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50 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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The ___________ is the most superficial muscle of the back.


Its inferior portion covers the superior section of the latissimus dorsi.


the main retractors/adductors of the scapula

rhomboids (major & minor)

the only muscles on the anterior side of the body that move or stabilize the scapula

Serratus anterior & pectoralis minor

_____________ is known as the “hugging” muscle. Weakness of this muscle can cause “winged scapula”.

Serratus anterior

pectoralis minor syndrome

-compression of the vessels and nerves

-one of the types of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)

the scapulae are protracted (abducted) and depressed and the humeri are medially rotated

Rounded shoulders

Elevates ribs #3 to #5 expanding the ribcage & thoracic cavity = more space for lung expansion. Accessory muscle of respiration.

pectoralis minor

Muscles that move the shoulder girdle stabilize the ___________ & ____________.

scapula & clavicle

The only joint in the pectoral girdle that articulates with the axial skeleton

sternoclavicular joint

Scapula and clavicle are held in place by muscles that originate from ____________

the axial skeleton

Trapezius origins

up: ext occip protub
lig nuch
mid: Sp
low: Sp to T12

up: ext occip protub

lig nuch

mid: Sp

low: Sp to T12

Trapezius insertion

up: lat clav, acromion
mid: spine of scap
low: root of spine

up: lat clav, acromion

mid: spine of scap

low: root of spine

Rhomboid major origin

Sp T2-5

Sp T2-5

Rhomboid major insertion

Vertebral border from root of spine to inferior angle

Vertebral border from root of spine to inferior angle

Rhomboid minor origin

Sp C7 & T1

Sp C7 & T1

Rhomboid minor insertion

vertebral border at root of spine

vertebral border at root of spine

Levator scapula origin

Tp C1-4

Tp C1-4

Levator scapula insertion

Vertebral border from superior angle to root of spine

Vertebral border from superior angle to root of spine

Serratus anterior origin

Upper 8 ribs
(anterior & superior aspect)

Upper 8 ribs

(anterior & superior aspect)

Serratus anterior insertion

Costal/anterior side of scapula on vertebral border.

Costal/anterior side of scapula on vertebral border.

Pectoralis minor origin

Anterior aspect of 3rd, 4th & 5th ribs

Anterior aspect of 3rd, 4th & 5th ribs

Pectoralis minor insertion

Coracoid process

Coracoid process

_______________ and ____________ entrap the brachial plexus

pectoralis minor & scalenes

neurovascular bundle (including the brachial plexus) passes under the muscle and between the _____________ & _________.

Clavical & ribs

Not a true synovial joint. Where the scapula slides over the ribs/thorax.

Scapulothoracic joint

synovial gliding joint between the acromion and the acromial end of the clavicle.

Acromioclavicular joint

synovial gliding joint between clavicular notch of sternum and sternal end of clavicle.

Sternoclavicular joint

5 muscles that are primarily involved in shoulder girdle movements



levator scapula

serratus anterior

pectoralis minor

For some shoulder girdle movements, the scapula must ________________________________.

rotate or tilt on its axis

Scapulohumeral Rhythm

Scapular rotation that accompanies and facilitates humeral abduction.

Helps to achieve further range of movement.

Head of humerus and glenoid fossa/cavity of scapula make up the _____________ joint.


True or false: The shoulder joint is a synovial ball and socket joint.


subacromial & subdeltoid bursitis

inflammation of bursa that separates superior surface of supraspinatus tendon from the coraco-acromial ligament, acromion, coracoid and the deep surface of the deltoid muscle.

winged scapula

the shoulder blade, or shoulder bone, protrudes from a person's back in an abnormal position.

serratus anterior action on scapula


upwardly rotates

pectoralis minor action on scapula

draws it forward & down

levator scapula action on scapula

elevates vertebral border

pulls it upward & medially

bends neck laterally (side tilt)

upper trapezius action on scapula


upwardly rotates

middle trapezius action on scapula


lower trapezius action on scapula


upward rotate

rhomboids action on scapula

