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30 Cards in this Set

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Evolution, Concepts, Theories and



What happens in a society politically speaking depends on the time, places and culture of the society in question. .
What are concepts?
The words and names used to represent ideas. Examples of concepts are politics and power.
Away of explaining political occurrences.
Who gets What When and How in Our Society Or the art of gaining and retaining power.
Political Science:
Is a academic discipline or a body of knowledge that studies politics.
Areas in the study of political science.
International Politics

Political Theory

Public Administration,

American Government and many more.

What is Government?
The people and the institutions that decide what gets what when …. Congress, the President, the courts etc.
What is a Democracy?
Democracy can best be described as the election of the national government by the people.
Why a Constitution?
A democracy must have a constitution because that is the basis for all law.
Why are human rights important?
A Bill of Rights is the fundamental principle that establishes basic freedom such as religion, press, speech and etc.
Direct democracy versus indirect democracy?
Direct Democracy: The people make decisions about who gets what, when, where, …
Indirect Democracy
Is described as a form of government in which elected representatives make decisions for the people. United States
What is meant by the Political Spectrum?
This is a model designed to explain different political beliefs. .....Textbook
What is Power?
The ability to get things done using legitimate means.
What is the elite theory?
Ingeneral, those (people) that have the most get the most!
What is Authority?
An accepted way of doing something. It is a form of power.
Direct Initiative
A Direct Initiative is when an initiative measure, either an initiated state statute or initiated constitutional amendment, is placed directly on the ballot for voters to reject or pass. The measure is not first submitted to the legislature (see: Indirect initiative). Category:
A recall election (also called a recall referendum or representative recall) is a procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended.
A general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Representative or _____________ democracy occurs when the citizenship elects a small body of represent the needs of the entire nation.
According to Bertrand Russell, Producing the ____________ of power involves the promises of rewards or that treat of penalties.
intended effect
Political Science is a

Social Science

Registered voters may vote their approval or disapproval of proposed constitutional changes through a process called the?
popular referendum
The catchy phrase that politics is "who gets, what, when and how" was coined by

Harold Lasswell
Chapter 2

The First Founding: Interests and Conflicts

Early Tax Revolts

Sugar Act 1764 :

Enforced a previous tax on molasses

The Stamp Act 1765:

Required printed materials to have a stamp on them

How many peiople wrote the Decloration of Independance.

5 people did.

The Declaration of Independence, 1776
Political document explaining that since the king has violated those rights, the colonists had the right to separateAddressed multiple audiences

The right to elect a reprasentative

The right to a far trail

Free speaking agents the goverment.

Constitutional Convention, 1787
the financial interests of the wealthy were better protected under the new Constitution.


The Articles of Confederation, 1777–1789

Did not work due to

Lacked an army or navy to protect citizensNo taxing authority
The Great Compromise:
Connecticut Compromise: equal representation in the Senate, proportional in the House of Representatives.