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65 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 types of bones in the foot?
Tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
What joint is formed by the talus?
Talocrural joint with the tibia and fibula
What is the bone in the foot that transmits weight to the ground?
What are the functions of the sustentaculum tali?
Supports head of talus and provides a groove for FHL
What are the tarsal bones of the foot?
Navicular, cuboid, 3 cuniformis bones:medial, intermediate and lateral
What metatarsals articulate with the cuboid bone?
lateral 2 MT's
What is the most robust metatarsal, longest metatarsal, metatarsal with tuberosity for fibularis brevis?
1st, 2nd, 5th
How many phalanges does each digit of the foot have?
1st= proximal, distal
2-5th=proximal, middle and distal
What are rays of the foot?
Clinical term used to describe an entire digit and its metatarsal,and phalange components
What joints are used for inversion and eversion of the foot?
Subtalar and the transverse tarsal joints
What are the joints of the digits?
Metatarsophalangeal, prox\distal interphalageal joints: MTP,DIP, PIP
Where does abduction and adduction of the digits occur and what digit is referenced to visualize it?
Occurs at MTP joints and is relative to the 2nd digit
What are the 3 osteological regions of the foot and the bones within them?
Midfoot: Navicular, cuboid,cuneformis
Forefoot:Metatarsals and phalanges
What are the functions of the plantar fascia?
Cover plantar and lateral foot, forms plantar aponeurosis with slips to all 5 digits, protects deep structures from injury, arch support
What are the 5 facial compartments of the foot?
Medial, central, lateral, interosseus, dorsal
What structures are in the medial fascial compartment of the foot?
AbH, FHL tendon, FHB, medial plantar van
What structures are in the central fascial compartment of the foot?
FDB, FDL Tendon, FHL, tendon, lateral plantar van
What structures are in the laterall fascial compartment of the foot?
What structures are in the interosseous fascial compartment of the foot?
interossei, metatarsals
What structures are in the dorsal fascial compartment of the foot?
EHB, EDB, dorsal van
Where does the FHL course with respect to fascial compartments?
central to medial
Where do deep plantar foot infections go, how are they treated?
They localize, increase pressure and are released surgically
What are the 3 muscles of layer 1 of the foot and the innervation for each muscle?
Lateral to medial:
Abductor digit minimi-lateral plantar n.
Flexor digitorum brevis-medial plantar n
Abductor hallucis- medial plantar n
What are the structures of the 2nd layer of the foot and innervation?
Quadratus plantae-lateral plantar n
Lumbricals- 1st:medial plantar n
2nd to 4th: lateral plantar nerves
FDL and FHL tendons
Where do the lumbricals of the foot attach?
From FDL tendons to extensor expansions
What are the muscles of the 3rd layer of the foot and innervation?
Flexor digiti minimi brevis- lateral plantar n.
Abductor hallucis- medial plantar n
Flexor hallucis brevis- medial plantar n
Where is the flexor digiti minimi longus?
Doesnt' exist
What are the 2 heads of the Abductor hallucis and FHB?
AH=transverse and oblique
FHB=medial and lateral
WHat are the muscles of the 4th layer of the foot, innervation?
Plantar interossei-lateral plantar n
Dorsal interossei- lateral plantar n
WHat are the actions and attachments of the plantar interossei and dorsal interossei muscles?
Plantar ADduct 3-5-PAD
Dorsal ABduct 2-4-DAB
both flex MCP joint
Where does the medial plantar nerve course and what does it innervate?
Runs between FDB and AbH and diverges at MT base

