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50 Cards in this Set

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What is it that J. Alfred Prufrock prepares "a face to meet"?
Prufrock can't seem to look at the faces of the women at the party, so he focuses obsessively on what other body part?
With what has the narrator measured out his life?
Coffee Spoons
What does Prufrock describe as being party of the journey to the tea party in the first stanza of "The Love Song"?
One night cheap hotels and sawdust restaurants
What do the women talk of while they come and go in "The Love Song"
Why, probably, is the quotation from Dante about Guido de Montefeltro burning in a flame in hell an appropriate epigraph for "The Love Song"?
Both Guido and Prufrock are making confessions
The lines "When the evening is spread out against the sky/like a patient etherized upon a table" is an example of:
Metaphysical conceit
T.S. Eliot's poetry could best be described as:
What dies T.S. Eliot probably mean with the line, "You! hypocrite lectuer! -mon semlable, -mon frere!"
Don't think you're any different
What does Prufrock suggest when he says, "There will be time to murder and create"?
That he wants to change who he appears to be
The "sea girls" at the end of "The Love Song" are allusions to what figures?
The Sirens in The Odyssey
In the second stanza of Prufrock, Eliot compares the fog to what as it moves "Into the corners of the evening?"
A cat
What is Prufrock trying to suggest in comparing himself to Polonius, the character from Shakespear's Hamlet?
The he is nobody important
What, probably, is Prufrock's "Overwhelming question"?
Can someone love me?
Prufrock compares himself to:
A pair of claws and insects mounted for display
Two ideas that Wallace Stevens focuses on in his poetry
-Art as religion (if theres no religion theres art)
“…and bid him whip/ In kitchen cups concubiscent curds.” What poetic device does this quote demonstrate?
Alliteration (Repeating constant sounds)
What is the significance of the fantail pigeons in “The Emperor of Ice Cream” as mentioned in the line: “that sheet/ On which she embroidered fantails once/ And spread it so as to cover her face” ?
What is a metaphysical conceit?
Weird metaphor & strange comparison
From what group of poets (and one in particular) did Eliot resurrect metaphorical conceit?
John Dunn
To what event are Prufrock and his listener heading in Eliot’s poem?
Tea party
What are some of J. Alfred Prufrock’s concerns expressed in Eliot’s poem?
-Running out of time
As a didactic poet, what subject does E.E. Cummings primarily concern himself with in his poetry, according to the lecture?
Self determination
What two names/figures does Cummings ironically connect toward the end of his poem “Buffalo Bill’s”?
Jesus & Death
In Allen Ginsburg’s “Howl,” what does the ancient deity, Moloch, represent?
Evil & capitalism
Where is Langston Hughes from, as mentioned in “Theme for English B”?
Why, probably, is the quotation from Dante about Guido de Montefeltro burning in a flame in hell an appropriate epigraph for "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"?
both Guido and J.Alfred are making confessions
According to lecture, when J. Alfred Prufrock asks if he dares "to eat a peach," it is likely a(n):
sexual image, and an indication of a lack of self confidence
The line "When the evening is spread out against the sky/ like a patient etherized upon a table" is an example of:
metaphysical conceit
What is Prufrock trying to suggest in comparing himself to Polonius, the character from Shakespeare's Hamlet?
that he is nobody important
In the poem "The Emperor of Ice Cream" by Wallace Stevens, what is probably the meaning of this line: "let be be the finale of seem"
let "being" or reality be our truth, rather than illusion
In the poem, "Emperor of Ice Cream" Stevens writes "let the lamp affix its beam." In this line, the lamp is used as an archetypal image of____
According to lecture, what probably does the last line of Langston Hugh's "Harlem" suggest
self destruction and violence
What does J. Alfred Prufrock suggest when he says "There will be time to murder and create"
that he wants to change who he appears to be
According to lecture, what seems to be the central message of "buffalo bill's defunct" probably suggests what
water flowing
What does Wallace Stevens seem to suggest we should substitute for faith in God
living life to its fullest
What does the narrator of Yusef Komunyakaa's "Facing It" see reflected in the granite of the Vietnam War Memorial
a woman brushing hair; a white vet; himself
in Love song for J Alfred Prufrock the women talk about Michelangelo make prufrock feel
What does the line "they sowed their isn't they reaped their same" probably suggest about the townspeople in e. e. *******'s "anyone lived in a pretty how town
they encouraged conformity
According to lecture, e. e. cummings uses the image of snow when he writes about children growing up in "anyone lived in a pretty how town" in order to symbolically suggest what?
e. cummings' favorite theme is:
What does Stevens suggest with the lines, "The tomb in Palestine/ Is not the porch of spirits lingering
Christ was not resurrected.
What is the occasion that brings everybody together in Stevens' "The Emperor of Ice Cream"?
What does Stevens seem to suggest we should substitute for faith in God?
In "Buffalo Bill's" why did E.E. Cummings isolate the word "Jesus"?
What is the central them of Wallace Stevens' work?
atheism- there is no god, you must decide where the meaning in your life comes from; art as religion
In Wallace Stevens' "The Emperor of Ice Cream" the line "whip in kitchen cups concupiscent curds" is an example of what literary device?
What is embroidered on the bed sheet in Wallace Steven's "The Emperor of Ice Cream"?
What is under the sheet?
A dead body
According to lecture, what probably is the occasion that brings everybody together in Stevens' "The Emperor of Ice Cream"?