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46 Cards in this Set

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What are public goods?
Benefits and services, such as parks and sanitation, tht benefit all citizens but are not likely to be produced voluntarily by individuals?
What is Cooperative federalism?
A view that holds that the constitution is an agreement among people who are citizens of both state and nation, so there is little distinction between state powers and national powers.
What are the States' rights?
The idea that all rights not specifically conferred on the constitution are reserved to the states.
What is a Categorial grant?
A grant-in-aid targeted for a specific purpose either by formula or by project.
What is a block grant?
A grant-in-aid awarded for general purposes, allowing the recipient great disceretion in spending the grant money.
What is a formula grant?
A categorial grant distributed according to a particular formula, which specifies who is eligible for the grant and how much each eligible applicant will receive.
What is a project grant?
A categorial grant awarded on the basis of competitive applications submitted by prospective recipients.
What is a mandate?
A requirement that a state undertake an activity or provide a service in keeping with minimum national standards.
What is a restraint?
A requirement laid down by act of Congress prohibiting a state or local government from exercising a certain power.
What is dual federalism?
A view that holds the constitution is a compact among sovereign states, so that the powers of the national government are fixed and limited.
What is Order?
The rule of law to preserve life and protect property. Maintaining order is the oldest purpose of government.
What is political equality?
Equality in political decision making: one vote per person, with all votes counted equally.
What is the Equality of opportunity?
The idea that each person is guaranteed the same chance to succeed in life.
What is Totalitarianism?
A politcal philosophy that advocates unlimited power for the government to enable it to control all sectors of society.
What is Laissez-faire?
An economic doctrine that opposes any form of government intervention in business.
What is Anarchism?
A political philosophy that opposes government in any form?
What are Liberals?
Those who are willing to use government to promote equality but not order.
What are Conservatives?
Those who are willing to use government to promote order but not Equality.
What is Capitolism?
The system of government that favors free enterprise (privately owned businesses operating without government regulation).
What is a Magoritarian Democracy?
The classical theory of democracy in which government by the people is interpreted as government by the majority of the people.
What is a Pluralist Democracy?
An interpretation of democracy in which government by the people is taken to mean government by people operating through competing interests groups.
What is the Procedural demoscratic theory?
A view of democracy as being embodied in a decision-making process that involves universal participation, political equality, majority rule, and responsiveness.
What is universal participation?
The concept that everyone in a democracy should participate in gevernmental decision making.
What is Responsiveness?
A decision making principle, necessitated by represative government that implies that elected represenitives should do what the majority of people wants.
What is Substantive democratic theory?
The view that democracy is embodied in the substance of government policies rather than in the policy making procedure.
What is Majority Rule?
The principle - basic to procedural democratic theory - that the decision of a group must reflect the preference of more than half of those participating; a simple majority.
What is Communism?
A political system in which, in theory, ownership of all land and productive facilities is in the hands of the people, and all goods are equally shared. The production and distribution of goods are controlled by an authoritarian government.
What is Declaration of Independance?
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the document that proclaimed the right of the colonies to separate from Great Britian.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
The compact among the thriteen original states that established the first government of the United States.
What is the Republic?
A government without a monarch; a government rooted in the consent of the governed, whose power is exercised by elected representatives responsible to the governed.
What is the Virginia Plan?
A set of proposals for a new government, submitted to the Constitutional Convention of 1787; included separation of the government into three branches, division of the legistlature into two houses, and proportional representiation in the legistlature.
What is the New Jersey Plan?
Submitted by the head of the New Jersey delegation to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a set of nine resolutions that would have, in effect, preserved the Articles of Confederation by amending rather than replacing them.
What is the legislative branch?
The lawmaking branch of government.
What is the Executive branch?
The law-enforcing branch of government.
What is the Judicial Branch?
The branch of government that interprets laws.
What is the Great Compromise?
Submitted by the Connecticut delegation to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and thus also known as the Connecticut Compromise, a plan calling for a bicameral legistlature in which the House of Representatives would be apportioned according to population and the states would be represented equally in the Senate.
What is Federalism?
The division of power between a central government and regional governments.
What is the Separation of Powers?
The assignment of lawmaking, law-enforcing, and law-inerpreting functions to separate branches of government.
What is Checks and Balances?
A government structure that ives each branch some scrutiny of and control over the other branches.
What is Judicial Review?
The power to declare government acts invalid because they violate the Constitution.
What is the Bill of Rights?
First 10 ammendments of the constitution. They prevent the national government from tampering with fundamental rights and civil liberties and emphasize the limited character of national Power.
What are the branches of Goverment in Wisconsin?
Municipal goverments, County governments, school district, and special district.
The process of amending the constitution.
2 stages; proposal and ratification. Proposed by 2/3 vote in both senate & house of reps. This has been the olny used method. To reverse you need3/4 of state or vote of constiutional conventions held in 3/4ths of state.
you could also call a national convention.
Compare and Contrast dual federalism with cooperative federalism.
Cooperative has the elastic clause which allows congress to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers. It also says the state & national gov. have little distinction from one another. Dual federalism the functions of fed & state gov. are theoretically different and practically separate from each other and there are states' rights.
Modern dilemmas of federalism.
The power has shifted since president Madison from the states to the national government.
What are 4 values of the structure of government?
1 Republicanism
2 Federation
3 Seperation of Power
4 Check and Balance