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376 Cards in this Set

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Brazil was the colonial center for what nation?
what country had control of the seas before 1588?
what important event took place in 1588?
the descruction of the Spanish Armada
did italy take an active part in exploring and colonizing the NEw World?
No- there was no Italy
what did the Pope establish in an attempt to seperate rival claims in America?
the line of demartation
what is the oldest European settlement in America?
St. Auguston, FL
what was the impelling motive for Spanish exploration and colonization?
to get gold
What was the first expedition to sail around the globe?
MAgelin's expedition
What man in known in history as the conquerer of Peru?
what country based its claims in the New World upon the discoveries of Columbus?
what country based its claims in the New World upon the discoveries of John Cabot?
what country assisted Columbus in his voyages of discovery?
"Discovery Day" is now observed on what day?
Columbus Day
What Englishman made the 1st complete voyage around the world?
St. Francis Drake
Were the Swedes successful in establishing permanent colonies?
in what year did Columbus make his first voyage?
where was the 1st permanent English settlement in America?
Jamestown, VA
With what colony is the name of Roger Williams associated with?
RHode ISland
what people believed in very strict observance with worship on sunday?
the 1st permanent English settlement was made in what year?
the state of NY was originally settled by people of what nation?
by what nationality of people was Deleware Colony originally settled?
with what colony was Governer Bradford associated?
with colony was JAmes Oglethorpe associated?
in what year was Plymoth COlony founded?
to what colony did many Quakers, Scotch, and Germans come?
What colony had an agricultural system of large plantations?
what colon was founded as a home for criminals and improverished persons from England?
what colony was a Quaker colony?
What colony was a Catholic Colony?
what colony became very prosperous becuase of the amount of Tobacco raised?
The land between the Merrimac and Piscataqua Rivers became what colony?
What colony never gav up its charter?
what systems of agriculture was practieced in the New England colonies?
small farms
English colonies in America were of what 3 kinds?
proprietary, royal, self-governing
what kind of colony was Pennsylvania? (royal, proprietor, self-governing)
which kind of colony was Connecticut?
what colony was the 1st to import black slaves?
what type of government did the colonists have when they elected representatives to make laws for everybody?
the 1st settlement in Connecticut were made chiefly by people from what colony?
Massachusetts Bay Colony
what was th largest and most important city in Pennsylvania?
WHo was the strong leader whose efforts prevented the failure of the early Virginia COlony?
John Smith
The territory between the Deleware River and the Hudson River became what?
the New JErsey colony
the motive for the settlement of Pennsylvamia was what?
Religious freedom
the motive for the settlement of the PLymoth Colony was what?
Religious Freedom
HArtford was in what colony?
Connecticut colony
one of the principal features of England's colonial policy was what?
encouragement of emigration to the colonies
the rapid growth of a spirit of independence in the English colonies was chiefly due to what?
lack of close supervision by the English
the largest city in NEw England was what?
the organization which which was formed chiefly as a protection against INdians, French, and Dutch was what?
New England Confederations
the colony which England took from the Dutch was renamed to what?
New York
thomas hooker is connected to what colony?
Captain MIles Standish was connected to what colony?
Massachussetts PLymoth Colony
Lord Berkeley was connected to what colony?
George Calvert was connected to what colony?
William Penn was connected to what colony?
Sir Geore Carteret was connected to what colony?
New Jersey
Peter Stuyvesant was connected to what colony?
New York
John Winthrop was connected to what colony?
Massachussetts Bay colony
Anne Hutchinson was connected to what colony?
Rhode Island
the economical life of the French colonies in America was based on what?
Fur trade
the french colonial policy was what?
fort Duquesne was situtated near the site of the present city of?
France's colonies became a threat to the expansion of the English colonies because of why?
they shut the the latter out of the Mississippi and Ohio valleys
After the Treaty of 1763, why happened to France?
they gave up the idea of a colonial empire
under whose direction was Quebec captured from the French?
General Wolfe
the French planned to hold North America by controlling the mouths of the what?
Missiissippi and ST. Lawrence rivers
what formed a natual barrier to the westward expansion of the English colonies?
