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43 Cards in this Set

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Sitting Bull, etc.
Important Indian Chiefs
George A. Custer
U.S. Army officer who was killed at the battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876 (along with his entire command)
Helen Hunt Jackson
*Writer of spoke out for Indian rights,
*A Century of Dishonor critcized our government's mistreatment of the Indians
Willa Cather
Immigrant writer of depicted life on the Plains as seen through the eyes of a homesteader(My Antonia)
Joseph Glidden
Invented barbed wire which was a great help to the homesteaders since it provided a cheap way to protect their property
Edwin Drake
Drilled the first successful oil well at Titusville, PA in 1859
Bessemer and Kelly
Two inventors ho perfected a new process for making steel (used today)
Thomas A. Edison
Two inventors who created hundreds of devices using electricity (light bulb, movie projector, etc.)
Granville T. Woods
Ohio-born, African American inventor who created a mobile telegraph system for railroad trains
Alexander Graham Bell
Invented the first telephone in 1876
John D. Rockfeller
Founder of Standard Oil Corp.
Andrew Carnegie
*Scottish immigrant
*Founded U.S. Steel Corp.(first billion dollar corporation)
Cornelius Vanderbilt
*Founder of the New York Central Railroad
*Most powerful railroad executive
J.P. Morgan
*Banker and financial investor
*Purchased U.S. Steel from Carnegie in 1901 for a billion dollars
Little Big Horn and Wounded Kneel
Two most famous battles during the Indian wars of the late 1800s
Chisholm Trail, etc.
*Important spots on the cattle drives from Texas to Kansas.
*Dodge City and Abilene were known as cow towns or railheads
Most longhorns (cattle) were shipped by rail to be slaughtered
Promontory Point, Utah
May 10, 1869 the first trans-continental railroad was completed here
Comstock Lode
*Located in Nevada
*Most famous gold and silver mines
Titusville, PA
Site of Drake's oil well
Mesabi Range, Minnesota
Site of largest deposit of iron ore
Ellis Island
*Located in New York harbor
*Processing station for millions of immigrants from Europe
49'ers and 59' ers
Prospectors who discovered huge amounts of gold, silver and other important minerals in the west in 1849 and 1859
Homestead Act (1862)
Law passed by Congress that gave 160 acres of land free if the person lived on the land for a minimum of 5 years
Dawes Act
*Law that encouraged Indians to move to the reservations
*It was basically the same deal as the Homestead Act was for whites
Nickname given to the first settlers on the Great Plain
Nickname given to those people who claimed land in Oklahoma before it was officially opened for settlement
Nickname given to ex-slaves who settled on the Great Plains in the late 1870s
Boom Towns
*Towns that quickly sprung up near gold/silver mines
*The towns usually disappeared soon after the precious metals were used up
Cow Towns/Railheads
Towns like Dodge City and Abilene in Kansas where the cattle trails ended and the cows were shipped by rail to Chicago
A business that is owned by a single person
A business that is owned by two or more people
A business that is created by a charter which gives the owners the authority to sell stock to the general public thus being able to raise huge amounts of money for growth
Vertical Integrations
Business practice where a single company gains contol of all the steps in converting a raw material into a finished product (U.S. Stell Corp.)
Horizontal Intergrations
Business practice where one company gains control over all competitors producing the same product (Standard Oil)
Standard Oil Corp.
Founded in 1870 in Cleveland by Rockefeller
U.S. Steel Corp.
*Founded in Pittsburgh by Carnegie
*First billion dollar corporation
Homestead Act passed by Congress
May 10, 1869
*The completion of the nation's first trans-continental railroad
*Promontory Point, Utah
Standard Oil founded
Battle of Little Big Horn
*Battle of Wounded Knee
*End of the Indians wars
Why did the cattle drives end?
1. New railroad lines were built into Texas which eliminated the need to drive the cattle north to Kansas
2. The price of cattle (beef) dropped because of oversupply and the drives were no longer profitable