis
Name the markings on the os coxa
iliac crest, greater sciatic notch, ischial spine, lesser sciatic notch, ischial tuberocity, ischial ramus, acetabulum, and obturator foramen
What is the true pelvis?
It encloses the pelvic cavity and forms a deep bowl that contains the pelvic organs
What is the falst pelvis?
it is enclosed by the ala of the iliac bones and houses the inferior abdominal organs
What is the pelvic inlet?
the space enclosed by the pelvic brim
What is another name for the knee-cap?
patella with the base, apex and articular surface
Name the markings on the femur
fovea, head, neck greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, intertrochanteric line, medial epicondyle, pateral epicondyle, lateral condyle, medial condyle, patellar surface and on the posterior side, the linea aspera and popliteal surface
Name the markings on the tibia
lateral condyle, medial condyle, intercondylar eminence, tibial tuberosity, shaft, and medical malleolus
Name the markings in the fibula
head, neck, shaft, lateral malleolus
Name the tarsals
calcaneous, talus, navicular, cuboid, and medial, intermediate and lateral cuneiform
What is another name for the big toe?
Name the arches of the foot
medial longitudinal, lateral longitudinal and transverse arches
What do the arches of the foot do?
helps support the weight of the body and ensures that the blood vessels and nerves on the sole of the foot are not pinched.