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107 Cards in this Set

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86. What is a creed?
A creed is a statement of what we believe, teach, and confess.
Rom. 10:10
87. What is meant by "I believe in God"?
It means I trust God and His promises and accept as true all He teaches in the Holy
Ps. 31:14; Rom. 10:17; Heb. 11:1
88. Why do we say, "I believe," and not, "We believe"?
Everyone must believe for himself or herself, no one can be saved by another's faith.
Hab. 2:4; Luke 7:50
89. What three creeds are used by the church?
The Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian.
90. Which creed is used in Luther’s Catechism?
The Apostles’ Creed.
91. Why is it called the Apostles' Creed?
It is called the Apostles' Creed, not because it was written by the apostles
themselves, but because it states briefly the doctrine (teaching) which God gave through the apostles in the Bible. The Creed is trinitarian because the Scriptures
reveal God as triune. Christians are baptized in the name of the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Matt. 28:19; Eph. 4:4-6
92. In what ways does the triune God make Himself known?
A. Through the existence of the world (natural knowledge of God). Ps.19:1;Rom. 1:19-20
B. Through conscience (natural knowledge of God).
Rom. 2:15
C. Especially through the Holy Scriptures in which God clearly reveals Himself and His gift of salvation in Christ (revealed knowledge of God).
John 20:31; 2 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 1:1-2
93. Who is God?
In His Word God has told us that He is
A. spirit (a personal being without a body); John 4:24
B. eternal (without beginning and without end); Ps. 90:1-2
C. unchangeable (immutable); Ps. 102:27
D. almighty, all-powerful (omnipotent); Gen. 17:1
E. all-knowing (omniscient); Ps. 139:1-4
F. present everywhere (omnipresent); Jer. 23:24
G. holy (sinless and hating sin); Lev. 19:2
H. just (fair and impartial); Deut. 32:4
I. faithful (keeping His promises); 2 Tim. 2:13
J. good (kind, desiring our welfare); Ps. 145:9
K. merciful (full of pity); Jer. 3:12; Titus 3:5
L. gracious (showing undeserved kindness, forgiving); Ex. 34:6-7
M. love. John 3:16; 1 John 4:8
94. Who is the only true God?
The only true God is the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct persons in one divine being (the Holy Trinity).
95. How are the three divine persons distinguished from each other?
The Father has begotten the Son from eternity; the Son is begotten of the Father
from eternity; the Holy Spirit from eternity proceeds from the Father and the Son. To
the Father especially is ascribed the work of creation; to the Son, the work of
redemption; to the Holy Spirit, the work of sanctification.
Ps. 2:7; John 15:26; Gal. 4:6
96. Why is the first person of the Trinity called "the Father"?
A. God is the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ and also my Father through faith in
Matt. 3:17;John 20:17;Gal. 3:26
B. He is also the Father of all people because He created them. Strictly speaking,
there is only one human race, because all human beings are equally the children of Adam and Eve and are equally redeemed by Christ.
97. Why is God, the Father Almighty called "Maker of heaven and earth"?
Because in six days He created all things, out of nothing, simply by His word.
98. What is meant by "heaven and earth"?
All things visible and invisible.
99. Which invisible beings created by God are especially important to us?
The angels.
Note: Angel means "messenger." God frequently used angels to announce important events in
the history of salvation: the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:1-20): the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38; Matt. 1:1821); the resurrection of Jesus (Luke 24:4-7); the ascension and second coming of Jesus (Acts 1:10-11).
100. What else does the Bible tell us about angels?
A. They are spirit beings who were created holy.
B. Some angels rebelled against God. They are the devils or demons.
C. The good angels are many and powerful. They serve God and help us.
D. The evil angels are also many and powerful. They hate God and seek to destroy everything that is good, especially faith in Christ.
101. Who are human beings?
Human beings are the most important visible creatures. God created Adam and Eve
in his own image with authoritv over all the earth.
102. Why do we say, "God has made me"?
God created the first man and woman, and God has created each one of us.
103. How did God first create life?
God created all living things, both plant and animal, by His Word alone, from
nothing. He created humanity specially, from dust, then gave us His own breath as
104. What plan does God use for the reproduction of living things?
God created living things to reproduce "according to their kinds." Animals, plants,
and people can reproduce only living things like themselves.
