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24 Cards in this Set

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Approval Ratings

job performance evaluation for the president, Congress, or other public official or institution that is generated by public opinion polls and is typically reported as a percentage

Public Opinion

aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs about certain issues or officials


Extent to which people believe their actions can affect public affairs and the actions of government

Political Trust

Extent to which people believe the government acts in their best interest

Random Sample

Method of selection that gives everyone who might be selected to participate in a poll an equal chance to be included

Tracking Polls

Polls that seek to gauge changes of opinion of the same sample size over a period of time, common common during the closing months of presidential elections

Exit Polls

Polls that survey a sample of voters immediately after exiting the voting booth to predict the outcome of the election before the ballots are officially counted

Push Polls

Polls that are designed to manipulate the opinions of those being polled

Confidence Interval

Statistical range, with a given probability, that takes random error into account


Sources of error in public opinion polls in which individuals feel obliged to give opinions when they are unaware of the issue or have no opinions about it


Impact and influence of one's social environment on the views and attitudes one carries in life, a primary source of political attitudes


Individuals who do not affiliate with either of the major political parties


Gneration born between 1982 and 2003

Self Interest

concern for one's own advantage and well-being


Acting in a way that is consistent with one's self interest

Party Identification

Psychological attachment to a political party; partisanship

Political Ideology

Set of coherent beliefs that offers a philosophy for thinking about the scope of government


Individuals who have faith in government to improve people's lives, believing that private efforts are insufficient. In the social sphere, they usually support diverse lifestyles and tend to oppse any government action that seeks to shape personal choices.


Individuals who distrust government; believing that private efforts are more likely to improve people's lives. In the social sphere, they usually support traditional lifestyles and tend to believe that government can play a valuable role in shaping personal choices.


Individuals who are in the middle of the ideological spectrum and do not hold consistently strong views about whether government should be involved in people's lives.

Levels of Conceptualization

measure of how ideologically coherent individuals are in their political evaluations


condition in which differences between parties and/or the public are so stark that disagreement breaks out, fueling attacks and controversary

Gender Gap

Differences in the political attitutes and behavior of men and women

Rally Around the Flag Effect

surge of public support for the president in times of international crisis