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36 Cards in this Set

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world war 1
militarism alliances imperalism nationalism
to stay out of foreign affairs
Washington farewell address
why us enters WW 1
freedom of seas
German sank our ships
Woodrow Wilson making the world safe for democracy
red scare
fear of communism
Russia falls to communism during ww1 us afraid of communist in the us
Palmer raids
red scare immigrants set back on their countries
americans civil liberties taking away
treaty of Versailles
create a league of nation
make Germany pay reparations for the World War 1
causes World War 2
senate refusal to ratify the treaty of Versailles
treaty of Versailles has league of nations which would drag US into another war
give into demands to prevent war

giving land to Hitlers demand for the return of German land for peace
lend lease
united states provided aid to great britan and the soviet union
helps allied nations without the united states
enter the war
1 cash and carry
2 destroyer for bases
conflicts with neutrality
arsenal of democracy
us giving weapons to its allies to protect democracy and so us would not have to go to war
ends ww1 nov 11 1918
cease fire
us enter world war 2
japan bombs pearl harbor
Atlantic charter
goals for the war
freedom of seas
spread of democracy
make Europe the primary force
Truman use a- bomb
an invasion of japan would result a lot causalities
Manhattan project creates a bomb
nuremburg trials
government officals and military leaders could be held accountable for their action
rosie the riverter
recruit women into wartime industries
women and minorites during war
women and minorities made gains because they worked in factories because men left to go to the war
a Phillip Randolph
equal access to war time jobs
g i bill
provide federal funds for veterans to attend college and purchase homes
war production board
national government managed the economy by controlling allocation of resources to business wage and price controls
united nations
collected security for world war peace
world peace required united states involements
great migration
afrcian americans move to the north
roaring 20
widespread social and economic change occurred in the 1920s
mass consumerism
mass media
flapper symbol for the social changes of women
harlem renaissance
a period of great achievements by African American writers artists and performers
Langston Hughes duke Ellington
scopes monkey trials
clash over cultural values
religon v science
installment plan
buying items on credits
causes of greart depression
limted government regulation bad banking lost people money
buying stock on credit over speculation
overproduction of consumer goods
widening income gap between the rich and the poor
dust bowl
caused by overfarmibng and drought
farmers move west
black tuesday
drastic stock market loss
start of the great depression
no federal govt involvement or aid to people
blamed for suffering so people named shantytowns after him (hoovertown)
republican party
bonus army
ww1 veterans promised money after the war came to washington demanding for their bonus
FDR and new deal
national govt must help the people
provided hope through jobs to help the suffering and unemployed
creates social security money for the elderly
democrats party
sec securite and exchange system
sec develops rules to milt speculation FDIC safeguard savings
court packing
conflicts with checks and balance separations of power
FDR wanted to added more members to the supreme court because they declared some new deals laws unconstitutional
end of great depression
world war 2 bring out of great depression
deficits spending
govt spends money it does not have to help the economy
purchasing power will increase and economic growth will be stimulated