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22 Cards in this Set

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What did the Plains Indians use the buffalo for?

•Tongue as a hairbrush •Dung for fuel •Skin for clothing and tents •Bones for weapons

List three Plains Indians tribes

•Cheyenne •Sioux •Apache

What was the Plains Indians main belief about land?

•Land could not be sold, bought or owned as humans were a part of nature and not masters over it

What were the jobs of a Plains Indians woman?

•Raising children •Caring for the men's horses •Making clothing •Tanning buffalo hides

What were the jobs of a Plains Indian man?

•Fighting in war and protecting the tribe •Hunting for buffalo

What did the phrase 'counting coup' mean for a Plains Indian?

Riding up to an enemy and touching him with a special stick, this was seen as a symbolic act of bravery

Who was a 'medicine man' to Plains Indians?

He was believed to have a strong connection to the spirits and had an understanding of both visible and invisible wounds.

What does 'oral history' mean?

The Plains Indians only had oral history, this means that they didn't have writing and important ideas and histories were passed from generation to generation by telling stories.

What was the 'manifest destiny'? for settlers?

Many settlers believed that they were destined to occupy all of North America, they saw it as their God given right and thought it was their 'manifest destiny' to do so.

Why did settlers travel West?

N- newspaper articles. E- Environment. R - Religion. G- Government.


How did settlers travel West?

On wagons

Why was traveling West dangerous for settlers?

•Plains Indians. •Difficult mountainous terrain. •The winter deadline.

What did the 'Homestead Act' and the 'Railroad Act' mean for settlers?

The 'Homestead Act' meant that settlers were given even more land to occupy and the transcontinental railways encouraged more settlers to make the journey over as it was now easier.

What was a 'Sod House'?

Settlers who didn't have a lot of money had to make their houses out of dirt (sod houses).

What were some problems for settlers?

•There was little wood for building or fuel.

•The land was to hard and dry for light ploughs so farming was difficult.

•There was an immense lack of water so crops like maize failed.

•Grasshopper plagues often destroyed crops.

•Winds and extremes of climates battered and froze land.

What were women settlers jobs?

•Maintaining gardens.

•Cleaning sod houses.

•Looked after animals.

•Nursed the sick.

•Made household necessities such as clothes, soap, butter and cheese.

We're did miners live during the California gold rush?

Mining towns.

What were some issues with law and order in mining towns?

•Claim-jumpers would steal other people's claims to successful mines.

•Con men and thieves were drawn to the gold rush.

•The miners had to organize their own system for dealing with crime (miners' courts) where death sentences were carried out immediately.

What problems did the California gold rush cause for the Plains Indians?

The native American population dropped due to violent attacks from miners and epidemics brought over by them.

Who started the Mormon faith?

Joseph Smith

What were the chain of events that caused the Mormons move to the 'Great salt lake city?

•They first settled in Kirkland, Ohio from 1831-7. Residents didn't believe in polygamy which lead to violence such as Joseph Smith being tarred and feathered, the collapse of their Mormon bank in 1837 lead to them being driven out to Missouri.

•In Missouri the Mormons anti-slave beliefs annoyed slave owning residents. Many Mormons were accused of plotting with Indians and releasing slaves and so we're arrested, this lead to Brigham Young emerging and leading the Mormons to Illinois.

•In Nauvoo (Illinois) in 1844 Joseph Smith was arrested for the destruction of a dissident printing press. He was later killed by an angry mob in jail.

•Brigham Young then took over and made the decision to try and find land where Mormons could start over.

Why did Young pick the 'great salt lake' as a starting place for Mormons?

Because of the harsh, dry conditions no one else wanted the land so they wouldn't be disrupted.