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106. What was the image of God?
The image of God was this:
A. Adam and Eve truly knew God as He wishes to be known and were perfectly
happy in Him.
B. They were righteous and holy, doing God's will.
107. Do people still have the image of God?
No, this image was lost when our first parents disobeyed God and fell into sin. Their
will and intellect lost the ability to know and please God. In Christians God has
begun to rebuild His image, but only in heaven will it be fully restored.
108. How does the universe still depend on God?
God sustains all things by His wisdom and power.
109. Why are there evil and suffering in this world?
Evil and suffering are in the world because of sin. But in the suffering, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has demonstrated His power over sin and death.
God in His almighty power and love causes all things to work together for good to
those who love Him.
110. What does God do to take care of me?
A. He gives me food and clothing, home and family, work and play, and all that I
need from day to day.
B. "He defends me against all danger and guards and protects me from all evil."
111. Why does God do this for us?
"All this He does only out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit
or worthiness in me.”
112. What do we owe our heavenly Father for all His goodness? It is our duty
A. "Thank and praise, serve and obey Him";
B. be good stewards of His creation.
113. Why do we close the explanation of the First Article with the words,
"This is most certainly true"?
Everything I confess in this article is plainly taught in God's Word, Holy Scripture.
Therefore, I firmly believe it.
114. Of whom does the second article speak?
It speaks about Jesus Christ-His person and His work.
115. Why is He named Jesus?
The name Jesus means "the Lord saves." Jesus is His personal name.
116. Why is He called Christ?
The title Christ (Greek) or Messiah (Hebrew) means "the Anointed." Jesus has been
anointed with the Holy Spirit without limit to be our Prophet, Priest, and King.
117. What does it mean when you confess, "I believe in Jesus Christ"?
It means that I know and trust in Jesus Christ as my only Savior from sin, death, and
the devil and believe that He gives me eternal life.
118. Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is "true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man,
born of the Virgin Mary."
119. How do you know that Jesus Christ is true God?
Because the Scriptures clearly call Him God, teaching the following:
A. Jesus has divine names.
B. Jesus possesses divine attributes (qualities or characteristics). He is
1. eternal (without beginning and without end);
2. unchangeable;
3. almighty (omnipotent);
4. all-knowing (omniscient);
5. present everywhere (omnipresent).
C. Jesus does divine works (which only God can do).
1. He forgives.
2. He created.
3. He will judge.
4. He preserves.
D. Jesus receives divine honor and glory.
120. How do you know that Jesus Christ is also true man?
Because the Scriptures
A. clearly call Him man;
B. say that He has a human body and soul;
C. speak of His human, but sinless, feelings and actions.
121. What two natures, therefore, are united in the one person of Jesus
The divine and the human natures are united in Jesus Christ. This personal union
began when He became man (incarnation) and continues forever.
122. Why was it necessary for our Savior to be true man?
Christ had to be true man in order to
A. act in our place under the Law and fulfill it for us (active obedience);
B. be able to suffer and die for our guilt because we failed to keep the Law
(passive obedience).
123. Why was it necessary for our Savior to be true God?
Christ had to be true God in order that
A. His fulfilling of the Law, His life, suffering, and death might be a sufficient ransom for all people;
B. He might be able to overcome death and the devil for us.
124. What do you therefore confess about Jesus Christ, the God-man?
I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Redeemer, whom I love and serve with
my whole life.
125. For what threefold office was Christ anointed?
Christ was anointed to be our Prophet, Priest, and King.
A. As Prophet, Christ
1. preached personally during His life on earth, validating His word with miracles, especially His own resurrection;
2. through the preached Gospel today still proclaims Himself to be the Son of God
and Redeemer of the world.
B. As Priest, Christ
1. fulfilled the Law perfectly in our stead (active obedience);
2. sacrificed Himself for our sins (passive obedience);
3. still pleads for us with His heavenly Father (intercession).
C. As King, Christ
1. rules with His almighty power over all creation (the kingdom of power-all
2. governs and protects especially His church (the kingdom of grace-the church
on earth);
3. finally leads His church to kingdom of glory-the church in heaven).
