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12 Cards in this Set

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Spoils System
Means the filling of federal govts jobs with persons loyal to the party of the president-originated in Andrew Jackson's first term; the system was replaced in the Progressive era by civil service
Martin Van Buren
Served as secretary of state and minister to London during Jackson's first term. Often fought Calhoun for position of Jackson's successor. Rift between Jackson and Calhoun led to Van Buren being vice president.
-Then elected president and inherited a financial crisis
Peggy Eaton Affair
Supposedly her first first husband committed suicide after hearing that she had an affair with John Eaton. Had lowly origins and past society snubbed her.
Webbster-Hayne Debate
US Senate debate of January 1830 between Daniel Webster of MA and Robert Hayne of SC over nullification and the states' rights
Tariff of 1832
Tariff act reduced the duties on many items, but tariffs on cloth and iron remained high. SC nullified it. Jackson sent federal troops to the state and asked congress to grant him the authority to enforce the tariffs. Henry Clay presented a plan of gradually reducing the tariffs until 1842, which congress passed and ended the crisis
Force Bill
During nullification crisis between Jackson and South Carolina Jackson asked congress to pass this bill, which authorized him to use the army to force SC to comply with the federal law.
Leader of the Seminole nation who resisted the federal Indian removal policy through a protracted guerrilla war. Seized under a flag of truce and imprisoned and left to die
Trail of Tears
Cherokees' own term for their forced march from Southern Appalachians to Indian lands. 15,000 forced to march 4,000 died on the way
Nicholas Biddle
President of the Second Bank of the US. In response to Jackson's attacks on the bank, Biddle curtailed the banks loans and exchanged its paper currency to gold and silver. Was hoping to provoke an economic crisis to prove the banks importance. In response, state bangs began printing paper without restraint and lent it to speculators causing a binge in speculating an enormous increase in debt.
Anti-Masonic party
Grew out of popular hostility toward Masonic fraternal order and entered the presidential election of 1832 as a third party. First party to run as a third party in presidential election s well as the first to hold a nomination convention and announce a party platform.
Pet Banks
During Jackson's fight with the national bank, he resolved to remove all federal deposits from it. To comply with his demands, Secretary of Treasury Taney continued to draw on govts. accounts in the national bank but deposit all new federal receipts in state banks. The state banks that received these deposits were called pet banks.
Another name for revolutionary patriots.