Motor-AbH,FDB, FHB, 1st lumbrical

Sensory, medial sole of foot, 3 1\2 digits
Where does the lateral plantar nerve course and what does it innervate?
Runs between the FDB and qudratus plantae and innervates
What nerves form the common plantar digital nerves and proper plantar digital nerves?
Medial and lateral plantar nerves
What nerves supply the plantar surface of the foot?
Medial and lateral plantar nn
Saphenous n
Sural n
Tibial n(calcaneal branch
What does the plantar reflex test?
What is the Babinski sign?
Plantar reflex test causes dorsiflexion of 1st digit and fanning of 2-5, sign of nerurological damage, normal in kids <4
What are the plantar arteries that the posterior tibial artery gives rise to?
Medial and lateral plantar arteries
Deep plantar arch
plantar metatarsal arteries
plantar digital arteries
Which arteries of the plantar foot anastamose with the dorsal foot arteries?
Deep plantar artery is a branch of the dorsalis pedis
Perforating branches off deep plantar arch to arcuate artery
Where does lateral venous drainage of the foot go?
Lateral marginal veins to small saphenous vein
Where does medial venous drainage of the foot go?
medial marginal veins to greater saphenous verins
What is the Babinski sign?
Plantar reflex test causes dorsiflexion of 1st digit and fanning of 2-5, sign of nerurological damage, normal in kids <4
What are the plantar arteries that the posterior tibial artery gives rise to?
Medial and lateral plantar arteries
Deep plantar arch
plantar metatarsal arteries
plantar digital arteries
Which arteries of the plantar foot anastamose with the dorsal foot arteries?
Deep plantar artery is a branch of the dorsalis pedis
Perforating branches off deep plantar arch to arcuate artery
Where does lateral venous drainage of the foot go?
Lateral marginal veins to small saphenous vein
Where does medial venous drainage of the foot go?
medial marginal veins to greater saphenous verins
Where does the tibialis anterior insert?
On the medial cuniform and the 1st MT
WHat is the action and insertion of the extensor digitorum longus?
Extends the 2-5th digits, inserts on extensor expansions
How does the extensor expansion bind the digits?
Attached at proximal phalaynx, central slip to the distal phalaynx and 2 lateral slips to middle
WHere does the extensor hallucis longus insert?
On distal phalaynx of the 1st digit
Where does the Fibularis tertius arise and where does it insert?
Shares a muscle belly with Extensor digitorum longus, inserts on 5th metacarpal base
Where do the extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis originate and insert? Innervation?
EDB=Calcaneus to proximal phalanges of 2-4

EHB=calcaneus to proximal phalaynx of digit 1

Deep fibular nerve
Where does the Fibularis longus muscle course?
Deep to sup\inf fibular retinacula, posterior to lateral malleolus around the 5th MT and inserts on medial cuniform
Where does the fibularis brevis course then insert?
Posterior to lateral malleolus and deep to sup\inf fibular retinacula then inserts on the 5th MT
WHere does the common fibular nerve arise? Where does it branch?
Arises from the sciatic nerve, courses around fibular head then splits into deep and superficial branches
Where does the deep fibular nerve run?
Between tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus\extensor hallucis longus
What does the deep fibular nerve innervate?
Motor to anterior compartment muscles and the muscles of the dorsal foot

Sensory to the web between digits 1 and 2
Where does the superficial fibular nerve course? Innervation?
Between the Fibularis longus and brevis, Innervates lateral compartment,
sensory to anterolateral leg and dorsal foot
What dermatomes supply the anterior leg, lateral leg, and dorsal foot?
Anterior leg=L4,L5
Lateral leg= L5, S1
dorsal foot= Medial-L4
rays 2-4=L5
Ray 5= S1
Where does the anterior tibial arise?
From the popliteal artery, perforates interosseus membrane to reach the anterior compartment
What does the anterior tibial artery course with?
Deep fibular nerve
How is blood supplied to the lateral compartment?
Perforating branches of the posterior and anterior tibial arteries
What does the anterior tibial artery terminate as?
dorsalis pedis
What are the arteries that supply the dorsal foot?
Dorsalis pedis, arcuate artery, dorsal metatarsal artery, dorsal digital artery
What are the anastamoses of the dorsal foot?
Perforating branch of fibular artery to lateral tarsal a.
Lateral tarsal to arcuate artery
Deep plantar artery to deep dorsal arch
Perforating aa of deep dorsal arch hook to dorsal metacarpal a
WHere does the fibular artery arise and what does it supply?
A branch of the posterior tibial artery that supplies the posterior compartment and the lateral compartment via perforating branches