The Appalachian MOuntains
what was the scheme that Benjamin Franklin proposed for uniting the English colonies against the French called?
The albany plan of union
who was the young colonist who rendered valuable services to England in these wars?
George Washington
France was tardy in colonizing in America because of what?
Internal dissentions at home
the defeat of the French by the English is important to us because why?
it allowed the English to expand t the interior of North America
Where was the first permanent French colony?
Who was the founder of the 1st permanent French colony?
what English colony was especially interested in wetsward expansion?
What French fort was built to protect the mouth of the Lawrence River?
what treaty ended the struggle between England and Frace in America?
Treaty of Paris of 1763
what British general had his army ambushed and killed by the Indians during the course of these wars?
General Braddock
were the French colonists especially interested in farming?
these wars between FRance and England in the NEw World are usually referred to by what name?
The French and Indian War
what is the date of the treaty which ended these wars?
in 1750, which had the larger popuation, the English colonies on America or the French colonies there?
was it the general policy of the French to keep the friendship of the Indians or to antogonize them?
By the treaty ending the wars between the English and the French in America, Englaind gained...
all French territory east of the Mississippi except New Orleans
By the treaty ending the wars between the English and the French in America,France gained from the England...
By the treaty ending the wars between the English and the French in America, England gained from Spain...
By the treaty ending the wars between the English and the French in America,French lost..
all possessions in the New World except some small islands
who was given credit for the discovery of the New World?
who explored from Great Lakes to the mouth of Mississippi?
Who discovered the St. LAwrence river?
who conquered Mexico?
WHo discovered the PAcific Ocean?
Who explored Florida?
Ponce De Leon
who discovered mainland of North America
John Cabot
Who was america named for?
Who explored the region of the present site of NEw York?
Henry Hudson
who plundred Spanish ships laden with gold?
Sir Francis Drake
Who claimed the St. Lawrence River?
Who claimed the northern part of South America?
Who claimed Central America?
Who claimed Florida?
Who claimed most of the Atlantic seacoast of North America?
who claimed the Hudson River valley?
who claimed the Mississippi River Valley?
who claimed Peru?
who claimed the Philippine Islands?
Who claimed Alaska?
who was the most successful in 1st getting colonies established in the NEw World?
did spain encourage emigration to her colonies?
Portugal didn't play a large part in colonizing America becasue why?
they were interested in exploring elsewhere
what was hte center of colonial activity in the New World for the 1st century after its discovery?
who were the 1st people to come to America?
the Siberians
was there the Bering Straight?
how did the Siberians come?
Alaska and RUssia were connected by a land bride, so they came on that
what are the 3 most famous tribes that lived in Central/South America?
incas, mayas, and aztecs
were the Native Americans of this time advanced?
what are the main southeast tribes?
Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles
who was in the Northeast?
who was in the Great PLanes?
Navajo and Apache
what did the Avajo and Apache nation rely on?
who lived in the SOutheast?
wat did the Pueblos build their houses out of?
adobe brick
who are the Pacific Coast tribes?
Columbian and many canadian tribes
what was the PAcific Coast tribes' main thing?
what happens when the Roman Empire falls?
Europe enter the Dark Ages
what kind of governement developed in Europe during the Dark Ages?
in 1096, what did the POpe call for?
the Crusades
What is gthe Crusades
holy war
who occupied Palestine?
why did the POpe want control of Palestine?
so Christians would control the places where Jesus was born
how long did the Crusades last?
200 years
when did the Crusades end?
late 1200s
did anythign change after the crusades?
what was one of the good things that came out of the Crusades?
what are some of the countries that Europe came into contact with during the Crusades?
China, MIddle East, India
what did the Europeans trade?
spices, steel, and other stuff
what triggered Prince Henry
only tade that Europe could engage in with china and india was through land
What is the Line of Demartation?
imaginary line that the Pope draws to keep Spain and Portugal from fighting over land
what else is the line of Demartation called?
Treaty of Tordesailles
who got the better half?
The Spanish explored the New World for what 3 reasons? what is someone who wants glory called
Glory, Gold, Gospel
a conquistadors
what are the 3 geographical sections that the colonies are divided into?
New England, MIddle Atlantic, Southern
what are the New England Colonies?