126. What two states do the Scriptures distinguish in Christ's work of salvation?
A. The state of humiliation
B. The state of exaltation
127. What was Christ's humiliation?
Christ's humiliation was that as man He did not always or fully use His divine
128. Which words of the Apostles' Creed describe the stages of Christ's
"Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried."
129. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ's conception?
They teach that Christ, the Son of God, received a true human body and soul in the
Virgin Mary through the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, not through a human
130. What do the Scriptures teach of the birth of Christ?
They teach that Jesus Christ, the God-man, was born of the Virgin Mary.
131. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ's life, suffering, and death?
They teach that Christ
A. endured poverty, contempt, and persecution in His earthly life;
B. suffered great agony of body and soul under Pontius Pilate;
C. died in excruciating agony on the cross.
132. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ's burial?
They teach that Christ's body was buried in the tomb and remained there until the
third day, without decaying in any way.
133. Why did Christ humble Himself?
Christ voluntarily humbled Himself in order to "redeem me, a lost and condemned person."
134. From what has Christ redeemed you?
He has redeemed me "from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil."
135. How has Christ redeemed you from all sins?
A. He took my guilt and punishment upon Himself
B. He freed me from the slavery of sin.
136. How has Christ rescued you from death?
Through His suffering, death, and resurrection, Christ has triumphed over death.
Since He now gives me eternal life I need not fear death.
137. How has Christ rescued you from the power of the devil?
Christ has completely conquered the devil. Therefore the devil can no longer accuse
me of my sins, and I can resist his temptations.
138. With what has Christ redeemed you?
Christ has redeemed me, "not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death."
139. How does this work of redemption benefit you?
Christ was my substitute. He took my place under God's judgment against sin. By
paying the penalty of my guilt, Christ atoned, or made satisfaction, for my sins
(vicarious atonement).
140. Has Christ redeemed only you?
No, Christ has redeemed me and all people (universal atonement).
2 Cor. 5:15;1 John 2:2
141. What is Christ's exaltation?
Christ's exaltation is that as man He now fully and always uses His divine powers.
142. Which words of the Apostles' Creed describe the stages of Christ's
"He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended
into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He
will come to judge the living and the dead."
143. Why is Christ's descent into hell part of His exaltation?
The Scriptures teach that Christ, after He was made alive in His grave, descended
into hell, not to suffer punishment, but to proclaim His victory over His enemies in
144. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ's resurrection?
They teach that on the third day Christ victoriously rose from the grave and showed
Himself alive to His disciples.
145. Why is Christ's resurrection so important and comforting?
Christ's resurrection proves that
A. Christ is the Son of God;
B. His doctrine is the truth;
C. God the Father accepted Christ's sacrifice for the reconciliation of the world;
D. all believers in Christ will rise to eternal life.
146. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ's ascension?
They teach that 40 days after His resurrection, Christ, in the presence of His
disciples, ascended bodily into the glory of His Father, to prepare a place for us in
147. What does it mean that Christ sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty?
With this expression Scripture teaches that Christ, as true man, is not only present
everywhere, but also now fully exercises His divine power over the whole universe.
148. What comfort do we get from Christ's ascension to the right hand of God?
We know that the exalted God-man, Christ
A. as our Prophet sends people to proclaim the saving Gospel by the power of
the Holy Spirit;
B. as our Priest pleads and prays for us before the Father;
C. as our King rules and protects His church and governs over all the world
especially for the benefit of His church.
149. What do the Scriptures teach about Christ's second coming?
A. Christ will return visibly and with great glory on the Last Day.
B. Christ will return to judge the world, not to set up an earthly government.
C. Christ will return on a specific day known by God alone.
D. Before Christ returns, there will be increasing turmoil and distress for the church and the world.
E. The return of Christ is a source of hope and joy for the Christian.
150. In conclusion, then, why has Christ redeemed you?
The Scriptures teach that Christ's purpose was
A. "that I may be His own"; that is, I am now righteous and blameless in the sight
of God;
B. that I may "live under Him in His kingdom"; that is, that I am now freed from the slavery of sin and thus freed to serve God;
C. that I may "serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness"; that is, that I honor God with my whole life and rejoice in Him now on earth and forever in heaven.
151. What is the basis of our faith and life in Christ?
"He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity."
152. Why do you close this article with the words, "This is most certainly true"?
Because all that I confess in this article is plainly taught in the Bible, and I, therefore,
firmly believe it.
