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34 Cards in this Set

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WHere does the sciatic nerve course just inferior to the piriformis?
Midway between the ischial tuberosity and lesser trochanter
What are the 2 surface anatomy land marks on posterior of knee?
Semitendinosus tendon-medially and long head of biceps femoris tendon laterally
What is the action of the piriformis and its attachments?
Lateral thigh rotator\stabilizer

sacrum, through GSF to greater trochanter
What are the 2 other lateral rotators inf and sup to Obturator internus?
inferior and superior gemellus
Where does the quadratus femoris attach and what does it do?
lateral rotator of thigh and goes from ischial tuberosity to intertrochanteric crest
What compartment is the obturator externus in where does it insert and what innervates it?
Medial, trochanteric fossa, obturator nerve
Where does the Tensor facia lata muscle attach? Innervation?
Illiac crest, ASIS to the IT band
Superior gluteal nerve
What is the innervation of the Gluteus maximus muscle and and its 2 insertion points?
Inferior Gluteal N.
Deep- gluteal tuberosity
Superficial- IT tract
What is exhibited by individuals with superior gluteal nerve damage? Muscles affected?
Trendelenberg sign=hip drop on contralateral side due to lack of innervation to G med\min and TFL
What is IT band syndrome?
Inflamation of IT band over the lateral femoral epicondyle and greater trochanter
What are the 3 bursa of the gluteal region and where are they located?
Ischial bursa- Btwn ischial tuberosity and gluteus maximus
Trochanteric bursa- btwn greater trochanter and GM
Gluteofemoral bursa- between IT band and Vastus lateralis
What are the actions of the posterior thigh muscles?
Extend hip, flex knee and rotate FLEXED knee(except Adductor magnus hamstring portion)
What is the common origin of hamstring muscles?
Ischial tuberosity
What nerve innervate the posterior thigh muscles? Vasculature supply?
Sciatic nerves tibial division

Deep artery of the thigh
What are the muscles of the posterior thigh?
Biceps femoris(2 heads)
Adductor magnus-hamstring portion
What are the actions of the semitendinosus? Distal attachment
Extend thigh, flex knee
medially rotated FLEXED knee
superomedial tibia
What are the actions of the semimembranosus? What structure is formed by its distal attachment?
Extend thigh, flex knee
medially rotated FLEXED knee

Medial tibial condyle, continuous with oblique popliteal ligament
What are the actions of the long head of the biceps femoris? Attachments? Innervation
Extend hip, flex knee and laterally rotate flexed knee
Ischial tuberosity to fibula head
Tibial branch of Sciatic
What are the actions of the short head of the biceps femoris? Attachments and innervation?
Flex knee(only crosses knee)

Linea aspera to fibula head

tibial division of sciatic
What muscle protects the sciatic nerve in the posterior thigh?
Long head of biceps femoris (gluteus maximus in gluteal region)
What is formed between the insertions of the femoral and hamstirng portions of the Adductor Magnus?
Adductor hiatus
What is the insertion of the Hamstring portion of the Adductor magnus?
Adductor tubercle
What is the pes asisurinus? What 3 muscles attach there?
"Goose-foot" Tendinous insertion of Sartorius, Gracillis, and semitendinosus
What are 3 causes of pain in the pes asurinus and what movements exacerbate it?
Tendinitis, fasciitis, and bursitis

Side to side movement
What are the 2 divisions of the Sciatic nerve and what do they innervate?
tibial n.- posterior leg and foot

Common fibular N.- anterior and lateral leg, dorsal foot
What causes piriformis syndrome?
Impingment of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis nerve, more often the posterior division
How is the sciatic nerve avoided in gluteal injections?
Injection in the upper outer quadrant
What are the dermatomes of the gluteal region?
L3-L5 superolaterally
S1-S5 inferomedially
What dermatomes supply the posterior thigh?
S1 and S2
What supplies vasculature to the posterior thigh?
Perforating branches of the deep femoral artery and vein
How does lymph drain from the deep gluteal region?
Superior and inferior gluteal nodes to internal iliac, etc
How does lymph drain from the superficial gluteal region?
Superficial inguinal nodes to external iliac nodes, etc
How does lymph drain the deep posterior thigh?
Deep inguinal nodes to external iliac nodes
How does lymph drain from the superficial posterior thigh?
Superficial inguinal nodes to external iliac nodes?