New Hampshire, MAssachussetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut
What are the Middle Atlantic Colonies?
New York, Pennsylvania, NEw Jersey, Delaware
What are the Southern Colonies?
MArland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
what does Jamestown become?
who is Jamestown named after?
English king- James 1st
when was Jamestown established?
who was the original leader of Jamestown?
John Smith
what did John Smith believe?
that Virginia was crawling with gold
how did John Smith pay for his voyage?
he got wealthy people to pay for it
what was the desease that many of the settlers got?
was there gold
what was the winter of 1607-1608 called?
the starved tiem
what did the INdians do to the settlers? and how?
they helped them survive
gave them food
when did John Rolf come to JAmestown?
what did John Rolf introduce?
what did Tobacco become?
cash crop
was tobacca popular?
what did the people of Jamestown bring to cultivate the tobacco?
what did the peple of Virginia create?
Virginia House of Burgesses
what year did they create the Virginia House of Burgesses?
what happened in 1676?
BAcon's Rebellion
who was fighting who in BAcon's rebellion?
rich white people (governer of Virginia) vs. poor whites
who was the governer at the time of the Rebellion (bacon's)?
what happened?
villages were burned, Indians were killed, Berkeley was brought back to England
what casued hte rebellion?
rich white folks were the only people allowed to make laws
what does PLymoth colony become?
when was Plymoth Colony founded?
who was the king of England in the 1520s?
King Henry
who was his wife? why is this important?
Catherine of Aragon
she has all girls and Henry wants a son
who does Henry have an affair with?
Anne Boleyn
why does Henry want a divorce?
Anne becomes pregnant and if the baby is a boy, he wont be recognized
does the pope give Henry a divorce?
what does Henry do?
he pulls England out of the Catholic Church and creates his own church
what was this new church called?
The Church of England
what are the 2 groups that emerge in England?
Separatists and Puritans
what are seperatists?
people who believe that the Church of England shoulh be completely seperate from the Catholic Church
what do te separtists want?
a seperate religion
are the separatists persecuted?
what are Puritans?
they want to remain in the Churhc of England but remove all Catholicism
where did the Separatists flee to?
did the Separatists want their children to be raised Dutch?
what did the Separatists do?
they seccured a grant of land from the Virginia Colony
what were the conditions the Virginia colony made?
they wanted a share of prophets
what was the name of the ship the Separatists sailed?
When did the MAyflower set sail?
what ahppened during the journey and where did they end up?
they were blown off course and they ended up in Massachusetts
what did the Separatists do after they figured out they weren't in Virginia?
they wrote the MAyflower Compact
what is the MAyflower Compact?
a document that says that the Mayflower company will do what the majority says to do either stay or go
what was PLymoth Colony named after?
PLymoth, England
who was the governor of PLymoth colony?
William Bradfoard
what year did PLymoth become part of Massachusetts bay?
what is another name for the Separatists in the New World?
when was Massachusetts bay founded?
who founded Mass. Bay?
the puritans
why was MAss. BAy created?
religious freedom
who was the governor of Mass. Bay?
John Winthrop
what were John Winthrop's beliefs?
no seperation of church and state, theocracry
in 1630-1640 what happened?
Great Migration- 25000 puritans came
what were some of the laws in MAss. Bay?
must attend church on sunday, hard work, no singing dancing or gambling
were you allowed to critisize religious leadership in MAss. BAy?
what is Predestination?
the belief that when you are born it has already been determined if you are goin to go to heaven or hell
what is Orgignal Sin?
belief that when a baby is born it is a state of sin
who founded Rhode ISland?
Roger Williams and Anne Hutchess
where was Roger Williams and Anne Hutchess originaly from?
Mass. Bay
why was Roger Williams and Anne Hutchess kicked out?
they questioned the religious leader
what did Roger Williams and Anne Hutchess question?
if Indians weren't equel
what was Rhode ISland Nicknamed?
America's Sewer
what was the 1st synagogue called?
Turo Synagogue
why was Connecticut founded?
Mass. Bay was filled up
when was Connecticut founded?
mid 1630's
who founded Connecticut?
Thomas Hooker
what did they create in Connecticut?
