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41 Cards in this Set

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Cultural Discourses About Aging
U.S. being young is valued
-physical signs of aging are a stigma, that should be controlled
- middle aged women rarely dipicted in media in a positive way
-double standard for men (power) vs. women (appearance gone)
Stages of Adulthood
17-44 years
-(44%) of population
-much variety
-ppl. make big decisions about family foramation, occupation, love/sexuality, life goals
-satisfying/ stressful
-career focus, time poverty, change shopping patterns
-women fear aging, some empowered,some redefine beauty
-men more biased toward youthfulness in others
Early Adulthood
Age 45-64
-22% of pop
change in....
1. Career, big earning yrs. quality, redefine career-change in wardrobe needs
2. Family- empty nest, more leisure clothes, divorce(dating clothes), care for parents
Body changes: thinning/graying hair (hair color), Decline metabolism, wrinkling of skin

Body Satisfaction: no big dissatisfaction in body
Perscriptive Transformation
critically evaluating meaning structures used to make sense of world/self and transferring these schemes for personal reference

i.e. big around middle aging women-lived and embodied experiences
Specific perspective transformations contributing to acceptance of body
1. shift of emphasis on external to internal
2. Focus on accomplishments
3. Questioning dominant social discourses about body i.e. double consciousness: awareness of disparity b/t own experiences and culture
*own embodied experiences-rejection of body ideology, thin ideal
* hard to reject or change perspective
Attitudes toward fashion/dress
desire to look not to old or young
-Fashion industry attitude toward middle age women...boring, disinterested in fashion
rarely shown in ads, fashion is missing critical market
Red Hat Society
women 50+, opportunity for stigma of aging to dissappear and it bonds members together
Late Adulthood
Age 65+, 12% of population, lead varied lives, older women interested in fashion
Healthy Indulgers
retired, enjoy life, doing things they wanted to do in good health
clothing=active lifestyle
Ailing Outgoers
major health problems, but want to be as active as possible, clothing= socially acceptable, catalogs, easy to get on
Healthy Hermits
good health, but stay inside
clothes= conformity, prefer will pay for more well known brands
Frail Recluses
poor health, inbound
clothing= declining $, reduced activity and interests
Late Adulthood Physical Changes
joint/skeletal problems, alter clothes for easy dress
-decrease height, shorter waists/length
-skin thins, more sensitive to fabrics
-cooling of body, layered clothing
Late Adulthood Body Satisfaction
-Don't have lower body satisfaction than younger adults
- may become more content, but still care
- value neatness,appearing healthy
-perception that husband is attractive predicts attitude toward marriage
Late Adulthood Social/Psychological Changes
-U.S. Culture toward aging not good... bad
- Past adult lifestyle may be lost, lower self-esteem or useless
- social life decrease/increase, women seek new mate, least socializing people feel clothing is important
-Watch T.V. a lot
-Economic Changes, spend less on appearance products, not seen as big market but increasing
Late Adulthood Disatisfaction with RTW womens
- too young or dowdy
- want sleeves/fuller skirts
-young proportions
-dresses not separates
-clothing was too expensive
Middle aging Baby Boomers
Older: idealistic
Younger: pessimistic, materialistic
-New norms of modesty
-more educated, style important
-don't like fashion trends/ labeling, casual dress, singles
Young Adult Xers
born 65-76
-cynical, marry later, have children (buy kids clothes)
- few of them, work hard to be noticed, punk, postmodern tendencies (sexuality, diversity)
Newbee Adults
Older Gen Y, 77-94
-as many as baby boomers but more stylish like Gen X
- ethinically diverse, adopt parents fashion trends
-skeptical of advertising
-less brand loyalty, mix $ and less $ brands
-access to credit=designer duds
-web to seek info & INDEPENDENT
Population Trends in race/Ethnicity
- US very diverse, brings big changes to society
-retailers need to adapt
Biological distinct groups based on physical appearance, various classifications (3-200 groups)
-history dates back to Age of exploration (14th century)
-Social Construction: product of human thoughts and interactions, physical attributes distinguish groups, categories
Hypodescent Rule
Racially mixed people are assigned the status of the subordinate group
"One Drop Rule" one ancestor black=black
A learned cultural heritage shared by a category of people including a common national origin, ancestry, style of dress, language, food habits, idealogy
Ethnic Group
A group set apart from others because of their nation of origin or distinct cultural patterns
-may evolve in history or merge in place of migration
Ethnicity & Dress are linked
ethnic dress: tangible, visible link to past, dress may be used to judge ethinicty
A belief that something in the biological makeup of a ethnic group justifies subordinate status
Hegemony & Racism
Form of power based on ethnic dominance over another group
- results in a imposition of norms/practices/beliefs/values that reinforce a group is better than them
-Process is GRADUAL
Racial Profiling
Use of race appeal by law officers to predict criminal behavior
i.e. searching muslin people at airport
-Controversial, little evidence that it's effective, very harmful
Media Depictions of Ethnic Minorities
Degrading image
Nonwhite= less heroic, virile
General= low paying jobs, unstable homes
Latinos= impoverished
Black= sexual, animals
Video Game Stereotypes of Minorities
Protagonists-white males
Nonwhite males stereotypical
90% black women victim of violence
79% black males aggressive
Children perception of Minorities in Media
Whites= affluent, educated, leaders
Minorities= break law, finance problems, lazy, goofy
Race/Ethnicity in Postmodern Era
Different and Diversity are highlighted in ethnic styles
Challenging assump. about what is proper by shifting focus to include that which has been devalued
Creative Acts of Resistance
Invoking creative power to resist forms of dominance that hinder self-definition and self control
i.e. black student says she is creative and more outspoken
Celebration of Racial Appearance, ethnic Heritage
African American Hairstyles, historically problem, 60's black is beautiful, today= variety
Diffusion of Ethnic Style among non-ethnic groups
Influence of ethnic minority culture on dominant/mainstream culture, dress, music,dance and language
Trickle up Theory of Fashion Diffusion
slim pants worn by J.LO
- for some teens ethinic i.d. claimed by dress and music
-white teens who wear clothes like blacks
-white girls who dress like latinos
Cultural Assimilation
process by which members of ethnic group internalize values and behaviors of majority society to become apart of different culture
members of ethnic group internalize some values of major society but don't fully admit to groups of majority
to blend diverse elements into a uniform mixture
Straddling two Cultures
Biculturalism- duel socialization process that enables the individual to learn two distinct b
behaviors for utilization in the minority/majority society
Pluralism: mutual respect b/w various groups in a society for another's cultures, allows minorities to express their own culture w/o prejudice