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68 Cards in this Set

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Who was the militant abolionist who led raid at Harper's ferry?
John Brown
Who was vice president of the US also created nullification that said a state could decide if a law was unconstitutional
John C Calhoun
Who was known as the "Great compromiser"
Henry Clay
Who was the reformer who fought to improve the care for the mentally ill?
Dorothea Dix
Who was Ralph Waldo Emerson?
A writer and a poet, popularized the idea of transcendentalism
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
Who was a journalist who help establish the idea of freedom of press?
John Peter Zenger
Who was the 6th president who favored strong nationalism against states' rights and nullification?
John Quincy Adams
Who was a representative and senator in Congress
Daniel Webster
Who was the 7th president and the hero of the Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
Who was a painter of birds and other wildlife?
John James Audobon
Who was the inventor of the telegraph
Samuel Morse
Who was the inventor of the steel plow?
John Deere
Why did political parties start?
A disagreement about the power of the federal government and foreign policy
Political party that believe in strong national government, higher tariffs, government support of industry
Federalist Party
Strong state governments, lower taxes, support of agriculture and craftsmen
Democratic Republicans
With the electrion of 1828 the Democratic Republican split, what party developed?
Democratic Party
This party opposed Jackson's policies, they supported states' rights and Henry Clay's American System
Whig Party
This party formed before the Civil War as an Anti-slavery party. Abe Lincoln was the first president under this party. They temporially dominated US politics after the Civil War.
Republican Party
Who was the most influential Supreme Court Justices, he helped establish the idea of Judicial Review?
John Marshall
What is Judicial Review?
Said that the Supreme court had right to review all laws made by congress.
What case established Judicial Review?
Marbury v. Madison
What court case had the Cherokee Nation sueing George to keep their lands, and won, but were removed by Jackson anyway
Worcester v. Georgia
This case said that a state could not tax a national bank, increased the power of the national government.
McCulloch v. Maryland
What case that the federal government had the power to regulate trade between states
Gibbons v. Ogden
What case said that African-Americans were not citizens of the U.S and said that Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional?
Dred Scott v. Sanford
What established government for the Northwest Territory and described how a territory becomes a state?
Northwest Ordiance
This compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and prohibited slavery north of Missouri maintaining balance between free and slave states in Congress.
Missouri Compromise
This compromise preserved balance of free and slave states and said that congress would not regulate slavery in territories. California becomes a free state, no slave trade in D.C
Compromise of 1850
What is the Morrill Act?
Land grants that established agricultural universities. (Texas A&M)
What is the Dawes Act?
Indian policy that broke up reservations into individual land plots.
What is the Homestead Act?
A law that a person could claim 160 acres of land in the western terriitories
What act said that you had to help slave owners recover their runaway slaves from the North?
Fugitive Slave Act
What is the Nullification Compromise?
Henry clay's compromise to end the nullification crisis when the tariff would be lowered over a ten year period
When goods are prevented from going into or out of an area.
What is the refusal to buy certain goods?
What is the economic system in which England controlled trade of the colonies?
What is the right to vote?
Individual people and not the government control the economy, people decide what to make, sell and buy, what system is this?
Free Enterprise System
What is the system that Henry Clay propsed that planed for economic growth, protective tariffs, transportation, roads and canals?
American System
What was the land bought by the US in 1803, from Rocky Mts. to Mississippi River
Louisiana Purchase
This was the name given to the idea that the US was destined to expand from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean?
Manifest Destiny
This set up a method by which the US territory could grow and expand in an orderly manner
Northwest Ordiance
Taxes on imported goods that are designed to help US companies compete in the sale of goods?
Protective Tariffs
Forced on the trail after Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law; many Native Americans died along this trail (Cherokee)
Trail of Tears
What are the rights that cannot or should not be taken away by a government b/c they are given by God?
Unalienable rights
What are your unalienable rights?
Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
What is another name for unalienable rights
Natural rights
A philosophy emphasing the spirtual importance in life over the material importance?
What is the idea that citizens have the right to privacy and independence from government control?
Laissez Faire
What are property rights?
The right to own property
What is the communication system?
Process of keeping the colonies connected to know what is going on in the others
Railroad line that linked the well-developed railroad network of the East coast and rapidly growning California?
Transcontinenatl Railroad
What is the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
Social process where cities grow and societies become more urban?
A plan made by "radical" republicans in Congress to reconstruct the south after the Civil War
Radical Reconstruction
What united in a league, alliance, or conspiracy?
The refusal to obey certain laws or govermental demands for the purpose of influecing legislation or government policy?
Civil Disobedience
To withdraw formally from an alliance, federation, or association, as from a political union.
The large-scale introduction of manufacturing advance technical enterprises and other productive economic activity into an era, sociey, country, ect.
An awakening of great revivalism that spread throughout the colonies in the 1730's and 1740's.
1st Great Awakening
A period of religious revivalism in the 1800's that focused on reform and repairing moral injustices.
2nd Great Awakening
This plan said each state would have a different number of represntatives based on the state's population.
Virginia Plan
This plan wanted the number of representatives the same for each state.
New Jersey Plan
This called for a bi-cameral Congress with population based representation in the House, and two reps per state in the Senate.
Great Compromise
Criteria to become a citizen---can speak and write English, knows the basic of US history, civics and government, understands and has an attachment to the Constitution
18 years, lived as a legal immigrant in the US for a certain time, live in the state where you are applying for a certain time, have good moral character
A native white Southerner who collaborated with the occupying forces during Reconstruction, often for personal gain
A Northern who went South after the Civil War and became actve in Republican politics, especially so as to profit from the unsettled social and political conditions of the area during Reconstruction?