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45 Cards in this Set

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-Reached its greatest glory between 150-900 C.E.

-Located in the southern Yucatán.

-Created Mesoamerica's most advanced Calendrical System.

-Capital of Teotihuacán dominated central America.

Built large pyramids


- 104 all men settlers in May 1607.

- Settlers started by searching for Gold, but Diseases in the swampy lands started to affect them, as well as them having neglected their crops.

- Capt. John Smith took charge with military discipline.

- Company used Head right system (giving 50 acres per person in a family) as incentives.

- House of Burgesses was the first legislative body to govern in Jamestown and Virginia.

Headright system increased tensions with Natives.

James II

- Annointed in 1685.

- Began the Dominion of New England. (8 colonies from Maine to New Jersey)

- Chose Edmund Andros to govern the region, with an appointed council. None elected.

- Converted to Catholicism, causing fear in the colonies.

- James was overthrown by William of Orange (Son in law) and fled to France. Known as Glorious Revolution. Bostonians also overthrew Andros.

- Political Stability was restored after GR.

First Continental Congress

- Met at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia Sept. 5 - Oct. 26, 1774.

- 55 Delegates.

- Nonimportation

- Nonexportation if Britain had not addressed Colonial grievances by 1775.

- Declared Coercive Acts unconstitutional.

- Agreed on Rights being necessary to declare and included "life, liberty, and property".

Stono Rebellion

- South Carolina 1739

- 20 slaves broke into a store and armed themselves with stolen guns.

- While traveling south to Spain with the Stono River, they amassed around 100.

- They were stopped by White Troops

- Afterwards, stricter supervision of slaves, and even encouraged for more White Settlers to offset the population and give the region more whites then black slaves.


- Individuals who believed that Queen Elizabeth's reforms of the Church of England had not gone far enough in improving the church, particularly in ensuring that church members were among the saved.

- Puritans lead the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Mayflower Compact

- Formed by 102 Pilgrims coming off of the Mayflower ship.

- This document made all signers abide by the decisions of the majority.

- This was the first form of government in the Americas.

Columbian Exchange

- The transatlantic exchange of plants, animal, and disease that occurred after the first European contact with the Americas.

- Brought great wealth to Europeans, and brought catastrophe to Natives through diseases.

Coureurs de Bois

- French for "wood runners" independent fur traders in New France.

- These people lived and traded amongst the natives.


- Sixteenth-Century movement to reform the Catholic Church that ultimately led to the founding of new Protestant Christian religious groups.

- Reformation was lead by Martin Luther as he urged people to enhance their learning by reading the Bible.

- This was helped by the invention of the Printing Press.

Pueblo Revolt

- 1680 against Spanish in New Mexico.

- 20,000 Pueblo Indians grew restless under the harsh rule of 2,500 Spaniards.

- Started when Spanish Officials arrested 47 native religious leaders for sorcery.

- Popé lead pueblos against the Spaniards, pushing them out.

- The Spaniards returned 13 years later and conquered the torn apart Pueblo coalition.

Townshend Duties

- Imposed duties on colonial tea, lead, paint, paper, and glass.

- Produced by chancellor of the exchequer, Charles Townshend.

- Raised duties and taxes in the Colonies, and lowered some in Britain.

- Revenue from this act would pay the governors and judges in the colonies.

William Penn

- Dreamed of creating a Colonial Utopia, and eventually founded Pennsylvania.

- Leader of the Quakers.

- Created the Frame of Government, which created a relatively weak legislature, and a strong executive.

Contract Theory

- The belief that government is established by human beings to protect certain rights -- such as life, liberty, and property (John Locke) -- that are theirs by natural, divinely sanctioned law and that when government protects these rights, people are obligated to obey it.


- Ottawa Chief that banded 8 major native tribes together to fend of the encroaching English settlers.

- Started Pontiac's War.

- Opposed by General Amherst.

