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28 Cards in this Set

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A change or an addition to a law or constitution. Modification
Appellate jurisdiction
Authority of court to review cases appealed from a lower court
A written statement that a lawyer presents to a court
Checks and balances
A system set up in the US Constitution to let branches of government limit and influence each other
Civil law
The body of the law that deals with all issues not covered by criminal lae
Mercy or leniency granted to a person accused of a crime. Compassion
Common law
A body of law bases on judges decisions
Concurring opinion
A written explanation by one or more judges in a case who agree with the majority ruling but for another reason
A legal document that explains the powers and limits of government and lists the freedoms and rights of people
Criminal law
The body of law that defines crimes and spells out punishments
Dissenting opiniom
A written explanation of the views of one or more judges in a case who disagree with the majority decision
A list of cases to be tried or reviewed by a court of law. Calender
Exclusive jurisdiction
Authority held solely by a federal court to hear cases
Federal supremacy
A provision in the US Constitution making federal laws higher authority that state
Full faith and credit clause
A clause of us constitution that requires States to honor each other's laws
To formally accuse an official of misconduct. Accuse
Judicial review
The power of the courts to rule whether a thing is unconstitutional.
Authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Administration
Majority opinion
A written explanation of a court ruling, reflecting the majority of the judges
A court explanation of the legal issues in a case and the precedent on which the explanation is based. Reaction
Original jurisdiction
Authority of a court to hear a case first
Power of the President and govoners to release a person from criminal punishment. Reprieve
Court decisions that are referred to when courts are making decisions in similar Cases
To approve or confirm. Approve
A law enacted by a legislative body.
Separation of powers
A feature of government that divides the powers and responsibilities of the branches of government
Conflicting with rights guaranteed in the Constitution
The power of the President and governors to reject laws passed by the legislature. Ban