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47 Cards in this Set

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Zimmermann telegram
telegram sent to mexico that was intercepted by the british and givin to the americans
Battle of Jutland
a major naval battle between the british and the germans
Battle of the Somme
Allied forces attempted to break through the German lines along a 95-mile (40 km) front north and south of the River Somme in northern France. One purpose of the battle was to draw German forces away from the Battle of Verdun;
Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Verdun is considered the greatest and lengthiest in world history. had something to do with the French stopping the germans
Sussex Pledge
in march 1916 a french passenger ship was torpedoed. germany did not want to bring the US into the war so they promised to sink no more merchant ships without warning. this was referred to as the ________.
Black Hand
a Serbian terrorist group who assisnated archduke ferdinand
identify the term to describe one involved in spying to acquire secret government information
Liberty Bonds
The government borrowed more then 20 billion dollars by selling ________
Modified Schlieffen Plan
identify the name of the german plan whose purpose was to take france out of the war in 6 weeks
identify the term which involved the promotion of ones culture and interests above those of other countries.. each nation felt they were in competition with the others.. war becomes an option to expand ones nation at the expenses of another
Self determination
identify the term stands for the right of people in a common culture having their own country
National War Labor Board
identify the board who frequently pressured industry to grant important concessions such as: increase wages, eight hour work day, and right for unions to organize and collectively bargain
Espionage Act of 1917
identify the congressional legislation passed to fight antiwar activities or enemies at home
John Pershing
Wilson responded by sending 6000 troops under him across the border to find and capture villa
poncho villa
identify the Mexican revolutionary opposed to carranza who led raid into the US hoping to force Wilson to intervene in mexico…. this person destroyed American property and killed a number of americans
Porfirio Diaz
identify the person whose 27 year dictatorship of mexico ended in 1911
Victoriano Huerta
identify the person who seized power in mexico shortly before Wilson was elected. he used brutality to strengthen his controll
Bernard Baruch
placed in charge of the war industry board
identify the persn who is most responsible for takingt Russia out of WWI
identify the french representative at the treaty of paris conference
David Lloyd George
identify the english representative at the treaty of paris conference
identify the Italian representative at the treaty of paris conference
J. Edgar Hoover
he was in charge of the general intelligence division which would be known FBI
Harry Garfield
led the fuel administration
Herbert Hoover
was in charge of the food administration
had to do with something about consuming food less such as meatless mondays
Selective Service Act
this was the draft
Sedition Act of 1918
was the one with the espionage act that had the same purpose
War Industries Board
identify the board whose responsibility was to coordinate the production of war materials
Committee of Public Information
identify the board responsible for selling the war to the people
local draft board
identify the group placed in charge of selecting or rejecting men for military service
Fuel Administration
to manage the nations use of coal and oil and introduced daylight savings time and a shortened work week that did not make war materials
Food Administration
identify the board which encouraged victory gardensnd
Treaty of Brest Litovsk
identify the treaty which took Russia out of WWI
Red Scare
identify the term which grew out of a fear that as labor strikes spread in the US it would provide opportunity for communist to seize power nationwide
Boston Police Strike
identify the strike which was immdediately followed by rioting and looting and forced governor calvin Coolidge to send in the national guard
cause of inflation on the United States after the war
People raced to buy rationed goods, meanwhile businesses rapidly raised prices that they had been forced to keep low during the war. This lead to rapid inflation
cause of inflation on the United States after the war

-workers wanted higher wages to keep up with inflation, but companies wanted to hold down wages because inflation was also driving up their operating costs
cause of inflation on the United States after the war

-many business leaders were determined to break the power of unions and roll back the gains labor had made
thousands of strikes by the end of 1919
Wilson’s POINT 1
open peace treaties with no secret agreements among nations
Wilson’s POINT 2
free seas for trade, with exceptions for enforcements of agreements between nations
removal of tariffs
armies made small as needed for adequate defense of the nation
a review of the colonial status of nations, and their mother countries
List the events involving Germany’s use of the U-boats during the war

–sinking the passenger liner Lusitania in May 1915, killing 1,198, including 128 Americans
-Sussex, a Channel ferry, to torpedoing and the loss of another fifty passengers, including 2 more Americans.
List the events involving Germany’s use of the U-boats during the war
Allied ships were torpedoed within sight of Nantucket Island. Only a few days before the 1916 election.
-a U-boat sank the British liner Mariana (six Americans died)
List the events involving Germany’s use of the U-boats during the war
-In an act of astounding recklessness, the Germans sank the Lanao, a U.S.- chartered vessel, off Portugal.
-resumption of the de facto policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, seven more merchantmen went down