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26 Cards in this Set

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How did president johnson do when he first got into office?
push kennedys plans
Americans producers produced more goods and services than Americans consumers consumed. Our economy was reffered to as an?
economy of abundance
what is the name and yer it was launched of the first nuclear powered submarine?
nautilus 1954
who invented the polio vaccine
Dr. Jonas salk
between 1940 and 1960 what happened to the population of females in the work place?
increased 10 percent
by 1960 how many people worked for the government at some level?
1 out of 7
how much didthe population increase between 1946 and 1965? what was the nickname given to this population spike?
baby boom 33 percent
what did the federal government locate in houston texas?
how many acres were developers clearing per day on average for housing and business developments?
what was the reason given by male employers for not promoting women?
waiting for marriage
was the march on washington dc led by martin luther kin a protest or a support rally?
a support rally
the civil rights act of 1964 banned discrimination based on wht two things?
race and sex
what book was written about womens liberation by betty friedan in 1963?
feminine mystique
what organization did friedan help found in 1966
Rev. martin luther king jr believed the best way to achieve racial equality was through what?
nonviolent direct action
by 1960 about how many black americans were at or below the poverty line?
about half
what did the vietnam aftermath prove about the domino theory?
it was wrong in south east asia
what part of the country did america support vietnam?
how did american citizens feel about the war?
they were against it
date of the tet offensive date?
january 30,1968
who was killed on april 4,1968?
martin luther king jr
the assassin that short robert kennedy did so because america supported who?
who won the presidential election of 1968?
richard nixon
gov. george wallace ran for president in 1968 what was his platform
reinstituiting segregation
in 1964 an american destroyer was attacked by n vietnam where was it attacked?
gulf of tonkin
what did nixon do once in office to stop inflation?