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61 Cards in this Set

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"Lightning war". German tactic in World War 2. Concentration of air and armored firepower to exploit holes in opposing defense.


Pacific campaign of 1944. American naval versions of blitzkrieg.

Axis Powers

Opponents of US and its allies in world war 2.


Systematic murder of millions of European Jews and others deemed undesirable by Nazi Germany.

Victory in Europe

May 1945

August 1945

Victory of war in the Pacific against Empire of Japan.


US citizens born of immigrant Japanese parents.

Manhattan Project

Scientific research project devoted to developing the atomic bomb in world war 2.

Enola Gay

The name of the airplane used to carry the first atomic bomb to Hiroshima.

G.I. Bill

Legislation that eased the return of veterans into American society by providing educational and employment benefits. June 1944.

Operation Torch

Allied invasion of Axis-held North Africa. 1942.

Operation Overlord

US and British invasions of France. June 1944.


Day of paratroop drops and amphibious landings on coast of Normandy, France. First stage of Operation Overlord. 6th June 1944.

Battle of the Bulge

In December 1944, German offensive had penetrated deep into Belgium creating a "bulge". Outnumbered Allied forces attacked from north and south. By January 1945, German forces were destroyed or routed. 77000 Allied casualties.

Neutrality Act of 1939

Permitted the sale of arms to Britain, France, and China.

Lend Lease Act

Arrangement of transfer of war supplies to nations who's defense was considered vital to the defense of the US in World War 2. Passed by Congress. Food, machinery, and services.

Atlantic Charter

Statement of common principles and war aims. By President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. August 1941.

Winston Churchill

Politician that delivered the infamous "Iron Curtain" speech.

War Powers Act

Gave US president the power to reorganize the federal government and create new agencies; establish programs censoring news and information; abridge civil liberties; seize foreign owned property; and award government contracts without bidding.

International Monetary Fund

International organization established to assist nations in maintaining stable curries. 1945

The Council of Economic Advisors

Board of three professional economists whose job was to advise the President on economic policy. 1946.

Cold War

Political and economic confrontation between the Soviet Union and the US that dominated world affairs from 1946 to 1989.

Truman Doctrine

President Harry S. Truman's statement that the US should assist other nations that were facing external pressure or internal revolution. 1947.

The Marshall Plan

Secretary of State George C Marshall's European Recovery Plan committing the US to help in the rebuilding of post World War 2 Europe. 5 June 1947.

Taft-Hartley Act

Federal legislation that substantially limited the tools available to labor unions in labor-management disputes. 1947.

Executive Order 9835

The order signed by President Harry Truman to establish a loyalty program requiring federal employees to sign loyalty oaths and undergo security checks. 1947.


Central Intelligence Agency. Coordinates the gathering and evaluation of military and economic information on other nations. 1947.


National Security Council. The formal policymaking body for national defense and foreign relations. Consists of the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and others appointed by the President. 1947.


National Security Paper 68. Policy statement that committed the US to a military approach to the Cold War.

Berlin Blockade

300 day Soviet blockade of land access to the US, British, and French occupation zones in Berlin. 1948 - 1949.

General MacArthur

The general that was fired by Truman

Dixiecratic Party

The State's Rights Democrats that ran Strom Thurmond against President Harry Truman in 1948


The House Committee on Un-American activities. Originally intended to ferret out pro-fascists, but later investigated "un-American propaganda" that attacked constitutional government.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Organization of 10 European countries, Canada, and the US. These 12 formed a mutual defense pact (NATO). April 1949.


Anti-communist attitudes and actions associated with Senator Joe McCarthy. Included smear tactics and innuendo. Early 1950s.


A group of writers whose writings challenged American culture. 1950s.


Term used to designate members of the Beats.

House Concurrent Resolution 108

Allowed Congress to pass legislation to terminate a specific tribe as a political entity. 1953.

Landrum-Griffin Act

Act that widened government control over Union affairs and further restricted Union use of picketing and secondary boycotts during strikes. 1959.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Federal agency created to manage American space flight and exploration. 1958.


Launched the first man-made satellite. The Sputnik.

New Frontier

President John F Kennedy's domestic and foreign policy initiatives, designed to reinvigorate a sense of national purpose and energy

The Alliance for Progress

A program of economic aid to Latin America during the Kennedy Administration.

Bay of Pigs

The site in Cuba of an unsuccessful landing by 1400 anti-castro Cuban refugees. April 1961.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Crisis between USSR and the US over the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba.

Limited Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty

Treaty signed by the US, Britain, and the Soviet Union. Outlawed nuclear testing in atmosphere, in outer spaces, and underwater.


Congress for Racial Equality. Civil Rights group committed to nonviolent civil disobedience. 1942.

President Lyndon Johnson

Most remembered as the leader of equal rights, housing, and education.

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Resolution that resulted in escalation of the Vietnam conflict under the leadership of President Johnson.

Brown vs. Board of Education

The Supreme Court decision that declared "separate but equal" schools for children of different races violated the Constitution. 1954.

Southern Manifesto

A document signed by 101 members of Congress from southern states that argued that the Supreme Court's decision in Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka itself contradicted the Constitution. 1956.


Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The Black Civil Rights organization founded by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and other clergy. 1957.


Nation of Islam. Religious movement among black Americans that emphasizes self-sufficiency, self-help, and separation from white society.

Albany Movement

The coalition formed in Albany (small city in southwest) of activists from SNCC, the NAACP and other local groups. 1961.

Central High in Little Rock

Where the showdown for integration occurred

March on Washington

Historic gathering of more than 250,000 people in Washington DC. Marching for Jobs and Freedom. 1963.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Made it illegal for employers to pay men and women different wages for the same job. 1963.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Federal legislation that outlawed discrimination in public accommodations and employment on the basis of race skin color, sex, religion, or national origin. 1964.

Freedom Summer

Voter registration effort in rural Mississippi organized by black and white Civil Rights workers. 1964.

Voting Rights Act

Legislation that overturned a variety of practices by which states systematically denied voter registration to minorities. 1965.

Immigration and Nationality Act

Abolished national origin quotas and established overall hemisphere quotas. 1965.