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99 Cards in this Set

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1. Gentamicin
2. Tobramycin
3. Amikacin
4. Streptomycin
can form a chemical complex and can be administered simultaneously but not in the same solution
Aminoglycosides and beta-lactam antibiotics
Preferred routes of administration for aminoglycosides
IV or IM - poor absorption from GI tract
30-60 minute IV infusion ; 2-3 equally divided doses per day or a once daily dosing regimen
frequency of administration for aminoglycosides
Where on the body do aminoglycosides not penetrate
into the eye or into the CNS
Diffuse through the porin channels in the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria
how aminoglycosides get into bacterial cells
Active transport across plasma membrane inhibited by
1. low pH
2. anaerobic condition
1. anaerobic bacteria
2. acidic environment of an abscess
aminoglycosides are not effective against these
enhance the transport of aminoglycosides into the bacterial cell.....have synergistic killing
antibiotics that inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis (penicillins, cephalosporins) with aminoglycosides
Renal dosing is required
Dosing changes for aminoglycosides
MOA of Aminoglycosides
inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit - bactericidal
3 actions after aminoglycoside binds to 30s ribosome
1. block initiation of protein synthesis
2. block movement of ribosome - breaks up 70s ribosome into 50s and 30s subunites
3. misread the mRNA code leading to production of mutant proteins

*still works after drug level drops below MIC*
1. Ototoxicity
2. Nephrotoxicity
3. Neuromuscular Block
ADRs of aminoglycosides
Auditory and vestibular toxicity with aminoglycosides
1. tinnitus, loss of hearing
2. vertigo, ataxia, loss of balance
use of other drugs that can cause ototoxicity with aminoglycosides
1. Loop diuretics
2. Vancomycin
Aminoglycosides that more commonly cause vestibular toxicity
1. gentamicin
2. streptomycin
3. tobramycin
Nephrotoxicity - Acute tubular necrosis with aminoglycosides
1. rise in serum creatnine levels
2. SCr measured every 2-3 days
3. can be caused by higher doses more than 5 days
4. Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Neomycin
Neuromuscular block with aminoglycosides
*Rare - high doses*

1. muscle weakness and respiratory paralysis
2. inhibits release of acetylcholine - inhibit postsynaptic sensitivity to acetylcholine
3. Treat with IV calcium salt & Cholinesterase inhibitor
30-60 minutes after IV or IM infusion - lets ya know if patient is achieving therapeutic levels
Peak Concentration
1. 30 minutes prior to next dose
2. hemodialysis can be used

Gentamicin - above 2ug/ml - toxicity
Trough Concentration
Mechanism for bacterial resistance to aminoglycosides
1. production of bacterial enzymes that phosphorylate, adenylate, or acetylate the drug
2. metabolites formed - not capable of binding to 30s ribosome
3. cant inhibit protein synthesis
Aminoglycoside more resistant to inactivating enzymes and may be more useful
Spectrum of activity for Aminoglycosides
1. Staph aureus - do not use alone
2. Staph epidermidis - do not use alone
3. Proteus mirabilis
4. E. Coli
5. Klebsiella pneumoniae
6. Pseudomonas
1. severe systemic infections (sepsis)
2. in combo with bacterial cell wall synthesis inhibitor for bacterial endocarditis
Major clinical uses of aminoglycosides
1. less activity against gram - enteric bacteria
2. used to treat bacterial endocarditis with penicillin
3. 2nd line treatment for TB
1. used for serious gram negative infections (Pseudomonas, enterobacter, Klebsiella, Serratia, others)
2. used to treat complicated UTI with beta-lactam antibiotic, pneumonia caused by gram neg bacteria in a hospital, sepsis
*not recommended for community acquired pneumonia
1. better activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2. used to treat bacteremia, osteomyelitis, pneumonia
3. inhalation forms treat bronchopulmonary infections caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis
1. broadest antimicrobial spectrum
2. resistant to many of the bacterial enzymes that inactivate other aminoglycosides
3. treats serious nosocomial infection caused by gram negative aerobic bacilli in hospitals
4. less active against enterococci and should not be used to treat enterococcal infections
Oral-Absorbable Sulfonamide
Oral-Nonabsorbable Sulfonamide
Topical Sulfonamides
Silver Sulfadiazine cream
Other Antifolate Drugs
Combination antifolate meds
Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim
Bacteriostatic except in an environment that is deficient in thymine and amino acids
Sulfonamides will be bactericidal
MOA of antifolate drugs
1. inhibit enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase in the biosynthetic pathway of tetrahydrofolic acid
Enzyme dihydrofolate reductase in the biosynthetic pathway of tetrahydrofolic acid is inhibited by
anti-folate drugs like trimethorpim inhibit
Sulfonamides are chemically similar to
PABA (p-aminobenzoic acid)
decrease DNA synthesis
ultimate effect of blocking dihydrofolic acid production
Gram Positive Spectrum of activity for Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim

1. Staph
2. Strep
3. Bacillus anthracis
4. Clostridium tetani
5. Clostridium perfringens
6. Nocardia
Gram Negative Spectrum of Activity for Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim

1. Enterobacter
2. E. Coli
3. Klebsiella
4. Proteus mirabilis/vulgaris
5. Salmonella
6. Shigella

Other Areas of Activity for coverage by Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim
1. Chlamydia trachomatis
2. Toxoplasma gondii
3. Plasmodium
Microorganisms that are resistant to Sulfonamides
1. Spirochetes
2. Mycoplasma
3. Rickettsiae
Bacterial Resistance to Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim
*limits the use of these drugs as single agents*

1. Alterations in the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase (chromasomal or spread by plasmids)
2. Overproduction of PABA
3. Chromosomal or plasmid mediated expression of mutated dihydrofolate reductase (over production)
1. Bind to plasma proteins and can displace other drugs
2. displace bilirubin from protein binding sites leading to kernicterus
Distribution of Sulfonamides
N-acetylated metabolites and the parent compound in Sulfonamides
are insoluble in teh acidic environment of the urine which can lead to crystalluria and renal damage
ADRs of Sulfonamides
1. Hypersensitivity and Skin reactions
2. Hematological Disorders (hemolytic anemia)
3. Renal Damage (crystalluria)
4. Clostridium difficile-associated psudomembranous colitis
5. Kernicterus
Hypersensitivity and Skin Reactions associated with Sulfonamides
1. cross sensitization between anti-infective sulfonamides and other drugs that contain a sulfonamide group
2. Allergy to sulfonamides can lead to SJS
Used in combo with Trimethoprim
90% of drug travels to colon where drug is cleaved by intestinal flora to form sulfapyridine and 5-aminosalicylic acid
1. Ulcerative colitis (5-aminosaliclate treat IBS)
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Silver Salt and Sulfadiazine in Silver Sulfadiazine has what kind of effect
topical sulfonamide that effects the cell membrane and cell wall
Clinical Uses of Silver Sulfadiazine topical cream
1. adjunct therapy for infections associated with 2nd and 3rd degree burns
Absorption of Trimethoprim
Completely absorbed after oral administration
Spectrum of Activity for Trimethoprim
1. Strep pneumoniae (Gram Pos)
2. Common Gram Negative agents that cause UTIs
Uses of Trimethoprim
1. UTIs (E. Coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter, Staph saprophyticus)
1. Rash and pruritis (photosensitivity, SJS)
2. GI
3. Hematologic effects (folate depleted patients)
4. Teratogen
ADRs of trimethoprim
When should Trimethoprim be used in pregnancy
only be used if the benefits justify the risk to the fetus
1. UTIs (E Coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter) - empirical therapy
2. Pneumocystis Jiroveci pneumonia (AIDS)
3. GI infections
4. Otitis Media
Uses of Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim
ADRs of Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim
*occurs in 80% of AIDS patients*

1. Hematological (folate depleted, malnourished, elderly)
*treated with folinic acid)
1. life-threatening pneumonia in immunocompromised individuals (leading cause of death in AIDS patients)
2. fever, dermatological reactions, hematologic reactions
3. first classified as a protozoan but shares characteristics with fungi
Pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii) - pneumocystosis
Preferred drugs for Pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii)
1. Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim (IV, PO)
2. Pentamidine isethionate (IV)
3. Prednisone
ADRs of Pentamidine isethionate
1. Hypotension
2. Hypoglycemia (pancreatic islet necrosis)
3. Pulmonary (bronchospasm and cough)
1. Ciprofloxacin
2. Levofloxacin
3. Moxifloxacin
Miscellaneous antibiotics
1. Nitrofurantoin
2. Clindamycin
3. Vancomycin
4. Polymyxin B
5. Metronidazole
6. Bacitracin
7. Quinupristin/Dalfopristin
8. Linezolid
9. Daptomycin
Oral absorption of fluoroquinolones
1. impaired by divalent cations found in antacids
2. iron, zinc, calcium supplements decrease
3. patients should not take antacids containing these 4 hours before/2 hours after dosing
Fluoroquinolone not excreted by kidney so it doesn't need renal dosing
MOA of fluoroquinolones

1. inhibit the bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase (topoisomerase II) and topoisomerase IV
2. this leads to inhibition of replication
Mechanism of Resistance to fluoroquinolones

