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43 Cards in this Set

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George Washington
Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton
Judiciary Act (1789), Tariff of 1789
Whiskey Rebellion (1799)
French Revolution (Citizen Genet) (1793)
Jay Treaty with England (1795)
Pickney Treaty with Spain (1795)
Farewell Address (1796), 1st Bank (1791 - 1811
John Adams
XYZ Affair (1797), Alien & Sedition Act (1798)
Naturalization Act, Midnight Judges (1801)
Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions (1798)
Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of State: James Madison
George Clinton Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804-05)
12th Amendment (1804), Embargo Act (1807)
Non-Intercourse Act (1809)
James Madison
Secretary of State: James Monroe
Macon Act (1810), Berlin & Milan Decrees
Orders in Council, War Hawks (1811 - 1812)
Hartford Convention (1814)
First protective tariff (1816)
James Monroe
Secretary of State: John Quincy Adams
Marshall's Decisions:
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
Dartmouth College Case (1819) 1815 - 1840
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
Acquisition of Florida from Spain (1819)
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Monroe Doctrine (1823), Sectional Tariff (1824)
Favorite Sons Election (Jackson, J.Q. Adams,
Crawford, Clay) (1824)
John Quincy Adams
Secretary of State: Henry Clay
New York Erie Canal (1825)
Tariff of Abominations (1828)
Calhoun's Exposition annd Protest (1828)
Andrew Jackson
Tariffs of 1832 & 1833
Cherokee Removal
The 2nd B.U.S. (due to expire in 1836)
Formation of Whig Party (1832)
Martin Van Buren
Panic of 1837 - Overspeculation in land
Specie Circular, no B.U.S.
Unsound financing by state governments
Pet Banks
William Henry Harrison
Secretary of State: Daniel Webster
Died within 90 days
John Tyler
Anti-Jackson Democrat ran as VP as Whig
Secretary of State: Daniel Webster
Vetos Clay's bill for 3rd B.U.S.
Canadian border: 45th parallel
James K. Polk
Texas becomes a state (1845)
Oregon boundary settled (1846)
Mexican War (1846-48), Treaty of Guadalupe -
Hidalgo (1848), Wilmot Proviso kept slavery out
of newly acquired territory
Zachary Taylor
California Gold Rush (1849)
Dies in office
Millard Fillmore
Secretary of State: Daniel Webster
Compromise of 1850
Clayton Bulwer Treaty 1850 -
Britain & U.S. agreed not to expand in
Central America if the canal is built
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)
Franklin Pierce
Kansas Nebraska Bill (1854) - popular sovereignty
Japan opened to world trade (1853)
Underground Railroad, Bleeding Kansas
Ostend Manifesto (1854) - desire for Cuba/Spain
offered $100,000,000 in Ostend, Belgium
James Buchanan
Taney's Dred Scott Decision (1857)
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)
Abraham Lincoln
Secretary of State: W.H. Seward
Secretary of Treasury: Salmon P. Chase
Civil War (1861-1865)
Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
Homestead Act (1862), Morill Act -
created agricultural colleges
Lincoln's assassination: April 14, 1865
John Wilkes Booth
Andrew Johnson
Secretary of State: W.H. Seward
13th Amendment (1865), 14th Amendment (1868)
15th Amendment (1870)
Reconstruction Act (1867)
Tenure of Office Act (1867), Impeachment (1868)
Formation of KKK, Adoption of Black Codes
Ulysses S. Grant
Secretary of State: Hamilton Fish
15th Amendment (1870)
First transcontinental Railroad (1869)
Tweed Ring, Panic of 1873
Credit Moblier, Whiskey Ring
Rutherford B. Hayes
Bland-Allison Act (1878) - free coinage of silver Troops withdrawn from the south (1877)
James A. Garfield
Secretary of State: James A. Blaine
March 4 to 9/19 C. Julius Guiteau
Chester A. Arthur
Secretary of State: James A. Blaine
Pendleton Act (1883) -
set up Civil Service Commission
Grover Cleveland
Knights of Labor (1886), Haymarket Riot (1886)
Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
Washburn v. Illinois (1886)
Benjamin Harrison
Secretary of State: James A. Blaine
Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)
Populist Party Platform of 1892