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
when was New Hampshire founded?
who was New Hampshire founded by?
MAson and Gorges
was New Hampshire religious?
no- there was no religion
when was the New York Colony founded?
who founded the New york Colony?
Dutch East India Colony
why was New York colony founded?
to make money
what was the original name of New York colony?
New Netherlands
what was the only city there called?
New Amsterdam
how did the Dutch get people to move there?
they gave them land around the Hudson River
what are the people called who got the large amounts of land?
who was the Governor?
Peter Stuyvesant
why were the Dutch seen as a threat to the English?
because they were in between the English colonies
what did the English do?
they sailed to New York and spoke to the governor and said that either they can serrendour peacefully and they could keep living they or they would be destroyed
What did the Dutch do?
they accepted
when was New Jersey founded?
who founded NJ?
Berkeley and Carteret
Who founded Pennsylvania?
William Penn
what are Pacifists?
people who refuse to fight
Who was the King of Englad at the time?
King Charles the 2nd
What is the connection between King Charles and William Penn?
KIng CHarles owed the Penn fmaily money and he agreed to give them land as long as they relinquished the debt
what type of person was Penn?
when was Pennsylvania founded?
when was Delaware founded?
early 1600's
who founded Delaware?
the Swedes
when did Delaware become a colony? how?
1682- Penn bought it form the Swedes
why did Penn buy Delaware?
he wanted to have access to the Atlantic Ocean
what happens in 1702?
Penn gives his people the right to create their own government
when was Maryland founded?
why was MAryland founded?
religious freedom
Who was MArlyand founded for?
the Catholics
Who was MAryland founded by?
George Calvert
What was another name for Calvert?
Lord BAltimore
what happened in 1649?
the Act of Toleraton was passed
what is the Act of Toleration?
religious freedom to all christians
Why was the act of tolerations passed?
the protestants were starting to outnumber the Catholics and they were afraid that they would be prosecuted
Was there always 2 carolinas?
when was Carolina founded?
who founded Carolina?
8 noblemen
what was different about Carolina?
there was a constitution
what casued Carolina to split in 2?
the north part of Carolina wasn't fertile and had problems wiht growing thins, but the southern part was fertile
what was the city called there?
Charles Towne
what year did the Carolinas split?
when was Georgia founded?
who founded Georgia?
James Oglethorpe
Why was it founded?
to give the people in debtor's prisona chance to start over
what is debtors prison?
is you couldn't pay your dept you were placed in debtors prison
what was the purpose of debtors prison?
to make the families so ashamed that they would rasie the money they owed
what were the 3 reasons GA was founded?
to give the prisoners refuge, make money, to make a buffer between SC and FL
when do the 1st settlers come?
what city do they live in?
what happened in 1754?
the colony was turned over to the king
when were slaves brought?
what were they 1st brought as?
indentured servants
where are the slaves from?
west africa
what was the middle massage?
the journey from Africa to the Carribeans
wat percantage of slaves died on this voyage?
what did the slaves undergo when they were in the Carribean?
the seasoning process
what is the seasoning process?
the process in which the slaves were taught how to be slaves
what form of slavery was they when the slave is a piece of property?
Cattel Slaves
how does biblical salvery differ from slavery?
in the bible the slaves had rights
did people think that slavery would die out?
who was ELi Whitney?
the inventor of the Cotton Gin
What was the Cotton Gin?
a machine that took the bole out of cotton
what type of cotton could be grown in the south before the Cotton Gin invention?
Sea Island Cotton
what type of cotton could be grown in the South after the Cotton Gin invention?
Upland Cotton
was there slaves in the New England colonies?
when did the FRench settle in the New World?
mid 1600s
including what area of North America did the French control by the 1700s?
what was the highpoint of the tension between the French and the British?
they both were claiming Fort Duquesne
when does the French and Indian war start?
what are some of the advantages the French have at the beginning of the war?
they have a central government, better military, series of forts, indian allies
what are some of the advantages the British have?
they have a bigger population, they have a better navy, the colonies were richer in natural recourses
what happened on July 9th, 1755?
a British army under the control of General Braddock and George Washington suffered a defeat
who did Englad elect has their new prime minister?