153. What five points does the third article discuss?
1. The Holy Spirit
2. The Church, the Communion of Saints
3. The Forgiveness of Sins
4. The Resurrection of the Body
5. The Life Everlasting
154. Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity, true God with the Father and the Son-therefore not merely the power or energy of God.
155 How do you know that the Holy Spirit is God?
Because the Scriptures clearly call Him God, teaching that
A. the Holy Spirit has divine names;
B. the Holy Spirit possesses divine attributes (properties or characteristics);
C. the Holy Spirit does divine works (which only God can do);
D. the Holy Spirit receives divine honor and glory.
156. What is the special work of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit sanctifies me (makes me holy) by bringing me to faith in Christ, so that I might have the blessings of redemption and lead a godly life (sanctification in the wide sense).
Note: The word sanctification is used in two ways:
1. The wide sense-the whole work of the Holy spirit by which He brings us to faith and also enables us to lead a godly life.
2. The narrow sense-that part of the Holy Spirit's work by which He directs and empowers the believer to lead a godly life.
157. Why do you need the Holy Spirit to begin and sustain this faith in you?
By nature I am spiritually blind, dead, and an enemy of God, as the Scriptures teach;
therefore, "I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him."
158. What has the Holy Spirit done to bring you to faith?
The Holy Spirit "has called me by the Gospel," that is, He has invited and drawn me by the Gospel to partake of the spiritual blessings that are mine in Christ.
159. How do the Scriptures describe this gracious work of the Spirit in you?
The Scriptures teach that by the Gospel the Holy Spirit "enlightened me with His
gifts," that is, He gave me the saving knowledge of Jesus, my Savior, so that I trust,
rejoice, and find comfort in Him.
160. What is this work of the Holy Spirit called?
It is called conversion (being turned) or regeneration (new birth).
161. Why do you say that the Holy Spirit has done this by the Gospel?
The Gospel is the means by which the Holy Spirit offers us all the blessings of Christ
and creates faith in us.
Note: The written and spoken Word of the Gospel and the sacraments are the means of grace.
162. Besides faith, what else does the Holy Spirit create in you by the
The Holy Spirit sanctifies me in the true faith, that is, by faith He works a renewal of
my whole life-in spirit, will, attitude, and desires-so that I now strive to overcome sin
and do good works (sanctification in the narrow sense).
163. What are good works in God's sight?
In God's sight a good work is everything that a child of God does, speaks, or thinks in faith according to the Ten Commandments, for the glory of God, and for the benefit of his or her neighbor.
164. What do the Scriptures teach about the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
The Scriptures teach that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to His church. They teach that
A. the Holy Spirit through the Word and sacraments freely gives to all Christians
the most precious gifts: faith in Christ, the forgiveness of sins, and eternal life;
B. in apostolic times the Holy Spirit also gave some Christians the gift to perform
miraculous signs and wonders (for example, healings, speaking in tongues,
raising the dead).
The Scriptures do not teach, however, that God will necessarily give all Christians in every time and place special miraculous gifts. The Holy Spirit bestows His
blessings according to His good pleasure.
165. Finally, what also does the Holy Spirit do for you?
The Holy Spirit by the Gospel keeps me in the true faith.
166. Whom else does the Holy Spirit regenerate and renew?
The Holy Spirit "calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith."
167. Does the Holy Spirit want to do this in the lives of all people?
God the Holy Spirit earnestly wants to convert all people and bring them to salvation
through the Gospel.
168. Then, why are not all people saved?
Many reject the Word and resist the Holy Spirit; therefore they remain in unbelief and
under God's judgment by their own fault.
Matt. 23:37;Acts 7:51
Bible narratives: The invited guests refused to come (Matt. 22:1-10). The guests refused to
accept the invitation (Luke 14:16-24).
169. What is the holy Christian church?
The holy Christian church is the communion of saints, the total number of those who
believe in Christ. All believers in Christ, but only believers, are members of the church (invisible church).
170. Why do you say, "I believe" in the church?
A. Because faith, which makes people members of the church, is invisible, the church is invisible to human eyes.
B. The Scriptures assure us that the Holy Spirit continues to gather and preserve the church.
171. Why do you say, I believe in "the" church?
There is only one church, one spiritual body of believers (saints), whose one and
only head is Christ.