ND, SD, MT, WA - 1889 states
Idaho, Wyoming - 1890 states
McKinley Tariff (1890)
Grover Cleveland (2nd Administration)
Panic of 1893, Hawaiian Incident (1893)
Venezuelan Boundary Affair (1895)
Pullman Strike (1894), Wilson-Gorman,
Tariff of 1894, American Federation of Labor
William McKinley
Secretary of State: John Hay
New Imperialism, SPAM War (4/98 - 2/99)
Open Door Policy (1899), Boxer Rebellion (1900)
(1901 only) Assassination -
Leon Czolgosz (1901)
Theodore Roosevelt
Secretary of State: John Hay, Elihu Root Progressive Age
Panama Canal (1903 - 1914), Square Deal 1900 - 1920
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1904)
Portsmouth Treaty (1905), Gentlemen's
Agreement with Japan (1904), Hague
Conferences (1899 and 1907), Hepburn Act (1906)
Pure Food & Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act,
Muckrakers (1906)
Political Reforms: Trustbusting, Coal Strike,
Venezuelan Debt Controversy (1902), Dominican
Republic crisis (1902 - 05), Algerius Conference
over Morocco (1906)
William H. Taft
Paine - Aldrich Tariff (1909)
Pinchet - Ballings: conservation, polygamy (1909)
Dollar Diplomacy
Woodrow Wilson
Underwood Tariff (1913)
16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Amendments
Federal Reserve System (1913)
Glassower Act (1913), Federal Trade Commission
Clayton Anti-trust Act (1914), troops to Haiti,
Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands,
Mexico. Lusitania (May, 1915), 14 points (1/17),
Treaty of Versailles (1919 - 1920), New Freedom
Warren G. Harding
Secretary of State: Charles Hughes
Dark Horse Candidate, Teapot Dome Scandal
Washington Conference (1920 - 1922)
Fordney-McCumber Tariff (1922)
Death in office
Calvin Coolidge
Secretary of State: Frank Kellogg
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
Herbert Hoover
Secretary of State: Henry L. Stimson
National Origins Immigration Act (1929)
Panic & Depression, Stock market crash (1929)
Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The New Deal
World War II
Harry S Truman
End of WWII - atomic bomb
Taft-Hartley Act (1947), Truman Doctrine (1947)
Marshall Plan (1947), NATO (1949)
Korea (1950 - 1953), Fair Deal
Dwight D. Eisenhower
22nd Amendment, SEATO
Brown v. Board of Education (Topeka, Kansas)
Suez Crisis (1956), Eisenhower Doctrine
Space Race, Alaska & Hawaii become states (59)
John F. Kennedy
Alliance for Progress, Baker v. Carr (1962)
Peace Corps, Cuba, New Frontier,
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Kennedy Assassination - Dallas
November 22, 1963 - Lee Harvey Oswald
Lyndon B. Johnson
Cold War, Cuban Policy, Income Tax Cut
Wesberry v. Sanders (1964), Civil Rights Act (64)
Anti-poverty Act (1964), Medicare
Elementary/Secondary education
Great Society
37 Richard M. Nixon
Woodstock (Aug. 1969), EPA (1970)
26th Amendment (1971), China (2/72)
Russia (5/72), SALT (1972)
Kissinger's Shuttle Diplomacy (73 - 75)
Wounded Knee, S.D. (1973)
Allende regime in Chile - CIA (9/73)
Agnew resigns (73) Nixon resigns (8/9/74)
Pentagon Papers (8/30/71) - Superior
Gerald Ford
1st appointed VP AND President
Pardons Nixon, OPEC crisis (1974)
Jimmy Carter
Panama Canal treaty (9/77)
established diplomatic relations with Communist
China; eds recognition of Taiwan
3 Mile Island (PA) (3/79)
Egypt/Israel peace treaty; Sadat & Begin win
Nobel prizes (3/79)
Iran hostage crisis (1979)
rescue attempt - 8 killed (4/80)
Soviets seize Afghanistan (79)
stagflation, Moscow Olympics boycotted
40 Ronald Reagan
Hostages returned
Falkland Islands crisis - U.S. supports Eng. (82)
1500 Marines sent to Beirut (83) - withdrawn (84)
Grenada (10/83), Nicaragua (84)
Sandra Day O'Connor appointed to Supreme
Court (first woman), supply side economics
Iran Contra hearings - Oliver North (Summer 87)
George H.W. Bush
Savings & Loan Scandal (1990)
Fall of Berlin Wall/Reunification of Germany
Panama Invasion (1990)
Operation Desert Shield/Storm (1/92 - 8/92)
Bill Clinton
NAFTA (1993), Welfare reform (1996)
Newt Gingrich - Republican landslide (1994)
Bosnia, Haiti, Somalia, Rwanda
43 George W. Bush
Election controversy
China conflict
September Eleventh
War in Iraq