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12 Cards in this Set

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Why is witnessing the client's signature on the consent form one of the primary responsibilities of the nurse
Since the informed consent form discloses risks associated with the intended procedure, the nurse must witness that the correct person is signing the form and is alert and aware of what is being signed
What does the informed consent form include
need for the procedure in relation to the diagnosis
description & purpose of the proposed procedure
possible benefits and potential risks
likelihood of a successful outcome
alternative treatments or procedures available
anticipated risks should the procedure not be performed
physician's advice as to what is needed
right to refuse tx or withdraw consent
Why does a preoperative blood pressure measurement need to be done
Forms a baseline for post-operative care in case of post-operative blood loss or hemorrhaging.
When does discharge teaching start
When the client is admitted
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are given postoperative. Why?
They reduce inflammation caused from surgery
What type of diet does a client follow after general surgery
High in protein, moderate in calories because protein helps healing
In the immediate postoperative period for knee surgery assessment distal to the site includes ....
Neurovascular because blood clots may form or some other complication form surgery
What happens to medications that are prescribed for the pre-operative period after surgery happens
They are re-ordered because the needs may have changed as a result of the surgery.
Why does a client with diabetes mellitus who is NPO prior to surgery fail to manifest signs of hypoglycemia under anesthesia
Because anesthetic agents cause paralysis and block sympathetic nervous system control. This blocks signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and could prevent recognition of the condition
Why should acute pain management medications be scheduled rather than PRN in the immediate postoperative period
To help control pain levels and help promote rapid recovery.
Why do lengthy operative procedures put an older client at risk for pressure sores and joint pain from operative positioning
OR tables are metal with no cushioning and the OR environment is cooler. Skin of the elderly is much less elastic and more fragile allowing skin tears to appear especially on bony prominences. The cooler environment can cause decreased skin circulation
Hypothermia in the perioperative period requires interventions to prevent and relieve. What & why
Hypothermia can result from the OR environment and prolonged exposure during this time. Also anesthia blocks sympathetic nervous system stimulation preventing the client from shivering to help increase body temperature.