William Pitt
What did William Pitt do?
put alot of money into the British Army and improved it
what was so important about the year 1757?
it was the year the British were ready to fight the French again
When was Louisbourg captured?
July 26,1758
when did Fort Duquesne fall to the British?
November 25, 1758
what was Fort Duquesne renamed?
Fort Pitt
What was Fort Pitt renamed?
When does Montreal surrender?
september 8, 1760
when do the British and the French sign the treaty that end the war?
what was that treaty called?
the treaty of Paris of 1763
why is the fact that the French koose all of their land important for the revolution?
the French are burning wiht revenge-help the Americans
Native American people whose civilazation flourished in what is now Southern Mexico in the period 1200-1400
Native American people whose civilazation flourished in Guatemala and Yucatan Peninsula between 250-900
Native American people that settled in the valley ov Mexico in the 1200s and later developed into a powerful nation
Native American people that lived around 1400 and created an empire reaching neary 2,500 miles along the west coast and SOuth America
Native American group that lived in the valleys of the Salt and Gila rivers (now Arizona) from about 300 b.c.e- 1400 c.e
native american group that lived on the mesa tops,cliff sides, and canyon bottoms of the Four Corners
a mound builder society that was centered in the Ohio River Valley adn flourished from around 200 bce-400
The last and most complex of the Mound Builder or societies, inhabiting the Ohio and Mississippi valleys from 700-1500
Kashaya Pomo
Native American people that formerly inhabited the coastal marshlands of what is now California
Native American people that formerly inhabited the northwestern coastal region of North America
a group of Native American people- descendants or the Anasazi- inhabiting the deserts of the southwest
a group of Native American people inhabiting the woodland of the northwest
ties between the members of a family
division or labor
assignment of different tasks and responsibilities to different groups or individuals
dry grassland dotted with trees and bushes found in sub- Saharan Africa and other tropical regions
a religion founded in Arabia in 622 by prophet Muhammad; its believers are called Muslims
a large farm on which the labor of slaves or other workers is used to grow a single crop, such a sugar cane or cotton
empire that, at the height of its power in the 1500’s controlled much of West Africa
African kingdom that flourished in the Niger Delta region (Nigeria) from the 14th-17th century
group of small kingdoms along the Zaire River of Central Africa, united under a single leader in the late 1400’s
a group of people descended from a common ancestor
Prince Henry
Prince of Portugal in the 1400’s, called “Henry the Navigator”
a social ordering by rank or class
Nuclear family
the household made up of a mother, father, and their children
a series of Christian military expeditions to the Middle East between 1096- 1270, intended to drive the Muslims from the Holy Land
a religious movement in the 16th century Europe, growing out of a desire for reform in the Roman Catholic Church and leading to the establishment of various Protestants movements
joint-stock company
a business in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose
Christopher Columbus
Genoese sailor who tried to find a route to Asia through the Atlantic ocean
Native American people of the Caribbean islands- the- first group encountered by Columbus and his men when they reached the America’s
the establishment of outlying settlements by a parent country
Treaty of tordesillas
the 1494 treaty in which Spain and Portugal agreed to divide the lands of the western hemisphere between them
Columbian exchange
the transfer- beginning with Columbus’s first voyage- of plants, animals, and diseases between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere
One of the Spaniards who traveled to the Americas as an explorer and conqueror of the 16th century
Hernan Cortes
conquistador who went to Mexico and learned all about the Aztec empire and planned ways to defeat them and steal their fortune
mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry
a system in which Spanish authorities granted colonial landlords the service of Native Americans as forced laborers
Juan Ponce de Leon
a Spanish soldier who conquered Pouerto Rico
a community established by Spanish priests to impose Spanish culture and the Roman Catholic faith on Native Americans
New Mexico
Spain’ northern holdings- governed by Pedro de Peralta
Pueblo’s religious leader. Many people thought his practices as witch crafted
John Smith
a soldier, sea captain, a poet. His coat of arms were inscribed with the phrase “Vincere et vivere”- “the conquer to live”
the first town ever settled by the Virginia Company. It was named Jamestown after the king
a group of Native American peoples that lived in eastern Virginia at the time the first English settlements were there