- Accepted a treaty in 1766, and the English adopted French tactics and give diplomatic gifts to the Indians.

Bacon's Rebellion

- Violent Conflict in Virginia (1675-1676), beginning with settler attacks on indians but culminating in a rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against Virginia's government.

- During King Philip's War.

- Caused by colonists expanding out to the western frontier, where some settlers attacked a tribe of Susquehannocks, who retaliated.

- The rebellion turned into a revolt against the colonial government and government William Berkeley.

Actual/Virtual Representation

- Actual: The practice whereby elected representatives normally reside in their districts and are directly responsive to local interests.

- Virtual: The notion that parliamentary members represented the interest of the nation as a whole, not those of the particular district that elected them.

- Colonists, used to Actual Rep., were skeptical of Virtual Rep. However, the British Parliament gave no heed to this, and tensions built.

Actual/Virtual Representation

- Actual: The practice whereby elected representatives normally reside in their districts and are directly responsive to local interests.

- Virtual: The notion that parliamentary members represented the interest of the nation as a whole, not those of the particular district that elected them.

- Colonists, used to Actual Rep., were skeptical of Virtual Rep. However, the British Parliament gave no heed to this, and tensions built.


- Economic system whereby the government intervenes in the economy for the purpose of increasing national wealth.

- Four sets of regulations was imposed by the British government.

- Navigation Acts began the Mercantilism regulations in 1651.

- Enumerated goods were the second regulation, making goods being shipped to and from the colonies to be forced to travel through England first.

- Third and Fourth prohibited colonists from producing certain products and pushed for the advantages of English.

Common Sense

- A Pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine in Philadelphia (1776), which denounced King George III and made a vigorously argued a case for American Independence.

- Simple common sense, Paine Concluded, dictated that "TIS TIME TO PART."

-Sold more than 100,000 copies in the colonies, and helped propel Americans towards Independence.

George Washington

- Originally a British Officer who had bad credit during the French and Indian War.

- Served as Commander in Chief for the Continental Army of the United States.

- Later became the first president of the United States after the Constitution was established.

Great Awakening

- Tremendous religious revival in colonial America striking first in the Middle Colonies and New England in the 1740s and then spreading to the southern colonies.

- Began with George Whitefield's arrival to America from England in 1739.

- Spread ideas of religion throughout the Colonies.

Real Whig (Country) Ideology

- Strain of thought first appearing in England in the late seventeenth century in response to the growth of governmental power and a national debt. Main ideas stressed the threat to personal liberty posed by a standing army and high taxes and emphasized the need for property holders to retain the right to consent to taxation.

Beaver Wars

- A series of bloody conflicts, occurring between the 1640s and 1680s, during which the Iroquois fought the Hurons and French for control of the fur traders in the East and the Great Lakes region.

- Hurons were allied with French.

- Iroquois were allied with Dutch merchants.

Religious Wars

- Series of wars between Catholics and protestants.- Not much info sorry lolz.

- Not much info sorry lolz.

French and Indian War

- The last of the Anglo-French colonial wars (1754-1763) and the first in which fighting began in North America.

- Began when the French built Fort Duquesne at the forks of The Ohio.

- French attacked Washington on July 3rd at Fort Necessity, and won.

- Sparked the eruption of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763)

- William Pitt funded English measures and was the initiation of the second phase of the war.

- Truly ended at the Battle of Quebec (Sept. 13, 1759) and other factors.

- Treaty of Paris signed Feb. 10, 1763, giving nearly all French Colonial territory, whereas the French regained their West Indian Sugar Islands.

King Philip's War

- Conflict in New England (1675-1676) between Wampanoags, Narragansetts, and other Indian peoples against English settlers; sparked by English encroachments on native lands.

- Tensions started when English settlers suspiciously hung 3 Wampanoags.

- Triggered when Colonists killed an Indian and ignored the natives outrage.

- In terms of proportion of casualties to population, this was the deadliest war in America.


