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28 Cards in this Set

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First and Last Treat Signed Between Indians/USA

First: Treaty of Fort Pitt. 1778, Lenape

Last: Nez Perce/Ft. Laramie

The Three Sisters

The three main agricultural crops of the Indians: Winter Squash, maize, and climbing beans

Pottery of Hohokam, Mogollon, and Anasazi

Hohokam: red on buff pottery

Mogollon: Red on White Pottery

Anasazi: Baskets, moved to Black on White Pottery

Arrival of Maize

Came from mesoamerica to the southwestern US. Mississippian Tradition

Woodland Period

Spanned from 1000 BCE to European contact. Focus on regional resources, no expansion. Local. Slow cultural development. Focus on eating weeds and early agriculture. Began to settle in small groups.

Hopewell Tradition

Culture that flourished along rivers in the northeast and midwest. Not a single culture but a wide population connected with trade routes. Adena on steroids. elaborate graves and huge burial mounds. social heirarchy


Lived in NJ and Deleware River watershed. Language originates from Unami and Munsee. Matrilineal. First Nations band government

Cheroke Roll

Must have one direct Cherokee ancestor listed on the Dawes Final Rolls in order to be given land to individual citizens

States with Largest and Smallest Indian Population

Most: Oklahoma.

Least: Vermont


A place for mortuary services, cremation, defleshing. Once used the houses were burned and covered by earth, creating a burial mound.


Southwest(Arizona) culture known for red on buff pottery, and their irrigation system. Formed in early AD, snaketown abandoned by 1150 AD, tradition collapses in 1450 AD. Had sports courts. Snaketown trading center.

Dawes Act of 1887

Provided allotments of land to individual indians.

Ghost Dance

Religious movement by natives to further themselves away from America. Restore past values pre America. No mourning, no farming.

Sitting Bull

An influential Sioux Indian who unified tribes. Once apart of Buffalo Bill show, he went back to his reservation and joined the Ghost Dance. Killed resisting arrest.

The 5 Civilized Tribes and Why

Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. Adopted western culture, christianity, central gov, literacy, plantation slavery.


600-1400 AD. Urban settlement of the Mississippian culture, Maintained trade links. Collapsed due to climate change, deforestation, warfare, poor sanitation, epidemic disease.

Fremont Culture

Utah. (1 AD- 1300 AD). Rock painting. culture began to halt around 950 AD due to climate change. Incorporated into other traditions, or relocated.


Leader of Shawnee. Opposed US and allied with Britain in the War of 1812.

Atl Atl

tool that uses leverage to achieve greater velocity in spear throwing

Adena Complex

700 AD-400AD. Notable, large burial mounds. Class systems. culture of early woodland centered in Ohio, would later be replaced in Ohio by the Hopewell, but the Adena influenced all of the woodlands.


Capital of Chief Powhatan's Confederacy, during time of Jamestown. Located in Virginia.


name of houses/communities in southwesterm US


room/basement used by Puebloan for religious rituals and meetings.


shell beads of the eastern woodland tribes

Indian Policy 18th-19th C (ESSAY)

Federal involvement in Indian Policy can be broken up into periods of coexistence, removal/reservation, assimilation, reorganization, termination, and self-determination.

18th c. expansion led to treaties with natives in order to purchase land, but settlers/states were usually against this policy. Reformers attempted to educate native aduly and children in efforts to civilize/assimilate them into society.

19th c. expansion continued to the west, especially in the Great Plains. Transcontinental railroad and gold found out west led to expansion and the pushing of indians out. Tecumseh of the Shawnee fought against US expansion, and allied with the British in the War of 1812. US gov continued to take Indian land, but also tried to establish civilizing agencies to assimilate them. Large scale removal and replacement of Indians

Notable Events 18th-19th C (ESSAY) How would anthropology effected this

French and Indian War (1775): Indians fight for the French.

American Rev.: Indians fight for both sides.

1778 First Treaty w. Deleware Indians: Allow to form a state.

War of 1812: Defeat of British meant little hope for Natives to have an independent state in the midwest.

Civilization Fund Act 1819: Promoted assimilation of natives.

Little Big Horn: Stand against US expansion

Black Hills Act: Transfered Indian land to Feds

Dawes Act: Gave land to individual indians.

Ghost Dance Movement

Indian Removal Act: Trail of Tears

Mississippian Tradition (ESSAY)

A mound-building culture in the midwest, east, and southeast US from 800-1600 AD. Variety of urban settlements and buildings linked together by trade networks. (Largest city being Cahokia, IL, "Moundville, Alabama" was a burial site that showed a hierarchical society). Known for burial mounds, maize-based agriculture, trade network, development of a chiefdom, social inequality, centralized control of politics/religion, settlement hierarchy,

European Nations who Settled Here (ESSAY)

French: Traded heavily with natives. Main goal trade/commerce. Fur trade. Tried to destroy Iriqois because they messed with trade networks. French priest attempt to convert Indians. No forced labor.

Dutch: Main goal is commerce, set up Ft. Nassau/Fort Orange. Dutch weak, Indians protected them. Settlement never took off. Kieft, Director of New Netherland, ordered an unapproved attack on the lenape and massacred them. Kieft recalled.

English: Search for gold, fur, and trade. Virginia Company established Jamestown with commercial intentions. Powhatan and neighboring tribes trade with them, and he married his daughter in good will to solidify European/Indian ties. Powhatan's brother becomes alarmed by the influx of settlers and killed almost 350. English respond by burning native farms. Indians launched King Philip's War (Metacom), leading to the first widespread conflict between natives and colonists. Created terror among the english, fear of indians. bad relations between indians/settlers for a long time.