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65 Cards in this Set

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What event happened in terms of construction in 1926?

Florida Land Boom

- people bought large areas

- money ran out

- left buildings unfinished

- signified economy deteriorating

When was the first transatlantic flight? And who took it?


Charles Limburgh

Spirit of St Louis

USA to Paris

How many planes were made a year in the 1920s?


How many passengers a year were on a plane?


Define 'on the margin'

Banks providing the majority of the money in order for someone to buy something/shares.

What were the 3 major boom industries?

Construction, Aviation and the Stock Market

Who was it believed America was controlled by in the 1920s?

WASPs - White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants

When was the mass immigration in America? And how many immigrated?

8 million between 1900-1909 from South and East Europe.

What was the major issue with mass immigration?

Language barrier between immigrants and US citizens - immigrants not assimilating.

What was the Red Scare?

The fear of Communism spreading across America.

Name 3 examples of Xenophobia in America.

1. Saurkraut renamed Liberty Cabbage.

2. Beethoven's music banned.

3. Cronaca Sovverisiva - Italian newspaper that spoke against the war effort was closed down.

How much did the membership of the KKK increase by? And in what years?

1920 - 100,000 members

1925 - 5 million members

Which important members of society were members? And what did this do for the KKK?

Police officers, judges, senators, lawyers. Increased political influence.

What did the KKK do in the 1924 Presidential Election?

Blocked the nomination of Al Smith. Shows the level of their influence.

Who was Al Smith?

Governor of New York. Brash, Irish Catholic. Northern city boy.

Who was DC Stephenson? And what was his famous quote?

Grand Dragon - head of the KKK in Indiana. "I am the law in Indiana." Speculation that he'd be the next President (1924).

What were the reasons for the demise of the KKK?

1) DC Stephenson going on trial

2) Corruption.

3) Anti-Immigration Acts

4) Miram Evans

Why did the anti-immigration acts impact the influence of the KKK?

Government already completing aims of KKK. Raisin d'etre - reason to be of KKK was lost.

What did Miram Evans do that ended the KKK?

Tried to turn it into a social club.

Who was Miram Evans?

Imperial Wizard of KKK.

What event happened in 1924 that showed the KKK had lost its impact?

Al Smith stood for President in 1928.

Give 2 examples of racism in America.

1. African American's migrated north for jobs - led to race riots.

2. African American's came back angry from the war - fought for a country they have no rights in - whites believed they were cocky/arrogant.

When were the Anti-Immigration Acts?

1917, 1921, 1924, 1924 and 1929

What was the 1917 Anti-Immigration Act? And what did it do?

Immigration Act

- barred immigrants that couldn't speak English

- introduced under Democrats

What was the 1921 Anti-Immigration Act? And what did it do?

Emergency Quota Act

- reduced immigration from South and East Europe

- first Republican Act

What was the first 1924 Anti-Immigration Act? And what did it do?

National Origins Act

- reduced quota for immigrants to 2% of 1890 census

- introduced during high KKK influence

What was the second 1924 Anti-Immigration Act? And what did it do?

Johnson-Reed Immigration Act

- banned any immigration from Japan

- introduced during high KKK influence

What was the 1929 Anti-Immigration Act? And what did it do?


- only 15,000 immigrants allowed each year

- 85% from north and west Europe

- less chance of Communist immigrants

What did Coolidge say about America that increased racism?

"America must be kept American."

What did Hoover do that increased racism?

Instructed employers not to employ Asian/African American's because they were of low mental order.

What did Madison Grant believe was the cause of an increase in racism?

Scientific racists.

What was the title of Madison Grant's book? And what did Hitler refer to it as?

'The Passing of the Great Race' and 'My Bible'

What did Madison Grant believe would happen to America?

US would die out with mental disabilities and different races.

When, where and why did the KKK originally form?

Pulaski, Tennessee (1866), during reconstruction era. Carpet Baggers moved to the South to rebuild the South. KKK protecting South from Carpet Baggers.

Explain the origin of the re-birth of the KKK.

William Simmonds (1915). 'The Klansman' book made into film 'The Birth of a Nation.' Directed by DW Griffith, 25000 at premiere.

Where was there support for the KKK in America?


Indiana became the hotspot.

Less support in the North and East.

How much were Prohibition Agents paid?

$2500 a year. Less than garbage men.

How much alcohol consumption was there in America?

By 1929, 70% more than pre-war levels.

How much alcohol was smuggled into America?

$800 million worth (1924).

What did the New York Telegram do?

Employed chemists to test 341 samples of alcohol. Found sulphuric acid and kerosene etc. 1/6 samples were threatening to health.

Who was George Remus?

King of the Bootleggers. made $5 million in 5 years.

What did John Torrio do?

Started illegal alcohol organisation. Retired with $30 million in his savings (1925).

Who succeeded John Torrio?

Al Capone

How did Al Capone and John Torrio differ?

Torrio - negotiation.

Capone - turf wars/violence.

What was Chicago during Prohibition?

Prime spot for gangsters.

How many gangsters did Capone employ? How many did they kill?

700 gangsters killed 300 people.

What was the Saint Valentines Day Massacre?

5 of Capone's gangsters dressed as police officers. Fake arrested and killed 7 members of Bugs Moran gang.

Give one example of a corrupt Federal agent.

Sold illegal licenses/pardons to bootleggers. Made $7 million.

What decreased due to Prohibition?

Arrests for drunkenness. Number of accidents. Work place accidents/deaths.

What increased due to Prohibition?

Sale and consumption of soft drinks.

What did Coca-Cola become?

The Grand National Temperance Drink.

What did George W. Wickersham do?

Appointed as Head of the Committee to study the 18th Amendment by President Hoover.

What did George W. Wickersham find?

Prohibition couldn't be enforced, wanted it to be carried on anyway.

What happened in 1929 and 1931 regarding the Campaign for Repeal of Prohibition?

1929 - Wickersham report was commissioned. 1931 - report published, had no effect on Prohibition.

What act was introduced regarding Prohibition?

Beer Act - allowed the production of beer. Redefined the definition of intoxication.

When was the Beer Act introduced?


What was Roosevelt's campaign song?

Happy Days Are Here Again

How many agents were fined for corruption? And between which years?

10% between 1920 and 1930.

Who was Colonel Ned Green? What did he do?

Prohibition Administrator for Northern California. Held cocktail parties in the Prohibition offices in San Fran. Suspended in summer of 1926.

Who was Big Bill Thompson? What did he do?

Mayer of Chicago. Controlled by Al Capone. Allowed gangsters to function unmolested. $1 million went mission from public funds.

What was the most routine procedure in terms of corruption during Prohibition?

Bribery. Average speakeasy gave $400 a month in bribes to police officers/city officials. $150 million a year in bribes in NYC.

What was a speakeasy?

A venue where alcohol was sold illegally.

What was a bootlegger?

Someone who transported alcohol illegally.

What was a rumrunner?

Someone who smuggled liquor from the West Indies and Canada.

How many speakeasies were there in New York?

32,000 - double the amount prior to Prohibition.