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51 Cards in this Set

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What was a problem for farmers after World War I?
loss of European markets
How did government policy tend to after World War I?
raise the tariff
evidenced by Fordney-McCumber Tariff
What did the Teapot Dome Scandal involve?
illegal leasing of government oil fields
What is a famous strike that organized labor resorted to shortly after World War I?
United Mine Workers
What was a cause of the big red scare of the 1920s?
1) bolshevik(communist) revolution in russia
2)bomb explosion on Wall Street
3)bombs found in packages mailed to government and business leaders
a) who pioneered the cehmical industry in the 1920s?

b) who poineered the frozen foods industry in the 1920s?
a) Dupont

b) Birdseye
What contributed to the decline of the power of organized labor in the 1920s?
a) increase in wages

b) fear of socialism and communism

c) better workin conditions
Who made the most significant contributions to the improvements in mass prodution?
Henry Ford and Frederick Taylor
Who promoted..."Life is education..Learn through experiencing life."
John Dewey
After the stock market crash of 1929, what percentage was industrial output cut by?
In 1932, what did the march of 17,000 people toward washington demand?
bonuses for veterans
What group did the "Americanization Plan" under the Dawes Act deal with?
Native Americans
Who led the black pride and back to Africa movements of the 1920s?
Marcus Garvey
Who expressed opposition to at least some parts of the New Deal?
A) factory owners

B) Supreme Court

C) american consumers
What was a major cause of the "Great Depression?
over production
What are cash payments made by the gov. to the poor/unemployed with no exchange of services?
Direct relief
Who was most aided by the Civilian Conservation Corp?
young men
What did critics of the Tennessee Calley Authority maintain?
the fed. gov. had no right to compete with private industry
Who did the Reconstruction Finance Corp. grant loans to?
a) railroad companies

b) insurance companies

c)industries and factories
What was part of the National Labor Relations Act(Wagner Act)?
labor was guaranteed the right to organize unions
What was part of Abraham Lincoln's program for Reconstruction?
a)_ most southerners who took a loyalty oath would receive full pardon

b) Southern states would be readmitted into the Union but not as equals

c) Southern states were prohibited from repayin their war debts
Why did many members of Congress oppose Lincoln's plan for reconstruction?
they believed that
a) readmittance of the states should be handled by Congress
b) Southerners should be punished for causing the Civil War
c) Shoutherners should not be trusted
Who were the black codes passed by?
Southern state governemnts to limit activities of the freedmen
What other than the presidential plan for reconsturction did Congress not accept?
a) prohibited southern legislators from taking their sears in Congress

b) passed their own reconstruction plan

c) grew angry with prez for pardoning southerners
Who was the Freedman's Bureau created by?
Congress to assist the former slaves
What was part of the Cognressional plan for reconstruction?
the south would be divided into 5 military districts
What are parts of the impeachment and removal process?
a) prez can be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors

b) H.O.R. is the only body that had the power to impeach

c) Senate, acting as jury in impeach trial, can remove and impeached prez if 2/3 of the senators vote for removal
What were charges brought against Andrew Johnson by Congress?
violation of the Tenure of Office Act
What happened to Andrew Johnson's conflict with Congress?
Johnson was impeached by the H.O.R
What was accomplished by the reconstruction governments in the south?
a) extension of public education

b)creation of a more equitable tax system

c) reform of judicial system
Why were secret societies like the Ku Klux Klan created during the reconstruction era?
frighten Blacks and stop then from obtaining political power
Why were Jim Crow laws passed in teh south after reconstruction?
segregate the races in the south
Tenant farmers and sharecroppers were:
a) agreed to rent or work someone else's land to give to that person a portion of crops

b) became widespread in the south after the Civil War and inhibited economic diversification

c)often black and often poor
poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses in the south were used to?
restrict blacks from voting
In Plessy vs. Fergusson S.C. ruled:
seperate but equal facilities
Booker T. Washington:
a) believed blakcs should pursue primarily a vocational education

b) contributed to formation of N.A.A.C.P

c) spoke against lynchings and discrimination
Booker T. Washington:
a) believed blakcs should pursue primarily a vocational education

b) contributed to formation of N.A.A.C.P

c) spoke against lynchings and discrimination
In Plessy vs. Fergusson S.C. ruled:
seperate but equal facilities
Booker T. Washington:
a) believed blacks should persue primarily a vocational education
In Plessy vs. Fergusson S.C. ruled:
seperate but equal facilities
Booker T. Washington:
a) beleived blacks should pursue primarily a vocational education

b) founded Tuskegee Institute

c) spoke against lynchings and discrimination
W.E.B. Dubois:
contributed to the formation of the N.A.A.C.P
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?
a) organized by both white and black americans

b) worked through courts to end discrimination

c) is an active organization today
Why was the urban league created?
fight discrimination in jobs and housing
How did southerners view the reconstruction period in U.S. history?
time of suffering and humiliation
What did the Credit Mobilier Act scandal involve?
building of the transcontinental railroad
What tactics were used by boss tweed and tammany hall to kep power?
a) stuffign the ballot box

b) giving gov. jobs to supporters

c) assisting immigrants when arrived in U.S.
what were characteristics of the new industrial age/
a) agricultural machinery

b) rapidly growing cities

c) long lines of railroad cars
Industrial rev. at end of 19th century:
a) industrialization transformed peopels lives

b) mass production led to specialization

c) maufacturers developed more efficient methods of producing goods
Who organized the steel industry and later in life donated his money to public charities and org. including dover public library?
Andrew Carnagie
what were characteristics of the new industrial age/
a) agricultural machinery

b) rapidly growing cities

c) long lines of railroad cars