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46 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 parts of the external ear?

N (93)
1) Auricle
2) External Acoustic (auditory) Meatus (Ear Canal)
What are the 3 parts of the auricle?

N (930
1) Concha
2) Helix
3) Tragus
1) Blood Supply by what 2 arts?

2) Nerve supply by what 2 nerves?
1) Superficial Temporal
*Posterior Auricular

2) Great Auricular
The External Auditory Meatus (Ear Canal) begins @ (A) and ends @ (B).

N (92)
A) Auricle
B) Tympanic Membrae
1) Is the auditory meatus straight?

2) How can it be straightened?
1) No

2) By pulling the auricle upward and backwards
1) The external auditory meatus is lined with what glands?

2) Where are these glands?

3) What do they produce?
1) Ceruminous glands

2) Outer 1/3 of external acoustic meatus

3) Cerumen (Ear Wax)
What is the other name for the middle ear?
Tympanic Cavity
What separates the middle ear from the external acoustic meatus?
Tympanic Membrane
1) The middle ear is separated into what two spaces? - Where are these located?
1) Tympanic Cavity - Medial to tympanic membrane
* Epitympanic Recess - Extends above tympanic Cavity
The middle ear cavity communicates with what 2 structures?
1) Mastoid Air Cells
2) Pharynx
The middle ear is innervated by what plexus? - mostly what nerve?
Tympanic Plexus - Glossopharyngeal
What forms the: N (92)
1) Roof of the Middle ear?
A) Separates middle ear from what?

2) Floor of Middle Ear?
A) Separates middle ear cavity from what?
1) Tegmen Tympani
A) Middle Cranial Fossa

2) Thin Bone
A) Superior bulb of Int. Jug. Vein
1) What forms lateral wall of middle ear?
1) Tympanic Membrane (Eardrum)
Tympanic Membrane:
1) Outer surface innervated by what?
2) Posteroinferior part partially innervated by what?
3) Inner surface innervated by what?:
1) Auriculotemporal Nerve
2) Vaus
3) Tympanic Plexus - Mostly Glossopharyngeal
Tympanic Membrane:
1) Oriented in what 3 directions?
2) What is the apex of its depression called?
3) What causes this?
1) Anteriorly, Inferiorly, Laterally
2) Umbo
3) Handle of Malleus
Tympanic Membrane: N (93)
1) Upper part is called what?
2) The rest is called what?
1) Flaccid part (pars flaccida)
2) Tense part (pars tensa)
Tympanic Membrane:
When examined with an otoscope, a bright reflexion radiates from the umbo, what is this reflection called?
Cone of Light
Medial Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):

1) Formed by what?
2) Contains a bulge formed by the basal coil of cochlea is called what?
1) Bone that separates middle ear cavity from inner ear
2) Promontory
Medial Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
1) What lies above and posterior to the promontory?

2) What lies below and posterior to the promontory?
1) Oval Window (Fenestra Vestibuli)

2) Round Window (Fenestra Cochlae)
Medial Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
1) Above and posterior to the oval window is what?

2) Above the prominence of the canal of the facial nerve is what?
1) Prominence of the canal of the facial nerve

2) Prominence of lateral semicircular canal
Medial Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
1) What are structures are anteriorl?
1) Cochleariform Process
2) Semicanal for the Tensory Tympani
Anterior Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
1) Also called what?
2) Separates the middle ear cavity from what?
1) Carotid Wall
2) Internal Carotid Artery
Anterior Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
1) Contains an opening for what?
2) Above this opening is another opening for what? - that contains what?
3) There is also another small opening through which, which nerve passes?
1) Auditory (Pharyngotympanic) Tube
2) Semicanal - Tensory Tympani
3) Chorda Tympani Nerve
Posterior Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
1) Formed by bone that separates teh middle ear from what?
2) What is the chamber that allows communication to the mastoid air cells?
1) Mastoid Air Cells
2) Mastoid Antrum
Posterior Wall of Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
1) Below the aditus is a small conical projection called what?
2) This structure houses what?
1) Pyramid
2) Stapedius
The facial nerve courses in the bone of the posterior wall, where it gives off what 2 nerves?
1) Nerve to Stapedius
2) Chorda Tympani
What are the auditory ossicles?
The bones of the middle ear
1) The auditory ossicles transmit what to the tympanic membrane?

2) They articulate with eachother via what type of joints?
1) Vibrations

2) Synovial
Auditory Ossicles: Malleus
N (92-93)
1) 3 Parts? - Where are they?
2) What are they attached to (3)?
3) What nerve courses on the medial surface of the handle?
1) Head - Epitympanic Recess
Handle - Manubrium
2) Tympanic Membrane
Lat / Ant Processes
3) Chorda Tympani
Auditory Ossicles: Incus
Gray's 910

1) Its body articulates with what?
2) It has a long process that projects in what direction?
3) The lower end of the long process bends medially, forming what?
1) Head of malleus
2) Downward
3) Lenticular Process
Auditory Ossicles: Stapes
Gray's 910
1) The base of the stapes is what shape?
2) Where does it fit into?
1) Oval
2) The oval window
What are the 2 muscles of the inner ear?
1) Tensor Tympani
2) Stapedius
Tensory Tympani:
1) Its tendon inserts on what?
2) Innervated by what?
3) Action?
1) Handle of the malleus
2) Mandibular Nerve
3) Pulls manubrium medially
1) Its tendon inserts on whhat?2) Innervated by what nerve?
3) Action?
1) Neck of stapes
2) Facial Nerve
3) Pulls stapes posteriorly --> tilts its base --> dampened oscillations
1) The tympanic nerve is a branch of what nerve?
2) What type of fibers does it carry?
3) Forms what plexus?
1) Glossopharyngeal
2) Preganglionic Parasympathetic Fibers
3) Tympanic Plexus
1) What tympanic plexus is sensory to mucosa of middle ear, including what?

2) Pregangionlic Parasympathetic fibers leave teh Tympanic Plexus to form what?
1) Tympanic Membrane
2) Lesser petrosal nerve
Name 3 branches of the facial nerve?
1) Greater Petrosal Nerve (@ Geniculate Ganglion)

2) Branch to Stapedius

3) Chorda Tympani
Inner Ear:
1) What are the complicated series of spaces inside the petrous part of teh temporal bone?
2) In the bony labyrinth their are fluid filled sacs - what are they called?
1) Bony Labyrinth
2) Membranous Labyrinth
Inner Ear:
1) Within these spaces are which 2 organs - What are they for?
1) Cocheal - Hearing
2) Vestibular Apparatus - Equilibrium
N (95)
1) What is the spiral bony core of the inner ear?
2) The (A) begins @ the oval window, spirals, then passes through a channel called the (B)
1) Modiolus
2 A) Scala Vestibuli
B) Helicotrema
Inner Ear:
1) The helicotrema becomes continuous with what?
2) Where does this terminate?
1) Scala Tympani
2) Round Window
Inner Ear:
1) Spaces are filled with what?
2) What keeps this in place?
1) Perilymph
2) Footplate of stapes
Secondary tympanic membrane
Inner Ear:
1) What is b/t the scala vestibuli and scala tympani?
2) The cochlear duct is filled with what?
3) What does it contain?
1) Cochlear Duct (Scala Media)
2) Endolymph
3) Spiral Organ of Corti
What is the organ for hearing?
Spiral organ of Corti
The vestibular organ consists of 2 sets of fluid filled chambers:
1st part: consists of what 2 sacs?

2nd part: consists of what?
1) Utricle

2) 3 semicircular canals
Anat II
Unit 4
Lecture 8
Anat II
Unit 4
Lecture 8