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99 Cards in this Set

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Which elbow flexors are supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve?
Biceps & brachialis
Which muscles form the anatomical snuffbox?
Extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis
What does the thenar eminence consist of?
Flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, median nerve
What does the hypothenar eminence consist of?
Flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi, ulnar nerve
What is the only thumb muscle solely supplied by the ulnar nerve?
Abductor pollicis
What action is involved in pouring a drink?
Forearm pronation
What muscles are involved in pouring a drink?
Pronator teres, pronator quadratus
What nerve is involved in pouring a drink?
Median nerve
What attaches to the flexor retinaculum?
Palmaris longus
What is a power grip?
All fingers are flexed and the thumb is aligned with the handle
What is a precision grip?
Fingers are semi-flexed, thumb is abducting and opposing
Wrist drop is due to injury of what nerve?
Radial nerve
What muscle is required to make the OK sign?
Opponens pollicis
What are the actions of hammering?
Upswing: Radial deviation
Downswing: Ulnar deviation
What muscles are involved in hammering?
Upswing: Extensor carpi radialis longus, flexor carpi radialis

Downswing: Extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi ulnaris
What nerves are involved in hammering?
Upswing: Radial nerve & medial nerve

Downswing: Radial nerve & ulnar nerve
What actions are involved in holding a drink?
Elbow flexion, forearm neutral, wrist extension, ulnar deviation, finger flexion, thumb opposition
What muscle is involved in holding a drink?
What nerve is involved in holding a drink?
Radial nerve
What action is involved in playing darts?
Load: Radial deviation

Release: Ulnar deviation
What muscles are involved in playing darts?
Load: Extensor carpi radialis longus, flexor carpi radialis

Release: Extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi ulnaris
What nerves are involved in playing darts?
Load: Radial nerve & median nerve

Release: Radial nerve & ulnar nerve
What actions are involved in hacking?
Up: Radial deviation

Down: Ulnar deviation
What muscles are involved in hacking?
Up: Extensor carpi radialis longus, flexor carpi radialis

Down: Extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi ulnaris
What nerves are involved in hacking?
Up: Median nerve & Radial nerve

Down: Radial nerve & Ulnar nerve
What actions are involved in tennis?
Forehand: Flexion

Backhand: Extension
What muscles are involved in tennis?
Forehand: Flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris

Backhand: Extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris
What nerves are involved in tennis?
Forehand: Median nerve & ulnar nerve

Backhand: Radial nerve
What is the action of golf?
What muscles are involved in a golf swing?
Flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
What nerves are involved in a golf swing?
Median nerve & ulnar nerve
What muscle can flex all the joints of the thumb?
Flexor pollicis longus
Which muscle is always active when flexing the elbow?
What parts of the hand does the ulnar nerve supply sensation to?
Palmar surface, little finger & ulnar half of the ring finger
What parts of the hand does the median nerve supply sensation to?
Palmar surface, thumb, index finger, middle fingers, radial half of the ring finger
What carpal forms the sellar joint of the thumb?
What muscles are supplied by the median nerve?
Pronator teres, pronator quadratus, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, 1st & 2nd lumbricals
Which muscles PAD the fingers?
Palmar interossei
Which muscles DAB the fingers?
Dorsal interossei
Which muscles act on the radioulnar joint?
Biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, pronator teres, pronator quadratus, triceps, anconeus, supinator
What is another name for tennis elbow?
Lateral epicondylitis
What is another name for golf elbow?
Medial epicondylitis
What is the main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome?
Compression of the median nerve
What is inside the anatomical snuffbox?
Radial artery
What is another description for pronation?
Medial rotation
What is another description for supination?
Lateral rotation
The long head of the biceps runs through which structure?
Bicipital groove
What is the funny bone composed of?
Medial epicondyle & ulnar nerve
What is the medical term for "elbow"?
Humeroulnar joint
What is the medical term for wrist?
Radiocarpal joint
What is the medical term for the knuckles?
Metacarpophalangeal joints
What is opposition?
The diagonal movement of the thumb across the palmar surface of the hand
What are the joints in the fingers called?
Proximal intercarpophalangeal joints & Distal intercarpophalangeal joints (PIPS & DIPS)
What are your writing muscles?
What is the strongest elbow flexor?
What is the action of flexor digitorum profundus?
Flexion of DIPS
What is the action of flexor digitorum superficialis?
Flexion of PIPS
Where is the annular ligament?
Lateral (radial) side of the elbow
What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic?
Extrinsic: Origin outside of the structure it controls

Intrinsic: Origin & insertion within the structure it controls
What is the origin of biceps?
Long head: supraglenoid tubercle

Short head: coracoid process
What is the insertion of biceps?
Radial tuberosity
What is the origin of brachialis?
Lower half of anterior humerus
What is the insertion of brachialis?
Ulnar tuberosity
What is the origin of brachioradialis?
Lateral supracondylar ridge
What is the insertion of brachioradialis?
Radial styloid
What nerve innervates biceps?
Musculocutaneous nerve
What nerve innervates brachialis?
Musculocutaneous nerve
What nerve innervates brachioradialis?
Radial nerve
What is the origin of supinator?
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus & annular ligament
What is the insertion of supinator?
Lateral proximal third of radius
What is the origin of pronator teres?
Medial epicondyle of the humerus
What is the insertion of pronator teres?
Middle lateral radius
What is the origin of pronator quadratus?
Distal anterior fourth of the ulna
What is the insertion of pronator quadratus?
Distal anterior fourth of the radius
What nerve innervates supinator?
Radial nerve
What nerve innervates pronator teres?
Median nerve
What nerve innervates pronator quadratus?
Median nerve
What is the origin of anconeus?
Lateral epicondyle
What is the insertion of anconeus?
Olecranon process
What is the action of anconeus?
What nerve innervates anconeus?
Radial nerve
What is the origin of flexor carpi radialis?
Medial epicondyle
What is the insertion of flexor carpi radialis?
2nd & 3rd metacarpal base
What is the origin of palmaris longus?
Medial epicondyle
What is the insertion of palmaris longus?
Palmar aponeuroses
What is the origin of flexor carpi ulnaris?
Medial epicondyle
What is the insertion of flexor carpi ulnaris?
5th metacarpal base
What is the origin of extensor carpi radialis longus?
Lateral supracondylar ridge & lateral epicondyle
What is the insertion of extensor carpi radialis longus?
2nd metacarpal base
What is the origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Lateral epicondyle
What is the insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
3rd metacarpal base
What is the origin of extensor carpi ulnaris?
Lateral epicondyle
What is the insertion of extensor carpi ulnaris?
5th metacarpal base
What nerve innervates flexor carpi radialis?
Median nerve
What nerve innervates palmaris longus?
Median nerve
What nerve innervates flexor carpi ulnaris?
Ulnar nerve
What nerve innervates extensor carpi radialis longus?
Radial nerve
What nerve innervates extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Radial nerve
What nerve innervates extensor carpi ulnaris?
Radial nerve