- Local Institutions Of Self Government.

- Local Colonial Governments, such as the House of Burgesses.

New France

- The area of the New World that was colonized by the French.

- Included many areas of Canada, Mississippi River area, and far west and east of the Mississippi.

- Was formally succeeded to Great Britain after the French and Indian War.

Dual Army

- An army consisting of both regular troops, but also militia fighting side by side.

- This was great because it gave the Americans many more men who could be mobilized from each colony rather than follow the army around all the time.

Moore's Creek Bridge

- Battle in Feb. 27, 1776 in North Carolina that resulted in the American forces defeating force of loyalist Scots.

Stamp Act

- Law passed by Parliament in 1765 to raise revenue in America by requiring taxed, stamped paper for legal documents, publications, and playing cards.

- Stamp Act Congress was assembled in Oct. 1 to oppose the Stamp act, which adopted the declaration of Rights and Grievances.

- This act was a lot more controversial as it was the first internal tax, interfering with the colonists daily lives.


- Battle where "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne was defeated after much of his forces and Indian allies had disbanded due to the hardships given to them after the American militia had severely hindered their march.

- Oct. 1777, ending on Oct. 17th, 1777.

- Defeated by General Gates.

John Winthrop

- Prospective Lawyer, selected as Massachusetts governor.

- Puritan religious leader.

- Believed the Massachusetts Bay settlers were in a Covenant with God.

- Created an incredibly stable society with Covenants between towns.

- Developed a representative governemnt.


- Dominated much of Mesoamerica from around 1100 to 1500.

- Capital of Tenochtitlán was home to 200,000 people in 1492.

- They became a Native American Empire.

-Destroyed by Cortés and his men, along with the aide of disease.


- Town in Virginia during 1781.

- Setting of the final battle of the Revolutionary War.

6,600 Redcoats against nearly 17,000 American/French soldiers, where Cornwallis was forced to surrender on Oct. 19, 1781.

William Pitt

- Originally Secretary of State, he funded efforts to support the colonists for their support during the French and Indian War.

- Later was the British Treasurer after Rockingham and before Townshend.

Massachusetts Bay

- Settled by Puritans, and lead by John Winthrop

- Was developed in 1629 when Puritans settled the area trying to escape European persecution.

Proprietary Colonies

- A colony created when the English monarch granted a huge tract of land to an individual or group of individuals, who became "lords proprietor." Many lord proprietors had distinct social visions of their colonies, but these plans were hardly ever implemented.

- Examples include: Maryland, Carolina, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Battle of Cowpens

- Battle between the American Continentals, lead by Danial Morgan, against the British Redcoats, lead by Cornwallis.

- Morgan deceived Cornwallis by using militia to fire two volleys and then retreat. While the Redcoats would be in pursuit, they would unknowingly run into an ambush by the American continentals who would mow them down.

- American Victory.

Dominion of New England

- The colonial area of the Northeast Colonies.

- Included the colonies from Maine to New Jersey.

Tea Act Crisis

- When a tax on Tea was lifted and the Americans thought the English parliament tried to sneak money out of them, they rebelled and preformed the Boston Tea Party.

- Came from the Tea Act of 1773.

- Lead to the development of the coercive acts, which started the beginning of the end between the Colonies and English government.


- Spanish conquistador who took 600 soldiers into Tenochtitlán and defeated the Aztec Empire between 1519-1521.

- Acquired native allies who despised the Aztecs for their cruel empire.

- Diseases like smallpox also lead to Cortés victory.

New Spain

- The colonization/conquest by the Spanish in the new world that lead to the acquiring of much land in Mesoamerica, and parts of North and South America.

Revolutionary Cycle

- Cycle in which English parliament would introduce a new regulation, and the Americans would rebel in some form or another. English not wanting to allow for the Americans to think they are affective, the English would replace the regulation with another in order to keep the tactics up, creating worse tensions.