172. Why is the church called "holy"?
It is made up of holy people (saints), believers who have been cleansed by the blood
of Christ and who serve God with holy living.
173. Why is the church called "Christian"?
It belongs to Christ and is built on Him alone.
174. Where is this holy Christian church to be found?
The holy Christian church is to be found where "the Gospel is preached in its purity
and the holy sacraments are administered according to the Gospel" (Augsburg
Confession VII 1). The Gospel and the sacraments are called the "marks of the
175. In what other senses is the word church used?
The word church is also used to indicate
A. the visible church of God
B. a denomination;
C. a local congregation;
D. a house of worship.
176. Why does Scripture call local congregations "church"?
Local, visible gatherings around the means of grace are called churches because
there believers are gathered around Word and sacrament.
177. What is the visible church?
The visible church is the whole number of those who use the Word of God and profess the Christian faith, but among whom, beside the true Christians, there are also unbelievers.
178. Are there then two churches, one visible and the other invisible?
There is only one church--all believers in Christ. The visible gathering is called church because of the believers gathered around the means of grace in an assembly in which there are also hypocrites.
Bible narratives: The net that caught all kinds of fish (Matt. 13:47-48). A man without wedding clothes (Matt. 22:11-12). Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:111).
179. What do the Scriptures teach about our life in the church?
They teach that
A. we should seek always to be and remain members of the invisible church,
Christ's body, by sincere faith in Christ, our Savior;
B. we should be faithful to that visible church, or denomination, which professes
and teaches all of the Bible's doctrine purely and administers the sacraments
according to Christ's institution;
C. we should avoid false teachers, false churches, and all organizations that promote a religion that is contrary to God's Word;
D. we should maintain and extend God's church by telling others about Jesus Christ, by personal service, and by prayer and financial support.
180. Why do you say, "I believe in the forgiveness of sins"?
I believe in the forgiveness of sins because through Christ God has declared pardon and forgiveness to all sinful humanity.
181. What moves God to forgive sins?
God forgives sins because He is merciful and because of Christ's atoning sacrifice
for sinners.
182. How is it possible for a just and holy God to declare sinners righteous (justification)?
God declares sinners righteous for Christ's sake; that is, our sins have been imputed or charged to Christ, the Savior, and Christ's righteousness has been imputed or credited to us.
183. Where does God offer the forgiveness of sins?
God offers the forgiveness of sins in the Gospel.
184. How do you receive this forgiveness of sins?
I receive this forgiveness through faith, that is, by believing the Gospel.
185. Why can and should I be sure of the forgiveness of my sins?
I can and should be sure of the forgiveness of my sins because God keeps His
promises in Christ.
186. Why must we firmly hold to this teaching of justification by grace, for Christ's sake, through faith?
We must firmly hold to this teaching because
A. it is the most important doctrine of the Christian religion;
B. it distinguishes the Christian religion from false religions, all of which teach
salvation by works;
C. it gives enduring comfort to the penitent sinner;
D. it gives all glory to God for His grace and mercy in Christ.
187. What do the Scriptures teach about the resurrection of the body?
They teach that on the Last Day Christ "will raise me and all the dead." The same bodies that have died shall be made alive.
188. Are people reborn in bodies or forms?
Reincarnation, the belief that when people die they are reborn in other bodies or in a
series of other bodies, is contrary to Scripture.
189. What difference will there be between believers and unbelievers in the
A. The believers will rise with glorified bodies and enter everlasting life in heaven
with God.
B. The unbelievers will rise to eternal death, that is, to shame and torment in hell
190. To whom does God give eternal life?
God gives eternal life to me and all believers in Christ.
A. Eternal life is a present possession.
B. At the time of death, the soul of a believer is immediately with Christ in heaven.
C. At the Last Day the believers, in both body and soul, will begin the full
enjoyment of being with Christ forever.
191. Are you sure that you have eternal life?
Even as I now believe in Christ my Savior, I also know that I have been chosen to eternal life out of pure grace in Christ without any merit of my own and that no one can pluck me out of His hand (eternal election of grace or predestination).
192. Why do you close this article with the words "This is most certainly true"?
Because all that I confess in this article is plainly taught in the Bible and therefore I firmly believe it.