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37 Cards in this Set

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A period of cultural and biological exchange between new and old worlds. Exchanged plants, animals, technology.

Colombian exchange

Period from 1830s roughly until the end of Civil War in which American literature came to express national spirit.

American Renaissance

Society that welcomes different cultures and ethnicities


Closed society that doesn't except change.


English soldier that helped Jamestown become first successful settlement.

John Smith

English settler that had idea to grow and sell tobacco

John Rolfe

A powerful political group often at odds with government. Lead by Lady Berkeley.

Green Spring Faction

A revivalist preacher with the Separatists.

Jonathan Edwards

English Christians who wished to separate from the church of England.


A leader in Methodist church movement. Spoke about the Great Awakening.

George Whitfield

Believed new ways of preaching were unnecessary.

Old lights

Modern thinkers who believed in the Great Awakening

New lights

Set up rules free elections, secret balloting, guaranteed individual rights

Fundamental orders of Connecticut

Meeting of reps from 7 of 13 colonies plus many native Americans.

Albany Congress

Puritan, believed in religious freedom and separation of church and state.

Roger Williams

Puritan spiritual advisor and important participant in Antimonian Controversy.

Anne Hutchinson

German American printer and journalist that printed the Mew York weekly journal

John Pera Zenger

British policy of loose enforcement of laws on American colonies.

Salutary neglect

First British prime minister

Sir Robert Valpole

English act of parliament that recognized Henry VIII as Supreme Head of the Church of England.

Act of Supremacy

English philosopher best known for political philosophy.

Thomas Hobbes

Emphasize reason, individualism and skepticism.

Enlightment Ideas

Slave uprising largest with 42-48 whites and 44 blacks killed on Sep 9, 1739

Stono rebellion

Increased powers for parliament , more independence to the colonies and domination of Ireland.

Glorious rev

Economic theory that trade generates wealtj


A land bridge connecting Russia to Alaska allowing humans and animals to come to North America.


A person who is represented politically by a designated official


One legislative chamber


Having 2 legislative chambers


When a religion really started to gain followers fast. The first great American revival. What resulted in old lights and new lights.

Great Awakening

Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony.

John Winthrop

Form of church membership that gets to enjoy all privileges besides lords supper.

Halfway covenant

Right of succession belonging to first child

Primo geniture

Criminal offenses under English common law

Seditious libel

Divine foreordaining of what will happen even with salvation


Puritans wanted to eliminate every shred of Catholic influence in their church

Holy Commonwealth

Father of liberalism

John Locke