headright system
- the Virginia’s Company’s policy that of granting 50 acres of land to each settler and to each family member who accompanied them
indentured servant
a person who has agreed to work for another for a limited of time, often in return for travel expenses, shelter and sustenance
royal colony
a colony that was under the direct control of the king
John Winthrop
a lawyer who boarded the Arbella and became the 1st governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
a member of a group that wanted to eliminate all traces of Roman Catholic ritual and traditions in the Church of England
a member of one of the Puritan groups that, denying the possibility of reform within the Burch of England, established their own independent congregations
Massachusetts Bay colony
many English people who were against the Anglican reform who settled in the New England area. They were led by John Winthrop
Roger Williams
a seperatist who believed that it was wrong for ht English settlers to take land from the Native Americans, unless they bought it. He also thought that the government had no right to punish settlers for their religious belief
Anne Hutchinson
a female who believed that one does not need priest, ministers, or the church to interpret the bible
Pequot War
a 1637 conflict in which the Pequot nation battled Connecticut colonists and their Narragansett allies
The Wampanoag chief who was called King Phillip by the English settlers
King Phillip’s War
a conflict, in the years 1675-1676, between New England colonists and Native American groups allied under the leadership of the Wampanoag chief Metacom
William Penn
a Quaker who was rewarded part of Pennsylvania because King Charles owed his father money
New Netherland
a Dutch colony that was established to expand the fur trade. New Amsterdam was its capital
a member of the Society of Friends, a religious group persecuted for it’s beliefs in the 17th century England
the theory that said that nation obtained as much gold and silver as possible and sold more than bought (to be self-sufficient)
Balance of Trade
when nation sold more than bought
England’s legislative body
Navigation Acts
acts tightening the laws of colonists trading with other countries. They made all goods be unpacked at English ports (import taxes), and allowed tobacco, sugar, rice, molasses, and fur only to be traded with England, and other things.
Dominion of New England
James II and consolidated the colonies from southern Maine to New Jersey.
Sir Edmund Andros
ruled Dominion of New England (friend of James II)- military veteran, aristocrat, strict, made many enemies
Glorious Revolution
when Parliament invited James II’s daughter = Mary & husband, William of Orange to rule.
Salutary Neglect
England relaxed its enforcement of most regulations as long as the colonies continued economic loyalty
Cash Crop
crop grown and sold to gain money
Triangular Trade
merchants brought rum, etc. from New England to Africa, traded for slaves, sold the slaves for sugar and molasses in West Indies, shipped and molasses to New England to make rum.
Stono Rebellion
one slave rebellion – Sept. Sunday in 1739. 20 slaves gathered at Stono River, killed many families, were joined by other slaves. English militia surrounded them and killed many, captured slaves were executed
movement in 1700s when scientists and philosophers stressed use of reason and scientific method to obtain knowledge, led by Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilee, and Sir Isaac Newton
Benjamin Franklin
Enlightenment figure, believed in enlightenment, believed in experiments and reason, did kite-thunderstorm experiment, proved lightening was electric power, made lightening rods, bifocal glasses, and stove (more efficient)
Jonathan Edwards
member of clergy who wanted to revive the intensity and dedication of the Puritan vision (people started caring more for material objects than religious matters), he talked at Churches to try to revive it (it worked)
Great Awakening
religious revival- 1740s-1750s- of Puritans, people stopped caring for religious matters and cared more for material objects, they were awakened by people and preachers- they needed to return to the Church
George Washington
an ambitious 22-year-old colonel who led a group of Virginia militia to order French to leave their Fort Duquesne, he established Fort Necessity
the Ottawa leader who recognized that the French loss=N.A. loss, led to N.A.s to capture forts, etc.
Proclamation of 1763
Banned Settlement west of Appalachian Mts.- established Proclamation line that colonists could not cross
George Greenville
a financial expert chosen by king to be Prime Minister in 1763
Sugar Act
a law prompted Greenville to Parliament, did:
put new taxes on imports, halved tax on foreign-made molasses (to make colonists pay lower tax rather than smuggle),gave smugglers trials in vice-admiralty (one judge decides verdict), no royal courts