1. mutation on DNA gyrase which prevents binding of the drug
Spectrum of activity for Fluoroquinolones
1. mostly gram negative (more than 90% of enterobacteriaceae)
2. Pseudomonas
Fluoroquinolones with activity against Gram Positive
Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin
Clinical Uses of fluoroquinolones
1. Urinary tract infections (multi drug resistant bacteria)
2. Prostatitis
3. GI infection such as bacterial diarrhea (travellers diarrhea)
4. lower respiratory tract infections (community acquired pneumonia and bronchitis)
Antibiotics used for prostatis
1. Ciprofloxacin
2. Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim
ADRs of fluoroquinolones
1. nausea, headache, dizziness - most common
2. CNS stimulation - convulsions, psychosis, hallucinations)
3. Sensitivity to light
4. damage to growing cartilage - not recommended in pregnancy and under 18 years of age
5. Adult tendonitis - rare
6. interfere with excretion of theophylline and caffeine
7. Superinfections
1. poor oral absorption, should be administered IV
2. DOES penetrate CSF when meninges are inflamed
3. adjust dose with renal failure
MOA of vancomycin

1. inhibits cell wall synthesis by binding to D-alanyl-D-alanine portion of peptidoglycan pentapeptide
Resistance to Vancomycin
bacterial enzymes that can induce alteration in the cell wall precursors so that vanco can't bind as wel
Spectrum of activity for Vanco
1. Gram + : methicillin resistant and methicillin susceptible Staph aureus, Staph epidermidis, Strept, C. difficile

2. Gram - : NO USE
Clinical uses of Vanco
1. Serious Staph infections (sepsis, endocarditis)
2. Gram + infections in patients allergic to penicillins and cephs - (enterococcal endocarditis - with aminoglycoside)
3. Diarrhea caused by C. difficile
ADRs, Toxicity, C/I of Vanco
1. Ototoxicity (rare) - more common when given with other ototoxic drugs
2. Nephrotoxicity (rare)
3. Red Man or "Red Neck" syndrome - flushing of face, neck, torso
1. well absorbed after oral administration
2. excreted mainly in the bile - doses adjusted with HEPATIC failure
3. does not penetrate well into the CNS even with inflammation of the meninges
4. good penetration into abscesses
MOA of Clindamycin

1. binds to 50s ribosomal subunit
2. inhibits bacterial protein synthesis
Mechanism of Resistance to Clindamycin
1. Mutations in the 50s ribosomal subunit prevents binding
2. enzyme methylase prevents binding
Spectrum of Activity for Clindamycin
1. Gram + : most Staph aureus strains
2. Gram - : not useful
3. Anaerobes: active against both gram + and gram - including B. fragilis and C. perfringens.
Clinical Uses of Clindamycin
1. treat anaerobic infections (abscesses but not in the brain)
2. prophylaxis against endocarditis in patients with valvular heart disease who are having dental procedures done
3. alternative to penicillins and cephs if allergic
ADRs of Clindamycin
1. diarrhea, nausea, skin rash
2. Pseudomembranous colitis caused by C. difficile
1. excretion of drug is VERY rapid - no systemic effects seen
2. not to be used with renal failure
3. Used to treat UTIs (prophylactically and treatment)
4. ADR: Gi Upset (anorexia, nausea, vomiting)
Polymyxin B sulfate
used topically due to toxicity that is associated with parenteral administration
MOA of polymyxins
Interact with cell membrane phospholipids - disrupt cell membrane permeability, and cause leakage of intracellular components

**This killing effect can cause serious ADRs**
Spectrum of Activity for Polymyxins
1. restricted to Gram negative bacteria
2. Pseudomonas aeuroginosa
Clinical Uses of Polymyxins
1. topical treatment of infections of hte eye, skin, mucous membranes, ears, wounds, burns
2. indwelling catheters
ADRs of parenteral polymyxins
1. Nephrotoxicity
2. Neurotoxicity
1. good absorption after oral admin....also by IV, rectal suppos, vaginal gel
2. widely distributed, including the CNS and brain abscesses
MOA of Metronidazole

reduction of the drug to compounds that bind to intracellular macromolecules
Spectrum of Activity and Clinical Uses of Metronidazole
ACTIVITY: anaerobes including B. fragilis and C. difficile

USES: soft tissue infection, intra-abdominal infections, pelvic infections, brain abscesses, pseudomembranous colitis, PUD caused by helicobacter pylori
ADRs of metronidazole
1. Carcinogenic potential
2. disulfiram-like interaction with alcohol
3. peripheral neuropathy with chronic use`
1. used opthalmically and dermatologically
2. not used parenterally
MOA of bacitracin
inhibits cell wall formation by interfering with the lipid that carries peptidoglycan subunits to the site of cell wall formation
Spectrum of Activity and Clinical Uses of Bacitracin
ACTIVITY: similar to penicillin

USES: topically for open wounds to eradicate mixed microorganisms, eye infections
ADRs of Bacitracin
1. serious nephrotoxicity (parenteral use)
2. Renal failure (tubular and glomerular necrosis)